Main Street Bakery to Serve Starbucks Coffee


Le Meh
Premium Member
Seeing the photo of them on display at the DCA location seemed like a fairly good indication to me....
As many times as we have been instructed that TDA does things far superior than TDO, who are inept at most everything they do based on those in the know, I would prefer to base my opinion on this particular issue to that information that can be attributed directly to Orlando.

I as well saw the photo of the individual ciniman roll in the display case of the DCA establishment. It looked far less enticing than those I have seen come from the MSUSA bakery.....


Well-Known Member
The thing is I don't have access to anymore info than anyone with an internet connection does. At best I might learn about a promotion coming out a day or two ahead of time. My main query was why you and several others came to the dire conclusion that you did about the addition of Starbucks to the Main St bakery when all I saw was the addition of a product and a remodel.

Like others have said - The original press release by Disney was VERY poorly worded. Plus, given TDO's recent track record, can you blame anyone for not giving them the benefit of the doubt?


Well-Known Member
Cinnamon rolls are in belles village now! I knew everyone on here was over reacting for nothing! I can't wait to enjoy a frap at MK!

While I'm relieved they'll still be there, little is known about how Gaston's will be set up, other than some concept art. Let's just hope it's a decent sized establishment with plenty of seating. My guess is, theme wise, it should be well done.


Well-Known Member
Well, that about wraps it up, I'd say.

Are we done here?

OK, Disney--thanks for listening and posting on the parks blog!

Next up, please post about the tarps in Splash Mountain, or the missing effects in BTMRR,
or the Yeti, or, heck, even something as simple as the 'broken' Roger Rabbit in the Studios window.

Heck--on your lunch break, just go over there, straighten out the blinds from behind, take
a picture, and show us, again, that you care, and that you're listening. Should be simple.
Let's start with simple, easy. Straighten some blinds.

Then come back, and we'll set you on to the next thing on the to-do list. We'll take it slow,
and easy on you. Just show us you care, a little bit.



Le Meh
Premium Member
Like others have said - The original press release by Disney was VERY poorly worded. Plus, given TDO's recent track record, can you blame anyone for not giving them the benefit of the doubt?
Absolutely not given most every decision made by TDO is met with ridicule and criticism by a good number of folks here.

I mean really people. I'm someone who is quite frequently accused of being a pixie dust snorting corporate sympathizer. On one issue that have problems with I am now a blithering idiot (my term, no one elses, so dont get your blood preassure up) for not embracing this particular change?


Well-Known Member
Gastons is wonderful. It has 2 rooms with seating and outdoor seating as well. There are bathrooms and water fountains within a 1 minute walk. I do not know how to upload a picture but I have some from Gastons I believe the one room had 10 tables and one very large one in a round area. There was a fireplace and it very nicely decorated. It also has a very over sized chair that people can sit in. The tables outside has umbrellas for shade. I did not really look in the other room.

While we were sitting there Gaston came in looking for Belle. It was quite amusing.

edit: google gastons tavern seating and many images will come up.


New Member
With this why not just put in a Chinese labor factory in place of its a small world and show how all the merchandise is being made? Going corporate within a corporate business is redundant to say the least. Simple question here...Would Walt Disney have done this? Answer is an easy no...Disney is not a real place its a place where dreams come true as their slogan says as you enter the park. So is it a dream to see the interior of the park changed into Mcdonalds, Starbucks, any any other business that wants to buy space? What happened to being a sponsor of an area? Like Toll House is a sponsor in Frontierland at the little cookie shop? Disney is going in the wrong direction with this decision.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
With this why not just put in a Chinese labor factory in place of its a small world and show how all the merchandise is being made? Going corporate within a corporate business is redundant to say the least. Simple question here...Would Walt Disney have done this? Answer is an easy no...Disney is not a real place its a place where dreams come true as their slogan says as you enter the park. So is it a dream to see the interior of the park changed into Mcdonalds, Starbucks, any any other business that wants to buy space? What happened to being a sponsor of an area? Like Toll House is a sponsor in Frontierland at the little cookie shop? Disney is going in the wrong direction with this decision.
I think it is safe to assume that you have not read this post...

