First, let me thank you for sharing your information. I really do appreciate it.Just saw your later post, the footers are ancient so they would need to be redone for current code but as they are NOT going to run the beam around the lagoon so there is no discussion. They did not run anywhere other than a bigger loop so they will never be used. I know this is a passion of yours but please look for other pursuits.
That said, let me say, whether or not they will ever it was not the question. I'm looking at it from an engineering point of view. What are my options? I want all the cards on the table to see what a I have to work with. Then, I can recommend something based on current realities. (Just for fun, of course)
My obsession isn't so much about monorails but the challenge of finding a way to transport people in a way that is both enriching to one's lifestyle and end this insane addiction to fossil fuels. I have an interest in both engineering and art and think challenges are both fun and practical. Walt Disney himself was obsessed by this challenge. Unfortunately, I can't make a difference like he could have, but I can spark interest and maybe someone else may.
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