Meanest Attraction?


New Member
Not "mean", but an odd CM remark

My girlfriend and I were at WDW (staying at the All Star Resort) right before AK officially opened, and we managed to score two free passes to "preview" the park. It was probably the best time I'll ever have in the park because there was hardly anyone there and we walked onto everything. Also, the CMs at all the attractions, restaurants, shows, everywhere seemed to be trying extra hard to please, so we just thought it was great.

The next day, we were in the food court at All Star and we mentioned to a CM that we got to visit AK the day before. She asked us how we liked it and we said we thought it was the most beautiful of all the Disney parks. Her response was, "Well I think it's worse than Epcot...and I HATE Epcot!"

I remember both of us just kinda walking away saying, "This woman probably won't go far in her career unless she gets a little more savvy about promoting the company she works for." :lol:


New Member
worst attraction for those with disabilities

Bugs Life- It is very difficult to manuever a wheel chair through that queue. When I asked about a better way to bring my mother in (she is definitely disabled and has some serious spinal issues that causes pain) I was informed (I felt rudely)that the only way in is through the main queue. I understand it must get old with people who "fake" disabilities but Disney in all other aspects is so disabled friendly I was a little suprised. (For those in the know we did have a GAC)


Active Member
Fastpass CM at Peter Pan wouldnt let us in 5 minutes early one time. Thats about it.

I used to work at PP (back in 2000-01) and I never let in people early. Like other people have said, it's the policy for all FP attractions. I mean, 5 minutes might not seem like a big deal to you, but then other people will hear, and be like, oh, well, "mine starts in 5 minutes, too. Let me in, too." Then others are like, "well, you let them in 5 minutes early, you can let me in 10 minutes early, right?" And it just kinda snowballs. So I don't think that CM was being mean at all, just doing his/her job.


Well-Known Member
I was told off at once in the 50's prime time dinner for not eating my veg... Should have expected that one though.:hammer:

The only other time i've seen a slightly bad experiance with a CM was on test track. There were a couple of girls in the single rider line. When the first was asked to take a seat she said that she would wait till the next car so she and her friend could sit together. The CM simply said "No, your in the single rider line". It wasn't like it was rude, just perhaps a little short but I guess she was under pressure. She was right to say it though, if your in a single rider line you expect to ride on your own.

I went to DLP a couple of years ago and whilst the CM's weren't as friendly as those at DW, they were still better than you find in other places.

I would personally give rewards to all the CM's if i could. DW just wouldn't be the same without so many helpful, friendly and patient people.


Well-Known Member
FotLK. Your foot placement while watching the show is very important. If it is not directly in front of you or under you, you are trying to kill everyone walking the stairs. I was amazed that though my foot was not in the stairwell the woman asked me to move my foot four times (and I have it on video). She didn't ask nicely and them got down right rude. She nearly ruined my whole vacation. Luckily Epcot saved the day.


Active Member
I have never encountered a rude CM but I have had a bad experience with one. It was about 45 minutes before Wishes was going to start. The wait time for Pooh said 30 minutes but the line was much shorter then what was posted. We figured with the line so small that they might have not updated the sign recently or that it may be broken. So we got in the standby line which was very short and expected no more then a 15 minute wait. We realized why the sign said 30 minutes very quickly. The CM working the standby/fastpass line merge was allowing about 1 standby person for about every 30 fastpass riders. We waited at the end of the line for about 7-8 minutes. The man was older and seemed to be inexperienced with working two queues. By the time we got on, the 2 & 4 year olds were asleep. By the time we got off the ride wishes was about to start. We ended up viewing it from the front of pooh, and that is not a good vantage point. I'm still yet to view wishes (with the music) from the front of the castle (on our previous trip we rented a cruise boat and there was no audio on it).

Pooh was another one of my attractions. That ride is EXTREMELY slow loading. That's why the line is usually so long. You didn't mention how long the FP line was, but there is alot of pressure on the CMs to keep the FP line down. The wait for the FP line is supposed to be kept until 20 minutes. And the Cms at the "merge point" are instructed to alter the FP/standby ratio if the FP line starts to back up. I know it stinks when you're in the standyby line like that, but, well, that's the joy of FP.

Working the merge point can be rough. It's quite normal to have the standby guests yelling at you, or making rude comments about you, but you can also have the FP line snarling at you too if they don't get on fast enough. Especially at attractions like Pooh or Pan, that load veeeerrrrry slowly.

