Meanest Attraction?


Well-Known Member
Expedition Everest seems to pack a lot of tired, over heated, over stressed cast members I have ever seen. Soarin sometimes too.

Agreed. The only time I have ever had a CM seem even remotely rude was while getting ready to board the train at Everest last month. He was an older man who just seemed really unhappy and annoyed with his job. Other than that, I've found that 99% of the CM's usually go above and beyond their duties to make sure you enjoy the attraction.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
We experienced one particularly rude cast member at Test Track. I can't really think of any others off the top of my head.


New Member
I'm going to say Lights, Motors, Action, but not because of any CMs or anything others have mentioned. I find it the meanest attraction because not only do you have to wait out in the hot, humid Florida Sun before you're allowed to enter the stadium (with nothing to do but stare at the people crowded around you), but you're herded like cattle into the stadium itself, and then you also have to sit out in the hot, humid Florida Sun (if you're not one of the first 100 or so people in who get the top shaded section) for 30-something minutes while an uninteresting and noisy show (full of sound and fury, signifying nothing) takes place. This actually qualifies more as cruel and unusual punishment, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It's the only attraction at Disney World I would never do again (and that's saying something).


Active Member
The only time I have encountered anyone mean was on Jungle Cruise. However I feel it was more to the effect ofgetting people in and out of the boat. I feel they treat guests a little too rough. I'm no tiny delicate creature. I can get in and out of a boat quite easily. I did have one encounter with a rude CM at DCA back in 2002. I just as quickly found the area supervisor and we got to see Soarin' up front and personal because he was so eager to rectify the situation.

Walt Sent Me

New Member
Original Poster
I don't like the premise of this thread.. the OP asks if you think a policy is mean. It's like the 5mins before a FP comes up - it's not mean, it's policy.

This just reeks of another fiasco (yeah, i said it!) arguing disability access at attractions.

Actually I just wanted to get all of your opinions... Its been said, with a survey to back it up, that my attractoin is the meanest at WDW. But no one has mentioned it yet... so I'm happy!


New Member
I have never encountered a rude CM ever. I have, however, observed some very tired CM. Perhaps from being worked too much, I don't know. I tend to be kind to people so I don't usually get flak back.

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
not a ride

I have to say in six trips to the world i have yet to meet a rude cast member.tired and stressed yes but never rude.:D
However on the single trip to disneyland paris i found almost all the cast members to be uninterested and bored to the point of being rude:mad:
All except for one lady in a shop who happened to be from america:)


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I've never had a mean CM, never been treated badly or been rude to and only ever had one CM that refused my disability card. It was at Everest and the wait time for Stand By was around 40 minutes, the CM wouldn't let me through the FP return [my physical issues make it risky for me to be in a slow-moving line for much more than half an hour]. I didn't argue or try to point out that he could at least ask why I needed to avoid Stand By, it's not important enough to me to get on any given ride.

I honestly believe the CMs at WDW have the patience of Job. I wouldn't be able to remain remotely close to how nice they are.

I think the worst job for a CM must be the FP return, I see so many guests come back early, try to enter, argue and then wait right at the entrance until their time comes [usually trying to 'misread' the clock above the entrance - "but my watch says..."] and block access for people whose FPs are valid. As a CM, I would totally lose it! As a guest with a valid FP, I am more than happy to [loudly] make sure they know they're in the way and should wait elsewhere!


New Member
I've never met one who's anger was directed at me, but I've seen it.

Once on Soarin' where a man did nothing but complain and badger about the wait to a poor cm to the point that a manager was called to see if anything could be done. The cm finally raised her voice at the guy, I don't remember exactly what was said but it was along the lines of, "Enough, it's not my fault"!
At that point I stepped in and told the guy he crossed the line and to shut up. He thought about maybe shooting his big mouth my way, but made the right choice and shut up. A manager then came and asked what happend and the big mouth said it was his fault and he was just tired from a long day in the park. All the time I was looking at him ready to smack the zip-adee-do-da out of him.
When it came time for me to ride the cm thanked me and she gave me a wonderful smile. I told her it's ok everyone needs help sometime.



New Member
I would have to say this lady at Lights, Motors, Action was the craziest or meanist. I mean, partly she was doing her job, but she was SCREAMING like an insane person for people to move down rows...I know she had to, but the way she was screaming was like people were killing her... she should have had a different directive tone because no one was listening, they were just pointing at her confused.


