Most Annoying Guest Behavior


I'm just curious, for all the people who talk about "people who ram others with strollers," how do you feel about the folks on this thread who say they "push through people who stop suddenly and block traffic?"

So if I have a stroller and you stop in front of me and block traffic, THEN is it ok to ram my way through?

I only say this because, as a dad with 2 little girls, I found myself constantly on the OTHER side of the stroller debate: People would actually cut me and my daughter off from my wife, or refuse to let me by now matter how politely I said "excuse me"

I once had a guy almost knock the stroller OVER with my 2 year old daughter in it because we were in his way.

not trying to make a case for those who drive recklessly, or purposely use the stroller as a weapon...but some people have been HORRIBLE to us no matter how careful considerate or polite we are. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that some of them did so BECAUSE we had a stroller, and people with strollers in Disney are looked upon with disdain....

Everyone remembers Walt built the first park as a place for FAMILIES, right?


Well-Known Member
I think it's really rude when one person gets in line, then a whole bunch of people join them... I don't mind two or three, but when a massive bunch of people cut in, it's rather frustrating.


Well-Known Member
I'm just curious, for all the people who talk about "people who ram others with strollers," how do you feel about the folks on this thread who say they "push through people who stop suddenly and block traffic?"

So if I have a stroller and you stop in front of me and block traffic, THEN is it ok to ram my way through?

I only say this because, as a dad with 2 little girls, I found myself constantly on the OTHER side of the stroller debate: People would actually cut me and my daughter off from my wife, or refuse to let me by now matter how politely I said "excuse me"

I once had a guy almost knock the stroller OVER with my 2 year old daughter in it because we were in his way.

not trying to make a case for those who drive recklessly, or purposely use the stroller as a weapon...but some people have been HORRIBLE to us no matter how careful considerate or polite we are. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that some of them did so BECAUSE we had a stroller, and people with strollers in Disney are looked upon with disdain....

Everyone remembers Walt built the first park as a place for FAMILIES, right?
Absolutely true! After 31 years of traveling to WDW, I have never once been hit by a stroller, yet, we have folks reporting that it has happened to them sometimes up to three times a day. Does it come to mind the common denominator there? I have witnessed a number of stroller/walker incidents and 100% of them were because someone stepped in front of a moving stroller without looking. They yell, holler and scream like a wounded bear. They call the stroller people names, some acceptable for mixed company and some not! Not once did they consider the fact that their complete lack of concern about their surroundings might have caused the incident. There has been much hyperbole about the awful stroller people "charging" through a crowd, yet I've never witnessed it. Why would they intentionally try an hurt another human being. Seriously, although possible, it isn't a reasonable assumption to make. As for ETV's I have witnessed one incident of the miserable looking old lady behind a slow moving crowd of people headed for the exit, simply laying on her horn as if, like the red sea, everyone was supposed to part and let her through.
I would have reached around and taken the key out and thrown it across Main Street.
There's always one or two with entitlement issues, but intentionally running people down, no real belief that such a thing happens. The other incidents I have seen with ETV's were again, someone not paying attention and stepping in front of one.

Now I know that a number of people are going to chime in and say that they are innocent little lambs and the stroller or ETV went twenty feet out of their way just to hit them. Accidents do happen and perhaps both are at fault at times, but, it isn't even logical to exclaim that they are being intentionally run into.
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Maelstrom Troll

Well-Known Member
I'm just curious, for all the people who talk about "people who ram others with strollers," how do you feel about the folks on this thread who say they "push through people who stop suddenly and block traffic?"

So if I have a stroller and you stop in front of me and block traffic, THEN is it ok to ram my way through?

I only say this because, as a dad with 2 little girls, I found myself constantly on the OTHER side of the stroller debate: People would actually cut me and my daughter off from my wife, or refuse to let me by now matter how politely I said "excuse me"

I once had a guy almost knock the stroller OVER with my 2 year old daughter in it because we were in his way.

not trying to make a case for those who drive recklessly, or purposely use the stroller as a weapon...but some people have been HORRIBLE to us no matter how careful considerate or polite we are. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that some of them did so BECAUSE we had a stroller, and people with strollers in Disney are looked upon with disdain....

Everyone remembers Walt built the first park as a place for FAMILIES, right?

Well said. Some times a collision is near unavoidable especially when another guest deliberately jumps in front of you.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely true! After 31 years of traveling to WDW, I have never once been hit by a stroller, yet, we have folks reporting that it has happened to them sometimes up to three times a day. Does it come to mind the common denominator there? I have witnessed a number of stroller/walker incidents and 100% of them were because someone stepped in front of a moving stroller without looking. They yell, holler and scream like a wounded bear. They call the stroller people names, some acceptable for mixed company and some not! Not once did they consider the fact that their complete lack of concern about their surroundings might have caused the incident. There has been much hyperbole about the awful stroller people "charging" through a crowd, yet I've never witnessed it. Why would they intentionally try an hurt another human being. Seriously, although possible, it isn't a reasonable assumption to make. As for ETV's I have witnessed one incident of the miserable looking old lady behind a slow moving crowd of people headed for the exit, simply laying on her horn as if, like the red sea, everyone was supposed to part and let her through.
I would have reached around and taken the key out and thrown it across Main Street.
There's always one or two with entitlement issues, but intentionally running people down, no real belief that such a thing happens. The other incidents I have seen with ETV's were again, someone not paying attention and stepping in front of one.