That was the point of my post yesterday.
At Disneyland, Walt leased out space on Main St. to outside companies to operate their own establishments.
Wurlitzer sold organs , Hollywood-Maxwell sold "intimate apparel" and Yale sold locks.
Right there on Main St. In their own stores.

This situation is much different. Disney isn't leasing out space to Starbucks to open their own business. They are adding Starbucks to the bakery in the same way they added Edy's to the ice cream parlor.

Not trying to be rude to anyone, or disrespect an opinion....but I really don't understand the problem.
or this post....
We really need to get some facts on the table here.

1. The Main Street Bakery will be getting an investment of cash and attention - which is a good thing for that location.
2. The low quality coffee served there will be replaced by something that is for most people a superior coffee.
3. There will be additional baked goods offered - something outside of the standard Disney items that are now appearing everywhere.
4. Most of the existing baked goods for those that have an attachment to them will continue to be offered.
5. IF the cinnamon rolls are removed, they can be obtained in the new Fantasyland.
6. The Starbucks signage will be minimal.
7. The name of the location will remain the same, as will the theme.


Well-Known Member
at least Starbucks is an American owned company whereas Nescafe is not. It anything to me that is a better decision.

Would you like to see main street sponsored by Starbucks or be happy with a tiny sign?

I think this is a test. Honestly to see how it goes and then if it goes well add in resorts and more locations. The contract is for 6 locations. McDonald's tried and did not go well. There is a chance albeit slim that this will fail as well.

I am wondering why I am still reading this....


Well-Known Member
Of course they are. That was never in doubt. But doesn't it warm the cockles of your heart to know Tommy or Blondie or Gary is being paid to sit in a cublicle in CP and read over these one by one and print them out (cause they know some of them are bound to disappear).

I find it embarassing for both this community and Disney ... coffee ... all about coffee.

They are probably high 5-ing themselves as no on has noticed the nets around ToL or Splash the Broken Mountain yet. Nah. As long as people aren't talking about the rides conditions it is a win win for CP.


Le Meh
Premium Member
You'll have to forgive me I'm new so I don't know how to paste the story but on the home page of WDWMAGIC is an article stating that the cinnamon roll will be available at Gaston's Tavern.
Ok. I see what you were saying. They were staying as in available in the park. Not staying as in available at the bakery, where you would traditionally find ciniman rolls.


Well-Known Member
Yes. It would be nice if maybe the mods could simply delete posts that have incorrect information like this that helps the feeding frenzy continue ...

But hey it worked, all that MAGICal ranting by 'the base' got the party to react. This morning's Parks Blog update was a DIRECT result of this thread and the insane (hey, it's my opinion and I'm entitled to it) fervor it sparked.

So, bois and gals, just think the power you might have if you actually complained about something worthwhile that caused an issue for Disney in this bold new Social Media era. You know like the thread on attractions SQ that has ... maybe two dozen posts or the thread of Splash Mountain crumbling with riders on it that has maybe four dozen.

Always whining about the wrong stuff ... and that IS why WDW never gets nice things.
Well, that about wraps it up, I'd say.

Are we done here?

OK, Disney--thanks for listening and posting on the parks blog!

Next up, please post about the tarps in Splash Mountain, or the missing effects in BTMRR,
or the Yeti, or, heck, even something as simple as the 'broken' Roger Rabbit in the Studios window.

Heck--on your lunch break, just go over there, straighten out the blinds from behind, take
a picture, and show us, again, that you care, and that you're listening. Should be simple.
Let's start with simple, easy. Straighten some blinds.

Then come back, and we'll set you on to the next thing on the to-do list. We'll take it slow,
and easy on you. Just show us you care, a little bit.


these two need to appear again, because they're that important. can't we, a community that loves WDW, come together and use our collective voice to demand a better product? and not just ensure that we can still gauge ourselves on carbs and gooey icing?


Well-Known Member
Its good to see some clarification on the changes coming to the Main St Bakery.