New Member
I had an experience with a horrible cm at Fantasmic. I had priority seating, and the cm was giving me and my family of 22, a hard time. She was full of attitude, rolling her eyes and making comments. When I returned home I called customers relations, wrote letters, and kept calling..............a few months later I received 10 free tickets to Disney and a signed picture of Cinderella! Not a bad payoff.


Active Member
I have never encountered a rude CM but I have had a bad experience with one. It was about 45 minutes before Wishes was going to start. The wait time for Pooh said 30 minutes but the line was much shorter then what was posted. We figured with the line so small that they might have not updated the sign recently or that it may be broken. So we got in the standby line which was very short and expected no more then a 15 minute wait. We realized why the sign said 30 minutes very quickly. The CM working the standby/fastpass line merge was allowing about 1 standby person for about every 30 fastpass riders. We waited at the end of the line for about 7-8 minutes. The man was older and seemed to be inexperienced with working two queues. By the time we got on, the 2 & 4 year olds were asleep. By the time we got off the ride wishes was about to start. We ended up viewing it from the front of pooh, and that is not a good vantage point. I'm still yet to view wishes (with the music) from the front of the castle (on our previous trip we rented a cruise boat and there was no audio on it).

But CMs must have a difficult job at some positions. The worst experience that I have seen for a CM was at Fantasmic Priotity Seating. After have dinner at Hollywood & Vine we figured that we would have some time to catch a ride. 5 members out of 10 in our group went to Star Tours while the others (including myself as I rode it earlier) were waiting at the priotity seating enterance area. The CM checking passes was filling in for the night as the CM who was supposed to do it became sick. While waiting for the rest of our group, several parties absolutly blew up at the guy for various reasons. One guy was told that they can only hold the priotity seats for so long and then "general admission" fills in the rest. When told that there was probably no seats left a guy would not stop yelling at the CM saying that he paid over a hundred dollars in Priority Seating to ensure a seat. He complained but the CM simply told him that the card said to arrive there about a 1/2 hour early and the man hadn't (the show started in 10 minutes). Other people that reserved the plan but skipped the dinner still attempted to get in but the CM had to refuse because they did not have a card. The poor guy, he was just relieved that we were not mad at him (he even considered letting the five of us in without the rest of our party(having one person stay behind)).


New Member
I'm going to say Lights, Motors, Action, but not because of any CMs or anything others have mentioned. I find it the meanest attraction because not only do you have to wait out in the hot, humid Florida Sun before you're allowed to enter the stadium (with nothing to do but stare at the people crowded around you), but you're herded like cattle into the stadium itself, and then you also have to sit out in the hot, humid Florida Sun (if you're not one of the first 100 or so people in who get the top shaded section) for 30-something minutes while an uninteresting and noisy show (full of sound and fury, signifying nothing) takes place. This actually qualifies more as cruel and unusual punishment, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It's the only attraction at Disney World I would never do again (and that's saying something).
Amen. :lol:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I'm going to say Lights, Motors, Action, but not because of any CMs or anything others have mentioned. I find it the meanest attraction because not only do you have to wait out in the hot, humid Florida Sun before you're allowed to enter the stadium (with nothing to do but stare at the people crowded around you), but you're herded like cattle into the stadium itself, and then you also have to sit out in the hot, humid Florida Sun (if you're not one of the first 100 or so people in who get the top shaded section) for 30-something minutes while an uninteresting and noisy show (full of sound and fury, signifying nothing) takes place. This actually qualifies more as cruel and unusual punishment, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It's the only attraction at Disney World I would never do again (and that's saying something).

i think the sun is a sound reason but the main contributing factor for me is that the show is mince!


Well-Known Member
I can't say that I've come across rude cast members but I have come across cast members that were apathetic and really not "into" the show and just being (for lack of a better word) "blah".


New Member
This was the attraction I was going to name! :D Furthermore, I work here in Florida, so I encounter the attitudes a LOT.

But there is a reason for the frustration. Space Mountain breaks down extremely easily if Guests aren't in and out of the rocket ships within a specific amount of time. I hope that the SM refurb will fix this problem.

That's very interesting. I've always wondered if there was some connection between the attitudes I've encountered and the operation of the attraction. It would just be too coincidental otherwise. Thanks for the info! :wave:

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