Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party 2016

Rachel S1321

Well-Known Member
A life time ago I remember watching TV and a program was on about how Hershey developed chocolate for ration packs for Desert Storm
That is pretty awesome. I made the mistake for my kids 2nd Birthday party of filling her pinata with chocolate in July. Needless to say there was a lot of disappointed kids with melted mini candy bars they couldn't eat. They still got cake.....

Tip Top Club

Well-Known Member
I went last year, only because DD had to cancel at last minute and @Lee needed a pal to hold his hand while Trick or Treating and make sure no goblins (like Phil Holmes) or witches (like say ... Willow Bay Iger) got to him. There was no Headless Horseman and CMs were saying it was due to legal. That there had been an 'incident' ... we went in the middle of October. When did you go?

Horseman continued the entire run last year. There are some nights that the horse didn't run due to weather, or simply being an uncooperative animal, but it was not cut.


Premium Member
Horseman continued the entire run last year. There are some nights that the horse didn't run due to weather, or simply being an uncooperative animal, but it was not cut.
2 years ago we saw the Horse get very uncooperative. He just stopped a little ways after HoP and wouldnt budge. It was funny. Took about 2 minutes for some CM's to coax him into walking.


Premium Member
what does it matter? You don't have to go.
IMO, the fact that it sells out or that people dont mind it being on a (normal calendar) summer season day, does not justify that the TWDC should do it. They could announce a special one time event "Halloween costume party" in February and people would still purchase a ticket. That doesnt mean the should do it though. As said prior, its more about the fact they as long as people continue to oblige, it gives the company cart blanche to do whatever they feel like. People continue to have the stance of, "this doesnt affect me" , so they dont see it as a problem. But look at the whole ToT/GoTG issue. Stupid ideas like that are born of the mindset when theyre hasnt been a push back.


Well-Known Member
IMO, the fact that it sells out or that people dont mind it being on a (normal calendar) summer season day, does not justify that the TWDC should do it. They could announce a special one time event "Halloween costume party" in February and people would still purchase a ticket. That doesnt mean the should do it though. As said prior, its more about the fact they as long as people continue to oblige, it gives the company cart blanche to do whatever they feel like. People continue to have the stance of, "this doesnt affect me" , so they dont see it as a problem. But look at the whole ToT/GoTG issue. Stupid ideas like that are born of the mindset when theyre hasnt been a push back.
Now based on your logic Six Flags does Fright Fest better than either Disney or Universal since they start last. We go to Orlando the last week of September and love MNSSHP. We think all three companies are right in offering these events when they do and especially Universal and Disney starting them early. People who go in September because that is when they can go should have the opportunity to experience these events. Just like when we go in Mid November get yo enjoy MVMCP. I wish my wife could get off the week after Thanksgiving but she can't so webonly get to enjoy MVMCP and not the wonderful Christmas events in EPCOT. We will miss the lights in DHS but look forward to Disney Springs holiday shopping. Remember this is peoples vacations and they want to be outside of the real world. Let people have funnand enjoy their vacations. If you think it starts too soon don't go early but don't try and prevent others from enjoying their extremely expensive vacation.


Premium Member
Now based on your logic Six Flags does Fright Fest better than either Disney or Universal since they start last. We go to Orlando the last week of September and love MNSSHP. We think all three companies are right in offering these events when they do and especially Universal and Disney starting them early. People who go in September because that is when they can go should have the opportunity to experience these events. Just like when we go in Mid November get yo enjoy MVMCP. I wish my wife could get off the week after Thanksgiving but she can't so webonly get to enjoy MVMCP and not the wonderful Christmas events in EPCOT. We will miss the lights in DHS but look forward to Disney Springs holiday shopping. Remember this is peoples vacations and they want to be outside of the real world. Let people have funnand enjoy their vacations. If you think it starts too soon don't go early but don't try and prevent others from enjoying their extremely expensive vacation.
Good job on completely missing my point. Don't allow your eagerness to defend your vacation and the fact that you are attending MNSSHPin September outweigh a logical response. But by your logc it would be ok to have MNSSHP in March because that's the only time some people can visit.


