Monorails to no longer operate during Evening Extra Magic Hours


Well-Known Member
I think the answer is that the majority of people would still go to WDW...but that it would be less frequent..and would be for a lesser number of days.

As for the tipping point, you are already there... Less frequency of trip and less days when you do as you wrote above is precisely what most of us are thinking...not some mass exodus leaving the resort empty!

LOL I am not angry with Disney... I am disappointed.

I am angry with you for your Holier than Thou attitude....your lack of tolerance toward those with disabilities...your feelings that since this change doesnt effect you then to heck with those Guests that it does (they need to get over it)... and on and on.

Also how dare you compare your daughter's lip being injured (though I am sorry this happened to her!) on a bus trip to my son's Lifetime Handicap that forces him to use a wheelchair... On WHAT PLANET does your comparison even make sense??

As for your comment for us to accept this change or stay Elsewhere with the inferred point that we have no right to voice our displeasure at this move was a it shows WHO the "selfish vacationer" is....

It shows that YOUR generalization of the handicapped Guests is a bunch of Cow Manure...and the fact that you still are arguing this point is a giant wad of spit by you into my Son's face along with the multitudes of other legitimately disabled folks who visit WDW.

+1 I agree... people who snub down those who are less fortunate should be FORCED to walk in those shoes for a day and see how they feel then.... but then again some folks will NEVER get it because they feel they are better than the rest of us.


To your point in BOLD this guy wont stop either...just rattles on about how all the disabled people are taking inconveniencing him and his family... WAAA WAAA want some Swiss Cheese to go with that wine!

Also agree with the remainder of your post... the declining quality is sad when its a Meet & Greet or whatever(and lets remember TDO is not an enemy!!!! Sometimes they have to do whats best for the resort even if it isnt popular...BUT IN THIS CASE THEY CREATED THIS PROBLEM BY ROBBING THE PROPER FUND FROM THE SYSTEM), but the monorail change is on a different level entirely IMHO!

Hey I love WDW very very much.... I doubt anyone would ever question that.... and for a long time I wore the rosy colored fact I still do a lot....but there is no denying that the claim of declining standards is gaining credibility in the eyes of more and more Guests...and not just the "fanboys" as some say, but it is spreading now like a cancer amongst the "average" Guests..... Consider THAT for a moment.... The reality of it scares me to be honest..... take one item (Lights of Winter since that was mentioned by another poster in this thread) and it isnt really "a big deal" in the grand scheme of things, right? Add up quite a list of others and it does begin to take a toll on the PERCEPTION of WDW by the average Guests...... perhaps nothing that is going to shut WDW down today, but who is to say where The Disney Company will be in ten years...heck with the other rumors out there that seem to be gaining some alarming traction WDW may not even be majority OWNED by The Disney Company (though in my heart I hope & pray that this rumor ends up being false!) in ten years..... And while it would be nice to dream of an owner like The Oriental Land Company, it is far more likely that a Walmarting of WDW would be the end result.

Hey, I'm defending ECV usage. I was just trying to say it is time to drop that topic as much of the discussion is getting way off base and inappropriate. If you read my earlier posts I was citing having traveled with an 85 year old who used an ECV also. So, stop your wine and cheese comments.


Well-Known Member
Agreed!!!! When I called DVC a couple days back when this news was released on here this was one of my points about the MFs etc.....

It could be VERY possible that the timing of building the BLT was no coincidence... It's supposedly almost sold out... Just in time to order a new fleet of monorails perhaps?



Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm defending ECV usage. I was just trying to say it is time to drop that topic as much of the discussion is getting way off base and inappropriate. If you read my earlier posts I was citing having traveled with an 85 year old who used an ECV also.

I know! :) I was agreeing with you that the other poster needed to drop the ECV/Wheelchair discussion but that he just keeps going on and on and on like an Energizer Battery about it.... lol Didnt intend for you to think it was directed AT you...sorry if my post quoting yours left that perception.... its just that this other poster just keeps pecking and pecking like a rooster...


Well-Known Member
I know! :) I was agreeing with you that the other poster needed to drop the ECV/Wheelchair discussion but that he just keeps going on and on and on like an Energizer Battery about it.... lol Didnt intend for you to think it was directed AT you...sorry if my post quoting yours left that perception.... its just that this other poster just keeps pecking and pecking like a rooster...



Well-Known Member
It could be VERY possible that the timing of building the BLT was no coincidence... It's supposedly almost sold out... Just in time to order a new fleet of monorails perhaps?


