My Feelings on Holiday Crowds as a Cast Member

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
WAAH, I want my Cast Members to me emotionless robots, not humans!

Edit: PS I, personally, know exactly what Walt would have thought about any given situation.


Active Member
Seriously you guys.... calm down...

No, no, wait, what have I discovered?!

Tink ッ

One of my managers at Akershus (sadly she doesn't work for WDW anymore) thought me the best lesson ever about guest service. She said that no matter how rude or difficult a guest is, kill them with kindness. Most likely it'll turn the situation around and you can make the guest happy again, or if it's the kind of people who just likes to argue just because, it'll just annoy the hell out of them. Either way, you've done your best to help the guest and I learned that it could be really rewarding when you helped turn a bad experience into a good one :xmas:

One example: I was a server at Akershus and there was a family of 8 with a late reservation at within our seating times. They had specifically said in the reservation that they wanted the whole group to sit at one large table. The assignor messed up and didn't see that, so she didn't save any big tables for them, so she didn't have any choice but to put them on two tables next to each other. The guests got very upset as that wasn't what they wanted and it wasn't their first bad experience at WDW. Luckily they weren't being very difficult to me as their server or curse at me or anything. They were just very visibly upset and didn't seem able to enjoy themselves. So I remembered my managers good advice and gave them the best service possible. I helped them with anything and made sure no one ran out of drinks and got what they asked for immediately. By the time they left, they both apologized for their behavior as they realized it wasn't my fault and they thanked me for giving them such great service.

And for anyone working anywhere that deals with guests/customers, it's so much more rewarding when you can turn around a situation like that. Especially when you get the thank you and an apology. So do as my manager said: Kill them with kindness.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy every day of what I do. However, that doesn't mean that I am impervious to mistreatment by guests. It can, and will get under your skin, as just like the guests, CMs (myself included) are only human.

A girl I was working with last night who is fairly short was assisting me in making sure we were keeping a walkway clear and a guest shouted at her "I heard you the first time, midget!"

Quite frankly, until you've lived it, you have no business coming into this thread and preaching to me about how if I can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen. Take your soap box and your high horse and skedaddle.

#1- I hope that another guest punched that loudmouth in the jaw for being rude to a woman.

#2- We all deal with rude people, so there's no reason to lose your cool.

Here's my example: I work for a medical supply distributor. We service both hospitals and clinics. We have one customer that strictly asks for NO labels to be put on his orders at all. Well, one day after he had received product with labels on it, he decided to pay us a visit. This fellow is a former Special Forces soldier and he speaks his mind. For 10 minutes he decided to call us just about any derogatory word you can think of, some even in a different language, and I think he even created a few. He then questioned not only why we still had a job, but why we were allowed to share oxygen with the rest of humanity. All we could do was stand there and say "yes sir" and apologize and say that we would do our best to not let it happen again.

Point is, you can't let people get to you.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
way to go matt!!! i too had a run in with another guest while getting into the fastpass line at everest. the guy was giving the young girl a hard time and holding up everyone. i had finally had enough and let him and his wife have it. god forbid the cm is allowed to do their job. just because people are on vacation they think they have their own set of rules to follow. some people are extremely rude. well said and a great morning laugh!! best wishes for a great new year!!! see you in july!!!

Mansion Butler

Active Member
The OP included the comment, "Wanting to literally cuss someone out and another guest jumps in and goes "WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU DOING?!""
Wanting to. Not doing.

Also, the OP noted that the "rage" illustrations were courtesy of "Rage Cast Member."
Which is the name of the meme, since it's an evolution of Rage Guy.

Looking at it now, I'm going to guess this is the first time you've ever encountered Rage Guy, let alone a spin-off of the meme, and are taking it far more literally than it's intended to be. That would explain your confusing responses.

So, if a CM feels this internal "rage" (that's literally the word that was used) and actually desires to curse at guests, then that emotion will either (i) be at least somewhat observable by guests, or (ii) the CM will let it show in their guest interaction, whether it is by "snapping" or by simply lowering their quality of customer service.
That's a massive assumption, and not one worth derailing a topic over. Especially when it's based on the name that was applied to the meme long before this topic or the CM-specific Tumblr account existed.

The key point here is whether CMs handle stressful situations in the same manner that they would if they knew that Walt was watching the interaction. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it sure as heck ought to be better than the rest.
Yes, I would still do things exactly the same: be an excellent Cast Member, and laugh with people expressing humor over shared experiences after coming home.

And I would still (and still do right now) not understand why the topic had to be derailed.

