Most Annoying Guest Behavior

Todd L

Well-Known Member
I saw 3 guys getting drunk in World Showcase last year..they had on Golf shirts and caps and had been hitting the booze pretty hard..they were incredibly rude and had a nasty comment for everyone who came walking there way...including me...I let it go but it was tough.


Well-Known Member
I have a story about this. Years ago when my girls were 2&3 years old, I took them solo to WDW. We were on the bus back to the resort at night and of course it was full. The 3 of us were sharing 2 seats and my oldest started to cry and whine a bit. I told her to stop and of course that did not work and she was getting louder. So I grabbed the front of her shirt, pulled her closer to me and said in a quiet voice "knock it off". She knew I meant business and she stopped. She was only tired and cranky like the rest of us. My grabbing her shirt did not hurt her at all but it did get her attention. Well, some know it all lady(who probably did not have kids, I did not see any with her) stated loudly that "some people should not have kids" because I grabbed my kids shirt, evidently that made me a bad mom, but I guess letting your kids scream on a crowded bus for no reason is good parenting to her.

People need to mind their business. People tend to stick their nose where I doesn't belong.


Well-Known Member
That's when I would reach for said camera and claim me a souvenir. If it's invading my personal's officially mine.

Of course I would give it back (I'm not that cruel), but it would certainly get the point across to keep your personal items out of my face.
Just a friendly reminder, some people have some very expensive and valuable camera equipment. If anyone tried to claim it as a souvenir, there could be big problems. While I am sure you were just joking, some people rely on that equipment and protect it closely. I sometimes (but not often) carry my high end DSLR and very expensive lens, but can't even imagine my reaction if someone tried to "claim me a souvenir." Of course, I would go out of my way to not invade anyone's personal bubble either.
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Well-Known Member
Here we go again....don't be so judgmental.

Just because someone can function temporarily without the scooter does not mean that they are not in need of it's use.
Judgemental my , I have seen it happen FIVE times in six trips! So maybe I should just get one because I cant function at the park, but when it's time to get on a bus and skip the line, i'm great. I get those who need them, and you can see it, and you can also see those who dont and abuse. conversation over..

Todd L

Well-Known Member
I find it Odd that people manage to Not take a shower/bath before heading out for the day...It takes 5 minutes to take a good hot shower.

5 seconds to put on Deodorant and 5 seconds to put a little powder In you socks and Underwear...we use the ANTI monkey Butt powder and its really nice.

I dont get how people cant take the time to brush their teeth and use a little mouthwash either.

Its just nasty.


Well-Known Member
after reading all 6 pages, very entertaining i may add, i think it would be rude not to mention our pet hates,

1- People not moving all the way along the seats in a show room i.e Muppet 3D
2- as someone else has mention.. some people lack a lot of spatial awareness, learn to how walk and know how wide you are before trying to squeeze your way through tiny gaps.
Number 3 is my main point, i notice with this day an age, a lot of people lack common sense, if the majority of people we are moaning about here actually stopped and thought about what they are doing, they would probably realize that its 1- either not socially acceptable or 2- a pretty dumbass thing to be doing.

during our most recent trip in September last year we landed at MCO and carried on through a 3 hour wait, walking the line at customs. While waiting we noticed our bags were being let through and were on the carousel. Now knowing a few people who get 'caught up in the moment' they don't check there bag tags and just presume they have collected there correct bag. NOW this is one annoying trait i find in some people, No consideration for any one else. thankfully no one went off with our bag. but what a great start to a holiday knowing some numpty has your bag because they were too lazy to look at the tags.

Rant over..... :cool:


Well-Known Member
4. mid row seat ploppers
3. dark ride/show photo takers
2. table buzzards
and the winner is..
1. parade spot hijackers...
and..this applies to all of the above, not speaking English is no excuse, these are not rules,,they are common sense and courtesy


Well-Known Member
I know its a unavoidable, but people using/talking on cell phones- LOUDLY and INCONSIDERATLY. When a guest stops mid-walking to try to get a signal or whatever..... UGGG - I try to be a considerate "stroller mom" but me and my double stroller WILL plow you over if you suddenly stop right in front of me with no warning.