That being said, I don't know what happened in your particular situation, maybe the Cm was just inexperienced. :shrug: But it is normal for the Pooh line to go that slowly.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Personal Experience-Several CM's at Test Track have been mean to me.

Same thing here...

6 months ago, some CM blamed me for opening the doors of the pre-show, which went automaticly... he really started shouting at me, and afterwords when I didn't pay attention to that he called me a four letter word name...

They re-assigned him to custodial... :D


Slightly off topic since it's not 100% an attraction, but I've stayed at the Port Orleans- French Quarter twice now and have found the older ferry boat captains who take guests to Downtown Disney to have a bit of an....extra crusty demeanor. I thought I might just be hearing things wrong due to being overly tired from running around the parks, but when it happened again on the second trip, kind of struck me that it might not be that rare to get this much attitude from them. Some of the younger guys were nice and did silly Disney trivia when there were kids on board. But the older guys....I'm not going to repeat it but while exiting the ferry at the Downtown Disney dock, in front of all the people waiting to get on, one captain made a comment about my appearance and it being Halloween that eventualy got me an apology phone call from a Disney rep when I got back home. I know Disney hires a lot of seniors and retired people, and they can be the ones you usually get the best service from, but there's something about these guys..

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
I'm going to say Lights, Motors, Action, but not because of any CMs or anything others have mentioned. I find it the meanest attraction because not only do you have to wait out in the hot, humid Florida Sun before you're allowed to enter the stadium (with nothing to do but stare at the people crowded around you), but you're herded like cattle into the stadium itself, and then you also have to sit out in the hot, humid Florida Sun (if you're not one of the first 100 or so people in who get the top shaded section) for 30-something minutes while an uninteresting and noisy show (full of sound and fury, signifying nothing) takes place. This actually qualifies more as cruel and unusual punishment, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It's the only attraction at Disney World I would never do again (and that's saying something).

It's not just the heat and noise, it's that you walk
and walk
and walk
and walk
and walk
at least a quarter mile from the entrance to the grandstand.

Unlike other "queue" areas, there is absolutely nothing of interest to see on the journey.
(Am I remembering correctly that there were BENCHES scattered around because it's such a blasted long way??)

then you walk
and walk
and walk up stairs
and walk up more stairs
and walk up even more stairs

for the pleasure of sitting on an aluminum bench.

It wasn't the worst of summer heat, but it was a hot miserable experience.

I would definitely call it the cruelest ride.


Well-Known Member
I understand that. But are they "instructed" to be rude about it?

If you followed the instructions that's written on your FP in the first place, you wouldn't have had a CM that had to explain why you're not the exception to the rule. Probably yourself or another party started to debate with the CM about letting you in five minutes early. FP CM have to argue and debate with guest on a daily basis because no one is willing to follow the rules that's printed on the FP ticket.


Well-Known Member
Tarzan Rocks. Nothing against the Cast Members, but to me that show was just awful.

Just plain awful.

After that, Peter Pan. It's a fun ride and all, but that wait is murder.


Le Meh
Premium Member
If you followed the instructions that's written on your FP in the first place, you wouldn't have had a CM that had to explain why you're not the exception to the rule. .
Actually, we had not synchronized our watches to Disney time, and by our watches were actually a couple minutes late.
Probably yourself or another party started to debate with the CM about letting you in five minutes early.
Probably not. When we handed our FP to the CM and he brought to our attention that we were five minutes early, we gladly stood there and waited, until the FP clock clicked over to the appropriate time.
FP CM have to argue and debate with guest on a daily basis because no one is willing to follow the rules that's printed on the FP ticket
So again, I say, are they trained to do it rudely?



I've never had a problem with a CM at an attraction but this one time I went to eat at '50s Prime Time Cafe. The CM there yelled at me cause I didn't eat all of my food. She was so loud and obnoxious.


Active Member
I've never had a problem with a CM at an attraction but this one time I went to eat at '50s Prime Time Cafe. The CM there yelled at me cause I didn't eat all of my food. She was so loud and obnoxious.
Same here. I know that the CMs at that resturaunt are supposed to do that (as they have done it to me for not eating peas) but it is annoying and embarrasing. But I do not like that resturaunt at all. Just my own feeling.


New Member
Tarzan Rocks. Nothing against the Cast Members, but to me that show was just awful.

Just plain awful.

I'm with you on this, too. Until it was thankfully removed (I love the movie, though), and LMA came along, IT was the only attraction at Disney World I never wanted to see again. At least it was shaded...but thank you Disney for Nemo!

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