Mission:Space update (confirmed)


Well-Known Member
The "pre-show parade" was a huge problem at Uni - pretty much all of their rides suffered from it. It's also a problem that Uni has almost completely fixed (with a few exceptions like Simpsons and the official "worst attraction in Orlando", Poseidon's Fury)
To me Poseidon's Fury is one of the best shows in any theme park. Actors, action, close up audience and just fun and detailed. To each his own I guess, but, it sure must be hard to make some people happy. We have become so weak that we can't stand up for a few minutes. We must have someplace to park our butts or it is just to awful for words. Our gluts are the most overused muscle group in our bodies.

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
To me Poseidon's Fury is one of the best shows in any theme park. Actors, action, close up audience and just fun and detailed. To each his own I guess, but, it sure must be hard to make some people happy. We have become so weak that we can't stand up for a few minutes. We must have someplace to park our butts or it is just to awful for words. Our gluts are the most overused muscle group in our bodies.

Holy cow! I did not think I'd find Poseidon's Fury defenders - I mean, how many times has Uni changed it now to try and make it work? You're left with some poor actor desperately gibbering a combination of ad-libs and mediocre scripted lines, leading guests through a series of relatively barren pre-show rooms where the most spectacular special effect is a black light, and ending in a climax featuring production values out of a SciFi channel original movie from 10 years ago. The fact that you have to stand is the least of the ride's problems (though shuffling like cattle from one scene to another certainly doesn't enhance the experience.)

All that said, the facade is one of the best in Orlando. Imagine a ride that matched the quality of that facade!

And the toilet bowl effect is the best effect in the show - which is why it was really bad when it wasn't working for a long time.


Well-Known Member
To me Poseidon's Fury is one of the best shows in any theme park. Actors, action, close up audience and just fun and detailed. To each his own I guess, but, it sure must be hard to make some people happy. We have become so weak that we can't stand up for a few minutes. We must have someplace to park our butts or it is just to awful for words. Our gluts are the most overused muscle group in our bodies.
I remember enjoying it back in IoA's early days, haven't been back in more than a decade though. I'm sure it hasn't aged well, but the effects were pretty impressive back then.

I'm also a fan of M:S, as I've always been interested in space and NASA. While far from perfect, the experience feels authentic and my 8 year old loves it too.

It shouldn't come as a surprise that the attraction was never as popular as they had hoped. There's a large percentage of the general public who can't handle simulators or spinning, and this one maxes both out, and the green does little to help with that. I feel like Star Tours has always suffered a similar fate, as it should have much longer wait times given the popularity of the IP alone.

Hoping for a refresh that brings M:S into 2017 without losing the original feel of the preshows, but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Holy cow! I did not think I'd find Poseidon's Fury defenders - I mean, how many times has Uni changed it now to try and make it work? You're left with some poor actor desperately gibbering a combination of ad-libs and mediocre scripted lines, leading guests through a series of relatively barren pre-show rooms where the most spectacular special effect is a black light, and ending in a climax featuring production values out of a SciFi channel original movie from 10 years ago. The fact that you have to stand is the least of the ride's problems (though shuffling like cattle from one scene to another certainly doesn't enhance the experience.)

All that said, the facade is one of the best in Orlando. Imagine a ride that matched the quality of that facade!

And the toilet bowl effect is the best effect in the show - which is why it was really bad when it wasn't working for a long time.
I guess it is impossible to make everyone happy. I think, as a show... not a ride it is one of the most detailed and interesting I have ever seen. I think the effects are good and plentiful, I especially like the, so called, Toilet bowl effect and seems to be quite well done. I have never had a bad "actor", but, considering they are under a time restraint and timing is everything, it is possibly the best they could do. How could they do it better without you getting drowned or burnt to death. Moving from room to room seems to me would fix that problem of "not moving" that was mentioned earlier. The multiple rooms that are called pre-show in all places, including M:S is really part of the show. Once you leave the group outside wait and each room has a timed amount so that groups can be split up and made ready to board to rides. What is it that people would want to do. Stand outside in the sun and then go right on the ride like a roller coaster at 6 flags, with no buildup, no background, no setting of the scene? How tediously drab that sounds.


Well-Known Member
Holy cow! I did not think I'd find Poseidon's Fury defenders - I mean, how many times has Uni changed it now to try and make it work? You're left with some poor actor desperately gibbering a combination of ad-libs and mediocre scripted lines, leading guests through a series of relatively barren pre-show rooms where the most spectacular special effect is a black light, and ending in a climax featuring production values out of a SciFi channel original movie from 10 years ago. The fact that you have to stand is the least of the ride's problems (though shuffling like cattle from one scene to another certainly doesn't enhance the experience.)

All that said, the facade is one of the best in Orlando. Imagine a ride that matched the quality of that facade!

And the toilet bowl effect is the best effect in the show - which is why it was really bad when it wasn't working for a long time.

