Monsters, Inc. Hollywood Studios rumor


Well-Known Member
But that top talent is running things into the ground so where is that getting them?

Running things into the ground is a little extreme. Financially the company is doing very well. Don't discount how much capital investment they have done in parks and resorts. We may question the wisdom of what they are spending the money on, but being cheap is not a valid criticism in my opinion.

*I see Tim_4 beat me to the punch.*


Well-Known Member
When your flagship destination resort has been mostly flat while its adjacent tourism market is growing, that is a problem. It may not yet be big enough to affect the stock price of the parent conglomerate, but it is still a problem. The seeds being planted at Walt Disney World are poison, a poison that slowly spreads its toxin and is far too often not detected and fought until serious damage is done.


Active Member
I think we also need to stop comparing Disney to Universal...they may both be running theme parks, but they are both geared toward different audiences and that is part of the problem that some people are having. Universal is marketed towards thrill seekers, teenagers, and young adults. Disney is geared toward families...they are going to add family attractions, we are not going to see them add four or five super thrill rides...not going to happen. Not to say WDW does not need a few more thrill rides, but it also needs a lot else. New leadership would bring the parks where they need to go, but Disney does not have to be is Disney cannot replace the look of a child's face the first time they see that castle...not even with Potterworld...something special that cannot be replicated. As for the reason behind the thread, I am not sure if they are being cheap or just redirecting their resources, the re-imagineing of DCA was an expensive project that would not have been necessary had they done it right in the first place.


Well-Known Member
I think we also need to stop comparing Disney to Universal...they may both be running theme parks, but they are both geared toward different audiences and that is part of the problem that some people are having. Universal is marketed towards thrill seekers, teenagers, and young adults. Disney is geared toward families...they are going to add family attractions, we are not going to see them add four or five super thrill rides...not going to happen. Not to say WDW does not need a few more thrill rides, but it also needs a lot else. New leadership would bring the parks where they need to go, but Disney does not have to be is Disney cannot replace the look of a child's face the first time they see that castle...not even with Potterworld...something special that cannot be replicated. As for the reason behind the thread, I am not sure if they are being cheap or just redirecting their resources, the re-imagineing of DCA was an expensive project that would not have been necessary had they done it right in the first place.



Well-Known Member
I think we also need to stop comparing Disney to Universal...they may both be running theme parks, but they are both geared toward different audiences and that is part of the problem that some people are having. Universal is marketed towards thrill seekers, teenagers, and young adults. Disney is geared toward families...they are going to add family attractions, we are not going to see them add four or five super thrill rides...not going to happen. Not to say WDW does not need a few more thrill rides, but it also needs a lot else. New leadership would bring the parks where they need to go, but Disney does not have to be is Disney cannot replace the look of a child's face the first time they see that castle...not even with Potterworld...something special that cannot be replicated. As for the reason behind the thread, I am not sure if they are being cheap or just redirecting their resources, the re-imagineing of DCA was an expensive project that would not have been necessary had they done it right in the first place.

Sorry. But I find this a silly sentiment. Yes, I'd say Universal is geared a bit more towards the teen/young adult set and Disney is geared more towards the family set but that doesn't mean either of the two parks doesn't want both those demos. They want all demos! Why? Because they'd make more money that way... Also, of course we can compare the two. Universal is Disney's #1 competitor and vice versa. This is a fact. (No it wasn't always like this. At one point Disney was really just competing against itself but that is no longer the case). The each have things geared towards all demos.

Also, um, in concern to the part I bolded... I don't know if you've been to Universal lately but I sure saw a lot of kids eyes lighting up in delight at seeing Hogwarts and the thought of being able to walk through it, even if they couldn't ride FJ. Not saying it's not a very special moment when kids first see Cinderella's castle (it is very special) but to say it is impossible to replicate is something I'd dispute.


