Monorail Expansion?


New Member
Originally posted by GenerationX
I just got back from WDW, and I thought about this thread while I was there (scary, huh?). I came to a number of conclusions:

1. I just want to get to the park as quickly as possible.
2. I just want to get back to my resort as quickly as possible.
3. The Friendship boats are painfully slow.
4. I never went directly from one park to another, I always stopped at my resort between parks.
5. I don't like transfering from one form of transportation to another because it takes longer (folding/unfolding stroller, keeping eye on kids).

That is what Tyler has been saying all along. Finally some one gets it...Monorails are pretty and all but not as fast and effcient as the good ol' bus!


Well-Known Member
in realtiy thought i don't think this is going to happen unless the economy gets out of its recession and disney gets back on its feet. Also, I don't think this will happen with Eisner and Pressler at the helm.


New Member
I just got back from the park and I got to ride in the front seat for the first time ( totally worth it) and one of the pther riders actually asked about monorail expansion, but the conductor said that disney ahd drawn up plans but decided against it due to cost effectiveness. Apparently just keeping the bus lines is more cost effective too.:wave:


New Member
Originally posted by FutureCEO
in realtiy thought i don't think this is going to happen unless the economy gets out of its recession and disney gets back on its feet. Also, I don't think this will happen with Eisner and Pressler at the helm.

Hey, if it weren't for Eisner, there wouldn't be a Disney.


New Member
Magic may not always seem cost effective up front. It probably wasn't cost effective when they built the first monorail. Why not just have people drive right up to the Magic Kingdom and park there? Disney had them park a distance away and then transported them -- from the real world to a magic one. That's what the monorail did. It was the passage to the Magic Kingdom.

A magic transportation system would make DW unequaled. Right now it's heading towards becoming a bunch of amusement parks and hotels that just happen to be on the same piece of swampland.

A magic transportation system would blow everyone away. I hope there are some imagineers in a cave somewhere dreaming up something that we would never expect that will blow us away. Something that will transport us away to the magical world that Walt Disney wanted to create and preserve. It will need to be more special than a monorail, considering the amount of junk they've built on the property.


Active Member
Originally posted by dreamer
I hope there are some imagineers in a cave somewhere dreaming up something that we would never expect that will blow us away.

i certainly hope that imagineers don't have to work out of caves.

personally, i think you are being a tad too idealistic. but thats just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Granted, it wasn't a disney movie...but...

I think everyone should go to the parks via sailboards like they used in the movie Hook :) jk


New Member

I totally agree with you. I'm wayyy to idealistic. I wish I weren't. My wife wishes I weren't. I think my kids kinda' like it.

If I weren't too idealistic

1. I would get along much better in this world.
2. I wouldn't be using this forum.
3. I would have invested in the stock market instead of DVC.
4. I would have chosen a different forum ID. Although, I guess "disillusioned" would have been as accurate.

Maybe someday those buses won't bother me, but that's not the way it was meant to be.

Hey, maybe they could THEME the buses. I mean besides putting up ads for another ABC TV bomb on them.


P.S. I meant a "magic" cave with fairies flying around like in Never Never Land. Not like AlQaeda. No no no.


New Member
Originally posted by dreamer
A magic transportation system would make DW unequaled. Right now it's heading towards becoming a bunch of amusement parks and hotels that just happen to be on the same piece of swampland.

A magic transportation system would blow everyone away. I hope there are some imagineers in a cave somewhere dreaming up something that we would never expect that will blow us away. Something that will transport us away to the magical world that Walt Disney wanted to create and preserve. It will need to be more special than a monorail, considering the amount of junk they've built on the property.

I hope you mean a "magical" transportation and not a "magic" one!

Despite what we think, I am sure that Disney could come up with a solution to the monorail traffic flow problem if they really tried. But, they really aren't motivated enough, especially when it would cost so much and the busses are handling the traffic decently for now.