Mansion Butler

Active Member
Part of understanding Rage Guy is knowing that when Reddit appropriates memes from 4chan, they give them really dumb names. Like Rage Guy. Rage Guy is a dumb name, but it's the name that has been given.


Well-Known Member
There's a lot of negativity about the WDC and TDO on these forums, but after every trip to the world I ask whether more disappointment came from the parks themselves or the guests inside. Every time there has been far more disappointment in the behavior of the guests and their lack of decency and courteousness than any other element experienced while on property. I'm not sure if it is a sign of the times, or what the actual reason is, but I wish people would keep their heads on straight and realize that Walt Disney World is not just for them.

Thanks to all the CMs who make it through and still give the classic WDW experience to those guests willing and able to notice it. You truly do make a difference.

You have hit the nail on the head, my friend! I have the same feeling every time I return from a trip to WDW. I am so disappointed with the behavior of the guests and very, very seldom with anything from the parks. So many CMs that go out of there way to insure you have a great time.


DVC Guru
Premium Member
I can't help but wonder if Walt himself would train his CMs to honestly believe that "you can only hold it in so long" ... :cry:

Those who believe that Walt's standard was too high are probably the ones contributing to the decline in customer service that we have all noticed in the parks. :cry:

I do agree with you for the most part, but bringing Walt into the discussion does nothing. When Walt was here, the guests at the park did NOT act like a bunch of entitled, boorish over-age school kids. Can you imagine what he would think of the idiots that come into his parks nowadays that think they deserve everything on a silver platter just because they spent money to get there? What do you think Walt would do to the guest that went up to one of his CMs, and stated that he/she was the ugliest person they had ever seen, and then walked away? In his day, the guests behaved themselves because that is how people were brought up back then. Now, well, don't let us get started on the complete lack of parenting that goes on nowadays that teaches kids all the wrong ways to behave. They are only emulating their parents for the most part.


Well-Known Member
I love each and every cm out there for helping to make each visit to WDW so magical. I believe they are what set Disney parks above all others. Having said that, I feel compelled to get something off my chest. I believe that I was not exactly 100% cooperative with a MS CM on our last visit this past Dec. 3! We were positioning ourselves to watch Wishes. It is always the highlight of each visit - I got engaged during Wishes in 2004, and I cry like a baby during the whole show - it just touches me deeply. We have seen Wishes from just about every vantage point, and have discovered that the best place to stand is right at the end of Main st. - any farther forward and the castle blocks some of the lower displays; any farther up Main St. toward the train station and the buildings block some of the displays on the sides of the castle. We only get to WDW about every 2 years, and that night was the only time we could see Wishes during this vacation. We got there early enough and found the perfect spot, but a CM was trying to move everyone as far forward as possible. She kept saying "Please move forward - you'll see the same thing no matter where you stand!" There was another couple right behind us, and her and I kept looking at each other, and I could tell she was thinking the same thing as I was "No, you can't see the same thing no matter where you stand!" So we would smile at her and take a few baby steps forward, and then as soon as she turned her head, we go back to where we were!! I felt really awkward, but I was so determined to stay where I was!! I did tell everyone coming up behind me that they were more than welcome to go in front of me, and it wasn't like we were creating a giant traffic jam or anything. I felt really bad . . . of course, not bad enough to give up my spot!! But I REALLY feel bad after reading this thread. SO . . . to that CM that we may have really frustrated, my sincere and humble apologies!!:D


Well-Known Member
I have been at this parks this week also, and will be adding my own input once I arrive back home. On that note, I agree with your statement, but I also find it embarrassing that we , as a country, have lost our ability of personal responbility. This in turn makes cast emembers have to set even more rules because of liabilities.


Well-Known Member
I do agree with you for the most part, but bringing Walt into the discussion does nothing.

Really? You do realize what the first "W" in "WDW" stands for, right? Unfortunately, WDW apparently agrees with you, now that traditions is basically a 15 minute presentation (exaggeration for the purpose of contrasting modern WDW against earlier WDW). So long as "Walt" is in "Walt Disney World," he deserves to be brought into the discussion.

Should all artists who have since passed away be left out of modern day discussions pertaining to their art? I thought that we valued the artistic vision more than that... :cry:

In a nutshell, Walt would probably not have suggested that his CMS lower themselves to the level of rude guests with a two-wrongs-make-a-right mentality. That's a sign of immaturity and lacking the experience to understand what other responses are more appropriate under the circumstances.


Well-Known Member
Walt would probably not have suggested that his CMS lower themselves to the level of rude guests with a two-wrongs-make-a-right mentality. That's a sign of immaturity and lacking the experience to understand what other responses are more appropriate under the circumstances.