But this was an easy response for Disney to make. I will have to disagree with the notion that if the Mickey's base of fans get riled up over poor show conditions (Yeti) then Disney will respond. I hate to say it... but we have raised our voices through letters, e-mails, and on sites like these. I haven't done a count, but there are a lot of threads on here about such conditions, and people detailing their attempts to get an answer from the Mouse. Heck... even the Orlando Sentinel a couple years ago did a story on the Yeti... but nothing has come of it. (Disney Fans Dismayed with Disco Yeti - 8/2/2010)

I am happy that I was able to ride EE over and over again while the Yeti was operational.... but I so wish it would get some of Mickey's TLC. Hope that will happen after Avatar is opened.


Well-Known Member
these two need to appear again, because they're that important. can't we, a community that loves WDW, come together and use our collective voice to demand a better product? and not just ensure that we can still gauge ourselves on carbs and gooey icing?

We need to as a community kinda be focusing on SHOW QUALITY!!!! Whether it's the slop they are currently serving in the restaurants, the maintenance of the attractions, even the entertainment. But they are all focusing on disparate non-issues like beverages and immorality of serving alcohol rather than focusing their pains of modern WDW of the show quality, SHOW QUALITY, SHOW QUALITY.

Anyone have a spare chai tea latte? Anyone?


Well-Known Member
It's funny that folks are latching onto the word "location" like it only has one meaning. Years ago I was publishing an advertising newspaper and when we discussed circulation we always stated that we had locations in a variety of stores. The word comes from the word "locate". We told people where they could find our paper. We called them locations. Not once did we ever take over the business, we were just naming where the public could locate it. The word doesn't designate ownership, it designates presence.:cool: Now if they had said, there will be a Starbucks Store on Main Street, then maybe there might be a reason for concern.

Yep. I made this point earlier in this thread. I think "Starbucks location" was a poor description for the situation given the different meanings, but I firmly believe that it was used to be "place where you can get Starbucks products" not "Starbucks store". As is, there is only going to be one location in MK where Starbucks is available.


I must admit, I probably joined this forum for all the wrong reasons. I actually get a great thrill out of reading some of the pointless drivel that is posted in here on a very consistent basis. I find it quite laughable that any individual in here thinks they have what it takes to force the hand of the Walt Disney Company and have them make any type of change. Especially when it comes to business. If the Walt Disney Company chooses to place a Starbucks in the Magic Kingdom, so be it. There's nothing you or I will be able to do about it. Sure, we can sit here and believe that if we make enough noise and send enough emails that somebody at Walt Disney Company will go "oh my gosh, what are we doing? We must be wrong! This will never work and no one will come to our parks ever again!" Granted, there are quite a few folks in this forum who can actually read. There is a difference between correction and clarification. Disney did not correct anything, as there was nothing to correct. They simply clarified their position. Nothing has changed. But hey, if you want to sit up on your high horse and think that you have affected some sort of drastic change in policy, well you go right ahead. This isn't the first time and it certainly won't be the last. But ladies and gentlemen, this battle was not won or lost. There was never a battle in the first place.


Well-Known Member
I must admit, I probably joined this forum for all the wrong reasons. I actually get a great thrill out of reading some of the pointless drivel that is posted in here on a very consistent basis. I find it quite laughable that any individual in here thinks they have what it takes to force the hand of the Walt Disney Company and have them make any type of change. Especially when it comes to business. If the Walt Disney Company chooses to place a Starbucks in the Magic Kingdom, so be it. There's nothing you or I will be able to do about it. Sure, we can sit here and believe that if we make enough noise and send enough emails that somebody at Walt Disney Company will go "oh my gosh, what are we doing? We must be wrong! This will never work and no one will come to our parks ever again!" Granted, there are quite a few folks in this forum who can actually read. There is a difference between correction and clarification. Disney did not correct anything, as there was nothing to correct. They simply clarified their position. Nothing has changed. But hey, if you want to sit up on your high horse and think that you have affected some sort of drastic change in policy, well you go right ahead. This isn't the first time and it certainly won't be the last. But ladies and gentlemen, this battle was not won or lost. There was never a battle in the first place.

Um, you might want to go back and read the posts again. ;) No one said that Disney changed their minds because of this thread. It was stated that Disney decided to add some clarification to what they are doing as a result of the confusion this thread caused.

Way to come in swinging though. You've got spunk kid.

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