Marvel coming to WDW?!?!

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
There is some logic in what you say and I get it. It does not, however sway the many people who do not want change for the sake of change. For what it is worth, my daughter bought a Pluto plush from the Hollywood Tower gift shop complete with his own bathrobe.

Rides experiences shouldn't be determined simply by what they can sell. If that's the case then rides like Big Thunder, It's A Small World, Spaceship Earth, Living with the Land, Great Movie Ride, Kiliminjaro Safari need to be removed now.
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Premium Member
On what basis are you concluding that the "Disney community" accomplished anything at all here?
There is overwhelming agreement that this is a bad idea. People who I've never seen agree on anything on these boards are united on this. Only 1 troll posted anything in favor of this to stir the pot. We are united.

That being said, you are right that we haven't accomplished anything:(.


Well-Known Member
I just got off the phone with Disney as well. After my e-mail to George or Chappie, (I think it was from the George e-mail), they wanted to call me to assure the rumor is 100% NOT TRUE. I then asked about the other concerns I expressed in the e-mail and we had a brief discussion about the budget cuts and the lower-quality product that WDW has been putting out recently.
I was a little surprised. I will now be writing more often!
Did any of you who got the call get a "Joan Martin"?


New Member
It is interesting that Disney reps are flat out denying this is true, rather than just stating they have no information at this time (or leaving wiggle room for interpretation) there a precedent for this with recent and similar situations?

Yeah that would definitely be interesting to know! I mean usually they say they don't have information at this moment. I rarely saw them completely deny a rumor. Besides, it would be really dumb from them to deny a rumor and finally coming with a announcement a few months later!

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Don't know if this had been pointed out (still about 40+ pages to get through and I gotta get to work), with regard to cost-sharing... Aren't these the same people that tried to force the same script on Jungle Cruise for both DL and MK, despite significant differences between the two versions?

Who wants to bet they think ToT are carbon-copies of each other on both coasts as well?
I could see the clueless execs now.

"Ok, Florida's Tower...... Wait...... What's that horizontal room there that the elevators are going through? Has that always been there? We'll need to do more work here. Damn. I thought we'd just copy and paste......"
Rides experiences shouldn't be determined simply by what they can sell. If that's the case then rides like Big Thunder, It's A Small World, Spaceship Earth, Living with the Land, Great Movie Ride, Kiliminjaro Safari need to be removed now.
I have great idea for something that sells and can be added to the parks. Let's add this great nation to World Showcase!!!!

I mean, it's popular and makes money right? Who cares!!!


Well-Known Member
There's no chance, because that sword would cut both ways. If Disney were penalized for decisions made subsequent to the signing of the contract, they'd have way too much leeway to go the other direction. They could concoct some storyline where Captain America and Hulk were never actually Avengers, and any past references to them being Avengers was a fever dream imparted on them by Mysterio. In fact, there never actually were any Avengers to begin with.

It's called retconning. A retcon can affect narrative canon and continuity but there's no way it would carry any legal weight.
retcon = Retroactive Continuity ... for the uninformed ;)


Well-Known Member
...but leave the streets and the Tower as they are, after all it's probably the last attraction done with such care and and a broad appeal.

It's an amazing attraction, both outside and in. From World Showcase, it blends seamlessly into the backdrop of the Morocco pavilion. In DHS, it's what draws you down Sunset Blvd and it gets more ominous the closer you get. Once you're in the queue, you feel as if you are really standing outside of an abandoned hotel (my kids even asked me if it was once really a hotel). Upon entering the doors into the lobby, you "feel" the history (as fake as it may be) that led to this hotel's demise. The elevator doors, especially the one with the "Out of Order" sign elevate your anxiety. Even if you've ridden it a thousand times, your heart stops as the thunder cracks and the lights go out in the library. The details and sounds of the boiler room suggest that something unusual is about to happen. And the ride itself is magnificent, from the doors closing, to the hallway, to the 5th dimension, and finally the drop(s).

I've been a passenger aboard that most uncommon elevator many times and it is still as exciting and breathtaking as it was for me the first time I stepped through the doors of that elevator nearly 20 years ago. It hasn't grown stale. On the contrary, it each time I'm there I see new detail and appreciate the ride even more.

