Most Annoying Guest Behavior


Well-Known Member
I've experienced many of these stereotypical situations.
I've been blinded by flashes on Mansion, run over by a crazed electric wheelchair after Wishes and had a Brazilian mom cut the line of Soarin dragging her daughter then yelling back to the rest of the family to join them. (They didn't) Later I became less fortunate when they took up the entire row of Soarin in which I was seated and proceeded to shout to each other during 80% of the ride while not even looking at the screen.
It would be a great parody if someone put these experiences together as a commercial for WDW.;)


Well-Known Member
I am a pretty easy person to annoy...I don't have a lot of tolerance when it comes to certain things, but I try and push it aside at Disney.

People who hold up iPads at Wishes. It blocks the entire view of the people behind you (unless you've chosen your spot well).

People who don't clean up their table after a quick service meal or drop trash on the will get a snarky/rude comment if I see it.

On the subject of food...people who get to the ordering window of quick service places and have NO IDEA what they want, after having stood there for 10 minutes in line! *same goes for having to search for your KTTW or debit/credit card. Just get it out while we're waiting!

People who try and push in front of you at waited an hour and these people are going to try and push in front of you? Rude!!

AGREE about stinky people....goes for those who don't shower, but also bad breath. If you KNOW your breath is stinky...please don't get inches from my face to talk to me!

People brushing their hair NOT in a bathroom. I've seen it more than a couple times and it skeeves me out every time I see it. I've got LONG hair to my waist, I get it...especially on rides where your hair gets blown around...but seriously..take it to a bathroom.


Well-Known Member
A group or family walking towards me and they are all spread out on the pathway. They think they have the right to take up every section. Well, I don't move over but stop on my side and make them walk around me.
And then there are the people walking and looking at their phone (probably checking/changing fastpasses) and they are oblivious to where they are walking.
When we are approaching a group spread out across the whole walkway, we (two of us) just plow right through and if we bump one too hard or even knock someone out of the way ... oh well, they should have been more considerate of the 'middle' of the path.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Being from England I should add queuing in general. We sure know how to line up in a polite, ordered way. Sadly many other nations don't! (I'm not naming them all as it's unfair to generalise)

Rest assured we're always tutting away silently and being very indignant in our heads. Silly reserved Brits :)
The British are by far the most polite foreigners I've ever dealt with, the Japanese in Hawaii being a close second (British are friendlier)


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
-Walking into me, not watching where you're walking, blocking the entire walkway, ramming me with the stroller...
-Failure to discipline your children/allowing poor behavior, especially at a restaurant. It may be cute, but please, consider the other people here
-Allowing your child to push a stroller in a crowd. It may be cute, but they're like Mr. Magoo
-Smoking in a nonsmoking area. As an asthmatic, it REALLY bothers me, and for the nonasthmatic, why do they think that just because they are breathing in that nasty stuff everyone else wants to too? This is not the 60s.


Well-Known Member
-Walking into me, not watching where you're walking, blocking the entire walkway, ramming me with the stroller...
-Failure to discipline your children/allowing poor behavior, especially at a restaurant. It may be cute, but please, consider the other people here
-Allowing your child to push a stroller in a crowd. It may be cute, but they're like Mr. Magoo
-Smoking in a nonsmoking area. As an asthmatic, it REALLY bothers me, and for the nonasthmatic, why do they think that just because they are breathing in that nasty stuff everyone else wants to too? This is not the 60s.

YES! Allowing your kid to push the stroller....not only does it slow EVVVVERYONE and everything down, they run into people o_O


Well-Known Member
On the subject of food...people who get to the ordering window of quick service places and have NO IDEA what they want, after having stood there for 10 minutes in line! *same goes for having to search for your KTTW or debit/credit card. Just get it out while we're waiting!

