MiceAge on the latest news regarding MyMagic+ : Read it and weep.


Well-Known Member
So, of course, we are hoping for good news for DLR. So there are some lumps in the gravy that Miceage made, and served up. Spill some gravy man, What didn't make it to the table?

When I have the entire story, or enough of it to feel comfortable, I will post it.

I think this desire to have things first and not the desire to get things right is a sad blight that has gone crazy in the Internet era.

When I put things out (be they Potter in two UNI parks, Georgie K becoming WDW Prez or the SDL menu -- yes, I am patting myself on the for just a few of my breaks ... all my fanboi minions were given the hour off so I have no one else to do it for me!) I want to be right and not have to make explanations later.


Well-Known Member
People who enjoy Disney and have no complaints are not the problem. I agree that Disney is a company with issues, and these reports spell it out in astounding detail, but it's not the fault of anyone but those in power at Disney. Disney doesn't really differentiate from the praise of the apathetic to the screams of the angry. They do what they feel will make the best bet for the bottom line, usually to the outrage of people who tap away at keyboards pretending their anger will do anything.

Actually, people who defend mediocrity (or outright crap) and the management responsible absolutely are a huge part of the problem.

A celebrity Imagineer told me a few years ago over drinks at the DLH that 'WDW's fans are its biggest problem' ... and I couldn't agree more.

There are folks actually who believe that MM+ is money well spent. I believe those people harm WDW and all of its fans and guests greatly.


Well-Known Member
I have never used Free Dining or any similar "value" ever. Not room discounts, not dining, not buy one get one free. Full price has been paid on every trip. And I too want more new things that aren't glorified ticket media and phone apps. I am not worshiping at the idol of Walter E here, folks. I just think WDW1974's snarky rhetoric is just plain unneeded. Be upset about MM+ or NGE, Be upset it's taking several decades to build the "kiddie" coaster.
Be upset all you want, you have the right to be. Don't crap over those who choose to find some enjoyment in the walls of WDW.

Perhaps, you should see a professional ...


Well-Known Member
just thought that quoting this would make sure that it does not get lost in the fast moving thread...

Oh - and thanks @WDW1974 for taking some time out from your holiday preperations to find us some more info on the subject!

I would do anything for the MAGICal community. ...And I have some time as I am not baking any pies this year ... will have to go pick some up at Denny's and pass them off as home made. Everyone will be drunk or watching football or fighting over who gets my emphemera collection when I move onto other realms of existence to know the difference. Plus, I'll have some Cool Whip to put on top!


Well-Known Member
I would do anything for the MAGICal community. ...And I have some time as I am not baking any pies this year ... will have to go pick some up at Denny's and pass them off as home made. Everyone will be drunk or watching football or fighting over who gets my emphemera collection when I move onto other realms of existence to know the difference. Plus, I'll have some Cool Whip to put on top!
*cancels my dinner invitation*


Well-Known Member
I would do anything for the MAGICal community. ...And I have some time as I am not baking any pies this year ... will have to go pick some up at Denny's and pass them off as home made. Everyone will be drunk or watching football or fighting over who gets my emphemera collection when I move onto other realms of existence to know the difference. Plus, I'll have some Cool Whip to put on top!
Cracker Barrel pies are better.


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me the last time a Mice Age rumor came to fruition? I think their reliability ended with the DCA expansion. Iron Man in tomorrowland, Avatar being officially dead, Monstropolis.....the list goes on and on.

Their track record under Al Lutz was absolutely the best. They had stories months (years sometimes) ahead of real media.

They have been accurate about DCA expansion ... they were right about Iron Man coming to Tomorrowland as that was the plan until Disney purchased Lucasfilm ... they never said Avatar was dead, just that it was in major trouble, which was accurate and Monstropolis was/is true too ... so, yes, you just defeated your own argument. Do you even realize that?


Well-Known Member
And Disney has competition? Where and whom?

One year after full implementation, MM+ will be as indispensable as toilet paper, and people will still find something wrong, yet Disney will continue to prosper, naysayers be damned.

Jimmy Thick- Rome wasn't built in a day, neither will MM+. but it will last longer and be more efficient than the Roman empire, and make lots more money.
WDW thinks they are special but is becoming a commodity. The more the management treats WDW with commodity practices, the faster WDW will become a commodity experience.


Well-Known Member
From an inside view, NextGen really is a disaster. So many things haven't worked as planned.

