Marvel coming to WDW?!?!


New Member
Those of us that care enough to be that angry are greatly outnumbered by those that either are pixie dust snorters that think everything Disney does is amazing or people that are oblivious to the things going on at WDW.

Yeah, I agree, if we think per exemple as Frozen coming to Norway, but this time I think it's different. I've never seen such disapproval for a WDW project. I think I saw only 2 or 3 persons thinking it's a good idea. I have even talked about this to some people who never been to Disney World: they all know what ToT is and they think it's a terrible idea even if they never rode it in their life. This idea is just making non-sense this time. The two themes are not related in any ways.


Well-Known Member
let me make one fair comment about this upcoming news, whether it happens or not.. FOR YEARS, all this FORUM HAS DONE IS COMPLAIN THAT MGM was a half day park.. Now.. the powers that be, are trying to make it into , not only a full day park, but one that consumers want to come to again and again in the SAME TRIP.. and all I hear is complaints.. Disney has a chance to use the capital that it getting from it OWN MOVIES in a park that is about MOVIES.. and you don't want it.. then what is the point of making those Iron Man and Avenger movies.. sell them to some else.. BUT YOU CAN"T Because they are making money hand over fist.. YOU DON"T GET RID OF A GOOD THING.. not one that you own all the aspects of.. SO you might as very well own your rights IN YOUR VERY OWN PARK.. My only problem with anything that Disney is doing is TIME.. and how much time it will be BEFORE an actual ride of either Star Wars ,or anything else opens.. because with construction Disney moves with the speed of a dead snail.. .


Well-Known Member
I wonder if Steven or any of the other people working the emails/phones are even in the "need to know" loop? Do these people know what is in the pipeline before the necessary permits/legal/whatever need to be filed? Until this thing is 100% approved, the "need to know" would be kept small, right? Poor Steven might be as gobsmacked as the rest of us when his bosses show up with the new script announcing this synergistic project.
I agree, even if this plan is going full steam ahead I'm sure poor Steven has no clue about it.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I am well aware (so I don't need emails/PMs) to hear that a $12-13 an hour (yes, the GOOD jobs at WDW) cubicle dweller returned calls and said this isn't happening (or whatever the wording/script said). Not knowing what was approved by Legal and CP means those calls are worthless unless someone spoke to Georgie K or Chappie or Colglazier and recorded it and I'm willing to go out on any limb that that didn't happen.

I wouldn't put very much stock in anything told to you by one of those cubicle dwellers. If you got Chappie on the phone and he said, "Don't believe what some Internet crazy said, we have no plans or intentions to remove the TZ storyline and overlay a GotG one onto our ToT attractions in Anaheim and Orlando, or even one of them. It's not going to happen on my watch and you can put that on your MAGICal fan site.'' then I might have some respect for what is being said. Otherwise, they're just doing their $12-13 an hour jobs, spin and lie and get rid of you.

I also don't at ALL believe this was the plan until it was put out by me and everything changed. I may have an ego, but not like any of your celebrity whores. Nothing has changed this week ... except that the info I put out over the weekend slowly seeped into the consciousness of Disney execs within the last 24-48 hours.


Well-Known Member
I am well aware (so I don't need emails/PMs) to hear that a $12-13 an hour (yes, the GOOD jobs at WDW) cubicle dweller returned calls and said this isn't happening (or whatever the wording/script said). Not knowing what was approved by Legal and CP means those calls are worthless unless someone spoke to Georgie K or Chappie or Colglazier and recorded it and I'm willing to go out on any limb that that didn't happen.

I wouldn't put very much stock in anything told to you by one of those cubicle dwellers. If you got Chappie on the phone and he said, "Don't believe what some Internet crazy said, we have no plans or intentions to remove the TZ storyline and overlay a GotG one onto our ToT attractions in Anaheim and Orlando, or even one of them. It's not going to happen on my watch and you can put that on your MAGICal fan site.'' then I might have some respect for what is being said. Otherwise, they're just doing their $12-13 an hour jobs, spin and lie and get rid of you.

I also don't at ALL believe this was the plan until it was put out by me and everything changed. I may have an ego, but not like any of your celebrity whores. Nothing has changed this week ... except that the info I put out over the weekend slowly seeped into the consciousness of Disney execs within the last 24-48 hours.

