Marvel coming to WDW?!?!


Well-Known Member
No kidding? They paid $4 billion to own Marvel and have spent $1 billion a year since then on films an TV show, and now it's coming to the parks... gee who saw that coming... oh right I did... Nice to see you insider jack@$$es finally figured it out though -congrats

Your incisive analysis cuts to the core of the issue! People here are upset that Marvel is coming to the parks, not that in doing so it might destroy a classic attraction that's universally beloved. Your standardized testing scores for reading comprehension must be through the roof! Congratulations!


Well-Known Member
Your incisive analysis cuts to the core of the issue! People here are upset that Marvel is coming to the parks, not that in doing so it might destroy a classic attraction that's universally beloved. Your standardized testing scores for reading comprehension must be through the roof! Congratulations!
Indeed. GotG RnRC would get zero complaints from me. Aerosmith are quite long in the tooth and the overall ride is hardly compelling. Anything but ToT though! Our only hope is that DCA's gets such a lukewarm response that they abandon it for DHS like so many previous projects for the park. Maybe David Copperfield can disappear this one too?


Well-Known Member
Did you know the sinkhole was known about in 1985? You make it sound like it was a problem..
It could have been a problem had they not done a proper geological assessment. Management is smart enough to know that the karst geology and hydrology at WDW can cause serious problems for the entire resort if they don't take the necessary steps to manage the geomorphology.


Well-Known Member
Iger is all the bad Eisner was with none of the good. To make matters worse, he's also hell bent on destroying the good that Eisner did do.
Without arguing the merits and faults of both/either, the company is doing well financially now and did the same under Mikey's regime. So, as a stockholder I say they are doing their job- building and expanding the brand, increasing share value (I mean...good lord...yeah). As a Walt admirer and a Disney traditionalist and someone who has visited the parks for decades, yeah, this isn't the Disney parks of the past and I'm pretty sure it never will be again. There's no real, direct link to anyone who made this company great anymore and the place is like the product of any other company. regular advice...some actually here are now saying they are doing this..don't go, don't buy...don't see the movie, etc. It won't matter to Bob and the Board but you might feel better. There's a lot of other things out there that you are missing.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Your incisive analysis cuts to the core of the issue! People here are upset that Marvel is coming to the parks, not that in doing so it might destroy a classic attraction that's universally beloved. Your standardized testing scores for reading comprehension must be through the roof! Congratulations!
Snapshot so I always have the evidence.


Park History nut
Premium Member
It could have been a problem had they not done a proper geological assessment. Management is smart enough to know that the karst geology and hydrology at WDW can cause serious problems for the entire resort if they don't take the necessary steps to manage the geomorphology.
Which is why each development area is surveyed before work begins. WDW has enough sinkholes - they're quite common on property - that appropriate surveying is routine, not abnormal.

You came across as saying it was a problem. Maybe I misunderstood you.


Well-Known Member
This whole decision is purely a financial one, which is even more annoying. I mean, as others have said, putting GOTG into RnRC makes sense, welcomed even (IMO). But since they are spending money to retheme TOT in DCA to GOTG it doesn't make "financial" sense to add GOTG to RnRC since that would be a whole separate set of design costs. No, instead let's do the "Cheap" thing and just destroy a WDW icon so we can have this all make more financial sense. Idiots.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Indeed. GotG RnRC would get zero complaints from me. Aerosmith are quite long in the tooth and the overall ride is hardly compelling. Anything but ToT though! Our only hope is that DCA's gets such a lukewarm response that they abandon it for DHS like so many previous projects for the park. Maybe David Copperfield can disappear this one too?
Surely GotG calls for a purpose built, new ride? In an appropiate location and setting? It's not as if they don't have the room. Even more so in this park.

There again, so did Frozen.


Well-Known Member
I'm probably going to get flamed out over this one but....

If ToT is such a great attraction why does it matter so much if it is themed to TZ or GotG? TZ is not a Disney original.

I understand the concern about Old Hollywood theming, but we are talking about a park that is nothing but a graveyard of long forgotten themes. I think DHS is a mess and have no desire to go back to the exact same park in 5 years.

Although I would be sad to lose some great theming from Old Hollywood, I would be much more excited about a complete re-theme of that area of the park that incorporated ToT and RnRC into a single cohesive experience.

I'm not concerned about Disney parks changing, I'm concerned about Disney parks changing cheaply.


Well-Known Member
The only re-theme that, to me, would ever make sense is a Lord of the Rings. I believe there are Two Towers to choose from on that one. So, unless they have the rights to Tolkien, please, curb the insanity. . .

Now, of course, a LOTR re-theme would be for that whole area, not just the single ride. . .


Well-Known Member
I'm probably going to get flamed out over this one but....

If ToT is such a great attraction why does it matter so much if it is themed to TZ or GotG? TZ is not a Disney original.

I understand the concern about Old Hollywood theming, but we are talking about a park that is nothing but a graveyard of long forgotten themes. I think DHS is a mess and have no desire to go back to the exact same park in 5 years.

