Anyone been in Cinderella's Royal Table recently?
I am wondering what the view is like from Cinderella's Royal Table, the restaurant in the castle. I have eaten there twice (the food is awesome by the way) and I always loved looking out the stained glass windows at the park below. I wonder if the view in the front is the same now, or do you just see the back of that ginormous mirror? :veryconfu It looks to me like they should have scaled it back from the pictures of it up on the castle. Anybody planning on blowing $100 for dinner in Cindy's anytime soon?
I am wondering what the view is like from Cinderella's Royal Table, the restaurant in the castle. I have eaten there twice (the food is awesome by the way) and I always loved looking out the stained glass windows at the park below. I wonder if the view in the front is the same now, or do you just see the back of that ginormous mirror? :veryconfu It looks to me like they should have scaled it back from the pictures of it up on the castle. Anybody planning on blowing $100 for dinner in Cindy's anytime soon?