And I can only hope as this information seeps into the consciousness of the execs that they come to their senses and realize 99% of people DONT want to see this happen. On another note did Steven say anything about TOT at DCA?


Mike S

Well-Known Member
let me make one fair comment about this upcoming news, whether it happens or not.. FOR YEARS, all this FORUM HAS DONE IS COMPLAIN THAT MGM was a half day park.. Now.. the powers that be, are trying to make it into , not only a full day park, but one that consumers want to come to again and again in the SAME TRIP.. and all I hear is complaints.. Disney has a chance to use the capital that it getting from it OWN MOVIES in a park that is about MOVIES.. and you don't want it.. then what is the point of making those Iron Man and Avenger movies.. sell them to some else.. BUT YOU CAN"T Because they are making money hand over fist.. YOU DON"T GET RID OF A GOOD THING.. not one that you own all the aspects of.. SO you might as very well own your rights IN YOUR VERY OWN PARK.. My only problem with anything that Disney is doing is TIME.. and how much time it will be BEFORE an actual ride of either Star Wars ,or anything else opens.. because with construction Disney moves with the speed of a dead snail.. .
Yes, Star Wars and Toy Story will certainly help fix the half day park vibe. No one here is complaining about that. How does a cheaply made over Tower of Terror help though? I'll be waiting on pins and needles for your answer :)


Well-Known Member
makes you wonder.. did they record the "no, this is a rumor" callback? XD
That has been mentioned more then once and, frankly, I am at a loss to understand what possible difference it could make. If it does change, the story will be... we didn't know. If it doesn't change it's fine.

Are we, the fan base, supposed to go to court and play the tape to a judge and he will throw their collective butts in the slammer for blatantly lying to us? Last I heard it wouldn't matter if Bob himself denied it, if he wasn't under oath, there is nothing illegal about it.

I guess what bothers me more is that so many times we have been told, by the experts, that Marvel cannot be used east of the Mississippi. So using it in a less spectacular attraction in Southern California is maybe a stretch but, is hassle free. From what I understand ToT isn't all that popular out there. As far as using it in WDW... predicting a 50/50 chance of it showing up is a pretty secure prediction. In other words... maybe it will - maybe it won't. Hard to go wrong with that one. I guess if everyone wants to be on the safe side, it does no harm to harass the daylights out of them in an effort to get the point across that it would be an absolutely stupid idea. (Which it is) Better safe then sorry, however, it is a quantum leap from thinking about it to actually doing it, in my opinion.
I'm really worried now that I'm hearing this scary unexpected news of TOT being rethemed into a GOTG attraction from marvel. If you had to guess a likely percentage of this happening what would you choose? I'm just hoping it'll be more lower than higher. If it's a 90% chance then I need to get too WDW asap. I've never rode TOT last visit to Disney world WA 97' visited 2 other times before but was too little to ride due to my height! But this is a classic iconic attraction at DHS! Yes marvel can come but TOT is untouchable! You know how many WDW fans that will be heartbroken if this happened?


Well-Known Member
Really...we need an official Disney spokesperson to confirm or deny this to make a fair comparison to toad. In the toad example here, the spokesperson "would neither confirm or deny the rumors". In this case so far, people have received phone calls where they are denying this. But nothing official from what I have seen...

Official Disney spokespeople ARE making individual calls to people who have sent in concerned emails. What exactly are you expecting? A YouTube denial by Mickey Mouse?

I've heard some dumb Disney rumors on the internet over the years, but this one may take the cake. Why would a ranking Disney corporate executive even dignify this nonsense with a response?


Well-Known Member
let me make one fair comment about this upcoming news, whether it happens or not.. FOR YEARS, all this FORUM HAS DONE IS COMPLAIN THAT MGM was a half day park.. Now.. the powers that be, are trying to make it into , not only a full day park, but one that consumers want to come to again and again in the SAME TRIP.. and all I hear is complaints.. Disney has a chance to use the capital that it getting from it OWN MOVIES in a park that is about MOVIES.. and you don't want it.. then what is the point of making those Iron Man and Avenger movies.. sell them to some else.. BUT YOU CAN"T Because they are making money hand over fist.. YOU DON"T GET RID OF A GOOD THING.. not one that you own all the aspects of.. SO you might as very well own your rights IN YOUR VERY OWN PARK.. My only problem with anything that Disney is doing is TIME.. and how much time it will be BEFORE an actual ride of either Star Wars ,or anything else opens.. because with construction Disney moves with the speed of a dead snail.. .
Retheming Tower of Terror is not going to help make DHS a full day park. If there was talk of brand new GoTG attraction, I'm sure they reaction would be different. But they're talking about changing a beloved attraction for stupid reasons.
And, there already is a Star Wars attraction open, fyi. It's called Star Tours.