Chalk me up as another fan of Poseidon. As a unique theme park experience, I think it's still impressive.

The water vortex, when it works, is one of the most incredible effects in Orlando. The final room is an E-ticket set piece.

I don't know if it appeals to people glued to their phones and eager to do rides, but it's certainly a one-of-a-kind attraction for Universal and WDW.

Tiki Queen of Outer Space

Well-Known Member
Holy cow! I did not think I'd find Poseidon's Fury defenders - I mean, how many times has Uni changed it now to try and make it work? You're left with some poor actor desperately gibbering a combination of ad-libs and mediocre scripted lines, leading guests through a series of relatively barren pre-show rooms where the most spectacular special effect is a black light, and ending in a climax featuring production values out of a SciFi channel original movie from 10 years ago. The fact that you have to stand is the least of the ride's problems (though shuffling like cattle from one scene to another certainly doesn't enhance the experience.)

All that said, the facade is one of the best in Orlando. Imagine a ride that matched the quality of that facade!

And the toilet bowl effect is the best effect in the show - which is why it was really bad when it wasn't working for a long time.
To be fair the Original show worked, it was changed because the artist who created the characters for the show pulled the rights to his work. The original show had good writing, effects, and story. There is a lot to admire about PF because of what it is attempting to do has never been done before on that scale.

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Grade "A" Funny...
To be fair the Original show worked, it was changed because the artist who created the characters for the show pulled the rights to his work. The original show had good writing, effects, and story. There is a lot to admire about PS because of what it is attempting to do has never been done before on that scale.

Nice post...add me to the list of those that have always enjoyed that attraction...even if it isn't cool lol

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
Surprising no one, I disagree that it's fixable. It's always going to be uncomfortable for a lot of people - showing folks one thing while telling their inner ear something else is an unpleasant combination. Even more, the ride experience will always be sitting in a tiny box looking at a small screen. There's no sense of scope, no variety. The ride has a lot of issues that can be fixed - lousy (non-existent?) story, bad pre-show, horribly outdated graphics, disappointing post-show - but the fundamental flaws of the attraction just cannot be corrected.
If the things that you mentioned are fixed, it would/should be amazing. The issues you mention that are unfixable are arguably no different than something like Space Mountain or any coaster. Disney has enough "for everyone" rides and I think Mission Space can be a true thrill ride that many people can love.


Park History nut
Premium Member
2. There's no humor.

3. The "thrill" isn't really there. Even the orange line isn't dramatic, being more gradual and nauseating than thrilling.

4. It's the same story over and over, which used to work, but doesn't anymore since Star Tours mixed it up.

5. There's no hands-on stuff or personalized stuff in the queuing area ala Test Track.

6. It's not competitive ala Buzz Lightyear and Toy Story Mania.
It doesn't need humour
Orange is thrilling enough for a Disney park.
The overhaul should give a choice of story
So what if there's no "hand on" stuff or personalisation? Some guests can still pay attention for two minutes.
Doesn't need to be competitive. Is PotC?


Well-Known Member
To be fair the Original show worked, it was changed because the artist who created the characters for the show pulled the rights to his work. The original show had good writing, effects, and story. There is a lot to admire about PS because of what it is attempting to do has never been done before on that scale.

Thanks for sharing this, that's the show I remembered and loved. It was one of those things you brought new visitors to just to see their face. It's a shame it had to change as you said, it was truly unique and groundbreaking when it opened.

Sorry to derail the thread, back to M:S!


Well-Known Member
It doesn't need humour
Orange is thrilling enough for a Disney park.
The overhaul should give a choice of story
So what if there's no "hand on" stuff or personalisation? Some guests can still pay attention for two minutes.
Doesn't need to be competitive. Is PotC?
I agree...and will add, the problem is there is no second act... OK you got me to mars, why am I now going through a series of endless hallways to end up in a gift shop? where is the actual SPACE pavilion? Where is the Mars base we just traveled to?...


Well-Known Member
Odd list. Most attractions involve standing around. Few attractions involve competition. And it loses its thrill after the first ride? I mean, you can say that and maybe it's true, but the Citizen Kane example doesn't help your case (IMO!)

I disagree. Citizen Kane is a great movie, but once you know the secret of Rosebud, it's not as compelling. It's not as good, especially for non-film study students.

Few attractions make you stand in a designated area like a little circle twice to stare at a video screen. I can almost quote Sinise's comments word for word. Once you're in those two areas, you stop. No movement. Honestly, I can't think of another attraction that does this more than once. Cattle-herding, I call it.

My ten point list is a brainstorm of how the attraction could be better. Should all ten be used? Maybe, but that might be too much, and too scattered. I'm just pointing out how certain popular attractions are successful. How some of those notions can be applied to MS. All of them might not work. Space Mountain has very little humor or competition, but it does have immersion and, for most people, a level of unpredictability. It's also more thrilling than even the orange line, and it's outstandingly popular.

