Main Street Bakery to Serve Starbucks Coffee


Well-Known Member
Wow...So what have we learned...

There is a thread on WDWMagic where '74, flynnbus,condorman are all in agreement and on the same side. Which is the equivilant of Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders and Mitch McConnell all agreeing on the same voting issue(not saying who is who).

Oh and people really like cinnamon rolls(personally I prefer the crumb cake)

But seriously it's telling that the real issue is the reverence people have to the MK, nobody even had a peep regarding the other locations(even the Epcot fanboys).

The pixie dust really runs deep for the MK...

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Ooh I missed the MCD thing in the parks..TGFSF, here is another blond question is that logo for real or did you photoshop it?
No, those are actual pictures of McDonald's former presence in the parks. :)

It's not my cup of tea (coffee). McD's and Starbucks may bring a new product to the parks, but it comes at the expense of show quality.
Potter - the new gold standard for thematic immersion - wouldn't dare include a Starbucks location. Themed food and beverage is where it's at nowadays. Disney learned this from UNI, and got it so very right in the FLE. Sadly, the $bux deal is a regression from that promising trend.


Well-Known Member
I must admit, I probably joined this forum for all the wrong reasons. I actually get a great thrill out of reading some of the pointless drivel that is posted in here on a very consistent basis. I find it quite laughable that any individual in here thinks they have what it takes to force the hand of the Walt Disney Company and have them make any type of change. Especially when it comes to business. If the Walt Disney Company chooses to place a Starbucks in the Magic Kingdom, so be it. There's nothing you or I will be able to do about it. Sure, we can sit here and believe that if we make enough noise and send enough emails that somebody at Walt Disney Company will go "oh my gosh, what are we doing? We must be wrong! This will never work and no one will come to our parks ever again!" Granted, there are quite a few folks in this forum who can actually read. There is a difference between correction and clarification. Disney did not correct anything, as there was nothing to correct. They simply clarified their position. Nothing has changed. But hey, if you want to sit up on your high horse and think that you have affected some sort of drastic change in policy, well you go right ahead. This isn't the first time and it certainly won't be the last. But ladies and gentlemen, this battle was not won or lost. There was never a battle in the first place.

I think its time to water the plants


Well-Known Member
Wow...So what have we learned...
We learned that at a place like WDW, which is about emotion and make-believe, style matters more than substance. People want to imagine Main Street USA is about Small Town USA, never mind that it's run by one of the largest corporations in the world. People want to walk down Main Street USA and feel that it's 1906 and they're in Marceline, Missouri, never mind that Marceline never looked like that.

We learned that at a place like WDW, presentation is important.

We learned that at a place like WDW, which is about creating a dream, it's important to maintain the integrity of the dream.

It's all about selling a fantasy; WDW interfered with the fantasy.

WDW issued a press release; the fantasy has been restored.


Well-Known Member
We learned that at a place like WDW, which is about emotion and make-believe, style matters more than substance. People want to imagine Main Street USA is about Small Town USA, never mind that it's run by one of the largest corporations in the world. People want to walk down Main Street USA and feel that it's 1906 and they're in Marceline, Missouri, never mind that Marceline never looked like that.

We learned that at a place like WDW, presentation is important.

We learned that at a place like WDW, which is about creating a dream, it's important to maintain the integrity of the dream.

It's all about selling a fantasy; WDW messed with the fantasy.

WDW issued a press release and the fantasy has been restored.
Oh yeah all that too...

I posted much earlier in the thread about my genuine ambivilance on this subject. I truely detest chain restaurants in general and if given the choice I stear clear of all of them. Obviously this subject really hit a nerve of many people here and across the Disney spectrum and I am not making light of their trepidations(well maybe a little). After serious consideration and in light of the newest information I feel fairly confident this will be a win for us park fans but will hold final judgement until I actually see and feel it for myself.


Well-Known Member
these two need to appear again, because they're that important. can't we, a community that loves WDW, come together and use our collective voice to demand a better product? and not just ensure that we can still gauge ourselves on carbs and gooey icing?

Thanks for the reinforcement.

The more I think about it, the more I think that if someone
could only fix Roger Rabbit, that could be a "secret signal" that
someone THERE is reading us HERE, and that things can happen.

How hard can it be? An hour, and some duct tape, I'll bet. Glue?

It would be like a "beacon of Rohan", a candle, showing us secretly that we
are being heard, and that we can hang on to a little hope.

That's why I picked something ridiculously easy. Something that almost anyone
with backstage access could get to and get done in less than an hour.

But it would be a great secret message . . . . :)



Well-Known Member
Yes. It would be nice if maybe the mods could simply delete posts that have incorrect information like this that helps the feeding frenzy continue ...

But hey it worked, all that MAGICal ranting by 'the base' got the party to react. This morning's Parks Blog update was a DIRECT result of this thread and the insane (hey, it's my opinion and I'm entitled to it) fervor it sparked.