We hate this also, really makes my blood boil. There should be a rule that if you've not ordered in less than thirty seconds then you're sent to the back of the queue :)


On this current trip I've noticed, teenagers rushing ahead of holding areas... like RnRC, HM then yelling back for their other 6 party members to come forward. Brazilian groups yelling a chant led by adults entering AK. A mother holding a huge iPad in the front recording Muppet Vision 3D. Ppl digging through pockets for cards at FP entrances holding up the line. Every other dark room ride ppl using FLASH photography (nothing new)


Well-Known Member
The people in front of you not keeping pace with the line moving.
1 person in line holding spots for the rest of the family.
Throwing trash on the ground while a trash can is merely a few feet away.
Loud people on the bus after a long day at the parks.
Dark ride photographers
People that come to a dead stop in the middle of moving traffic. Please move to the side.
People that complain about the prices, crowds, and having to wait in line for a ride or show.
Welcome to Disney!

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
Having just returned....the people/families that spread across a walkway, walking as slow as possible so you cant go past them, then stopping where they are (of course) to read the park map.

People sneeking a smoke in areas other then where it's allowed. Waiting on Off Kilter we could smell a cigar.

Letting a toddler thats still wobbily on his feet get some walking practice when getting off Spaceship Earth. Its NOT the place to do that and a good place for the kid to fall and get hurt as the floor rotates around....Come on people!!

The tour groups that spread across the walkways clapping, singing to the top of their lungs with their adult leaders clapping right along to it and getting them even more reved up.

The flashes from cameras on dark rides...On Pirates a lady in front of us was flashing away and the boat hadn't even left the dock, yet while the people in the loading area were yelling down to her for her to stop, NO flash!!!

Kids in the stores seemingly unattended. Saw two boys about l0 using Disney click type pens dueling it out, click click click etc.

People with huge backpacks that walk through stores and parks. I've been knocked many times without a word of 'sorry'.

Screaming kids. The parents seem oblivious to the sound. On the ferry to the MK saw a 3-4 year old screaming her head off and the Mother was so busy on her phone she didn't care. She screamed all the way over. And this was 8:30 in the morning.....

Kids in ques sitting all over the railings (like in Toy Story). It's an accident waiting to happen. Again, parents are oblivious, busy on their Ipods etc. and the lines move and the kids continue to climb and play.

I am sure I could list dozens more...but it's dinner time...


Well-Known Member
Before I post my annoyances...I would like to promote an idea I've been thinking about...

I think we should all make up shirts with PSAs about our biggest WDW pet peeves and then wear them in the parks. It won't stop everyone from doing bothersome things, but even if it makes just one person realize that there should be no flash photography in certain's done something beneficial.

That being said, using a flash in dark rides and line cutting are my biggies. DH actually had a funny way of trying to stop some of the people around us from using their flashes on SSE. Last trip, we were boarding the ride, several families behind us started taking flash photography. The CM reprimanded them, but it did nothing, so DH started yelling to me "Hey Sandy, stop using your flash!!!" To which I loudly replied something like, "It's not me!!! I know you're not supposed to use a flash on a dark ride!!!" He even repeated it to get the point across, and I again yelled something similar back at him. I didn't see a single flash after that :D

I will say that DH is guilty of what annoys many people. He's been known to stop in his tracks in a busy spot. I've called him out on it...even nudged him to the side so he wouldn't impede traffic, but he still forgets. He doesn't just do it at's everywhere. He did it at a mall around Christmas and nearly got trampled. Hey- I'm at least working on him. :rolleyes:

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
People who are so close to you in line, you can feel their breath on your back. Gross.

Last year, we were waiting in the FP queue for BTMRR and a couple of women in Stand-by decided they didn't want to wait anymore, so they went under the post, separating my son from my husband and me. My son tried to get around them while excusing himself. These two heifers started yelling at him for cutting! OMG, I went nuclear on them. Where do these people come from and what can I do to keep them there?


Well-Known Member
People who are so close to you in line, you can feel their breath on your back. Gross.

Last year, we were waiting in the FP queue for BTMRR and a couple of women in Stand-by decided they didn't want to wait anymore, so they went under the post, separating my son from my husband and me. My son tried to get around them while excusing himself. These two heifers started yelling at him for cutting! OMG, I went nuclear on them. Where do these people come from and what can I do to keep them there?
YES YES YES!!!!! I will ask you to back up!

Seriously...I have a bubble and if I cant turn around without body parts touching, you need to back the heck up!!

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