I don't believe anyone here is suggesting that it would be ok for any CM to "lower themselves to the level of rude guests," but I believe Walt would want his CM to handle things on a level of professionalism that most of them do - but handle things. For a guest to be yelling at a CM for letting a Make a Wish family cut to the front of the line because they didn't ask for proof they were actually dying is beyond acceptable in any form, and I think Walt would have been the first one to protect the feelings and integrity of the Make a Wish family involved.

I think the OP is venting some frustration in what should be a relatively "safe" forum instead of telling some of these "jack-a-lopes" face to face what they could really do!!


Well-Known Member
I don't believe anyone here is suggesting that it would be ok for any CM to "lower themselves to the level of rude guests," ...

Actually, here's a quote from above:

If a guest talked down to me or a fellow CM i would be level headed and call him out for it and still stay in character.

Google the phrase "call him out." Unless we have different understandings of what "call him out" means, this is indicative of a lack of maturity and would essentially constitute lowering one's self to the level of the rude guest's immaturity. Not to mention the irony in the suggestion that this could be done "while staying in character." This behavior is outright contradictory to the character that a CM portrays. :brick:

Is calling out a guest the best way to handle a rude guest? No. Of course, if you think that the answer is "yes," you are definitely entitled to your opinion.


Active Member
I give you CMs alot of credit. I worked at Best Buy one holiday season, retail but its still customer service. Its not for me, I did it for two months and quit. There are people out there that are very hard to deal with and it takes alot of self control to keep your attitude and behavior in check. I lost my cool once, when a lady accused me of not being able to give correct change (I'm an accountant now, but apparently I had no idea how to count a few years ago).

I don't thank CM's every single time I come into contact with one, but I think back to my customer service days and try to throw around as many Thank You's as I can. They really go a long way. I've been to WDW enough times that I basically consider the place a second home, so I know when a CM is going out of their way (even slightly) to make my day better. When appropriate I'll even open conversation with CM's in a way that allows them to blow off some built up steam in a lighthearted manner, especially if they've just met a not so pleasant guest.

But CM's please know your work is appreciated, and keep trying to go that extra step, no matter how small. The rides and atmosphere of WDW for the most part remain the same, so for someone like me CM's make up a good portion of the fun. They are really one of the few ever changing variables at the resort.


Well-Known Member
For some weird reason, I feel compelled to throw in my 2 cents here, for what it's worth.

Being a former CM at DAK, I agree with Tink's earlier post (and was actually thinking it through reading all of the posts right up to when I read hers) that the BEST way to handle any inappropriate guest (unless they are seriously violating some safety or conduct rules) is to 'kill them with kindness'. It was actually part of our DAKlimation orientation training. That exact phrase. And I use it in every part of my daily life.

I agree with all of Timekeeper's points, although I'm not sure with the method they have all been expressed. He's not saying that the CM's shouldn't get frustrated. Just that there is a time and place for handling those frustrations and anywhere on stage is NOT the time nor place. Timekeeper, correct me if I'm wrong with that.

I also agree with him that Disney CMs have a standard to live up to...and as he said, one that they signed up for when they agreed to accept the role with the company. My recruiter at Casting made it very clear that it was a high-stress position and asked me a few role-playing questions about rude guest interactions. Luckily, because I'm now approaching middle-age, I have a good grasp on how to handle people like that. Also, as a teacher, I deal with frustrated and rude parents quite often. It would never be appropriate for me to 'call them out', etc. The best thing you can do is acknowledge that they are frustrated and apologize that they are unhappy with the services they have received so far. That is not admitting that you have done anything is just placating them to help diffuse the situation.

I am also one of those people who will go to Guest Services and compliment ANY and ALL great CMs that I come in contact with. It is a regular stop on my way out of any of the parks. As others have said, and as I learned from my time there: one little 'thank you' or one little 'magical moment' can really turn an entire bad day around. And THAT is why I wanted to work there in the first place. I can handle all of the irate guests that want to come my way. Bring it on. I like the challenge of trying to be the ONE who can turn their day around for them. At the end of the day, I always felt good about MYself and the job that I did, knowing that I did only positive things on my shift and set the best example of what I thought a Disney CM could be.

I'm not disregarding any other CMs frustrations, including the OP. I can relate to them. But I can't disregard the valid points that Timekeeper has been making either.

So, to repeat Tink's great advice earlier: Kill them with Kindness. If nothing else, it might confuse them enough to forget what they were irate about in the first place. :wave:

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