Must have "Get through the Parks" Item/Tool

Sweet Melissa

Well-Known Member
Kind of getting off track here, but what is it with the sunscreen necessity? (Asking out of pure curiosity.) In all the 20 something weeks I've spent at WDW I have never come close to getting a burn or even a tan line and I'm one of those pale types who burns like crazy. Most of the queues are indoors and most of the outdoors is shaded. I would guess I'm only out in the direct sun about 2% of the time at WDW. I've never brought or used sunscreen at the parks.

I know some people are REALLY into sunscreen and wear it every day (which I guess you should), but I haven't found any more need for it at WDW than there is a need for it at home. The exception being the water parks and pools. But it seems to be a number 1 necessity for people on these boards.

I'm the opposite. I'm not the type to burn and I usually tan easily, but I've come home from a week in the World a little pink on a few occasions. I even got pretty red on the cheeks and nose after only a day or two in Disneyland one June in recent years. I guess maybe it depends on what you're doing. I usually spend more time wandering around aimlessly than I do standing in shaded queues.


Well-Known Member
Kind of getting off track here, but what is it with the sunscreen necessity? (Asking out of pure curiosity.) In all the 20 something weeks I've spent at WDW I have never come close to getting a burn or even a tan line and I'm one of those pale types who burns like crazy. Most of the queues are indoors and most of the outdoors is shaded. I would guess I'm only out in the direct sun about 2% of the time at WDW. I've never brought or used sunscreen at the parks.

I know some people are REALLY into sunscreen and wear it every day (which I guess you should), but I haven't found any more need for it at WDW than there is a need for it at home. The exception being the water parks and pools. But it seems to be a number 1 necessity for people on these boards.

Well coming from NL, Canada we burn just getting off the plane! :lol: Seriously though, we do spend a lot of time out in the sun. We spend a lot of time outside at Epcot and we spend a lot of time by the pool as well. For us, lounging by the pool is a treat! I don't burn easily at all but my first day at the Yacht Club I roasted my chest. It was the only area I forgot to put sunscreen on and it showed!!! I'm also overly cautious about my children getting burned as their skin just doesn't see that much sun where we come from!

Btw, does anybody else have an issue with their clothes turning color with the sunscreen. I've ruined so much clothes this year at Disney. I did some research and the Avobenzone in sunscreen is an oxidizer and it reacts with the iron in the water... basically I have rust stains on all my clothes. I didn't have the problem in the past b/c I lived in a different city but since moving to a small town all my white/light clothes has been ruined. I guess there is more iron in this water!?!

But this is way off topic!


Active Member
Kind of getting off track here, but what is it with the sunscreen necessity? (Asking out of pure curiosity.) In all the 20 something weeks I've spent at WDW I have never come close to getting a burn or even a tan line and I'm one of those pale types who burns like crazy. Most of the queues are indoors and most of the outdoors is shaded. I would guess I'm only out in the direct sun about 2% of the time at WDW. I've never brought or used sunscreen at the parks.

I know some people are REALLY into sunscreen and wear it every day (which I guess you should), but I haven't found any more need for it at WDW than there is a need for it at home. The exception being the water parks and pools. But it seems to be a number 1 necessity for people on these boards.

My face burns very easily so I use it for that. Even when I go to my baseball game (which lasts 2 hours) i need to put it on.

Also I use it for my tattoos (I have one on each shoulder and usually wear a basketball jersey or some type of cut-off while in FL). Putting some strong sunscreen on them keeps them from fading over time


Well-Known Member
I don't bring anything to the parks anymore. :lol: Just my ticket, money, and cell phone in my pocket. Sometimes I bring my camera if I'm in a creative mood, but not often. There is nothing I can ever think of that is worth lugging around for an entire day. If I want water, I just go up to a fast food place and ask for a cup of it.

Thats me.

I do bring a camera, but a small one.

Cell phone, wallet, small camera, glasses. Thats it.



Well-Known Member
Kind of getting off track here, but what is it with the sunscreen necessity? (Asking out of pure curiosity.) In all the 20 something weeks I've spent at WDW I have never come close to getting a burn or even a tan line and I'm one of those pale types who burns like crazy. Most of the queues are indoors and most of the outdoors is shaded. I would guess I'm only out in the direct sun about 2% of the time at WDW. I've never brought or used sunscreen at the parks.

I know some people are REALLY into sunscreen and wear it every day (which I guess you should), but I haven't found any more need for it at WDW than there is a need for it at home. The exception being the water parks and pools. But it seems to be a number 1 necessity for people on these boards.

My nose and ears and neck, calfs and forearms get scorched. If you think about it you are probably in the direct sun WAY more than 2% of the time. We walk about 6 miles a day at Disney. The majority of that is from tide to ride. That's alot of sun time.


Well-Known Member
Kind of getting off track here, but what is it with the sunscreen necessity? (Asking out of pure curiosity.) In all the 20 something weeks I've spent at WDW I have never come close to getting a burn or even a tan line and I'm one of those pale types who burns like crazy. Most of the queues are indoors and most of the outdoors is shaded. I would guess I'm only out in the direct sun about 2% of the time at WDW. I've never brought or used sunscreen at the parks.

