Ultimate Guide to Walt Disney World...is that something new?
First of all...How old was that article? I went to his website, and so no recent article corroborating your report.
Secondly, I grow weary of people constantly bashing Jim Hill. He writes a lot of interesting articles that a lot of you read. If he was such a "hack", then why are you all reading him to begin with?
Thirdly, an article that gets peoples attention and interest, is in the long run, making you a more informed reader. If someone posts a rumor on this site, that may or may not be based upon the current stance of WDO/WDI/WDC, this whole site (nor Steve) isn't discredited for the posting. It's a disservice to hold Jim accountable for every time the "powers that be" change their mind or direction. I feel people are too quick to jump on the bandwagon of slandering Jim's name.
:lol:Sorry I must be tired. I meant Unnoficial Guide to Walt Disney Wold. Secondly, this is from the 2009 version. They would have changed these little tidbits if they weren't 100% sure it wasn't going to happen. (Although Mt. Fuji is there.)