Marvel coming to WDW?!?!


Well-Known Member
I would assume that there will be more then one Marvel ride.. once you have the ownership back..

As already mentioned, they aren't getting the rights "back" anytime soon, if ever.

However, there are Marvel properties that they can use, though they are limited. Big Hero 6 can be used. There are others that aren't popular, but I think some may be in a gray area (personally, I think Dr. Strange might be able to be used and has a movie coming up). Also, they could use not Marvel stuff like The Incredibles or do a more broad "hero" or "action" theme and use stuff like Hercules and Indiana Jones.


Well-Known Member
As already mentioned, they aren't getting the rights "back" anytime soon, if ever.

However, there are Marvel properties that they can use, though they are limited. Big Hero 6 can be used. There are others that aren't popular, but I think some may be in a gray area (personally, I think Dr. Strange might be able to be used and has a movie coming up). Also, they could use not Marvel stuff like The Incredibles or do a more broad "hero" or "action" theme and use stuff like Hercules and Indiana Jones.
I would put big money on Strange being owned by Universal. He is extremely popular in comics and has been a big player in a lot of marvel events with the Illuminati over the years so he would easily be a Universal owned character.


Well-Known Member
I would put big money on Strange being owned by Universal. He is extremely popular in comics and has been a big player in a lot of marvel events with the Illuminati over the years so he would easily be a Universal owned character.
He only ever became an Avengers team player and Illuminati member after Civil War though, which was well after Universal's contract was created.


Well-Known Member
Rides experiences shouldn't be determined simply by what they can sell. If that's the case then rides like Big Thunder, It's A Small World, Spaceship Earth, Living with the Land, Great Movie Ride, Kiliminjaro Safari need to be removed now.
Not sure if you are trying to put me in my place or just commenting on my quote because I mentioned a plush, but my youngest, years ago, came off that ride in years. Pluto plush saved the day. I am not saying a ride has to have a gift shop at the exit or the ability to sell merchandise.
Count me in the majority who think this retheme is a bad idea.[/QUOTE]
I was actually adding on to what you were saying to the person I had to recently put on ignore for making dumb statements.


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I'll have you know the "everyday" glasses are just basic stuff from Crate&Barrel, and the Scotch is merely Dewar's 12 Year bought at the supermarket. I do use filtered water to make those perfect ice spheres like at the Carthay Circle Lounge, however. I'm not a cave man. :D

Over on the Disneyland forums the anger over this is noticeably less, and the average fan reaction is "Meh, okay, I guess I should go ride Tower of Terror one last time to see the Twilight Zone video again." But here on the WDW forums the rage is palpable and the tone is decidedly angry.

I hope this isn't a case of Southern Californians in Burbank and Glendale not understanding how revered Tower or Terror is in DHS, compared to the more relaxed opinion of it in California Adventure. The SoCal suits may be missing the mark here on what this means to the East Coast audience, it appears.

I think you greatly underestimate ToT lovers on BOTH coasts. First, it has been at WDW a decade longer and has been plussed through the years with different drop profiles. Second, at DCA there are so many more attractions so things that have truly insane waits, like Soarin and TSMM, in Florida, do not in Anaheim. Yet, no one would say the aforementioned attractions are not popular in CA. They just don't have to stand out as much, and don't, because Anaheim has plenty of those pesky things ... what do you call them? Oh yeah, attractions.

Just because Soarin in DCA may typically have a 30-minute wait or ToT a 40-minute wait when they can both be multiple hours at WDW in no way means folks in CA. don't care much for them. They just have options and crowds spread out more evenly. I don't think that just changing Anaheim's, which I know is on the table (however unlikely), will make west coast fans happy nor should it.


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Thanks for the info even if it sucks;)

Any chance this is part of a negotiating tactic to pay less for Twilight Zone rights? CBS could look at it and see that attendance at DHS is double what it was when we signed the deal so double the fee. If they think Disney has no choice but to renew they think they have the upper hand. Disney comes up with a "plan B" that could eliminate Twilight Zone from the ride and gains the upper hand. In reality CBS should be paying Disney since the ride probably draws more people to the show then the show draws people to DHS.

I know it's wishful thinking:(

CBS doesn't give a damn about a Disney theme park ride. They are America's Most Watched Network and run by the best exec in TV today in Les 'Yes, I married well' Moonves. If there is any dispute here about renewing, and there appears to be, it's likely Disney doesn't want to pay what it's been paying, let alone ANY possible increase. Disney is one of the cheapest and pettiest corporations out there.


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I saw someone try to discredit your rumor by using Screamscape as a source.

The contract talks about character "families" (e.g. X-Men, Fantastic Four, Avengers, etc), but I would assume that the definition of the families was set at the time the contract was made and wouldn't change if connections were made between characters after the fact.

