Monsters, Inc. Hollywood Studios rumor


Well-Known Member
wow you seem mad at WDW. Don't go then :rolleyes::p

Ahh yes. That all too common comeback of "dont go." I don't think I've ever seen Martin say he hates or "is mad at" DIsney World. If you are fine with all those legitimate problems listed...I'm sorry but it might be time to take off those rose colored glasses. People can still like a place and still give criticism... You know, so things get better rather than staying stagnant


Active Member
Ahh yes. That all too common comeback of "dont go." I don't think I've ever seen Martin say he hates or "is mad at" DIsney World. If you are fine with all those legitimate problems listed...I'm sorry but it might be time to take off those rose colored glasses. People can still like a place and still give criticism... You know, so things get better rather than staying stagnant
Back to what i said, they are doing a lot, not just DVC and AofA like you said. I do understand. But how can someone have so much complaint BUT still like something? Yeah, there is a lot that can be done, BUT look how many projects they are doing at one time! And all of those things you listed don't all need to be fixed...well I don't understand what some were.


Well-Known Member
because I know what most are
If you don't want to think there are any problems at WDW, you are certainly entitled to that. That doesn't make it true, but everyone is allowed to where blinders in they want. And you talk about the many many projects WDW has going on... DVC units don't exactly count as "big" projects in my book. And they certainly aren't going to attract more people to the parks. Resorts like AOA are fine. But again, they don't address the actually problems at WDW. Disney has plenty of capacity. But they've left their parks as half done and allowed even their well done parks to fall into a bit od disrepair (Epcot's Future World for one).


Active Member
If you don't want to think there are any problems at WDW, you are certainly entitled to that. That doesn't make it true, but everyone is allowed to where blinders in they want. And you talk about the many many projects WDW has going on... DVC units don't exactly count as "big" projects in my book. And they certainly aren't going to attract more people to the parks. Resorts like AOA are fine. But again, they don't address the actually problems at WDW. Disney has plenty of capacity. But they've left their parks as half done and allowed even their well done parks to fall into a bit od disrepair (Epcot's Future World for one).
Of course there are problems! You don't think being a perfectionist, I can just look the other way? But do I still have an amazing time? Absolutely! What can I do? Just complain on a website? I am surprised no one had compared the quality of attractions at other theme parks in the U.S to the ones at WDW. I guess none of us know what is going on behind doors with the CEO on decisions on what projects to tackle first. I am sure imagineers have noticed the things we have! I actually get more upset when they place the wrong fireworks in the wrong spots, or when some don't go off (Magic Memories and you) lol but thats because I am a perfectionist and I see all the flaws, but all in all, I don't make it ruin my visit! Because I still had the best time of my life! All I can do at this point is wait and hope the imagineers and cast members fix the problems!


wow you seem mad at WDW. Don't go then :rolleyes::p

I see where you are coming from, but I think the criticism of WDW is deeper than people just not wanting to go. It is because they want to go back, or they want things to be better because they once knew a place that offered these enjoyments to them. Yes, it seems that some posters tend to complain a lot on here, but they wouldn't have joined wdwmagic unless they liked Disney in the first place. At least I would hope that is the case, because this is not the "wdwtragic" site. People come on here to talk about Disney. The good and the bad. In regards to WDW, I feel like it's in a state of limbo right now. It is not as bad as DCA used to be, yet it's not the best it can be. It's in that middle ground area.WDW hasn't gotten a bad reputation on a grand scale, so management doesn't have change anything drastically to alter the majority of public opinion. And park attendance numbers have not flopped, so in TDO's mind, they don't "need" any new expansive projects to draw people to visit, because WDW is still the most popular vacation destination in the world.

For the most part, a majority of people who complain do not want to stop going to WDW. They love it. They just want it to be better. And it's fine to think that Disney is great right now. I still do. There is nothing wrong with thinking that. Because although others can point to rising competition and claim that it's better than the disney product, WDW is still #1 in the rankings, and people really can't argue that. People may say that ratings and attendance have nothing to do with the quality of rides and such, but the amount of guests who enter the parks has to stand for something, otherwise there would be no point in keeping count. To me it shows that people still visit WDW more than any other theme park resort. So it hasn't lost all of it's mojo yet. However, I do feel it can be much better. There is so much potential that is being wasted because management is resting its laurels on the past, and expecting people to return. Yes, people will return, but if TDO doesn't get their act together, other competition is going to start catching up, and dare I say surpass them. And I feel like most of the complaints on here regarding WDW come from people who don't want to see that happen. I would hope so, because again, this is not the wdwtragic site. I think the people know what disney world used to be like, and they know what it can be like in the future, and they are running out of patience waiting for things to change for the better.