Now I know that a number of people are going to chime in and say that they are innocent little lambs and the stroller or ETV went twenty feet out of their way just to hit them. Accidents do happen and perhaps both are at fault at times, but, it isn't even logical to exclaim that they are being intentionally run into.

I've always wondered this too. I've never seen someone get hit by a stroller nor have I ever hit someone with mine. I have never seen anyone go charging through the crowd with their stroller.

If people are having this occur to themselves multiple times...they may want to look at their behavior walking in crowds (stepping in front of people, suddenly stopping, or changing direction without a glance around them). We had many incidents with my MIL in a wheelchair - replaced knee and rods in her back, where people would step out in front of her without looking and then give HER nasty looks. Nothing got my blood boiling hotter than seeing that.


Well-Known Member
I was with my family in DHS shopping in one of the stores. A man in a scooter came up behind me, and I guess wanted me to he honked at me...didn't say excuse me...honked...

That would have made me bust out laughing if that happened to me


Active Member
There is a fair amount that annoys me, with many already been said so I will not repeat those. However, one moment does stick out in my mind. It was New Years Eve at MK so yes, it was very busy, but still this was not acceptable…my sister was in a wheel chair at the time recovering from abdominal surgery and while waiting for the fireworks, a mom pushes right up next to us and proceeds to put her daughter on my sisters lap as if she was a bench! Now in this case nothing needed to be said because my sister screamed in pain but if she had not, I think my dad would have had the lady's head!

On the note of people not offering up seats etc- I have had it happen to me when I clearly has a foot cast on, which whatever didn't really bother me as I went the entire trip with no wheel chair but reading about how some people look fine but really do need to sit has gotten me thinking ahead to my upcoming trip as I have recently been diagnosed with an 'invisible disease' and after a day in the parks it may be difficult for me to stand on the bus back. We shall see though, like my foot cast, I will probably just tough it out.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
how do you feel about the folks on this thread who say they "push through people who stop suddenly and block traffic?"
It's Disney. People stop. People stare. People suddenly change directions.

It is also always crowded, so they are inevitably in somebody's way. In fact, it is a busy park, so all people are all in each other's way all the time. That may be annoying, but I don't blame people simply for doing the normal thing, which is looking around and being distracted.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult

not trying to make a case for those who drive recklessly, or purposely use the stroller as a weapon...but some people have been HORRIBLE to us no matter how careful considerate or polite we are. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that some of them did so BECAUSE we had a stroller, and people with strollers in Disney are looked upon with disdain....

Everyone remembers Walt built the first park as a place for FAMILIES, right?
Walt built the parks for families....not strollers


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
1)Waiting in line and people keep on bumping into me. Do you really have to be that close? Back-off!!!
2)Scooters where the driver gets off and picks it up to place it properly on the bus. If you can do that, then you dont need a scooter. You are just using it because you are lazy and want a bus fast pass.
Here we go again....don't be so judgmental.

Just because someone can function temporarily without the scooter does not mean that they are not in need of it's use.


Well-Known Member
There is a fair amount that annoys me, with many already been said so I will not repeat those. However, one moment does stick out in my mind. It was New Years Eve at MK so yes, it was very busy, but still this was not acceptable…my sister was in a wheel chair at the time recovering from abdominal surgery and while waiting for the fireworks, a mom pushes right up next to us and proceeds to put her daughter on my sisters lap as if she was a bench! Now in this case nothing needed to be said because my sister screamed in pain but if she had not, I think my dad would have had the lady's head!

On the note of people not offering up seats etc- I have had it happen to me when I clearly has a foot cast on, which whatever didn't really bother me as I went the entire trip with no wheel chair but reading about how some people look fine but really do need to sit has gotten me thinking ahead to my upcoming trip as I have recently been diagnosed with an 'invisible disease' and after a day in the parks it may be difficult for me to stand on the bus back. We shall see though, like my foot cast, I will probably just tough it out.

*gasp* What the h-e-l-l??? What did she say after that?? What on EARTH??


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it was actually really funny after I got over the initial surprise of it. What was funny was that the same guy actually ended up blocking the exit to the store, so I may or may not have come up behind him and said "beep beep"...
Yes I would have loved to have been an audience to this!


Well-Known Member
People that leave their morning newspapers, empty coffee cups, and spilled Cheerios all over my bus. It's amazing that only seems to happen at three resorts in particular. If I wanted to clean up after you, I would work in Mousekeeping, not transportation.

I am curious where this happens. I usually stay at POFQ and have never seen people leave trash on the bus. I did not think this was such a big issue.


Well-Known Member
I might end up doing that too. I don't blame the child so much as the oblivious parents who seem can't be bothered to keep up with their children. If it were my family, I would have an adult bringing up the rear to keep everyone moving.

As it is, it's happened to me at POTC, BTMRR, Splash Mtn, Little Mermaid, Finding Nemo, and ST, to name a few.

I have noticed that it is the bigger family groups who bring grandma/grandpa, aunts and uncles to "help" with the kids that are the ones that are too caught up talking to each other to pay attention to the kids. The smaller family groups (Mom, Dad, kids) seem to do a better job of keeping everyone together. Just my observations after 30+ trips.


Well-Known Member
I think it's really rude when one person gets in line, then a whole bunch of people join them... I don't mind two or three, but when a massive bunch of people cut in, it's rather frustrating.

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