Misnomers and Misconceptions


Well-Known Member
Re: What will you teach me?

Originally posted by Talsonic

I made it clear earlier. You, as the average visitor to Disney have nothing to teach me. Generally, your information will be WRONG. If I have a question a CM can give me an answer. Why would I desire some tourist to advise me? If I were writing a book, "A Hundred Ways to Get the Wrong Answer" then perhaps I would listen to another guest that decided to speak to me with their "expert" advice. Knowledge is power. I have never gained much knowledge from tourists.

so i guess you're one of those who's always 'right', huh? must be nice! :rolleyes:


Account Suspended
You made the point here.

Originally posted by Dizknee_Phreek

have me ejected? from what...the park? how would you do that? you would have no legit reason to have me ejected...i wouldn't be creating a disturbance of the peace...besides disturbing your peace in the most polite way i know how...in which case i don't think you could have me ejected unless i followed you around the park ALL day, refusing to leave your side...in which case i would have to get creative and handcuff myself to you (not really ;) )
besides, i have just as much right to be there as you.

but since i am one to take a hint (and know when i'm not wanted) then i personally would leave you alone and never speak to you again.

I agree with you. You made my point!


Account Suspended
Know Who To Ask!

Originally posted by Dizknee_Phreek

so i guess you're one of those who's always 'right', huh? must be nice! :rolleyes:

No, I have a lot to learn in life. However, I also know who to ask when I have a question. A CM is the best person to ask at Disney if you have a question. That's the truth.


Well-Known Member
Re: You made the point here.

Originally posted by Talsonic

I agree with you. You made my point!

...but you still didn't answer my question, and btw, you may inform me since i was first to ask....how would you have me ejected?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I didn't read the entire thread, but I'm really in the moment. right now..

Being a film major and major theme park and major Disney junkie, I don't see how people miss that gigantic logo before a movie that says "WALT DISNEY PICTURES" I guess a lot of people just chuck it aside and want to get to the film. Besides, two hours later they've forgotten.

How many of us haven't seen those GREAT DISNEY MONTAGES, where they show scenes from Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Lion King, etc. ???

I worked at a Disney Store once. People came in for Tweety Birds and Scooby Doos and I had to turn them away.

I love it when people learn what is and is not Disney, and they go "ITS NOT???". I'm amazed because alot of us grew up with Disney and Warner Bros. Cartoons, etc. I knew whose side Popeye and whose side Mickey was on back then.

Second, I've given up on correcting people. Unless I Know them.

Tonight, someone called Dueling Dragons "Double Dragon". I just shrugged and let t go. They'll figure it out one day. Plus they made fun of the fact I was spilling tea on the restaurant patio (i'm a host).

But it still irks me that Shrek and Spirit and Prince of Egypt are seen as Disney movies WHEN THEY HAVE THE HUGE 'DREAMWORKS" LOGO in front of it!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry. I'm just so passionate about this.

But anyway, I've stopped talking to strangers about it because nobody likes a "know it all", unless you say it politely.

What I try to do, (if It really irks me) is I politely go over and ask them, as a fellow park visitor acting like an amateur and go:

"You guys know where (insert correct pronounciation here) is?? "

or I try the "i'm sorry but I coudn't help overhearing.." as mentioned earlier. I like this method better, because it shows your just trying to help. and I don't have to act stupid.

This usually helps. Some people don't care, and thats all right too.

Its my pet peeve too. A month ago I saw some people in front of the "Sylvester Mcbean's Unusual Driving Machines" entrance at IOA, just staring at it, muttering "what is that?". They looked really confused. I played "Random Man", hero of those who want to be educated, and told them what I heard. I was a cast member for about 30 seconds.

LILO and Stitch is the biggest pain these days, because people always say "I'm gong to see LIE-LO and Stitch tonight!". Its the spelling. I figure they'll hear it at the movie.. or I say "I loved Lee-lo and stitch" and they realize it.

what about those voice-overs in the trailer where it says "DISNEY'S LEE-LO and STITCH". Missing that is like not hearing the blasting ACDC track during the entire preview.

DIsney and ACDC. WHo'd of thought?????

I'm rambling again. Peace out till next time.:zipit:


Account Suspended
Perhaps I've been lucky?

Originally posted by Dizknee_Phreek

...but you still didn't answer my question, and btw, you may inform me since i was first to ask....how would you have me ejected?