Well-Known Member
What types of candy do they pass out typically?
Lots of stuff - last year they had Reese's Cups, M&Ms, Twix, Skittles, and of course, these little beauties:


Well-Known Member
IMO, the fact that it sells out or that people dont mind it being on a (normal calendar) summer season day, does not justify that the TWDC should do it. They could announce a special one time event "Halloween costume party" in February and people would still purchase a ticket. That doesnt mean the should do it though. As said prior, its more about the fact they as long as people continue to oblige, it gives the company cart blanche to do whatever they feel like. People continue to have the stance of, "this doesnt affect me" , so they dont see it as a problem. But look at the whole ToT/GoTG issue. Stupid ideas like that are born of the mindset when theyre hasnt been a push back.
Not trying to be antagonistic, but am just curious why it bothers you so much that they have these parties? Is it because it's a party for a holiday event that is held one night every year (Halloween)? Or is it because they have the parties extending into the month of September? I am having some difficulty understanding why some people are annoyed (upset, even?) about the parties except for that they are starting them so early in September. Hmmm, still trying to understand this one *SMH*

As for our family, we do plan to attend on 10/31 if we are lucky enough to get tickets. However, had the costume policy not been modified to allow adults to participate by dressing costume, we would have boycotted (not that it would've made any difference to the pockets of TWDC). We would've attended MNSSHP even if our trip occurred in early September, viewing it more of an opportunity to dress up as a family together (an frankly, what's wrong with dressing costume, even if it's in Feb, March, or July?)


Premium Member
Not trying to be antagonistic, but am just curious why it bothers you so much that they have these parties? Is it because it's a party for a holiday event that is held one night every year (Halloween)? Or is it because they have the parties extending into the month of September? I am having some difficulty understanding why some people are annoyed (upset, even?) about the parties except for that they are starting them so early in September. Hmmm, still trying to understand this one *SMH*
I wouldnt say I (or others perhaps) are annoyed, just recognizing it for what it is. A fall season holiday being celebrated in Summer so the company can cash in on a few extra dollars. It gets hailed as a great decision by those who happen to be visiting during that time and want o dress up with their family, or by those who feel that anything the TWDC does is 100% magical and always for the benefit of the guest. This decision, as silly an unnecessary as it is to make a few extra bucks, is individually not a big deal, but its part of a growing trend that seems to now be an all out assault of moronic executive decisions to squeeze money out of any and everything. These moronic decisions will continue and no doubt become worse.
We would've attended MNSSHP even if our trip occurred in early September, viewing it more of an opportunity to dress up as a family together (an frankly, what's wrong with dressing costume, even if it's in Feb, March, or July?)
Nothings wrong with dressing up in a costume in February, unless your celebrating Halloween. I loved the Osbourne Lights, but I wouldnt want to see them up in Summer time. Thats what makes an event or a holiday special, the fact that it comes around once a year. If we celebrated Christmas every weekend and gave each other gifts it would become boring and have less meaning.


Well-Known Member
We went on October 1st, he was still there. It was the coolest thing next to the fabulous parade. Was there any rain on your night? I know he won't come out if it rains because the horse slipped and fell at one party while the ground was wet, maybe that's why he wasn't there on your night?

I'll bet that was it. I am guessing the fact the horse isn't allowed, apparently, to do more than a trot any longer is part of that (according to what others have told me).


Well-Known Member
29 party nights? Don't get me wrong, I love the party, but that just seems way too excessive!

Of course it is. But so is having the first party on the Friday prior to Labor Day when people will be at WDW to celebrate the end of Olaf's favorite season with a long weekend.

Also, with 29 nights that means only 2-3 non-party nights every week. And so MK will be packed to the rafters EVERY single night. It will be crowded, understaffed, humid and disgusting until you hit November ... when you'll have one week of nothing before they start the Christmas parties, which run until 12/22 this year meaning no Christmas entertainment included until 12/23.

Again, just something to factor into WHY you have such terrible crowding at the MK on an almost year round basis.


Well-Known Member
I'll bet that was it. I am guessing the fact the horse isn't allowed, apparently, to do more than a trot any longer is part of that (according to what others have told me).
Someone posted the video here on magic of when the horse fell with the CM on it. It did look very scary, the ground was wet.


Well-Known Member
Nothings wrong with dressing up in a costume in February, unless your celebrating Halloween. I loved the Osbourne Lights, but I wouldnt want to see them up in Summer time. Thats what makes an event or a holiday special, the fact that it comes around once a year. If we celebrated Christmas every weekend and gave each other gifts it would become boring and have less meaning.

Well that's very true but I also feel is slightly out of context for this discussion. Those events are celebrated by the majority of people and you don't have to buy tickets or travel to them, you just wait for the day and celebrate it if you want to. Going to a ticketed event in September by choice is something folk choose to do and are not forced into doing. My wife and I will be attending MNSSHP this year for the first time and will be going in September, had it been held only in late October we wouldn't have been able to attend at all.