Please feel free to make your own list, or defend how it should stay exactly the same. Honestly, it's an under-utilized attraction, so the whole notion of plussing it is an obvious practice in brain-storming. It was so expensive that I can't see them bulldozing it. That would make zero economic sense. Just improve it, which, again, requires some brain-storming. I did a touch of that, and I assume greater minds than mine could do it better.


Well-Known Member
I agree...and will add, the problem is there is no second act... OK you got me to mars, why am I now going through a series of endless hallways to end up in a gift shop? where is the actual SPACE pavilion? Where is the Mars base we just traveled to?...
That part I do indeed agree with. Every other ride brings you back home to a safe place. That one leaves you on Mars. Just seems odd. I know I once left M:S and walked over to Imagination only to see them putting up the "closed for the night" ropes. I told them that I had to be able to get on, because due to a Disney error I just had to walk back from Mars. If they had found a way to get me home I would have been here on time. They seemed unmoved by my argument. Talk about your bad show.


Well-Known Member
I disagree. Citizen Kane is a great movie, but once you know the secret of Rosebud, it's not as compelling. It's not as good, especially for non-film study students.

Few attractions make you stand in a designated area like a little circle twice to stare at a video screen. I can almost quote Sinise's comments word for word. Once you're in those two areas, you stop. No movement. Honestly, I can't think of another attraction that does this more than once. Cattle-herding, I call it.

My ten point list is a brainstorm of how the attraction could be better. Should all ten be used? Maybe, but that might be too much, and too scattered. I'm just pointing out how certain popular attractions are successful. How some of those notions can be applied to MS. All of them might not work. Space Mountain has very little humor or competition, but it does have immersion and, for most people, a level of unpredictability. It's also more thrilling than even the orange line, and it's outstandingly popular.

Please feel free to make your own list, or defend how it should stay exactly the same. Honestly, it's an under-utilized attraction, so the whole notion of plussing it is an obvious practice in brain-storming. It was so expensive that I can't see them bulldozing it. That would make zero economic sense. Just improve it, which, again, requires some brain-storming. I did a touch of that, and I assume greater minds than mine could do it better.
If I remember correctly Body Wars did that same thing. So does Stitch, and maybe even to some degree Star Tours. With M:S they have to break you down into smaller groups of four and that requires a second location, they have to have some reason for you being there other there then a dead non-entertaining queue. So basically this is a complaint about an extended entertainment loop. How sad we can't stand there for the minute of so it takes to show the entrance film briefing.


Well-Known Member
That part I do indeed agree with. Every other ride brings you back home to a safe place. That one leaves you on Mars. Just seems odd. I know I once left M:S and walked over to Imagination only to see them putting up the "closed for the night" ropes. I told them that I had to be able to get on, because due to a Disney error I just had to walk back from Mars. If they had found a way to get me home I would have been here on time. They seemed unmoved by my argument. Talk about your bad show.

I've never had a problem with the ride. Per the pre-ride videos, I have always thought it was just a simulator and that you were training for a mission to Mars. Not that you were actually going to Mars. It is clearly stated in the pre-flight room and also when you are waiting to enter the crew capsule area. So I guess for me it is not so jarring that you just end the simulator.


Well-Known Member
If I remember correctly Body Wars did that same thing. So does Stitch, and maybe even to some degree Star Tours. With M:S they have to break you down into smaller groups of four and that requires a second location, they have to have some reason for you being there other there then a dead non-entertaining queue. So basically this is a complaint about an extended entertainment loop. How sad we can't stand there for the minute of so it takes to show the entrance film briefing.

I've ridden MS dozens of times over the years. The double stand around doesn't completely deter me, but it is the current lasting memory that has become very visible in my mind. Yeah, it's a necessary evil (maybe), but I doubt that many people book their Disney vacation with the hope that they'll be shuffled around to stand and look at viewing screens. Two briefings, in my opinion, is akin to a bad smell--it won't make me leave, but it doesn't make me anxious to come back.

You specifically mentioned two attractions, Stitch and Body Wars, which were not considered great successes. The reasons are many, but a double stand around must be weighed against the reward of a great experience thereafter. MS is worth it the first few times, but it is not generally considered worthy of repeat visits like Soarin' or Test Track. Is the wait and double stand around worth it? If not, we'll go do something else.

As for Star Tours, you are in a moving and entertaining line, with lots of stuff to look at in the two rooms. You are then placed in a line outside the bay while a very entertaining and funny video is played prior to the very entertaining and funny warnings about seat belts and flash photography. That works. MS does not.

Haunted Mansion has basically one stand around and wait area, while the second is the cool and scary room. Again, moving breaks up the experience, and one stand around area is probably expected. Two just seems to drag out the experience and makes you ask if it's all worth it in the end. For many people, it apparently is not.

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