Misnomers and Misconceptions


Well-Known Member
Feed the Need

To help quench my own urge to correct park guests, I often dress like a CM - that is, the ones in the black shoes, black pants, white polo, lanyard with tons of pins, 2-way radio on my belt, ear piece, sunglasses, and a handful of guidemaps in my back pocket. (This is all free and perfectly within the rules.)

Rather than scold guests, I try to be "helpful," and offer them assistance in the true spirit of Disney. I like to have fun with it too.

While in front of 20,000 "...yeah, that ride had to be shut down after all of the drowning accidents..." It's a Small World, "you know, all of the dolls in that ride were assembled in the countries which they represent, and shipped from around the world to here at the Magic Kingdom. Space Mountain, "...this coaster is the first of its kind to run on solar power. The white rooftop translates solar energy into........ Mad Tea Party, "...imagineers designed this ride based on experiences of those who have tried hallucinigenic drugs..." The Carousel "...the motor in this carousel can actually read a speed of 75 miles per hour, but we only run it up to 10 mph... Swiss Family Robinson "...this is the only tree within the Magic Kingdom that was not cut down and preserved during construction of the park. The tree is actually 250 years old..."

I can't remember everything I've said because I usually improvise. 9 times out of 10 they believe me.

My favorite line? "I'm sorry sir, there are no restrooms within the park."



Well-Known Member
Re: Feed the Need

Originally posted by Timekeeper
To help quench my own urge to correct park guests, I often dress like a CM - that is, the ones in the black shoes, black pants, white polo, lanyard with tons of pins, 2-way radio on my belt, ear piece, sunglasses, and a handful of guidemaps in my back pocket. (This is all free and perfectly within the rules.)

Rather than scold guests, I try to be "helpful," and offer them assistance in the true spirit of Disney. I like to have fun with it too.

While in front of 20,000 "...yeah, that ride had to be shut down after all of the drowning accidents..." It's a Small World, "you know, all of the dolls in that ride were assembled in the countries which they represent, and shipped from around the world to here at the Magic Kingdom. Space Mountain, "...this coaster is the first of its kind to run on solar power. The white rooftop translates solar energy into........ Mad Tea Party, "...imagineers designed this ride based on experiences of those who have tried hallucinigenic drugs..." The Carousel "...the motor in this carousel can actually read a speed of 75 miles per hour, but we only run it up to 10 mph... Swiss Family Robinson "...this is the only tree within the Magic Kingdom that was not cut down and preserved during construction of the park. The tree is actually 250 years old..."

I can't remember everything I've said because I usually improvise. 9 times out of 10 they believe me.

My favorite line? "I'm sorry sir, there are no restrooms within the park."




Well-Known Member
Re: Feed the Need

Originally posted by Timekeeper
To help quench my own urge to correct park guests, I often dress like a CM - that is, the ones in the black shoes, black pants, white polo, lanyard with tons of pins, 2-way radio on my belt, ear piece, sunglasses, and a handful of guidemaps in my back pocket. (This is all free and perfectly within the rules.)

Rather than scold guests, I try to be "helpful," and offer them assistance in the true spirit of Disney. I like to have fun with it too.

While in front of 20,000 "...yeah, that ride had to be shut down after all of the drowning accidents..." It's a Small World, "you know, all of the dolls in that ride were assembled in the countries which they represent, and shipped from around the world to here at the Magic Kingdom. Space Mountain, "...this coaster is the first of its kind to run on solar power. The white rooftop translates solar energy into........ Mad Tea Party, "...imagineers designed this ride based on experiences of those who have tried hallucinigenic drugs..." The Carousel "...the motor in this carousel can actually read a speed of 75 miles per hour, but we only run it up to 10 mph... Swiss Family Robinson "...this is the only tree within the Magic Kingdom that was not cut down and preserved during construction of the park. The tree is actually 250 years old..."

I can't remember everything I've said because I usually improvise. 9 times out of 10 they believe me.

My favorite line? "I'm sorry sir, there are no restrooms within the park."


AWWWWWWW....thats so mean....:lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Re: Feed the Need

Originally posted by Timekeeper
To help quench my own urge to correct park guests, I often dress like a CM - that is, the ones in the black shoes, black pants, white polo, lanyard with tons of pins, 2-way radio on my belt, ear piece, sunglasses, and a handful of guidemaps in my back pocket. (This is all free and perfectly within the rules.)

Rather than scold guests, I try to be "helpful," and offer them assistance in the true spirit of Disney. I like to have fun with it too.

While in front of 20,000 "...yeah, that ride had to be shut down after all of the drowning accidents..." It's a Small World, "you know, all of the dolls in that ride were assembled in the countries which they represent, and shipped from around the world to here at the Magic Kingdom. Space Mountain, "...this coaster is the first of its kind to run on solar power. The white rooftop translates solar energy into........ Mad Tea Party, "...imagineers designed this ride based on experiences of those who have tried hallucinigenic drugs..." The Carousel "...the motor in this carousel can actually read a speed of 75 miles per hour, but we only run it up to 10 mph... Swiss Family Robinson "...this is the only tree within the Magic Kingdom that was not cut down and preserved during construction of the park. The tree is actually 250 years old..."

I can't remember everything I've said because I usually improvise. 9 times out of 10 they believe me.

My favorite line? "I'm sorry sir, there are no restrooms within the park."


That is so mean! How could you??????!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

*only 8 days to go*
:hammer: :sohappy: :hammer:

Don L Duck

New Member
Originally posted by Terp02

And I guess that people don't understand that the Dwarves have beards, except for Dopey because, he's uhh well he's "special".:lol:
Yeah I don't get that one how come the only one who is "special"
knows how to shave?:lol:


Active Member
In college my friends and I started this strange "rednecks go to WDW" converstation where we talk in strange accents and misname WDW attractions. I remember hearing about "taking that there Monologue to the Polymer Village" and going to the "Typhoid Lagoon" and Caroussel of Pogroms after visiting the SpaceBall, Risings, World A' Movin', Communicados, and Jump Into Inflation.