I'm quite sure that Disney start so early to make more money rather than to accommodate visitors, however as it works out I think it suits all parties just fine the way it is and long may it continue. We've been loads of times to the MK in September and October and have to say it's never bothered us in the slightest that MNSSHP was on certain evenings, we just never went and didn't even think or worry about it. If people want to go it's there and if not they just don't go. Mind you it's all about opinions and yours is as valid as anyone's.


Premium Member
Well that's very true but I also feel is slightly out of context for this discussion. Those events are celebrated by the majority of people and you don't have to buy tickets or travel to them, you just wait for the day and celebrate it if you want to. Going to a ticketed event in September by choice is something folk choose to do and are not forced into doing. My wife and I will be attending MNSSHP this year for the first time and will be going in September, had it been held only in late October we wouldn't have been able to attend at all.

I'm quite sure that Disney start so early to make more money rather than to accommodate visitors, however as it works out I think it suits all parties just fine the way it is and long may it continue. We've been loads of times to the MK in September and October and have to say it's never bothered us in the slightest that MNSSHP was on certain evenings, we just never went and didn't even think or worry about it. If people want to go it's there and if not they just don't go. Mind you it's all about opinions and yours is as valid as anyone's.
I completely understand your point. I dont think its out of context though for the simple fact that:

1. There isnt much justification to celebrate Halloween almost 2 months away just because a family had to plan their trip in Sept and wants to experience MNSSHP...even before Labor Day which is crowded enough already. MNSSHP after Sept 10th is ok, just not on Sept 2nd.

2. The company will continue to push holiday events earlier and earlier just to make more money. I dont want to be in WDW in early Nov and hear Christmas music everywhere and see Christmas decorations up when I havent even celebrated Thanksgiving.

What exactly will be the breaking point for some people? Halloween party in August? July? If TWDC decides to push it back further.., would the argument of, "well, my family can only visit in July and we want to experience MNSSHP so its ok", make sense?


Well-Known Member
I completely understand your point. I dont think its out of context though for the simple fact that:

1. There isnt much justification to celebrate Halloween almost 2 months away just because a family had to plan their trip in Sept and wants to experience MNSSHP...even before Labor Day which is crowded enough already. MNSSHP after Sept 10th is ok, just not on Sept 2nd.

2. The company will continue to push holiday events earlier and earlier just to make more money. I dont want to be in WDW in early Nov and hear Christmas music everywhere and see Christmas decorations up when I havent even celebrated Thanksgiving.

What exactly will be the breaking point for some people? Halloween party in August? July? If TWDC decides to push it back further.., would the argument of, "well, my family can only visit in July and we want to experience MNSSHP so its ok", make sense?

Some valid points there, fair dues. If it's effecting crowds then fair enough and may need taking into consideration when debating the issue. Being British (my apologies) I have little knowledge of 'Labor Day' other than it's a holiday you celebrate, if it clashes around Sep 2nd and effects crowds then that's probably not good.

I'd agree that I don't really want to hear Christmas music till December, however it wouldn't bother me if a separately ticketed event played it in November as that wouldn't effect me. I suppose it's an interesting argument as really what dates are deemed valid are a 'judgement call' and many people will judge it differently? For instance if one says start the Halloween event 7 days before the 31st then somebody will say "why not 6 days before" or "what's wrong with 8 days before".and we go from there. Throw in some common sense and we have a rather intriguing debate don't we :)

Anyhow Mrs Merg and I are going this year for the first time ever. We were in two minds when we thought there was no dressing up for adults, but now that's been resolved we've decided to go. I'm a little wary that it's not going to be that much different to the Magic Kingdom at night whenever the event isn't on, but we're giving it a try and we'll see what we think..


Well-Known Member
I completely understand your point. I dont think its out of context though for the simple fact that:

1. There isnt much justification to celebrate Halloween almost 2 months away just because a family had to plan their trip in Sept and wants to experience MNSSHP...even before Labor Day which is crowded enough already. MNSSHP after Sept 10th is ok, just not on Sept 2nd.

2. The company will continue to push holiday events earlier and earlier just to make more money. I dont want to be in WDW in early Nov and hear Christmas music everywhere and see Christmas decorations up when I havent even celebrated Thanksgiving.

What exactly will be the breaking point for some people? Halloween party in August? July? If TWDC decides to push it back further.., would the argument of, "well, my family can only visit in July and we want to experience MNSSHP so its ok", make sense?

I see nothing wrong with the halloween parties being offered in September & October. They Halloween party is billed as a fall event September & October is designated as fall at Disney. As for not wanting Christmas in November I think you are in the minority because most guests seem to love it. Even on here people ask when do the decorations go up so they can begin trip planning. Yes it does make them money by offering the parties early but demand also requires it.

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