A media outlet to try to get Disney to either confirm or deny it on the record...that is if anyone in the media finds this to be newsworthy. Maybe the Sentinel.
I wish they'd report on this tbh. I first saw this on Facebook yesterday but most people were saying it wasn't true because Disney can't have Marvel in the Florida parks. They need to realize this could actually happen.


Well-Known Member
Alongside which, as I understand it, DHS will not have a reduced admission price. Better live it up in line, because those are some :arghh: :eek: :depressed: :banghead: expensive rides.
The rides get perceptively more expensive per season. Up to $24.28 in the summer. Per person. Base ticket.
The only suitable IP for a Tower of Terror overlay:

Here's Johnny!

Translation: "Money. It's a hit. Don't give me that do goody good stuff."
But if you ask for a rise it's no surprise that they're giving none away.
Rides experiences shouldn't be determined simply by what they can sell. If that's the case then rides like Big Thunder, It's A Small World, Spaceship Earth, Living with the Land, Great Movie Ride, Kiliminjaro Safari need to be removed now.
They could turn the descent on SE into a gift shop. Would be a massively better use of space.
And I can only hope as this information seeps into the consciousness of the execs that they come to their senses and realize 99% of people DONT want to see this happen. On another note did Steven say anything about TOT at DCA?

We wish it was 99.
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Well-Known Member
I am all for a Guardians takeover of Rock'nRoller Coaster. Time for Aerosmith to be replaced by Awesome Mix-Tape Volume 1.
Or even Volume 3, if song royalties for those specific tracks proves too costly. Volume 3 could be exclusive to the parks. Not ideal, but it could work.
Though...a roller coaster with a Bowie soundtrack could be life changing.

Like countless others have said, I really hope this is a fake leak to catch employees in the act. All of it is so profoundly dumb and thoughtless-especially when you have a lackluster roller coaster (IMO) tucked away in its own corner-tampering with it wouldn't ruin any cohesion/theming like messing around with TOT would. And as I've posted elsewhere, RnRR really lends itself more to the IP than TOT does; The prison break scene would work perfectly. They could even use the same tech for the pre-show to show our heroes in the line up. AND given the ridiculously short time frame that's supposedly proposed for the overlay-TOT is just too huge for this to be feasible in my mind.

It's threads like these that make me forever jealous of the Disney Parks overseas: We'll never get anything like Mystic Manor, Sinbad's Storybook Voyage, or Journey to the Center of the Earth-because us ADHD-riddled Americans apparently need all our rides to be centered around a movie.
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rael ramone

Well-Known Member
A thought entered my mind today:

Based on Chappies 'new sheriff in town' mindset, leaking his 'precious' plans to desecrate TOT is seen as nothing less then as a personal attack on his power.

But what if these 'leakers' are known in Burbank, but are deemed 'untouchable'?

For a leaker to survive Chappie/the Weathermans wrath, they must have some good stuff...

As in Do They Have The Answer To The 800 Million Dollar Question?

And who do they have on their speed dial? WSJ or Bloomberg reporters? Or perhaps the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York? :eek:

You know, maybe thats a way this could get fixed....


Well-Known Member
I also really like this whole CBS licensing thingy we have flying around here too...kinda reminds me of that discussion about licensing the GMR's appearance as a park icon....(old can o' worms there!)
How is there a similarity? There is no disputing that The Twilight Zone is not in the public domain.

I don't get it. Straight up 100% denial doesn't make any sense if they were really planning on doing it, it seems to me.

Maybe I'm missing something, but doesn't denial suggest an awareness that it's a really stupid/hated idea, which they wouldn't have if they were actually going through with it, right? It's not like the shock and horror would be any more muted if they wait to reveal that they're going through with it.
Disney, including Marty Sklar, said Al Lutz was lying about "it's a small world."

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