On that particular point that this was "timed" I will have faith and "pixie dust" that this is not at all the case....


Well-Known Member
Think that's possible?

Who knows. But it's definitely within the contract that it COULD happen. There's nothing to protect buyers from it.

It would make sense to me that the MF's for monorail line resorts grow exponentially faster than other DVC properties though. Potentially not until they're sold out, too. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Actually, I think it's more likely the opposite. Sell it our or nealy so, then announce the cut back. If I just plopped down +$20k for a BLT timeshare only to find out that they just negated part of the allure of that location, I'd be upset.

I think he was alluding to the idea of building the BLT as a way to suppliment the buying of new monorails by jacking up MF's faster than has been historically proven.


Well-Known Member
On that particular point that this was "timed" I will have faith and "pixie dust" that this is not at all the case....

Probably not. It's just hard to have "faith" these days. Common sense would say that the idea of being able to subsidize the monorails was somewhere in the discussion, at the very least.

I would find it hard to believe they greenlighted the whole thing and then someone in a meeting said "Hey... Wait a tick... Maybe somehow we could get the owners to pay for upkeep and upgrading!!"

They're smart, and shrewd. The whole idea of DVC should prove that. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. And we should all know where their heads are at... DVC has been, BY FAR, the largest construction growth at WDW the past 10 years. There's a reason for that.


Typical Disneyworld, do less and want more, ive been saying this for months and no one wanted to listen, its up to us as a people stand for what we believe in and do whats right in our own eyes or this is just the start of declining perks to come.This doesnt effect me as much as it do the monorail resorts folks because i have, and never will stay at any of disney deluxe or deluxe villa, not because i cant, but its a total rip off even with the monorail service.Theres no way ill pay 300-550 a night to stay in hilton like hotel, i dont care where its at, i guess you can call that my little stand lol. The fact of the matter is that most of us are fortunate to visit disney at least once some time twice a year, if just for one of your vacations a number of you (besides the handicap that need the monorail) opt to stay at a value maybe a moderate instead of a deluxe, i garuntee you they'll take a major hit and magically that monorail would be running its normal hours again. The unfournate thing is that, that will never happen, people will continue to spend there hard earned money there knowing there being taken advantage of, makes no sense to me, but i guess thats life. The moral of the story is that disney will continue to take away perks slowly but surely and raise prices while there doing it until a bunch of people take a stand one way or another.


Well-Known Member
First, to both puntagordabob and was not my intention to take this thread on a tangent nor to trivialize the struggles that handicapped park guests have to deal with. Please accept my apologies. That goes for anyone else that may have been offended by my post. I still feel strongly that if one has an issue with inaccessibility to the monorail during EEMH, he/she should explore other options...whether that means other resorts or other means of transportation....of which, one of those options is the bus network, where people with ECVs/wheelchairs enjoy priority seating/treatment.

You have a wealth of options at your disposal. Complaining that the one option you prefer is no longer available, given the fact that increased continuous repair access to the track is a necessity only waters down your argument both here and with guest relations when you call.

I'd rather see a whole bunch of people call Guest Relations and argue Disco Yeti, where WDW has no where to hide. Any verbal or written complaints regarding the inaccessibility of EEMH because of the monorail shutting down a little early, *especially* considering priority access to bus transportation, will likely be met with a perfunctory, polite apology and nothing more.

I think you completely missed the point here and by three I was referring to the two nights at MK and one at Epcot that host EMH.

Why is it even ok for them to make a cut? If your monorails need more down time (not sure what the means, this isn't Cars you know ;)) then purchase more and rotate them. Expensive? Sure, but so is the increasing cost I pay to stay at a deluxe monorail resort on a yearly basis.

First, if there are more than one EMH nights at MK per week, then I stand corrected. I was under the impression that there was one/week for each park.

Second, they're not my monorails. I don't work for WDW.

Third, I think you missed a point that was made several pages ago. adding trains to the rotation might address the issue of some of the trains being in disrepair. will *not* address the problem of the track being in disrepair. The repair crews need more than 3 hours a night to make effective repairs on the track system, as the concrete repairs need to harden and cure. If they do not provide adequate time, the repairs fail....this point speaks pointedly to the issue of cutting service time. There's *no* other logistical way to address this problem without cutting service...and no one in this thread has been able to offer a viable alternative solution.


