Misnomers and Misconceptions


Active Member

Ah, to be so perfect. To have never made a mistake. It must be nice.

I feel much better when I help someone, like I was helped by many "old timers" on my first trip. It only takes a minute and after you do it a few times it really start to make you feel good and even more into the Disney spirt.

Even Disney is not perfect. An example form COP, " Two brothers from North Carolina". Actually they were from Dayton, Ohio.

Another example (on Disney Property but not owned by Disney). The Dolphin Hotel. Since when are Dolphins cover with large scales.

Help the newcomers enjoy Walt Disney World so that they will someday be "old timers" and can help others.

By the way, in addition to many of my other mistakes in life, I too called Mr. Smee, Sneed and I have ridden Peter Pan's flight dozens of times and seen the movie almost as many.

Let's see, how many misspelled words in this? Hum, does it really matter?:sohappy:


New Member
Let's see...
1. "Disneyland and Disney World, it's not like there is any difference between them"

2. "Tower of Terror was definatly the best ride at Universal Studios."

3. "We saw Legend of the Lion King at Animal Kingdom and Festival of the Lion King at Magic Kingdom."

4. Wrong names: Teacup Ride, Dixie's Landing, Ariel- Live!, Fast Track, ect.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Since when are Dolphins cover with large scales

You know, this one always bothered me too.

Then I went to google.com and looked up "dolphin fish".

Turns out that a pompano (fish) is also known as a dolphin fish.

Ya learn something new everyday.

Although I think the designer could have picked something less confusing :veryconfu for the hotel name & logo.

:cry: ( sorry, but this always looks like a catfish to me!)


Account Suspended
Let's be polite.

I don't think anyone should be given help at WDW unless they ask first. It is VERY impolite to voice your opinion unless you are asked to do so. Common courtesy demands that you don't speak unless you are spoken to. Most of your suggestions in this thread are just plain discourteous. Use your manners!


Originally posted by Becky

By the way, in addition to many of my other mistakes in life, I too called Mr. Smee, Sneed and I have ridden Peter Pan's flight dozens of times and seen the movie almost as many.

Well, I can only speak for myself, but I suspect that others were also only teasing him about that one. Do you get the irony? See, because he was correcting somebody...


New Member
Although I cant stand that people can screw up names and what not about Disney World, but one time I was fed up with all the stupid people! I was waiting for the American Adventure with my brother and a few friends when two really stupid people asked us what the ride was like. At first I was like "What Ride?" because its a show, but anyways we convinced them that it was violent simulator ride about American history and walked out of the building. I hate stupid people!

Only 3 days!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Re: Let's be polite.

Originally posted by Talsonic
I don't think anyone should be given help at WDW unless they ask first. It is VERY impolite to voice your opinion unless you are asked to do so. Common courtesy demands that you don't speak unless you are spoken to. Most of your suggestions in this thread are just plain discourteous. Use your manners!

Well, I do not believe that I was at all rude. In all cases, they were very happy for some help.



New Member
Re: Re: Let's be polite.

Originally posted by CowGirlJessie

Well, I do not believe that I was at all rude. In all cases, they were very happy for some help.


I just realized I am signed into my sister's name. oops. my screen name should be fanofdinsey1981. oops. :)

Lord Alfred

As far as the Dolphin Hotel featuring scaled fish:
I don't suppose you've ever been to a seafood restaurant and seen dolphin on the menu? Many of them serve it. I can assure you that if you order it you will get something that was once a scaled fish and not a playful sea mammal. :lol:

My father and I have often offered friendly advice to others lining up for a queue, although not directly. Sometimes, when we are lined up at the end of the line and others come up behind us, my dad will turn to me and say, "That guy said it would be an hour wait from here!" loudly, even though the queue is probably only 15 min. or so. You would be surprised how many people will leave the line and walk off toward something else. Obviously, this will only work when the posted wait time is either hidden or blank. We did it on PotC twice last time. :lol:

It's not nice but it IS funny.


Account Suspended
Cm's can help them.

Hi CowGirlJessie! The real problem is that most (not some) people don't know what they are talking about. Sure, they are very well intentioned but as we know the road to Hades is paved with "good intentions". People really need to explore and learn about Disney on their own rather than listen to your or my advice. Case in point is that some folks really like the Disney Vacation Club and spend thousands of their income to belong. I let them do that because I know it just means I can rent their "points" later at a deep discount. Just let the Disney visitors learn on their own. After all, there are plenty of CM's to help them if they have a question.

Don L Duck

New Member
Originally posted by Yellow Shoes

You know, this one always bothered me too.

