Re: monorails on same track
AAARRGGHH... stoopid internet... lol... went out before I could submit... lol
Originally posted by freediverdude
Well, for all you experts out there, I have some contradictory information. I chatted with a real monorail pilot yesterday. His name I believe was Bob, and he was one of the pilots of the new monorail Lime on Sunday, July 21st, 2002 at approximately 12:30pm on the Epcot to MK beam.
I know Bob quite well, I used to work with both him and his wife Lynn (She's also a monorail pilot). Real nice folks.
Originally posted by freediverdude
He completely contradicted what some of you are saying about their operation. According to him, (and I asked him specifically if more than one monorail can be on a beam at once), by 7 am on busy days, already 4 monorails are operating, and by 11 am he said that day 11 monorails were operating. He said most days they run from 8 to 11 monorails at a time
Okay... first off... I was a monorail pilot, I worked there, I know what goes on. And I posted it on July 6th.
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi on 6th July 2002 14:16
Currently, all three beams can accommodate a maximum of 4 trains. Standard operation calls for 3 trains, with peak capacity allowing 4. Adding a fifth train would actually reduce capacity, as it would back the system up. (And yes, that goes for Epcot too)
In addition to what I already posted above, I will elaborate a bit more.
Opening Resort drivers come in at 6:00am. Sometimes thier train will be parked at a station, and sometimes it will be back at Shop. I was the Grand Floridian opening driver, so my train would usually be either at the MK, or back in Shop. The Contemporary train would be at the Contemporary, and the Poly's train would be at TTC. If it were a peak day, a fourth train would be added. These trains are usually fired up at around 6:30. Once the trains are all set to go (warmed up, air pressure ready, whatnot), we do the morning MAPO checks (anti-collision system). This is all usually done by 7:00-7:15. So by 7:00-7:15, the Resort beam is up and running with 3-4 trains.
Opening Epcot and Express drivers come in at 7:00. Epcot's trains are at TTC + Epcot. They start 'em up, and make sure they're all set to go by 8:00. Express drivers all head back to shop, and take thier trains out. On a normal day, there will be 2 Epcots, and 3 Express. On a busy day, they'll have 3 Epcots and 4 Express.
Originally posted by freediverdude
So I'm sorry, but I don't buy this crap anymore of only one monorail per beam at a time and can't keep up with a park closing and all that. It sounds to me like if they really wanted to do it with monorails and spend the money to do it, they logisically could.
Okay, I don't recall ever saying that our monorails could only handle one train per beam. However, if I did say that, show me, so that I can correct the typo.
As for the logistics thing... I suggest you re-read the past 352 posts a little more carefully, and this time, think about some of the arguments presented. Not just money, but guest traffic flow, transfers, theming, integration, and other logistics.
Originally posted by freediverdude
If another person who is or claims to be a monorail pilot or pilot supervisor wants to contradict, then I'll let their post stand as well, and people can believe who they want to.
Well... I was a Monorail Pilot... and was even asked to apply for a Coordinator position (I'd never do it) and although I am currently in Bus Operations, I can go back and pick up a Monorail shift any day.
However, I seem to get the impression that you don't trust my experience or facts. *shrug* Not much I can do about that I suppose. But keep in mind... I'm a work-a-holic. I work 7 days a week, by choice. I'm there EVERY DAY. I get involved. I see things. I see how they work, and why they work that way. I see things that guests wouldnt see. Like I said... I am there EVERY SINGLE DAY. Even on the few days off that I get... (3 since March), I've been at Disney, doing something related to Disney Transport. I know my stuff, thank you.