I know some people are REALLY into sunscreen and wear it every day (which I guess you should), but I haven't found any more need for it at WDW than there is a need for it at home. The exception being the water parks and pools. But it seems to be a number 1 necessity for people on these boards.

My kids and I use it in the AM before we leave the room. Thats enough to last us all day.

We do wander around in the sun. It's more a precaution, because being burned is no fun (been there done that many times) so 30 seconds before going out ensures that in case we do end up in the sun for a long time, nobody gets fried.



Original Poster
Thats me.

I do bring a camera, but a small one.

Cell phone, wallet, small camera, glasses. Thats it.


i wish i could be like that. although i am no where near the level of people who bring EVERYTHING with them. there is always a great sense of satisfaction though, when you can say "AHA! I have just the thing for that, right here in my bag!" ....Its usually jsut a granola bar, but its satisfying nonetheless...


My nose and ears and neck, calfs and forearms get scorched. If you think about it you are probably in the direct sun WAY more than 2% of the time. We walk about 6 miles a day at Disney. The majority of that is from tide to ride. That's alot of sun time.

Not trying to debate something so stupid, I just honestly have never understood why I always go home from WDW looking just as pale as the day I arrived, despite not using a drop of sunscreen, and the only conclusion is that walking ride to ride only allows for about 3-5 minutes at a time in direct sun (not long enough to burn/tan). I don't ENJOY standing directly in the hot sun, so I guess I'm just naturally avoiding doing it.

Must just have to do with the method in which each person tours the park. And I guess my method just doesn't require any sunscreen. :lol:


i wish i could be like that. although i am no where near the level of people who bring EVERYTHING with them. there is always a great sense of satisfaction though, when you can say "AHA! I have just the thing for that, right here in my bag!" ....Its usually jsut a granola bar, but its satisfying nonetheless...

I get more of a thrill knowing that since I DON'T have any food with me, that just gives me a great excuse to buy an ice cream cream or a cream cheese pretzel. :lol:

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
We don't like to carry stuff through the parks so I'm good with the camera, water bottle, and my wallet!

I'm the same way. As long as I have my hat and maybe a bottle of water, I'm usually good to go. If we do need to bring extra stuff to the park because of weather or anything like that, we will usually rent a locker and store it in there. I don't like having to carry stuff aroudn the park or on rides.


Well-Known Member
My trusty SA80 (or L85 for the nit pickers), ideal for picking off stragglers, Q jumpers, noisy teens and folk wearing green n grey nylon hooped shirts.

Surely the scoped K98 is a better choice for picking off those pesky critters with the cloven hooves, blue nylon tops (with 'for sale' emblazoned on them) and union jack shorts?


I don't bring anything to the parks anymore. :lol: Just my ticket, money, and cell phone in my pocket. Sometimes I bring my camera if I'm in a creative mood, but not often. There is nothing I can ever think of that is worth lugging around for an entire day. If I want water, I just go up to a fast food place and ask for a cup of it.

Wow - we saw people walking in with nothing other than ticket/money/phone and were ENVIOUS.

We've got 4 kids 7 and under and we are like a traveling army with all our equipment. Extra clothes for when the baby gets messy, diapers, many many water bottles, snacks, camera, blanket to drape over stroller when baby is napping, etc etc etc.



Wow - we saw people walking in with nothing other than ticket/money/phone and were ENVIOUS.

We've got 4 kids 7 and under and we are like a traveling army with all our equipment. Extra clothes for when the baby gets messy, diapers, many many water bottles, snacks, camera, blanket to drape over stroller when baby is napping, etc etc etc.


:lol: I remember those days. I rejoiced when I was finally rid of the stroller and diaper bag and could enter the parks empty handed!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Surely the scoped K98 is a better choice for picking off those pesky critters with the cloven hooves, blue nylon tops (with 'for sale' emblazoned on them) and union jack shorts?

Those that choose the blue tend not to be Big Issue Salesmen and will have a wider wardrobe selection, ie more than one shirt to their name.


Well-Known Member
Kind of getting off track here, but what is it with the sunscreen necessity? (Asking out of pure curiosity.) In all the 20 something weeks I've spent at WDW I have never come close to getting a burn or even a tan line and I'm one of those pale types who burns like crazy. Most of the queues are indoors and most of the outdoors is shaded. I would guess I'm only out in the direct sun about 2% of the time at WDW. I've never brought or used sunscreen at the parks.

I know some people are REALLY into sunscreen and wear it every day (which I guess you should), but I haven't found any more need for it at WDW than there is a need for it at home. The exception being the water parks and pools. But it seems to be a number 1 necessity for people on these boards.

It's funny, now that I think about it, I didn't use it when we went in December but I remember using it in May and October. I do have a touch of rosacea on my nose and cheeks so I definitely want to keep that protected. I guess it depends on the weather when we go and maybe even the time of year. What's also funny is the fact that we use our messenger bag not so much for our junk but to hold souvenirs when we leave :lol:


Not old, just vintage.
My main item is whatever bag I am using to carry my camera and wallet during that trip. I have several camera bags, purses, and backpacks all in rotation for Disney trips. Which one I use greatly depends on the weather, duration of my trip, and which camera I am using. There's a very complex formula that determines my bag of choice. :lol:

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