Funny I'm a DVC member as well with premium APs, had Christmas party tickets on there as well....worked perfect after I linked my AP voucher to them
OK, it has been reported by many (knowledgably) folks that they have had MB/MM+/FP+ problems. Sure, some people simply didn't set up things right, but it's not fair to just dismiss someone's negative experience just because yours was positive. There are folks who have had problems with "glitches" with MM+/FP+ and it can negatively affect one's vacation. I do feel sorry for those folks.
That said, it seems that such negative issues have dramatically decreased from earlier testing, even with far more people using the MBs. My guess is that Disney has actually worked through and lessened the problems, as should be happening during a testing period. Certainly, that is small consolation for people who had a trip negatively affected, but still is a step in the right direction. On that note, I think people whose complaints about MM+/FP+ is that it "doesn't work right" are goign to have that problem solved in the long run and it won't be a particuarly valid complaint. I mean, there will always be an occasional person who has a problem -- as there is for almost any complex system -- but the percentage of people for whom MM+/FP+/MBs don't "work as advertised" will eventionally be a blip in the stats, probably sooner than later.
That leaves the main complaints to be:
(1) people getting fewer FPs than previous or having to schedule them in advance and not beign spontaneous
(2) the opportunity cost of implimenting MM+ versus using that money for other things (i.e. new attractions).
To the former, well, it sucks, but it is jsut how it is. some people will like and benefit more from the new system; others won't. An individual just has to decide how the system affects their WDW vacation and whether it pushes it to a point of being "not worth it" or "go less frequently" or whatever. From my prospective, I don't like being limited in FPs per day (limit of 3, tiering at DHS/Epcot, no ride repeats) but do like the pre-booking, able to sleep in late aspects. I also like the MBs and how it simplified things and added a (marginal) interesting experience with using the bands compared to the cards.
To the second point, I agree and wish that MM+ cost far less, but some aspects of it were necessary and good and it might potentially make back some of the money put there. If it does, hopefully, Burbank will be willing to loosen the pursestrings and get building again.
We'll see.