More Rumours From Jim Hill


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ultimate Guide to Walt Disney that something new?:confused:

First of all...How old was that article? I went to his website, and so no recent article corroborating your report.

Secondly, I grow weary of people constantly bashing Jim Hill. He writes a lot of interesting articles that a lot of you read. If he was such a "hack", then why are you all reading him to begin with?

Thirdly, an article that gets peoples attention and interest, is in the long run, making you a more informed reader. If someone posts a rumor on this site, that may or may not be based upon the current stance of WDO/WDI/WDC, this whole site (nor Steve) isn't discredited for the posting. It's a disservice to hold Jim accountable for every time the "powers that be" change their mind or direction. I feel people are too quick to jump on the bandwagon of slandering Jim's name.

:lol:Sorry I must be tired. I meant Unnoficial Guide to Walt Disney Wold. Secondly, this is from the 2009 version. They would have changed these little tidbits if they weren't 100% sure it wasn't going to happen. (Although Mt. Fuji is there.)


New Member
They just updated the restaurants in Japan so i don't see that happening. Instead of adding a Kim Possible adventure in MK why don't they just build a indy style ride. Put it in the Liberty Square section of the park.

Come on Disney, be original!

Ok, so you're complaining about a redo of KP to National Treasure, and wanting them to "be original" by a redo of Indy/CTX to National Treasure....OOOKAAAAY.

Sorry, just had to pick on ya...either one would be a fantastic fit for Liberty Square, IMO.


New Member
A National Treasure adventure type game would be really cool. Maybe they could somehow include Tom Sawyer's Island? This would give them more space to work with for the game.


Active Member
I don't believe mt. fuji is "possibly" going to happen.Wasn't that rumored since the early 90's.I wish it will happen but there is like a 5 or 10% chance that it might happen :D:wave::wave::wave:


Active Member

A National Treasure adventure type game would be really cool. Maybe they could somehow include Tom Sawyer's Island? This would give them more space to work with for the game.

GOOD :sohappy: way to revitalize some old MK attractions. Duckberg :rolleyes:


Active Member
  • Talk of a National Treasure themed Kim Possible Adventure type game that could be added to the Liberty Square section of the Magic Kingdom.

Sounds like a *gasp* good idea. The KP game's small footprint has proven that such a thing could happen without disrupting the LS theme. A National Treasure-type attraction would be an excellent sideshow to absorb the crowds and bring extra variety.

Maybe they could somehow include Tom Sawyer's Island? This would give them more space to work with for the game.

There's also the keel-boat docks to work with, perhaps as a game hub.


I personally would love to see anything related to National Treasure added. It has been my favortie Disney movie since it came out. A KP type of thing in Liberty Square would be good however it seems to me you could base it in The American Adventure in Epcot and make stops in France and England, similar to National Treaure 2.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Sounds like a *gasp* good idea. The KP game's small footprint has proven that such a thing could happen without disrupting the LS theme. A National Treasure-type attraction would be an excellent sideshow to absorb the crowds and bring extra variety.

There's also the keel-boat docks to work with, perhaps as a game hub.

Sounds like it would really work...and kinda makes me wonder if they would do one for each land.:lookaroun

WDW Insider

New Member
Bug's Life Re-theme is a definite.
National Treasure attraction in Liberty Square isn't even blue sky.
There are no plans for the Mt. Fuji attraction to be constructed.

There ya' go.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Bug's Life Re-theme is a definite.
National Treasure attraction in Liberty Square isn't even blue sky.
There are no plans for the Mt. Fuji attraction to be constructed.

There ya' go.

Good for Bug's.:D That should breathe some new life into the area.

But LS? I guess someone made that up?


Please explain to me how a modern day story of National Treasure fits in a land where you are supposed to be in colonial/western expansion era America?

Glad to hear it isn't even blue sky.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Please explain to me how a modern day story of National Treasure fits in a land where you are supposed to be in colonial/western expansion era America?

Glad to hear it isn't even blue sky.

True, but I'm sure the tying in of some Colonial Treasure would have worked nicely...I think.:lookaroun


Active Member
Yea, but considering the country isn't even formed in LS's time, there really can't be any national treasures if we aren't a nation yet.:lol:

Explain that to the 40 odd presidents of that nation next door. The KP game has been small-scale and unobtrusive, not disrupting the WS theme for others not experiencing the game -- National Treasure would be the same.


Which is why I said Colonial Treasure.:lookaroun:lol:

Still, semantics.

Yea. Personally, I'd like to see something like KP brought to MK, but as an Indiana Jones game in Adventureland. I doubt they'll ever build the ride, so it would be a nice, easy way to get Indy into MK.

And it wouldn't be hard to make one for each of the lands.

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