Well-Known Member
You know it's funny, I was thinkin about this the other day, and them bam, it's here on WDWMagic... lol... Lessee here... what have I heard...

"Where's the monorail to Apricot?" (I've heard many variations on Epcot... Aycop, Apricot, Epscot, etc)
"We saw Fantastic last night."
"Let's go do Fast Track first!" (That's my pet peeve one)
"Lookee there... that's the Motel that the Tram runs through!" (In reference to The Contemporary & Monorail)

I've also heard guests call the Monorail a "Bus"

Guest: How do we get to Disney?
CM: Don't move another inch.
Guest: No no no... Disney WORLD!
CM: Well, you're here already!
Guest: No, we want to go to the park.
CM: Well, which one? We have four theme parks, and two water parks.
Guest: The main one.
CM: You mean, the Magic Kingdom?

One more... Transportation cast members often refer to the MK as the Tragic Kingdom... :)


New Member
Originally posted by durhay
In college my friends and I started this strange "rednecks go to WDW" converstation where we talk in strange accents and misname WDW attractions. I remember hearing about "taking that there Monologue to the Polymer Village" and going to the "Typhoid Lagoon" and Caroussel of Pogroms after visiting the SpaceBall, Risings, World A' Movin', Communicados, and Jump Into Inflation.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This is stupid but: Uncharted Tiki Bar


Account Suspended
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi

One more... Transportation cast members often refer to the MK as the Tragic Kingdom... :)

When I was there during the 25th anniversary, we even had a "Tragic Kingdom Theme Song" with the rest of the people I was there with :lol:

Its definetly not CMs only.

Deleted member 2106

Dumb Tourists

Once, I was in the Magic Kingdom's monorail station, on the resort line side, and this guy was trying to get into the monorail, and was wondering why the doors weren't opening. Of course, he couldn't figure out that people need to exit on the other side first. So anyway, this guy walks up and starts yanking on the handle that opens the pannel between the two sets of doors on each car. Oh, of course the way in is through a door thats only about a FOOT AND A HALF TALL!!!!!! As the real doors opened, he contently walked on into the monorail car. Yes, that's right, he must have found the secret switch to open the door! Yeah right. :brick:

Oh, and once while me and my family were riding a bus back into the All-Star Movies, I overheard this couple looking at the stair-wells on the 101 Dalmations building, and asking each other "Isn't that All Dogs Go to Heaven?"

Last thing, I promise, happened in front of Countdown to Extinction/Dinosaur (whatever it was at the time). This lady looked at the building and said "Oh look it's the Dino Institute (but she pronounsed Dino "dee-no", like Fred Flintstones dog). At the time I wanted to shout at her "This is Disney, not the Flintstones!"
:brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick:


Active Member
The all time worst misconception that I've heard, would have to be when a know it all twenty something male, was walking into tomorrowland and telling all his friends that Disney owned Orlando. All I could do was roll my eyes.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
The all time worst misconception that I've heard, would have to be when a know it all twenty something male, was walking into tomorrowland and telling all his friends that Disney owned Orlando. All I could do was roll my eyes.
Well I would have thought as the biggest cash cow in the State that he may have a point, however misconceived.

Owning it or having it buy the preverbials it amounts to the same thing.


Active Member
Another bad one was when a mother and daughter were next to me on the monorail approaching the Magic Kingdom, when the Astro Orbitor came into view, The daughter said that it looked like a lot of fun and that she wanted to ride it. But the mother quickly replied with "That's just a big decoration, honey." GRRRRRRRR!
Also, the term Tragic Kingdom was made into a song by No Doubt. They stem from Anaheim, or at least the area around it, and the whole song criticizes the park and the company, in a kind of abstract way.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Merlin0402
Also, the term Tragic Kingdom was made into a song by No Doubt. They stem from Anaheim, or at least the area around it, and the whole song criticizes the park and the company, in a kind of abstract way.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That makes me laugh :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Originally posted by durhay
In college my friends and I started this strange "rednecks go to WDW" converstation where we talk in strange accents and misname WDW attractions. I remember hearing about "taking that there Monologue to the Polymer Village" and going to the "Typhoid Lagoon" and Caroussel of Pogroms after visiting the SpaceBall, Risings, World A' Movin', Communicados, and Jump Into Inflation.

That reminds me of someone in front of me in line for a rollercoaster at Six Flags one time-- "I like them newfangled ones, with the loops?" and he made a looping motion with his fingers :lol:


Sometimes on a busy monorail or train I ask my partner if this ride goes upside down. You should see the nervous looks from some of the people.


New Member
Where's the Swanney, please?

Anybody knows where's the Swanney? :lol: :lol:

The Swanney is that big hotel with the big fishes on top of it.

Yes, you would have understood it's the WDW Dolphin, but thanks to my father (73 now) the Dolphin is the swanney!!!!

:lol: :lol:

Every freaking time he says that I correct him, but in his mind he walks by the Swanney, he goes at the Swanney, the boat docks at the Swanney, etc. !!!! LOL

I guess he confuses the Swan with the Dolphin, but why the hell does he add that NEY after the Swan name??????

Don't forget, the day of your birthday, you can stay at the Swanney !!!! (uh... Dolphin or Swan) for a $100.00 a night. This one is not a joke, I saw it on mousesaver.com

Goodnight at the Swanney!

:cool: :cool: :cool:

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