Summed up, the problem is everyone is either going to or coming from the same place, and the monorails HAVE to stop at the stations. I think automation could help (but not total automation as others have said, simply because Americans "can't ride trains"). Obviously, Disney could never get rid of the busses completely in favor of only monorails, as that would be a disaster, but I still think they could theoretically expland the system so that it serves more than a tiny fraction of WDW.

Which monorail (beam) has the biggest problem handling it's traffic? I remember when we stayed at the Polynesian we took the express monorail and there were hardly ever many people on it.



Well-Known Member

Well I'm sorry you all think I'm such a horrible person and that all I do is put everyone else down. This was only in response to your putting my suggestions down, misinterpreting what i was saying (I repeated my plan over 3 different times, with people STILL telling me I was talking about a 1000 person monorail train), and generally just making fun of me. I of course will not be posting on these boards any longer, as all you people do is put other people's plans down instead of being imaginative and thinking about what WOULD work instead of trying to tear apart other's ideas. How about some ideas from some of these experts on what they think WOULD work huh? All THEY keep saying is, "oh, the bus system is all that would work...". Why can't we put our heads together and think of a way that a monorail plan or a combo monorail/peoplemover and /or buses WOULD work? Wasn't it Disney who said,"If you can dream it, there is a way to do it?" If Disney wants to do it bad enough, they CAN find a way. Disney would be ashamed of some of you, and so am I. I won't be posting or reading on here any longer, so if any of you want to have constructive discussions on what might actually work, my email address is


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Re: monorails

Originally posted by freediverdude
Well I'm sorry you all think I'm such a horrible person and that all I do is put everyone else down. This was only in response to your putting my suggestions down, misinterpreting what i was saying (I repeated my plan over 3 different times, with people STILL telling me I was talking about a 1000 person monorail train), and generally just making fun of me. I of course will not be posting on these boards any longer, as all you people do is put other people's plans down instead of being imaginative and thinking about what WOULD work instead of trying to tear apart other's ideas. How about some ideas from some of these experts on what they think WOULD work huh? All THEY keep saying is, "oh, the bus system is all that would work...". Why can't we put our heads together and think of a way that a monorail plan or a combo monorail/peoplemover and /or buses WOULD work? Wasn't it Disney who said,"If you can dream it, there is a way to do it?" If Disney wants to do it bad enough, they CAN find a way. Disney would be ashamed of some of you, and so am I. I won't be posting or reading on here any longer, so if any of you want to have constructive discussions on what might actually work, my email address is

I don't think anyone was accusing you of being a horrible person. This is a disscussion forum, the cool thing about it is that people with varying opinions can come together and discuss a common topic. I think that if everyone agreed on everything it would be awfully boring. I read through the thread and could find very few unfriendly posts. All along I've viewed this thread as a civil debate, I hope it can remain as such from this point on.

I'd also like to thank Tyler for all his wonderful information that he has provided not only in this thread but in other as well! :) Thanks!! :D


Active Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy

Hey, if it weren't for Eisner, there wouldn't be a Disney.

Hmmm...what to say? Well, Mom always said if I didn't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all, so guess I'll have to go with "no comment"


Well-Known Member
I agree, garyhoov

Hey, it took me a while, but garyhoov, I can't agree more with all of your sentiments.

The monorail is part of what gives WDW its distinctive character (which is one reason that Disney uses it as a symbol on their website). It is closely associated with the best aspects of Walt Disney and his dreams. It is also part of what caused people in survey that Eisner cited in the last Annual Report that said that Americans saw Disney as a major TECHNOLOGY company. This surprised but delighted Eisner.

It is all about innovation.

But do not think that it is not practical, also. It carries a great number of people over the traffic jams. That leads to satisfied guests who are thankful they stayed at a hotel on the monorail line, rather than waiting for car or bus traffic! And don't forget how costly and less controlled busses are...


New Member
I have to reiterate what I said before -- in a different way.

Buses are a cop out. A substitute for imagination. Duct tape! They are Chicago, New York City, Peoria. They take you to school in the morning when you'd rather be home.

They are Disney World giving up -- giving up imagination, innovation, dreaming, leading.

They are vacation homes and offshore accounts for Eisner and all his exec buddies.

Walt would weep.


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