Good for them. I love when ignorant people think they know better. It makes me laugh and chortle with glee, and not much does that these days. ... I won't play the Disney/UNI/Marvel contract game. I will simply state what should be obvious based on past experience and knowledge: Disney can use almost no Marvel IP in FL. The only notable exception is the GotG. They have used them before and they could use them tomorrow if they wanted. Remember, UNI wouldn't let Disney use a transport vehicle (a monorail) run through a theme park (EPCOT) because it had an Avengers wrap on it. They know what can and can't be used down to a minute level.

The only caveat is Disney couldn't use the Marvel BRAND in advertising or even a park guidemap. But it wouldn't matter because Tower Gifts would be loaded with Marvel BRANDED merchandise that Disney would be free to sell. Everyone would get they are a Marvel property.

I'm just wondering if anyone here has reached out by phone to anyone ... like new P&R head Chappie?


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If the contract is up and CBS is playing hardball then maybe it is the hated business will be business argument. Maybe they are just not willing to pay a higher royalty and they are looking for other options that will get them out of it.

I would just drop the twilight zone from the set and make it your own with the same story.... but hey what does this peon know.

The contract is coming up. I know that. I can say with 99% certainty that there is no hardball being employed by CBS.
And dropping the TZ tie is as bad as overlaying a GotG story. The entire attraction was designed to be themed to the TZ ... like a lost episode. You can't separate it ... these morons don't get that.


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I think it's more political. People inside the company not happy with this idea and they leak it intentionally.

I agree with you on the less than 50% chance of happening but I also believe it's being considered by somebody. Someone blue skied this abomination of an idea and it didn't die fast....

I doubt that very, very much. My sources are not that dumb or gullible. And none of them have an agenda with this. At least one that is readily apparent. ... And it has gotten to the point where front line CMs (you know the kind that make ... what $9.50 now?) have witnessed some interesting WDI and Top Brass behavior on both coasts. So ... something's afoot.

I would be very wary of jumping to a conclusion that this won't happen (although I would pray, if I did so, that it doesn't).


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Yeah that would definitely be interesting to know! I mean usually they say they don't have information at this moment. I rarely saw them completely deny a rumor. Besides, it would be really dumb from them to deny a rumor and finally coming with a announcement a few months later!

Not at all. I would be shocked if the phrase ''at this time" wasn't given to callers ... I am sure that it would be placed in any written communication, though. Disney is consistent in that anything/everything is subject to change. By the time the fiscal year begins in October so many other things will have happened. They aren't worried that on March 23rd they received 111 emails and 23 phone calls regarding this ...


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This is the same company that denied hotel construction that was occurring in the view of millions of guests traveling to MK.

I wouldn't put any faith in the specific language of a phone call; if it's a press release, that might be a different matter. But maybe not. This is a company that has no problem with public about-faces.

A great example that my beloved 'Angie' pointed out to me when I broke the news to her. The BLT was approved in 2005. In fall of 2006, Contemporary North was bulldozed in front of millions of Guests who monorailed, boated or bused on by daily. I think the BLT had already reached five or six floors before Disney would admit what everyone could plainly see.

It's going to take more than TDO cubicle dwellers (anyone here call TDA or WDI?) statements to prove anything. I am very, very amused by it ... and by news that Disney was taken aback that this got out. I mean ... really?!?!


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UPDATE: So I just received a phone call from a "Steven" from the executive offices of George K. addressing my email and concerns about TOT turning into GOTG. He said it is just a rumor and 100% not happening. He said its probably an early April fools joke! I said this news is coming from very reliable sources in the online community who are always right. He said absolutely not, that they just realized this rumor was going around from the recent emails they have been getting. I had to laugh to myself.

I think you may have received special treatment my dear ... I've heard that Disney is convinced you are one of my secret minions out to destroy the kingdom. Really! (look for a PM in the next few days to explain)


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Well, now we know for sure that it isn't happening.

Unless, of course, "Steven" is actually a bus driver. In which case, we now know that it definitely is happening!

Lance from Screamscape (a more reliable source cannot be found, 'natch ;):p) says the rumor has truth behind it when it comes to DCA and WDSP, but not DHS.

I think Steven is likely a schmuck.

I know Lance is a schmuck because he has taken my material over the years without giving me credit.

There's probably another schmuck around here too.


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Yes, but licensing deals usually have a means for the licensee to leave the agreement.

This is a realm that I've been involved in many times in our industry and licensing deals essentially are a pay and use or pay and don't use scenario. Disney could obviously cease using The Twilight Zone, but it's a matter of how long they contractual owe for licensing the property and secondarily, is there contractual language that if the property ceases to be used, is there a penalty for non-use? (Usually because the use of a license is to also further that property in other channels that the company has for the given property.) The bottom line is that whether Disney uses it or not, a contract with CBS virtually gets the Tiffany Network Co. paid.

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