Active Member
I see where you are coming from, but I think the criticism of WDW is deeper than people just not wanting to go. It is because they want to go back, or they want things to be better because they once knew a place that offered these enjoyments to them. Yes, it seems that some posters tend to complain a lot on here, but they wouldn't have joined wdwmagic unless they liked Disney in the first place. At least I would hope that is the case, because this is not the "wdwtragic" site. People come on here to talk about Disney. The good and the bad. In regards to WDW, I feel like it's in a state of limbo right now. It is not as bad as DCA used to be, yet it's not the best it can be. It's in that middle ground area.WDW hasn't gotten a bad reputation on a grand scale, so management doesn't have change anything drastically to alter the majority of public opinion. And park attendance numbers have not flopped, so in TDO's mind, they don't "need" any new expansive projects to draw people to visit, because WDW is still the most popular vacation destination in the world.

For the most part, a majority of people who complain do not want to stop going to WDW. They love it. They just want it to be better. And it's fine to think that Disney is great right now. I still do. There is nothing wrong with thinking that. Because although others can point to rising competition and claim that it's better than the disney product, WDW is still #1 in the rankings, and people really can't argue that. People may say that ratings and attendance have nothing to do with the quality of rides and such, but the amount of guests who enter the parks has to stand for something, otherwise there would be no point in keeping count. To me it shows that people still visit WDW more than any other theme park resort. So it hasn't lost all of it's mojo yet. However, I do feel it can be much better. There is so much potential that is being wasted because management is resting its laurels on the past, and expecting people to return. Yes, people will return, but if TDO doesn't get their act together, other competition is going to start catching up, and dare I say surpass them. And I feel like most of the complaints on here regarding WDW come from people who don't want to see that happen. I would hope so, because again, this is not the wdwtragic site. I think the people know what disney world used to be like, and they know what it can be like in the future, and they are running out of patience waiting for things to change for the better.
I completely agree with you! I guess I get tired of people bashing WDW when we all know there are problems. But yeah, I wonder of people started saying stuff to cast members or something so they know guests are noticing flaws...just something. But I mean I'm sure imagineers know the flaws...


I completely agree with you! I guess I get tired of people bashing WDW when we all know there are problems. But yeah, I wonder of people started saying stuff to cast members or something so they know guests are noticing flaws...just something. But I mean I'm sure imagineers know the flaws...

Yes it might, but I think that only helps to a certain extent. I mean most of the time, if you have a complaint to the manager of your resort or something, they are usually very helpful because they want you to enjoy your stay. But I can't help but think that the upper management doesn't really care about little complaints such as why does the band in the UK pavillion not play strictly Beatles songs anymore. Or why is a detail on a ride not working, and other things of that nature. They know that regardless of this minor issues (and yes in the grand scheme of things these are very minor issues we are complaining about), that people will continue to come down, just because it's WDW. And it has worked for the last few years. But I think the only thing that is going to really stop this attitude from the top is either a change in power, attendance rates plummeting, or things getting so bad in the parks that any average guest will be able to notice the problems. Until at least one of those things happens, I fear Disney is going to be in a state of limbo, and I would hope that a change in management comes before the other two situations. And don't get me wrong, I still enjoy it, and it's great you do as well. I'm not going to let a few issues ruin my overall vacation, because I always have a great time down there. But Disney is wasting its true potential, and I think that is issue where a lot of the complaints on this site derive from.


Active Member
Yes it might, but I think that only helps to a certain extent. I mean most of the time, if you have a complaint to the manager of your resort or something, they are usually very helpful because they want you to enjoy your stay. But I can't help but think that the upper management doesn't really care about little complaints such as why does the band in the UK pavillion not play strictly Beatles songs anymore. Or why is a detail on a ride not working, and other things of that nature. They know that regardless of this minor issues (and yes in the grand scheme of things these are very minor issues we are complaining about), that people will continue to come down, just because it's WDW. And it has worked for the last few years. But I think the only thing that is going to really stop this attitude from the top is either a change in power, attendance rates plummeting, or things getting so bad in the parks that any average guest will be able to notice the problems. Until at least one of those things happens, I fear Disney is going to be in a state of limbo, and I would hope that a change in management comes before the other two situations. And don't get me wrong, I still enjoy it, and it's great you do as well. I'm not going to let a few issues ruin my overall vacation, because I always have a great time down there. But Disney is wasting its true potential, and I think that is issue where a lot of the complaints on this site derive from. would think they would strive for perfection...I mean they do with their new attractions, but it's the current ones that aren't perfect.


Well-Known Member
Of course there are problems! You don't think being a perfectionist, I can just look the other way? But do I still have an amazing time? Absolutely! What can I do? Just complain on a website? I am surprised no one had compared the quality of attractions at other theme parks in the U.S to the ones at WDW. I guess none of us know what is going on behind doors with the CEO on decisions on what projects to tackle first. I am sure imagineers have noticed the things we have! I actually get more upset when they place the wrong fireworks in the wrong spots, or when some don't go off (Magic Memories and you) lol but thats because I am a perfectionist and I see all the flaws, but all in all, I don't make it ruin my visit! Because I still had the best time of my life! All I can do at this point is wait and hope the imagineers and cast members fix the problems!