Although I would be sad to lose some great theming from Old Hollywood, I would be much more excited about a complete re-theme of that area of the park that incorporated ToT and RnRC into a single cohesive experience.

I'm not concerned about Disney parks changing, I'm concerned about Disney parks changing cheaply.
It's more then just Twlight Zone, it's the whole experince and that's what people don't seem to understand. It's the entire package of the TZ with the old hollywood hotel atmosphere that make for a great ride experince. If people need a Marvel themed drop ride then go down the road.


Well-Known Member
Just a couple of thoughts during this dark times to keep things in perspective.

While I don't "know" anything on the ToT repurposing topic and I haven't specifically asked any friends (to be honest, I'm afraid of what I may hear if I do ask), I want to take a step back and remind everyone of some important timing milestones on the horizon if this were to turn out as true at WDW.

I am not aware of any compromise between Disney and Universal to date regarding the use of the Marvel IP east of the Mississippi. There were rumors about Disney being willing to do a little quid pro quo with Universal in regards to leniency using the MCU IP in an effort to further strong-arm Fox on their theatrical Marvel content. At the time those rumors were flying, the arrangement was going to be Universal getting to put the MCU likenesses into their parks in exchange from getting any Fox theatrical control IP out. If such a deal were to take place, perhaps official Universal approval for use of any Marvel IP not currently in use in Universal land by Disney Parks in Florida could've been exchanged.

I'm also not aware of any other Disney/Universal agreement having been made separate from the above rumor for WDW to use any Marvel IP in the parks.

Now, we do know that Disney Parks in Orlando has been trying to test the waters on their own (without Universal's approval) on where the boundaries of the contract are. There were tests with the monorail with Marvel IP that were met with Universal reaction. There were tests using MCU based IP (in this case a poster in DHS) minus the Marvel name that didn't cause a Universal reaction. The boundary was again pushed by Disney with the use of MCU characters (in this case GoG ones) in the same park that also did not cause a Universal reaction.

So, if ToT is going to morph into Guardians Tower, we should be able to see the writing on the wall soon enough.

Hulk is the first Universal attraction to undergo a life change since the rumors of collusion between Disney and Universal first appeared last year. When it reopens, if you see the MCU represented instead of a cartoon based Hulk - then there's more fuel to this fire.

If Hulk is reborn without Mark Ruffalo or his likeness, Guardian Tower in Orlando would be a huge gamble for Disney to make without an agreement with Universal. By the time such a make over would take place, GoG's MCU IP will be 100% represented side-by-side with the rest of the Marvel MCU Avengers roster in the upcoming Infinity War films.

Universal letting a poster and a few limited meet-and-greets with IP they control slide in Orlando is completely different then allowing them competition down the interstate gear up for a multimillion dollar E-ticket and let them advertise it. If they were smart (which they most assuredly are), they would sit back and wait for the Disney to start work on it and as soon as it is set to open - then raise the matter with a cease and desist.

Would Disney be arrogant enough to attempt such a move without prior written consent from Universal (or Major League Baseball)? We all know unfortunately that arrogance is something they have plenty of (hence the years of neglect, upcharge events, and general contempt they have for their guests these days).

Just as I said a few weeks ago about the resort fees, don't let the fact of whether or not these rumors may or may not come true make you angry. It's the fact that they are even considered that should be enough to do so.

Launchpad McQuack

Well-Known Member
I'm probably going to get flamed out over this one but....

If ToT is such a great attraction why does it matter so much if it is themed to TZ or GotG? TZ is not a Disney original.

I understand the concern about Old Hollywood theming, but we are talking about a park that is nothing but a graveyard of long forgotten themes. I think DHS is a mess and have no desire to go back to the exact same park in 5 years.

Although I would be sad to lose some great theming from Old Hollywood, I would be much more excited about a complete re-theme of that area of the park that incorporated ToT and RnRC into a single cohesive experience.

I'm not concerned about Disney parks changing, I'm concerned about Disney parks changing cheaply.

Do you love the attraction simply because it drops from a tall height, or do the theme and preshow contribute GREATLY to the experience? If your enjoyment comes solely from the drop, then what you are saying makes sense, but that would probably put you in a very small minority of WDW fans.


Park History nut
Premium Member
I'm probably going to get flamed out over this one but....

If ToT is such a great attraction why does it matter so much if it is themed to TZ or GotG? TZ is not a Disney original.
Because TZTOT is a great attraction. It's greater than the sum of its parts.

And because this rumour is a cheap attempt at not doing the right thing and building a new attraction.


Well-Known Member
I'm probably going to get flamed out over this one but....

If ToT is such a great attraction why does it matter so much if it is themed to TZ or GotG? TZ is not a Disney original.

I understand the concern about Old Hollywood theming, but we are talking about a park that is nothing but a graveyard of long forgotten themes. I think DHS is a mess and have no desire to go back to the exact same park in 5 years.

Although I would be sad to lose some great theming from Old Hollywood, I would be much more excited about a complete re-theme of that area of the park that incorporated ToT and RnRC into a single cohesive experience.

I'm not concerned about Disney parks changing, I'm concerned about Disney parks changing cheaply.

So..... You don't get it.


Move on.

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