  • Interactive queues - No further investments on changing queues. Either they are an operations nightmare or things break or things just aren't used thus not worth the money spent.
  • Gateless Turnstiles - In a perfect world, these do make it quicker and easier to get into the park, but everyone with old tickets has to wait in line to get new tickets which doesn't make people happy. On top of all that, during this year's party season they have realized that every single paper e-ticket for the Halloween & Christmas parties requires assistance from a Guest Relations cast member which is over half of the party visitors. As the article pointed out, during phase closing there isn't much preventing guests from storming the gates or lack there of.
  • Wi-Fi & Mobile Networks - WDW has had to create a wi-fi network equivalent to an entire cities worth of wi-fi hot spots. The problem is both mobile and wi-fi connections can be spotty and heavily overloaded resulting in slow connections and dead areas. On the plus side, this is improving greatly, but at a huge cost. Also all of those touch points are using a mobile or wifi connection. Even the grounded touch points are not hard wired.
  • Confusion & Learning Curve - As with any new system, there is going to be a learning curve, but many cast are finding out that guests don't want to necessarily learn. They want someone else to do it for them or for it to magically happen. Some guests aren't customizing their MyDisneyExperience accounts or their MagicBands. Guests are entering the park with no Fastpass choices selected and no knowledge of how to do so. The ones that do are having trouble navigating the app or learning how it works. You think the guest complains for Stitch's Great Escape are bad, this is much worse.
  • Lack of Help - Need help with your Fastpass+ selections, simply visit a kiosk. :banghead: 4 kiosks at Magic Kingdom with Frontierland and Tomorrowland not currently having one. Guests are coming up to legacy FP kiosk to get FP and can't with a MagicBand. They either don't speak English, don't have a smartphone, or can't seem to get the app to work. So they have to walk all the way to a kiosk on the other side of the land to get help. Only a hand full of cast seem to know exactly how it works too. That's because Disney hasn't rolled out the experience to cast members. They all haven't experienced it themselves or had time to work through the system as a guest.
  • Technical Difficulties - Want to change your FP+ reservation to an earlier time that is maybe 30 mins from now! Sure! Good luck having it read correctly when you show up. Parties are showing up with screenshots of their selections to have to prove they made their choices. Some members of the party have a FP and others have issues. Extra Magic Hours over the past two weeks has been a nightmare too. New devices are supposed to read each MagicBand, but instead the batteries are dying, the apps are freezing, and it works when it feels like it.
  • Slowing Things Down - While MyMagic+ has made things quicker to enter the park (in general) and quicker to pay (in general), it has really slowed down operations. First we now have FP+ installed at attractions that never had it resulting in growing standby lines. The average time to get a family of 4 in through a Fastpass Return point with paper tickets is maybe a second or two. The average time to get family of 4 through with MagicBands for FP+ is about 10 seconds (in general). You can see it this holiday season already, there are lines to get into the Fastpass queues resulting in some situations where there is FP line outside of the return point, but not one inside. God forbid, guests have troubles at the touch points. In fact, DAS has be the least of operations' nightmares since it has been rolled out. FP+ is the major problem with guests getting upset.
  • Poor Choices & Feeling Tricked- The choices for guests using FP+ are terrible. At two of the four parks, guests can only pick one headliner attraction and then are forced to use their remain 2 FP+ choices on trivial selections some of which are a complete joke. Guests are also discovering this, especially first time visitors. Sure Monsters Inc Laugh Floor, Journey into Imagination, American Idol Experience, and its tough to be a bug are all attractions a first time visitor might want to enjoy, but on a typical visit (not peak capacity), these attractions don't hardly have waits. Guests use their FP+ and realize it wasn't needed and think they wasted their FP+ choice, which they did. Again the problem is that they really didn't have any other choice. Limiting it to three is also making guests quite angry. They are seeing non-MagicBand guests walk up to kiosk to get FP how they want and multiple headline attractions sometimes exceeding three in a day and they realize they can't do that. They don't care that they can book ahead or do it on their smartphone. That doesn't matter once they are in the park and see the wait times. Let's be honest, adding FP+ was an terrible idea, especially when many attractions were hardly using or removing legacy FP such as Haunted Mansion, Stitch's Great Escape, Mission:Space, LIghts Motors Action, Voyage of the Little Mermaid, MuppetVision3D, Captain EO, and its tough to be a bug.
Overall, MyMagic+ and NextGen has been awful. Either the roll out was too slow or it has been too fast. It is now at the point that they can't go back easily and the problem is that they are suffering from so many issues that the guest experience is suffering. The frontline Cast Members have seen it all along, but it is just now trickling up. I'm pretty unhappy about it all. It's pathetic when WDW fans get excited for new restrooms or free poster give aways when down the road they are offering new lands and new attractions. :grumpy:

Great post. Should email it to WDW 's exec leadership team as well as Staggs, Rasulo, Crofton and Iger himself.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
WDW thinks they are special but is becoming a commodity. The more the management treats WDW with commodity practices, the faster WDW will become a commodity experience.

they are special in its own way, WDW is an unique monster of a ecosystem of hotels, restaurants, chain merchandize, the parks and a giant PR machine.


Well-Known Member
I know fans adore OLC's theme parks... but if they truely are a business success (and not just a fan success)... why wouldn't the board look to recruit from OLC to run it's theme park divisions?

They don't look outside the company for much of anything ... except consultants who are largely clueless. They arrogantly believe they do things better than anyone else. The TDR is a dirty little secret that most fanbois barely knew existed until the last decade.


Well-Known Member
Great post. Should email it to WDW 's exec leadership team as well as Staggs, Rasulo, Crofton and Iger himself.


Premium Member
they are special in its own way, WDW is an unique monster of a ecosystem of hotels, restaurants, chain merchandize, the parks and a giant PR machine.

That can also be a bad things, it takes a lot of money to keep that monster fed. People always point out the huge attendance lead Disney has over other parks in the area, but how much attendance/revenue can WDW afford to lose before they start running into trouble.


Well-Known Member
Their track record under Al Lutz was absolutely the best. They had stories months (years sometimes) ahead of real media.

They have been accurate about DCA expansion ... they were right about Iron Man coming to Tomorrowland as that was the plan until Disney purchased Lucasfilm ... they never said Avatar was dead, just that it was in major trouble, which was accurate and Monstropolis was/is true too ... so, yes, you just defeated your own argument. Do you even realize that?
And Al waited to post articles. Al's posts always had a tag line that said something to the effect of "columns are posted as information comes in and has been verified". Dusty and co stopped this when they took over and they feel they need to post a column every two to three weeks instead of waiting.

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