Meanest Attraction?


Well-Known Member
Same here. I know that the CMs at that resturaunt are supposed to do that (as they have done it to me for not eating peas) but it is annoying and embarrasing. But I do not like that resturaunt at all. Just my own feeling.

I have never eaten there for this very reason. If I am full, I am full. If I don't like it, I don't like it. I don't need some mather wanna-be trying to tell me what to do. I much prefer Sci-fi in MGMS.


Active Member
Actually, we had not synchronized our watches to Disney time, and by our watches were actually a couple minutes late.

Probably not. When we handed our FP to the CM and he brought to our attention that we were five minutes early, we gladly stood there and waited, until the FP clock clicked over to the appropriate time.

So again, I say, are they trained to do it rudely?


That's why I always check the clocks they have at every FP entrance, and not my watch.

And when you CONSTANTLY have people trying to get in early, then standing RIGHT at the entrance waiting, staring at you, blocking the way for others, it can get old real fast. It doesn't excuse rudeness, of course, but maybe that particular CM was having a bad day, or maybe you were the 100th person to try to get in early in the past 5 minutes, and he or she just snapped. Again, not saying it's right, but CMs are only human, and can only take so much.


Account Suspended
Also, what was "rude" was never detailed.

We know that you a) disregarded the obvious return time clock, b)waited infront of the entrance which several members have expressed irks them

So far all I seem to get is that you made a mistake and wanted to CM to let you in, so they were rude for not doing it.. what else is there to your complaint?


New Member
'Meanest Attraction'-

Just going by the title itself, then Stitch's Great Escape is the meanest attraction.
You stand in line for it, wait, enter, and then it turns out to be at the Universal Studios reject level.

It is a mean attraction.



New Member
'Meanest Attraction'-

Just going by the title itself, then Stitch's Great Escape is the meanest attraction.
You stand in line for it, wait, enter, and then it turns out to be at the Universal Studios reject level.

It is a mean attraction.


I would say the opposite. But then I guess I'm one of the few on these boards who would.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Also, what was "rude" was never detailed.
Which I will not go into details here since what may be considered rude by one, may not be considered rude by others (example - the anti-tourist ape thread)
We know that you a) disregarded the obvious return time clock,
Yes, I have ackowledged that in my prior post.
b)waited infront of the entrance which several members have expressed irks them
Never said we waited at the entrance. Said we waited there. Doesnt mean we were standing there glairing at the CM, tapping our feet, giving out dirty looks.

So far all I seem to get is that you made a mistake and wanted to CM to let you in, so they were rude for not doing it.. what else is there to your complaint?
I dont believe anything I have posted indicated I was right and the CM was wrong. I percieved the CM as being wrong. And based on your position that its Disney's job to make sure that guests are treated with the utmost respect (I direct your attention here.... I dont think that a CM should come off as rude, reguardless of how his day is or is not going. A simple smile and "Just a few more minutes sir and we can get you right in" would have been much nicer than the response that was given....


Well-Known Member
Also, what was "rude" was never detailed.

We know that you a) disregarded the obvious return time clock, b)waited infront of the entrance which several members have expressed irks them

So far all I seem to get is that you made a mistake and wanted to CM to let you in, so they were rude for not doing it.. what else is there to your complaint?

Wow. How you got all that from what hakuna said is beyond me....but anyway...

I've had to endure a couple of rude CMs...some even at the gates, most of my problems have been with front desk people at the hotels...but mostly they're all really good at what they do.


Well-Known Member
Just to point out some things that have been mentioned; FP return isn't all THAT bad. Occasionally you will get the people who complain, but if someone's early I tell them nicely and usually send them to a nearby attraction that won't occupy too much of their time.