I was once waiting in line with my wife and daughter for Splash Mountain at WDW. A man (using the term in a loose vain) was in front of us and using very foul language (I'll not repeat it here). He turned to me and complained that the line was too long. Every other word from his mouth (or so it seemed) was vulgar. I saw a Disney Security Officer and motioned to him with my hand to come over. I explained the problem and within 3 minutes the violator was removed from the line buy security personnel. Had similar problem with a 14 year old boy at Peter Pan. He was not using foul language but he kept touching me and other folks in the line. We asked him to keep his hands to himself, but he refused to do so. He was also removed from the line by Disney Security. Also saw a very old lady removed from a line because she removed to move. Do these experiences answer your question? Of course I am not suggesting that you would do such things. You seem to be a very nice person and not a trouble maker in any way.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by Disney_Freak:eek:þ
just think...there once was a time...when you (yes YOU) knew absolutely nothing about disney...remember then? would u want people to critisize and make fun of you? not everyone is obsessed disney maniacs like all of you...so what if they get the name of something wrong? why is that such a big deal? they are just there to have a good time...so let them be!!
As much as I find things like mentioned in this post annoying at times, and I've heard many myself, I'm glad to see (although I had to read through 70+ posts to find it) someone with enough sense to bring this up. Thanks for doing it. I was almost to the point of skipping alot of replies and doing it myself, but I thought I would give someone the benefit of the doubt, and read all the replies.


Well-Known Member
Re: Perhaps I've been lucky?

Originally posted by Talsonic

Do these experiences answer your question? Of course I am not suggesting that you would do such things. You seem to be a very nice person and not a trouble maker in any way.

well, thank you. i really do appreaciate that!
and yes, that does answer my question, thank you.

the foul language one would definately be a problem for me as well (especially if i had a small child with me)! kinda reminds me of an experience i had at a Chinese restaurant the other day. there were 3 guys setting at a table diagonally across from me and i could tell they were all very upset as they talked about their workplace. 2 were, as far as i could tell, being polite and weren't saying a WHOLE lot, but the other was using every curse word in the book...not loud enough that the whole restaurant could hear him, but loud enough that i could hear him from across the isle. i was getting rather tired of hearing his mouth and just as i was about to say something to him, he and his buddies got up and left.
now i'm not one to jump all over people for using curse words...Lord knows i use them too, as some/most of you have seen i've used a few 'minor' ones on these boards....but i know how to control myself and use them sparingly in front of people, especially in a public place, no matter how quiet i'm trying to be! but this guy was throwing them out there right and left!
so, i said all that to say this...i know what you mean!


New Member
when i am at disney if someone tries to correct me (yes i dont know everything about disney):lol: I just look at them like they are crazy and they usally leave me alone What gets me is those loud obnoxious people that think they know everything and are talking loud so people could hear what they are saying and there info is usally very wrong and when you try and tell them they argue with you so you usally walk away.


New Member
My family has two different names for Spaceship Earth and it annoyes the hell out of me. Starship Earth and the Big Golf Ball over there.


New Member
ok my best friend went a band trip this past school year and they always, always go to florida. well, they were trying to decide where to go and he wanted to goto Epcot, but he couldn't remember the name and started shouting "GOLF BALL! GOLF BALL!" :lol: :lol:

also, my sister got the latest MAD magazine and it has a "Monroe goes to Disney World" comic and i only had one tiny little miniscle problem with it, they say that Epcot stands for EXPERIMENTAL PROTOTYPE COMMUNITY OF TOMORROW. now we all know that EPCOT STOOD for that but not Epcot. :brick:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by HMGhost13
ok my best friend went a band trip this past school year and they always, always go to florida. well, they were trying to decide where to go and he wanted to goto Epcot, but he couldn't remember the name and started shouting "GOLF BALL! GOLF BALL!" :lol: :lol:

also, my sister got the latest MAD magazine and it has a "Monroe goes to Disney World" comic and i only had one tiny little miniscle problem with it, they say that Epcot stands for EXPERIMENTAL PROTOTYPE COMMUNITY OF TOMORROW. now we all know that EPCOT STOOD for that but not Epcot. :brick:

You're bringing a tear to my eye :(
Memories of the EPCOT of old :(
It'll always be E.P.C.O.T. to me


Active Member
:D :cool:

Ok, now that we have all shaken, or is it shook, hands and are friends again let's enjoy Walt Disney World.

I am sure everyone on here is happy to help nice people they meet and as for the jerks in the world none of us will change them.

Yep, you are right there is a Dolphin fish. Of course from looking at the picture of it the thing on top of the hotel still looks more like a Marine Mammal Dolphin with scales than a Dolphin fish.

