Yeah...if your school doesn't stink.
All I ever wanted in high school was a decent marching band program. We never got one. There was very little interest in the band at my school (which was in a very small town). We had no funding. We had terrible directors year after year. The only thing we got to do was march down the street in the local parades and make idiots of ourselves because we stunk so bad. There was no field band.
It was a huge disappointment to me. I have always been very musically inclined. My parents met in a drum corps. I've been going to drum corps shows my whole life. My uncle directs one of the top field bands in New York state. All I wanted to do with my life was to go to college for music education and end up in some sort of musical profession, but every band director I had was so horrid I ended up being self-taught on many instruments and had no chance of ever excelling to the necessary proficiency with any of them. So I had to give up on that dream.
At least I got to be part of a drum corps in 1995 and 1996. That's the extent of my "fun" with music.
Here's me about 15 years ago. :ROFLOL: (I look so happy)