Well-Known Member
First, to both puntagordabob and was not my intention to take this thread on a tangent nor to trivialize the struggles that handicapped park guests have to deal with. Please accept my apologies. That goes for anyone else that may have been offended by my post. I still feel strongly that if one has an issue with inaccessibility to the monorail during EEMH, he/she should explore other options...whether that means other resorts or other means of transportation....of which, one of those options is the bus network, where people with ECVs/wheelchairs enjoy priority seating/treatment.

You have a wealth of options at your disposal. Complaining that the one option you prefer is no longer available, given the fact that increased continuous repair access to the track is a necessity only waters down your argument both here and with guest relations when you call.

I'd rather see a whole bunch of people call Guest Relations and argue Disco Yeti, where WDW has no where to hide. Any verbal or written complaints regarding the inaccessibility of EEMH because of the monorail shutting down a little early, *especially* considering priority access to bus transportation, will likely be met with a perfunctory, polite apology and nothing more.

First, if there are more than one EMH nights at MK per week, then I stand corrected. I was under the impression that there was one/week for each park.

Second, they're not my monorails. I don't work for WDW.

Third, I think you missed a point that was made several pages ago. adding trains to the rotation might address the issue of some of the trains being in disrepair. will *not* address the problem of the track being in disrepair. The repair crews need more than 3 hours a night to make effective repairs on the track system, as the concrete repairs need to harden and cure. If they do not provide adequate time, the repairs fail....this point speaks pointedly to the issue of cutting service time. There's *no* other logistical way to address this problem without cutting service...and no one in this thread has been able to offer a viable alternative solution.

I agree with some of what you say, but part of what you say is actually what I'm harping about when you mention Disco Yeti. That's one great example of something there going down, and repairs never being made. That also applies to other things like the earthquake rocks in Big Thunder Mtn, the various AA figures in Splash Mtn., etc. If they cut back on monorail hours, and truely made repairs that benefit the system long-term, all the kudos to them. However, if given their recent history of shutting something (Wonders of Life anybody) and actually not doing anything, then it is most definitely another example of declining by degrees. And yes, given the loss of value associated with the monorail at say the Poly, I will most likely not stay there in the near future and instead opt for the Wilderness, Beach Club, or moderates.


Well-Known Member
First, if there are more than one EMH nights at MK per week, then I stand corrected. I was under the impression that there was one/week for each park.

There have been a lot of posts detailing how this is a larger impact than just simply the crowd leaving the MK on an EMH night. You don't seem to recognize that in your posts. Not sure why.


Well-Known Member
Third, I think you missed a point that was made several pages ago. adding trains to the rotation might address the issue of some of the trains being in disrepair. will *not* address the problem of the track being in disrepair. The repair crews need more than 3 hours a night to make effective repairs on the track system, as the concrete repairs need to harden and cure. If they do not provide adequate time, the repairs fail....this point speaks pointedly to the issue of cutting service time. There's *no* other logistical way to address this problem without cutting service...and no one in this thread has been able to offer a viable alternative solution.

I think one major point you are overlooking here is that when this policy takes effect there aren't any scheduled 3am emh closings. For the first few weeks of August there are a few 2am closings then there are only 12am and 1am until the holidays. Up until the holidays there are also a lot of 8pm and 9pm closings which should allow plenty of time to work on the beam.

Is the monorail in such a bad state that there are going to be repair crews working full shifts, 7 days a week to maintain the beams permanently?


Well-Known Member
And not even just that. There have been other scenarios people gave for things like dinner reservations and so forth.

There's a handful of ways this is an inconvenience, to be sure.

We stay at the Poly and use the monorail to get to CA Grill -- I DO NOT WANT TO TAKE SOME BUS RIDE THERE, I'll have to do watercraft I guess -- does anyone know if the monorail will be running during Mickey's Halloween Party??

biggy H

Well-Known Member
I have no problem shutting the line down for the necessary maintenance. Then all they have to do is lower the room rates to be more in line with the other area non-monorail deluxe hotels (i.e. Animal Kingdom and Wilderness). I'm also willing to pay a premium to stay at the Boardwalk, Beach Club, and Yacht Club, as you can walk into Epcot and DHS without a need for a monorail. You can't walk to the MK from the Poly and GF.

So, you've missed my point. It's not about shutting down the line, it's about getting what you paid for.

I always thought they were sold as MK resorts hence the price...


Well-Known Member
Actually, I think it's more likely the opposite. Sell it our or nealy so, then announce the cut back. If I just plopped down +$20k for a BLT timeshare only to find out that they just negated part of the allure of that location, I'd be upset.

I meant the new monorail, actually

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