I know we all need to check in at home time to time - but our last visit we were on line next to a women who was on her phone for 20 minutes just chit-chatting. then hung up for check her facebook and take selfies. Rather than being immersed in Disney, she was immersed in her phone :) ohwell - her lose


Well-Known Member
I think my biggest complaint is when there is some distraction/annoyance (or flash-photography on a dark ride) that ruins the attraction.

While I am also irritated by things that go on in the public walking areas of the park, I don't mind dealing with those as long as I'm at least able to enjoy the attractions.

But once you start having trouble with the attractions themselves also being ruined by distractions, bad behavior or flash-photography, that is the absolute worst.


Well-Known Member
after reading all 6 pages, very entertaining i may add, i think it would be rude not to mention our pet hates,

during our most recent trip in September last year we landed at MCO and carried on through a 3 hour wait, walking the line at customs. While waiting we noticed our bags were being let through and were on the carousel. Now knowing a few people who get 'caught up in the moment' they don't check there bag tags and just presume they have collected there correct bag. NOW this is one annoying trait i find in some people, No consideration for any one else. thankfully no one went off with our bag. but what a great start to a holiday knowing some numpty has your bag because they were too lazy to look at the tags.

This isn't a Disney thing, but it annoys me at the end of the trip when everyone gets off the plane and rushes the luggage carousel. Rather than stand back about 4 feet, everyone has to claim some part of real estate right on the carousel. So if you see your bag, you can not reach it unless you elbow people out of the way. Why do people have to guard the carousel like that? Ugh...but if that is all I have to complain about, I guess I am doing ok!!


Well-Known Member
Judgemental my , I have seen it happen FIVE times in six trips! So maybe I should just get one because I cant function at the park, but when it's time to get on a bus and skip the line, i'm great. I get those who need them, and you can see it, and you can also see those who dont and abuse. conversation over..
Since the conversation is over, there is no sense in explaining just how mind shatteringly wrong you are! So, have a nice day. :) Oh, and pray that karma, doesn't really exist.


Well-Known Member
You should visit "The Varsity" in downtown Atlanta. If you don't give your order immediately, the person behind the counter will ask the next person in line for their order. It's part of the experience ;-) "What'll ya have?!?"

I wish I could do that at my job. NOBODY looks at the menu ahead of time the just get in line and talk and when it is their turn to order they have no idea. Not only that, they get mad at me for asking them what they want. I get the comment all the time "well can I look first". This is after they have been waiting 10 min in line that they could have been looking at the menu.


Well-Known Member
You should visit "The Varsity" in downtown Atlanta. If you don't give your order immediately, the person behind the counter will ask the next person in line for their order. It's part of the experience ;-) "What'll ya have?!?"


Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode about the 'Soup Nazi'

I dream of the day Disney adopts the Soup Nazi 'policy'

"No burgers for you, get to the back of the line!!!!!!" :cool:


Well-Known Member
The people in front of you not keeping pace with the line moving.
This happened on our recent trip. We were in line for Finding Nemo ride at Epcot. The teenager ahead of us was more interested in his 'dumb' phone (if it were truly smart, it would have kept him moving). Whatever game or text he was participating in kept him from moving his two feet to stay with his family. Finally, I'd had enough. I took the bottom of my water bottle and placed it rather aggressively into the middle of his back. Then said that he needed to put his phone away and starting walking. My DH was a bit nervous that I would get a negative reaction, but to his surprise the kid, never turned around to see who said it, listened and put his phone up and started's the teacher voice.


Premium Member
This happened on our recent trip. We were in line for Finding Nemo ride at Epcot. The teenager ahead of us was more interested in his 'dumb' phone (if it were truly smart, it would have kept him moving). Whatever game or text he was participating in kept him from moving his two feet to stay with his family. Finally, I'd had enough. I took the bottom of my water bottle and placed it rather aggressively into the middle of his back. Then said that he needed to put his phone away and starting walking. My DH was a bit nervous that I would get a negative reaction, but to his surprise the kid, never turned around to see who said it, listened and put his phone up and started's the teacher voice.

Does it really matter if people keep up? Everyone gets there at the same time, so why does it matter how much space is between the people in line? I cannot STAND when the people behind me in line think they will get to the front faster if they run into me repeatedly and step on my ankles.

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