Another thing, Fantasmic can be the WORST job ever as far as I'm concerned (within the parks at least). I have worked there many a time and it is pretty bad depending on where you are. Think about it.... there are thousands of people going to this show at night....they're probably hot and tired (or cold either way it is irritating) .... kids are annoying as hell .... it's pretty bad. :brick:

Handicap seating is reserved only for those in wheelchairs or with handicap cards...(duh) when the show is butt to butt packed and we start filling up the standing room section, people get REALLY ed because they see those benches open yet no one is sitting in them. Then the poor CM who is assigned to that specific section...well, God help them..


Well-Known Member
I have never eaten there for this very reason. If I am full, I am full. If I don't like it, I don't like it. I don't need some mather wanna-be trying to tell me what to do. I much prefer Sci-fi in MGMS.

The Sci-fi is fantasic. When we were there we met one of the nicest CM's in the park. I forgrt her name but she was from the Isle-of-white.

I like the 50's diner for the experience, its different to anywhere else! I can see why some people don't like it though.

cinderella craz

New Member
Never had a problem with CMs at attractions. We did run into one at O'hana. DS was sleeping when we got there so DH and I enjoyed a quiet meal till...until he woke up. Started screaming his head off. We tried to calm him down for a minute but realized that wasn't going to work. So DH walked around the outside of the restaurant with DS while I finished my dinner. At one point DH came back in to tell me how to pay for the meal. Of course DS was still upset at this point. While they were leaving, I heard a server make a comment like "about time that screaming child left." I understand that people want to enjoy their dinner without a screaming child (hence why we took him out) but there was no need for the comment.

That being said, I love Disney CMs. I cannot think of another place where you can go and get the service you get at Disney World. It amazes me how many helpful and nice people work there.


New Member
I've never had any problems at attractions, but since we are talking about CM's I guess I'll share an experience we had at MGM when my mom wanted a Mickey ice cream bar. There was one CM operating an ice cream cart in the park, and my mom really wanted a Mickey ice cream bar. We were searching all over but couldn't find any.

When we found the cart, the CM told us she was closed and she wouldn't even let us have some ice cream! We were so dissapointed, not just because my mom couldn't get the ice cream, but because the CM wouldn't let us simply buy one.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
I've never had any problems at attractions, but since we are talking about CM's I guess I'll share an experience we had at MGM when my mom wanted a Mickey ice cream bar. There was one CM operating an ice cream cart in the park, and my mom really wanted a Mickey ice cream bar. We were searching all over but couldn't find any.

When we found the cart, the CM told us she was closed and she wouldn't even let us have some ice cream! We were so dissapointed, not just because my mom couldn't get the ice cream, but because the CM wouldn't let us simply buy one.

This sounds like we don't have the whole story.

If the cart was closed, in all likelihood the CM absolutely could NOT handle another transaction.

This is just like when a cash register is closed at Taco Bell, Target, or your local sports arena. Closed means closed.

Now, if the CM was nasty, that's one thing. But it is unfair to be angry when he/she was doing the job according to the rules.


Well-Known Member
I tell this story more for the way it turned out than for the rude CM part...

On our last trip we encountered an extremely rude CM on the monorail platform at TTC. We were headed for MK and one CM was yelling at people to hurry up and get on the monorail. (I realize that the monorails need to stay on schedule, but this was more like an experience I would expect from the New York City subway.) This guy actually split my son and I up from my wife and my two younger children even though we were all together. He actually made them wait for the next train.

...end bad part of story...

When my son and I arrived at MK, I told him that we were waiting for the rest of our family right there on the platform. Almost before I finished saying this, a MK monorail CM was at our side asking what was wrong and what he could do to help. I briefly explained what had happened and he asked me to wait while he got a supervisor. (I was amazed at how quickly this CM picked up on something being wrong.)

The next monorail, with rest of my family, arrived just as the supervisor walked up to me. (Turns out another CM at TTC saw what happened and put my family in the front of the next monorail.) We told the supervisor that it really wasn't that big of a deal, but he persisted in getting details of what was said and getting a description of the CM involved. That supervisor's words will stick with me for a long time. His response was "I'm responsible for the operation of these monrails and that sort of behavior is not acceptable."