Active Member
Except they really don't always. The original topic of this thread is a case in point... they don't even build the attractions they announced. Or for instance, 7DMT... yes, I'm sure that it will be a fine ride, fun, great theming... but the original plans for it called for it to be 30% longer than the track will actually be and they took out multiple show scenes. Or for example, even with Little Mermaid...again, it's a fun, nice ride, but there are some problems with especially the ending (see other threads for that topic) that they could have easily addressed for WDW (and it is my dear hope that the have though based on the ride having the exact same track). That doesn't exactly scream striving for perfection from me. Again, they are nice rides, but they don't reflect the true potential of Disney.
yeah...I am glad they are even building the mine train because in the very first concepts, it was walk through houses...I mean that would be cool, but if you had to choose, roller coaster over walk throughs any day


Active Member
I never said the problems make me ruin my visit... I still have a good time, certainly. And people do least to Universal. And their rides (at least the new ones) especially those in development (see all the stuff about Harry Potter 2.0) are definitely trumping much of what Disney has offered in creativity and ride design. Theming, yes, Disney usually wins. But even with that, if Uni continues to build immersive environments like they did with Potter, Uni could very well come closer in that department too.

I wait and hope too. But when does just sitting on your butt gotten anyone anywhere? For example, complaints from fans were instrumental in getting what's going on at DCA happen. Of course, it wasn't all of it...there was just the fact that DCA's attendance was horrible and they weren't really making money. But again, those fans/locals help bring the problems to the forefront. Waiting and hoping only doesn't exactly do much.
well, I did mention complaining to cast members and stuff in a different post on here to someone else, but that person said they wouldn't listen and wouldn't think its a big deal...I just wish there was a way.


Well-Known Member
Bob Iger's total compensation was $31.4 million in fiscal 2011. NINETY percent (90%) is based on Disney's performance. These bonuses aren't just "handed out". They're based on strict financial metrics that are laid out years in advance. If net income is X, you get paid Y. If stocks go up X percent, you get Y percent of a bonus. In other words, if Disney totally sucked and made no money in 2011, Iger's compensation would have been $3.1 million. Only $2 million of that is salary. Do you know what kind of expansion projects you could fund with $2 million? Absolutely nothing. $2 million at Disney is a rounding error.

Again, I think this is understood by most people. No one is challenging or questioning the bonus system in any corporation. These have been around forever. I once had a job that was heavily bonus weighted. However, those whom corporate likes are rewarded insanely for the easiest of metrics to achieve....


Well-Known Member
Running things into the ground? Please tell me someone around here understands how business works. The stock is hitting all time highs almost on a weekly basis. Thousands of people spending thousands of dollars in the parks far outweighs twenty or thirty bashers on a message board.

Honestly some people around here seem like they would go into a five star restaurant then btch that the toilet paper was only single-ply.

Abrasive. Why is this so personal?

Btw, I have an MBA. What's your business degree?


Well-Known Member
I think we also need to stop comparing Disney to Universal...they may both be running theme parks, but they are both geared toward different audiences and that is part of the problem that some people are having. Universal is marketed towards thrill seekers, teenagers, and young adults. Disney is geared toward families...they are going to add family attractions, we are not going to see them add four or five super thrill rides...not going to happen.

This is changing. Universal is getting very aggressive with their family-friendly offerings. They are creating more and more experiences (even the new parade) that is reaching out to parents and saying..."This is a completely safe place for you and your children.." A message that Disney has drilled into parents for generations. Now Universal has caught on. The new value hotel will cater almost completely to families, and will be another extension of that new branding. This is what Disney should be paying very careful attention to. There is an overhaul of the Universal brand happening that has potential to rob them of millions of dollars a year....