So, bois and gals, just think the power you might have if you actually complained about something worthwhile that caused an issue for Disney in this bold new Social Media era. You know like the thread on attractions SQ that has ... maybe two dozen posts or the thread of Splash Mountain crumbling with riders on it that has maybe four dozen.

Always whining about the wrong stuff ... and that IS why WDW never gets nice things.

This is one of the most spot on posts I've ever read...


Well-Known Member
We really need to get some facts on the table here.

1. The Main Street Bakery will be getting an investment of cash and attention - which is a good thing for that location.
2. The low quality coffee served there will be replaced by something that is for most people a superior coffee.
3. There will be additional baked goods offered - something outside of the standard Disney items that are now appearing everywhere.
4. Most of the existing baked goods for those that have an attachment to them will continue to be offered.
5. IF the cinnamon rolls are removed, they can be obtained in the new Fantasyland.
6. The Starbucks signage will be minimal.
7. The name of the location will remain the same, as will the theme.

Thank you, Steve.

Seriously, THANK YOU! And better late than never. It might not hurt to place this above the very first post in the thread if it's going to be kept open.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the poor wording has been pointed out throughout this thread. But people were getting worked up because they were taking information in isolation and not even looking at the rest of the blog post. What is a 'starbucks location'? They opened the article telling you what the context was, giving the Pig Cafe as the example. I think today's clarification being simply an update to the existing story instead of creating a new story is a bit of an admission of the poor wording of the original post. A new post would have put it on the top of the feed, but they didn't do that.. instead opt'ing to bury the clarification in an edit of the existing post. Kind of like 'ok, ok, I'll fix it.. but don't look at me while I do it'. It wasn't news - they were trying to clean up the mess they made. They screwed up and they had to fix it... but they aren't going to draw attention to the goof.

I would guess that Josh and the Voce team of consultants were busy at Celebration Place yesterday letting the team know it was going to have a mess that could move to the mainstream if it kept up, hence the clarification.


Well-Known Member
Plumbing.. counter and display case changes.. reorganized signage.. training.. paint... and then add to all of that probably a normal rehab of the area while you have it down for construction. There is lots to do here.. the starbucks brewing and prep systems need to be squeezed into an existing space as well as accommodate all the ways they order, fullfill, etc. The space needs to be reworked to accommodate all that.

Should it take 5months? Not for a normal organization.. but this is also the same company that is going to be taking nearly 2 years to build a set of bathrooms...

And four years for a kiddie coaster.

To be fair, though, I've heard the inside will need to te stripped bare and major work done to rework the set-up. This isn't just add some Starbucks machines a few signs and maybe paint the place. This will be a MAJOR redo, which the place needs.

Of course, I liked it more 10 years ago when it was half the size ...


Premium Member
Well call me lazy for only reading pages 1 and 43, but I must say that I don't see what the problem is. The rolls will stay and the crap coffee goes. This should make everyone happ,y its a win win. Did anyone actually believe that the building would end up looking like the Starbucks down on your local corner?

In a word, YES. A bunch of people. It got pretty heated. You saved yourself some time by reading ahead.


Well-Known Member
As many times as we have been instructed that TDA does things far superior than TDO, who are inept at most everything they do based on those in the know, I would prefer to base my opinion on this particular issue to that information that can be attributed directly to Orlando.

I have faith in Starbucks, not TDO.

I as well saw the photo of the individual ciniman roll in the display case of the DCA establishment. It looked far less enticing than those I have seen come from the MSUSA bakery.....

i don't even know what to say anymore ...


Well-Known Member
We need to as a community kinda be focusing on SHOW QUALITY!!!!


SQS ... fresh product in everything from attractions to parades to merchandise ... highest quality entertainment for the price charged.

That's what should engender 50-page rant threads, not this ...


OV 104
Premium Member
And four years for a kiddie coaster.

To be fair, though, I've heard the inside will need to te stripped bare and major work done to rework the set-up. This isn't just add some Starbucks machines a few signs and maybe paint the place. This will be a MAJOR redo, which the place needs.

Of course, I liked it more 10 years ago when it was half the size ...

I find it comical that people think items on a fansite go unnoticed. The little site here in Va sure was cited by a major West Coast paper.

Several citings from the largeish local paper.

@wdwmagic not trying to promote. Just examples that larger outlets are watching.


Well-Known Member
Wow...So what have we learned...

There is a thread on WDWMagic where '74, flynnbus,condorman are all in agreement and on the same side. Which is the equivilant of Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders and Mitch McConnell all agreeing on the same voting issue(not saying who is who).

Oh and people really like cinnamon rolls(personally I prefer the crumb cake)

But seriously it's telling that the real issue is the reverence people have to the MK, nobody even had a peep regarding the other locations(even the Epcot fanboys).

The pixie dust really runs deep for the MK...

Post 888? That's very lucky in my second home (China!)

As to the three men listed, you damn well know which one I feel closest to on the spectrum.

And, no, no one cares about EPCOT except if Ron Schneider is attempting to turn his months-long stint as Dreamfinder into a new career 30 years later or if Disney is releasing retro tees. Beyond that, they really don't care.

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