Then I went to google.com and looked up "dolphin fish".

Turns out that a pompano (fish) is also known as a dolphin fish.

Ya learn something new everyday.

You are right about the Dolphin fish they are also native to Florida.
Finally someone else figured it out HOORAY!!!:sohappy:


Active Member
Re: Let's be polite.

Originally posted by Talsonic
I don't think anyone should be given help at WDW unless they ask first. It is VERY impolite to voice your opinion unless you are asked to do so. Common courtesy demands that you don't speak unless you are spoken to. Most of your suggestions in this thread are just plain discourteous. Use your manners! [/Q

So we should just let innocent newbies wander around saying silly things? Not like I have "Got any Disney questions? Just ask me!" tatooed on my forehead! I like to think they appreciate the knowledge! :)


New Member
just think...there once was a time...when you (yes YOU) knew absolutely nothing about disney...remember then? would u want people to critisize and make fun of you? not everyone is obsessed disney maniacs like all of you...so what if they get the name of something wrong? why is that such a big deal? they are just there to have a good time...so let them be!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Let's be polite.

Originally posted by Talsonic
I don't think anyone should be given help at WDW unless they ask first. It is VERY impolite to voice your opinion unless you are asked to do so. Common courtesy demands that you don't speak unless you are spoken to. Most of your suggestions in this thread are just plain discourteous. Use your manners!

i've never heard that common courtesy 'demands' that you don't speak unless spoken to....in that case, i'd NEVER say anything! besides, SOMEONE has got to speak first....i mean, if you were walking down a sidewalk and passed someone and they said 'hi, how are you?' would that be discourteous? no.
and, please, don't take this as an attack, because i'm not trying to make it one...i'm simply trying to help you see my point of view on this. which is...i think trying to help someone (such as in the cases of getting Disney related things wrong) is very polite....IF you do it politely. such as.."excuse me, sorry to intrude, but i couldn't help overhearing...." then politely go on with whatever you're correcting. i would find it discourteous if someone started yelling at someone just because they got something like a name wrong. also, i find nothing rude it intruding into someone's business if they're trying to find their way to something. sure, they COULD ask somebody...but what if they're the type of people who are too afraid to ask strangers something (just a what if...i, myself, don't really know anybody like this, well, except myself...i don't really like talking to strangers) or what if, in the case of calling something the wrong name, they THINK they're right when they really aren't.....how else will they ever learn if SOMEONE doesn't tell them differently? which sort of reminds me of my 3rd grade class...the teachers were forced not to help students spell words....we'd always ask the teacher how to spell something and all she could say was 'Spell it like it sounds'....this, of course, was all an evil plan made up by the board of education thinking that if we spelled a word like it sounds long enough, we would eventually learn the correct way to spell it....go fig! :confused:
anyway, i hope i made scense here! just my 2 cents.


Account Suspended
Re: Re: Let's be polite.

Originally posted by Dizknee_Phreek

...i think trying to help someone (such as in the cases of getting Disney related things wrong) is very polite....IF you do it politely. such as.."excuse me, sorry to intrude, but i couldn't help overhearing...." then politely go on with whatever you're correcting.

My response to you would be, "Excuse me but please mind your own business.". If you continued with your chatter I would leave the area or have you ejected (whichever was appropriate for the particular situation). I listen to enough stupid talk at work. Why should I put up with your nonsense while I'm on holiday? Some chaps talk too much!


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Let's be polite.

Originally posted by Talsonic

If you continued with your chatter I would leave the area or have you ejected

have me ejected? from what...the park? how would you do that? you would have no legit reason to have me ejected...i wouldn't be creating a disturbance of the peace...besides disturbing your peace in the most polite way i know how...in which case i don't think you could have me ejected unless i followed you around the park ALL day, refusing to leave your side...in which case i would have to get creative and handcuff myself to you (not really ;) )
besides, i have just as much right to be there as you.

but since i am one to take a hint (and know when i'm not wanted) then i personally would leave you alone and never speak to you again.


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What will you teach me?

Originally posted by cymbaldiva
So you would not appreciate any new info that you didn't have? A bit sad that some are so unwilling to learn....:(

I made it clear earlier. You, as the average visitor to Disney have nothing to teach me. Generally, your information will be WRONG. If I have a question a CM can give me an answer. Why would I desire some tourist to advise me? If I were writing a book, "A Hundred Ways to Get the Wrong Answer" then perhaps I would listen to another guest that decided to speak to me with their "expert" advice. Knowledge is power. I have never gained much knowledge from tourists.

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