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
I've made this argument a dozen times before but it never sticks. ONE cruise ship costs about as much as DAK did. Disney just built TWO cruise ships. Cars Land was flipping expensive and so is Fantasyland. Just because TWDC and the Parks and Resorts segment aren't spending money on crap YOU like does not mean they AREN'T spending money. As a matter of fact, analysts and bankers were a little shaken up at first over Disney's decision to INCREASE capital investment throughout the recession and they're now being praised for such a bold move that is now paying off.
I fully realize that TWDC is spending a ton of money on the Parks and Resorts division, and even at WDW currently. But the ways it is being spent at WDW is in very selfish ways. The whole NextGen thing is only for their personal gain and they are throwing $1B at that. Fantasyland is only being done because they were forced too and because of capacity needs. I get everything that is going on. I just wish they would throw a bone to WDW every once in awhile. It's great they are putting out such a nice product everywhere else in the world, I don't give a f*** if they are going to sit back and collect money here at WDW and act like they don't have to do anything here but implement NextGen crap.


Well-Known Member
Running things into the ground? Please tell me someone around here understands how business works. The stock is hitting all time highs almost on a weekly basis. Thousands of people spending thousands of dollars in the parks far outweighs twenty or thirty bashers on a message board.

Honestly some people around here seem like they would go into a five star restaurant then btch that the toilet paper was only single-ply.
I fully realize that TWDC is spending a ton of money on the Parks and Resorts division, and even at WDW currently. But the ways it is being spent at WDW is in very selfish ways. The whole NextGen thing is only for their personal gain and they are throwing $1B at that. Fantasyland is only being done because they were forced too and because of capacity needs. I get everything that is going on. I just wish they would throw a bone to WDW every once in awhile. It's great they are putting out such a nice product everywhere else in the world, I don't give a f*** if they are going to sit back and collect money here at WDW and act like they don't have to do anything here but implement NextGen crap.
You guys are both correct on the stock price. Yes, profits are up. But at what cost? They've changed the business model for a successful Disney theme park. They used to rely on a premium product at a premium price. Now it's a less than premium product at a "discounted from" a premium price.


Well-Known Member
You guys are both correct on the stock price. Yes, profits are up. But at what cost? They've changed the business model for a successful Disney theme park. They used to rely on a premium product at a premium price. Now it's a less than premium product at a "discounted from" a premium price.
The discounts are eroding as the economy improves. There will always be discounts in the off season but those are generally to entice people to pull their kinds from school when they otherwise wouldn't.

Let's operate in the world of the people who aren't happy with the condition of WDW. Most of those people have indicated in this and other threads that DCA has been "getting love" in the form of Cars Land, among other things. The consensus seems to be that the company is ignoring the Florida properties while greatly improving the California and international properties. If that were the case, then the question is simply WHY? You might disagree with management's decision making processes but do you honestly believe they would let quality erode to the detriment of the brand just to save on maintenance expenses?


Well-Known Member
That wouldn't be arrogance. It would be flat-out stupidity. I just can't believe these men and women are that dumb.
It is arrogance. They are the kings of their market, and like so many fans, do not believe that will change. They lack a loyalty to the brand, so they've never cared why it is so successful. So they do what business school said to do for retail centers and tossed aside the decades old business model.


Well-Known Member
It is arrogance. They are the kings of their market, and like so many fans, do not believe that will change. They lack a loyalty to the brand, so they've never cared why it is so successful. So they do what business school said to do for retail centers and tossed aside the decades old business model.
But they're successful, so...

I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that you're imagining this apocalypse scenario where all of a sudden these decisions come up to bite them in the a*s and they'll be screwed. The end of a dynasty. I think that's just over the top. If perception of quality starts to slide, they'll know it before the number of customers who are fed up hit critical mass. You need to remember that Disney isn't just making money. They're growing. Research has been ALL OVER the place at WDW lately and they're listening. No, they're not llistening for any warm and fuzzy reasons. They're listening to make big money. The way that change is gonna happen like people around here want is when the Dollars and the Fanboys (myself among them) are saying the same thing. RIght now, they're not. Make no mistake. They DO listen. The entire concept of DAAR (value family suites) is due to guest feedback. Stuff like that makes a difference, it really does. If those changes that you want to see aren't happening, it means the guests answering those surveys don't see the same decline that you and others around here seem to see.

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