I have a simple question for the readers here. For those of you saying "all the little things add up" and "you're paying for services you aren't getting", do you guys still go to WDW?
And if you read my earlier response, we're not going back next year. And quite honestly, maybe not after that for a couple of years. We've been wanting to go to Hawaii and other places. However, we already had this trip in September booked back in August of last year, well before the monorail decision. We didn't start going until 08, so I haven't been around long enough to notice any declining that started before that. However, I can promise you that a cutback WDW is better than a regular Memphis any day. Not to mention that we actually cut a couple of days off of the Disney portion to add to IoA/US.
I think the answer is that the majority of people would still go to WDW...but that it would be less frequent..and would be for a lesser number of days.
As for the tipping point, you are already there... Less frequency of trip and less days when you do as you wrote above is precisely what most of us are thinking...not some mass exodus leaving the resort empty!
I suggest that your anger is misdirected in more ways than one. First, stop blaming Disney for cost cutting when they are trying to improve the stability of the system. Second, start blaming abusers of WDW's (and 99% of non handicapped guests) Very generous handicapped tolerances....And not those that call attention to the abusers....
I'm not sure what your picture accomplishes? Can I post a picture of my daughter's split lip from 2008....which occurred on an overstuffed bus that comfortably carried a party of 10, one of which was an evc abuser of the most foul variety....still I was tolerant of that issue then....perhaps if I post a picture of what my daughter looked like the next morning, I can selfishly feel better that my illogical point may be better received.....:hammer:
Again, if you don't like this change....stay elsewhere...I still think that the overall result of this service cut will be positive.....if not for allowing disruptive service to be performed during down times, then there might be a slight reduction in selfish vacationers staying on property...doubtful, but a guy can hope....
LOL I am not angry with Disney... I am disappointed.
I am angry with you for your Holier than Thou attitude....your lack of tolerance toward those with disabilities...your feelings that since this change doesnt effect you then to heck with those Guests that it does (they need to get over it)... and on and on.
Also how dare you compare your daughter's lip being injured (though I am sorry this happened to her!) on a bus trip to my son's Lifetime Handicap that forces him to use a wheelchair... On WHAT PLANET does your comparison even make sense??
As for your comment for us to accept this change or stay Elsewhere with the inferred point that we have no right to voice our displeasure at this move was a mistake...as it shows WHO the "selfish vacationer" is....
My argument that Disney needs to increase the monorails continuous downtime each nite in order to make needed repairs/maintenance to the system?
Or that the extremely small demographic of 'evc riding EEMH attendees who can still ride a bus first in line' should see the bigger picture?
I'm not sure how posting family portraits accomplishes that, but, if it works for you....great!:sohappy:
It shows that YOUR generalization of the handicapped Guests is a bunch of Cow Manure...and the fact that you still are arguing this point is a giant wad of spit by you into my Son's face along with the multitudes of other legitimately disabled folks who visit WDW.
While I am sorry that your daughter was injured, I still don't see how that minor non-life threatening non-permanent non-life altering injury compares with the struggles and needs of someone that uses a wheelchair as a daily living tool. How you can say that someone who was riding an ECV on the bus that night was an abuser? You have no idea what daily struggles that person goes through and why they needed that ECV. When you get down to it, you chose to get on that overloaded bus. The ECV user had NOTHING to do with your child being injured. They had just as much right to transportation as you did. I find your intolerance of people's needs to be very offensive.
+1 I agree... people who snub down those who are less fortunate should be FORCED to walk in those shoes for a day and see how they feel then.... but then again some folks will NEVER get it because they feel they are better than the rest of us.
You really are drinking the Kool Aid. Cutting service for maintenance issues is indicative that there is a severe maintenance problem. Even major cities replace their trains and buses when they no longer can be properly maintained. Whay can't Disney maintain 12 monorail trains? Obviously it is time to replace them, but to say this is an acceptable alternative to replacing them is ridiculous.
Listen, the point is this is not about wanting more maintenance, convenience, ECV usage (that point should have been dropped a loooong time ago), but it's about overall quality.
Disney, like many other companies, is trying to squeeze out every last drop it can of $$. But if you look at things over recent years, their pattern has been to a little bit at a time cut back on things, that when you add it up it makes a difference. Someone earlier mentioned to appetizer with the DDP, but it was also the tip being dropped as well, and for what, they cut the price $1? At the same time, the menus at all of the sit down restaurants have been cut way back to better fit into the DDP, thereby limiting your choices.
Hey, don't forget the EMH character greetings gone as well.
And someone along the way mentioned ticketed events, and if you've been to them, they also have been cut back on as well.
So yes, we might just shut up and shuffle along and keep going to WDW, but our family has started to cut back on how long we go and instead go to other non-Disney destinations. We still vacation the same amount, but Disney gets less of my $$.
To your point in BOLD this guy wont stop either...just rattles on about how all the disabled people are taking inconveniencing him and his family... WAAA WAAA want some Swiss Cheese to go with that wine!
Also agree with the remainder of your post... the declining quality is sad when its a Meet & Greet or whatever(and lets remember TDO is not an enemy!!!! Sometimes they have to do whats best for the resort even if it isnt popular...BUT IN THIS CASE THEY CREATED THIS PROBLEM BY ROBBING THE PROPER FUND FROM THE SYSTEM), but the monorail change is on a different level entirely IMHO!
Others have said it, I'll repeat it: Fix it the right way. The monorail system has been up for 40 years. It needs a couple weeks of downtime. Fix the tracks. Do some heavy maintenance on trains. Plan it ahead of time, let guests know. Do it in the offseason, offer a subsidized cost to those staying at the monorail resorts during that period, add buses to Epcot, increase boats, even add an MK bus if the boats can't handle it.
Do you consistently inconvenience guests, albeit a few hours a week, plus run the risk of breakdowns, or do you inconvenience two weeks worth of guests and have the monorail running whenever the park is open? I go with the latter. Besides, 3-6 hours a week isn't going to make the difference. I don't think it will, at least.
Keep in mind, the complaints aren't entirely about the EMH cut. I see this as a symbolic cut more than anything. Prices keep on rising, quality keeps on declining. You want proof, it's right in front of you.
Hey I love WDW very very much.... I doubt anyone would ever question that.... and for a long time I wore the rosy colored glasses....in fact I still do a lot....but there is no denying that the claim of declining standards is gaining credibility in the eyes of more and more Guests...and not just the "fanboys" as some say, but it is spreading now like a cancer amongst the "average" Guests..... Consider THAT for a moment.... The reality of it scares me to be honest..... take one item (Lights of Winter since that was mentioned by another poster in this thread) and it isnt really "a big deal" in the grand scheme of things, right? Add up quite a list of others and it does begin to take a toll on the PERCEPTION of WDW by the average Guests...... perhaps nothing that is going to shut WDW down today, but who is to say where The Disney Company will be in ten years...heck with the other rumors out there that seem to be gaining some alarming traction WDW may not even be majority OWNED by The Disney Company (though in my heart I hope & pray that this rumor ends up being false!) in ten years..... And while it would be nice to dream of an owner like The Oriental Land Company, it is far more likely that a Walmarting of WDW would be the end result.