In the end, he took a bad situation and turned it into a good memory simply because he cared enough to not just let it go. And for that I say: :sohappy:


I'd have to say the only attraction I have had a REALLY bad CM encounter is Test Track. There was a CM on FP/Single/Standby merge point that for some reason hated single riders and refused to let any of us go for over 45 minutes. He actually stated he "forgot about single riders." Once we got into the preshow room, he neglected to start the tape. After several minutes, everyone said enough and pushed the exit doors open.

Scar Junior

Active Member
I would have to say this lady at Lights, Motors, Action was the craziest or meanist. I mean, partly she was doing her job, but she was SCREAMING like an insane person for people to move down rows...I know she had to, but the way she was screaming was like people were killing her... she should have had a different directive tone because no one was listening, they were just pointing at her confused.

I worked at the Tree of Life during my CP in 2003 and I was shocked by how annoying/rude some of the CMs were about herding guests. Sure, it's not fun to have to make strangers stand tightly together, or move ALL the way down filling in each and every available seat.... but I was disappointed and annoyed by the way they would yell.


New Member
The monorail

....I have encountered the most rude CM's at the monorails but ONLY when we ask to sit in front. We don't mind the wait. We don't mind standing where they ask us to stand. But most of the time they try to talk us out of it ("Well you will be waiting for 3-4 more trains if you want to do that") or they just unkindly say, "Wait over there". It's not like, "Oh sure, you may have to wait for a little while but if you stand over there we can accomodate you".

....and then you get into the cab with a driver who is less than happy that you are in there and that makes it even worse.

I just try to ignore it and just enjoy the scenery. We only ever ask on the trip to Epcot because you just can't beat the view riding through the park.



Active Member
A few years back the CM loading at BTMR must have had a long day cause the riders in front of me were having trouble lowering their lap bar - the CM stormed over pulled it down for them and stated 'see, it's not difficult!' - we remember this and laugh about it because it was so out of character!


ive only ever had one sortof bad experience. i was down for a band trip, and my friends and i were waiting to get on ToT. one of the cms was just especially rude and crude to us, just overdoing his job in my opinion. well we went on and had a nice ride of course. we were in a gift shop later on in the day, met some more friends and told them all about it and the cm inn the gift shop overheard us and came to talk to us. well he got on the phone and we ended up with RnR fastpasses. happy ending :)


New Member
I can't remeber a rude CM experience for my family during all of our trips to WDW, but I have seen people around us get blasted by hoel CMs at BC. And yet, when I've gotten the same CM they've been wondeful.

I have discovered a few things in my adventures to WDW:

1. a $10 tip goes a long way in geeting the very best service from CMs...especially bellservice and valet.

2. Perhaps it is because I and my 12 year old son appear to be of Asian descent (we're light skinned Native Americans) that people assume that we're Asian and that somehow seems to mean to them that we are less rude than the average tourist (don't know if this sitrue, it's just an observation).

3. My family tends to be overly polite which is probably why we haven't had and rude CMs stories as of yet. We also tend to speak very quietly which might go towards calming people and diffusing a potential rudeness situation.

If I may mention mean...guests seem to be very mean to the CMs in the Asian pavillions (Japan and China) where the CMs tend to be very very polite. I have also seen extremely rude behavior towards Japanese CMs who were in place on IASW last year...making fun of their names, language, etc. What was funny was when my blonde haired blue eyed 17 year old son turned around and told the offender perfect gramatically correct Japanese! Those poor CMs..they were the happiest CMs I saw last year and really seemed to enjoy the job..and they got nothing but rudeness in return.

Also, can you minagine working 8-12 hour days inthe midst of thehot and humid Florida summer...and having to deal with some of the tour groups that come in? I'm surprised that murder hasn't been committed...

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