I never said the problems make me ruin my visit... I still have a good time, certainly. And people do least to Universal. And their rides (at least the new ones) especially those in development (see all the stuff about Harry Potter 2.0) are definitely trumping much of what Disney has offered in creativity and ride design. Theming, yes, Disney usually wins. But even with that, if Uni continues to build immersive environments like they did with Potter, Uni could very well come closer in that department too.

I wait and hope too. But when does just sitting on your butt gotten anyone anywhere? For example, complaints from fans were instrumental in getting what's going on at DCA happen. Of course, it wasn't all of it...there was just the fact that DCA's attendance was horrible and they weren't really making money. But again, those fans/locals help bring the problems to the forefront. Waiting and hoping only doesn't exactly do much.


Well-Known Member
And what about those multi-million dollar bonuses the executives give each other?
The bonuses are a way of attracting top talent. If Disney didn't pay their executives a gajillion dollars, then the big brains would go to other companies that DO pay a gajillion dollars and Disney would be led by scrubs who would drive the company into the ground.

I don't care if they are printing money. If they are printing money, then why can't they spare some of it to build an extra attraction every now and then?
I've made this argument a dozen times before but it never sticks. ONE cruise ship costs about as much as DAK did. Disney just built TWO cruise ships. Cars Land was flipping expensive and so is Fantasyland. Just because TWDC and the Parks and Resorts segment aren't spending money on crap YOU like does not mean they AREN'T spending money. As a matter of fact, analysts and bankers were a little shaken up at first over Disney's decision to INCREASE capital investment throughout the recession and they're now being praised for such a bold move that is now paying off.


Well-Known Member
The bonuses are a way of attracting top talent. If Disney didn't pay their executives a gajillion dollars, then the big brains would go to other companies that DO pay a gajillion dollars and Disney would be led by scrubs who would drive the company into the ground.

I understand the argument. I am in business myself and get the ins and outsof that theory. But you are kidding yourself if you don't recognize the practice as a part of a "good ole boys club" mentality. Even the highest talent wants to be associated with the strongest brands. The Disney brand, in essense, does not need to waste an obscene amount of money in bonuses every year for fear that executives will leave and take another job of a lesser prestige....Or that someone as equally talented who would have no interest in leading the company. Although, I am sure they would like the shareholders and public to believe that....


Well-Known Member
Bob Iger's total compensation was $31.4 million in fiscal 2011. NINETY percent (90%) is based on Disney's performance. These bonuses aren't just "handed out". They're based on strict financial metrics that are laid out years in advance. If net income is X, you get paid Y. If stocks go up X percent, you get Y percent of a bonus. In other words, if Disney totally sucked and made no money in 2011, Iger's compensation would have been $3.1 million. Only $2 million of that is salary. Do you know what kind of expansion projects you could fund with $2 million? Absolutely nothing. $2 million at Disney is a rounding error.


Well-Known Member would think they would strive for perfection...I mean they do with their new attractions, but it's the current ones that aren't perfect.

Except they really don't always. The original topic of this thread is a case in point... they don't even build the attractions they announced. Or for instance, 7DMT... yes, I'm sure that it will be a fine ride, fun, great theming... but the original plans for it called for it to be 30% longer than the track will actually be and they took out multiple show scenes. Or for example, even with Little Mermaid...again, it's a fun, nice ride, but there are some problems with especially the ending (see other threads for that topic) that they could have easily addressed for WDW (and it is my dear hope that the have though based on the ride having the exact same track). That doesn't exactly scream striving for perfection from me. Again, they are nice rides, but they don't reflect the true potential of Disney.


Well-Known Member
The bonuses are a way of attracting top talent. If Disney didn't pay their executives a gajillion dollars, then the big brains would go to other companies that DO pay a gajillion dollars and Disney would be led by scrubs who would drive the company into the ground.
But that top talent is running things into the ground so where is that getting them?


Active Member
I completely agree with you! I guess I get tired of people bashing WDW when we all know there are problems. But yeah, I wonder of people started saying stuff to cast members or something so they know guests are noticing flaws...just something. But I mean I'm sure imagineers know the flaws...
Have you ever been to other Disney Park other than WDW? Say, DL, the new DCA, or maybe the sacred parks in tokyo. If you do, you will notching flaws in here. It just came natural, not that anyone tries to nitpick. The biggest problem of WDW, or Disney, is that they can be so darn good, but they choose not to.


Well-Known Member
But that top talent is running things into the ground so where is that getting them?
Running things into the ground? Please tell me someone around here understands how business works. The stock is hitting all time highs almost on a weekly basis. Thousands of people spending thousands of dollars in the parks far outweighs twenty or thirty bashers on a message board.

Honestly some people around here seem like they would go into a five star restaurant then btch that the toilet paper was only single-ply.

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