I like GotG and I'd hope to see it have representation in DHS (beyond a clip in GMR). Done properly, a GotG re-theme of ToT could be okay--but I can't imagine it being as epic as what has stood in DHS for nearly 20 years. This rumor must not become reality. If it is because of licensing with CBS, then it'd be simpler to remove/replace references to TZ (mostly the Rod Serling narration, and props such as the doll and the reference to Anthony Fremont at the Tip Top Club). Otherwise, leave the creepy hotel struck by lightning story sans TZ references and the ride still works.

Of course, I'm speaking of the DHS ToT. I have similar, but weaker opinions about DCA's ToT. With the exception of the mirror effect, DCA's ToT is inferior to DHS' ToT, both outside and in. I'd hate to see either ToT become a GotG attraction, but I'd be slightly less sad to see it happen in DCA.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that would definitely be interesting to know! I mean usually they say they don't have information at this moment. I rarely saw them completely deny a rumor. Besides, it would be really dumb from them to deny a rumor and finally coming with a announcement a few months later!

This is the same company that denied hotel construction that was occurring in the view of millions of guests traveling to MK.

I wouldn't put any faith in the specific language of a phone call; if it's a press release, that might be a different matter. But maybe not. This is a company that has no problem with public about-faces.


Well-Known Member
Longtime lurker and new member here. Take this FWIW, but re the callbacks, I wouldn't be at all surprised by "deny-the-rumor" disinformation that Disney tries to spread via social media. These are the same folks who a few years back had shills posing as fans on sites like MiceChat, and got their hands slapped for it.
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Brer Panther

Well-Known Member
Brainless idiots, but let's have some fun with this. What can Disney do next?

What makes sense: An Ant-Man Dark Ride that's a modern throwback to the extinct Adventure Thru Inner Space built in DCA's Marvel Land.

What will more likely happen: It's a Small World........ Especially when you're with Ant-Man!!!!!
Or maybe we'll get a new version of It's Tough to Be a Bug.

Also, thank you for the mental image of It's a Small World with all of the dolls replaced by Ant-Man.


Well-Known Member
Plugging a leak is laughable considering this info has now gone thru three different sources at various levels and departments in the company, all the while WDI has been poking around BOTH Towers of late. And would anyone, let alone moi, put out information like this if he wasn't certain that this is the PLAN now. I say that because I got into a discussion with my significant other 'Angie' (who really needs to get that I am always right!) about news versus rumour. NEWS is when something is reported as fact. As in Disney's currently planning to redo the ToT attractions in the USA with a Guardians of the Galaxy theme. That is NEWS. It isn't simply NEWS when Disney announces something (NEWS as well) or starts construction on something (also NEWS). Rumor is I heard from a few CMs on Sunset Blvd that Disney is looking at adding a Marvel component to the Studios.

I want to be wrong about this soooo badly. But I am not.

I still want something to happen, someone to step in and say ''Guys, we are not doing this because while we can make it seem to make sense, it isn't a good way to treat a classic attraction that is as loved today as when it opened and it is a cheap and creatively lazy way to add what is some fun Marvel IP to our parks. Find another way."

THAT is what I want to report as NEWS. But now it wouldn't be even rumour. It would be a total lie.

UPDATE: So I just received a phone call from a "Steven" from the executive offices of George K. addressing my email and concerns about TOT turning into GOTG. He said it is just a rumor and 100% not happening. He said its probably an early April fools joke! I said this news is coming from very reliable sources in the online community who are always right. He said absolutely not, that they just realized this rumor was going around from the recent emails they have been getting. I had to laugh to myself.

Coaster Lover

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
This rumor must not become reality. If it is because of licensing with CBS, then it'd be simpler to remove/replace references to TZ (mostly the Rod Serling narration, and props such as the doll and the reference to Anthony Fremont at the Tip Top Club). Otherwise, leave the creepy hotel struck by lightning story sans TZ references and the ride still works.

If it was "just" a licencing issue, they already have a great example of how to re-theme the tower based on Tower of Terror at Tokyo Disney Sea. In fact, despite using the "4th Dimension-less" version of the attraction that all versions of the ride after the WDW had, many who have ridden the Disney Sea version find it to be one of the best towers simply because of the unique story/themeing.

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