Flordia record for a Dolphin fish is 70 some pounds. I think the one on the hotel has it beat by a few pounds.:D

December is so far away, but Walt Disney World is worth the wait.:sohappy: :sohappy:


Active Member
I thought EPCOT stood for:
Every Pocketbook Comes Out Thinner
Every Paycheck Comes On Thursday
Employee Polyester Costumes Of Torture
Every Person Comes Out Tired

Im sure youve heard them before.


Well-Known Member
Re: Cm's can help them.

Originally posted by Talsonic
Case in point is that some folks really like the Disney Vacation Club and spend thousands of their income to belong. I let them do that because I know it just means I can rent their "points" later at a deep discount. Just let the Disney visitors learn on their own.

Sorry to bring this up (again), but are you saying that the DVC is not worth it? I have been a member for 7 years and am very pleased, and it is well-worth my family's money. And we have learned a lot on our own, thats why the DVC is a great deal.

Sorry, just wanted to get that out....


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Cm's can help them.

Originally posted by TinkerBell9988

Sorry to bring this up (again), but are you saying that the DVC is not worth it? I have been a member for 7 years and am very pleased, and it is well-worth my family's money. And we have learned a lot on our own, thats why the DVC is a great deal.

Sorry, just wanted to get that out....

i know i've mentioned this before, but...you should've had the experiences I'VE had with it! my family and i have been members only since May 2000, but we're not exactly the happiest people with it right now...at least i'm not. sure, we get to stay at the bigger, 'nicer' hotels, but personally, i feel a little out of my league at them. i really prefered, and miss, the medium and value resorts...they're what i grew up in, so they're home to me. now, with DVC, it's too many points to stay in them. :cry:


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFanatic
I thought EPCOT stood for:
Every Pocketbook Comes Out Thinner
Every Paycheck Comes On Thursday
Employee Polyester Costumes Of Torture
Every Person Comes Out Tired

Im sure youve heard them before.
Lol, yup ive heard them all from one of the cast members @ EPCOT.


Account Suspended
Re: Re: Cm's can help them.

Originally posted by TinkerBell9988

Sorry to bring this up (again), but are you saying that the DVC is not worth it? I have been a member for 7 years and am very pleased, and it is well-worth my family's money. And we have learned a lot on our own, thats why the DVC is a great deal.

Sorry, just wanted to get that out....

The DVC is a good deal for some people, however, I don't view it as a money saver except for non-members who rent points at discount from members. The DVC was one of the best selling timeshares in the world from its start back in 1991 until the first quarter of 2000. Unless you own stock in the company (Disney Vacation Development Inc.,(NYSE:DIS)), a DVC membership is not an investment. I looked at the DVC very closely because my family and I visit WDW 6 to 8 times a year for a week or more each trip. We have also sailed on the Disney Magic and Disney Wonder. I have found that I can rent points (at a significant discount) and stay at any of the DVC resorts any time I wish. Why would I want to purchase a membership since I can rent all the points I need at a discount?

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by happy snapper

Well I would have thought as the biggest cash cow in the State that he may have a point, however misconceived.

Owning it or having it buy the preverbials it amounts to the same thing.
"Tragic Kingdom"

Once was a magical place
Over time it was lost
Price increased the cost
Now the fortune of the kingdom
Is locked up in its dungeon vaults
The castle floor lies in traps
With coiled wired set back
Decoyed by old cheese
Now the drawbridge has been lifted
As the millions

They drop to their knees
They pay homage to a king
Whose dreams are buried
In their minds

His tears are frozen stiff
Icicles drip from his eyes
The cold wind blows as it snows
On those who fight to get in
On heads that are small
Disillusioned as they enter

They're unaware what's
Behind castle walls
But now it's written in stone
The king has been overthrowned
By jesterly fools
And the power of the people
Shall come to believe they do rule
They pay homage to a king
Whose dreams are buried
In their minds
His tears are frozen stiff

Icicles drip from his eyes
Welcome to the tragic kingdom
Cornfields of popcorn
Have yet to spring open
Have they lost their heads
Or are they just all blind mice
We've heard all their stories
One too many times
Hypnotized by fireflies
That glow in the dark
Midgets that disquise themselves
As tiny little dwarfs

The parade that's electrical
It serves no real purpose
Just takes up a lot of juice
Just to impress us
They pay homage to a king
Whose dreams are buried
In their minds
His tears are frozen stiff

Icicles drip from his eyes
Welcome to the tragic kingdom
Cornfields of popcorn
Have yet to spring open

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