Most of the passion was because of location and traditions. I've often described Main Street USA (MSUSA) as theme park holy ground and Starbuck's was "desecrating" that ground.
IMHO, Starbuck's would have received mostly positive feedback if it opened up at any other location except MSUSA. By comparison, the announced Epcot location has pretty much been greeted by a collective yawn from the Internet community.
Indeed! After all, EPCOT (Center) pretty much is supposed to be a showcase for American industry. So if only the FW Starbucks manages to implement some sort of experimental system it is an instant fit.
General Subsidies can showcase their latest cars, Exxon can tell you why fossil fuels are a clean and infinite energy source, and Starbucks can showcase its latest coffee processing ways. It's what FW is all about.

But none of that fits in Frontierland, or Liberty Square, or Main street.
Personally, I'd rather EPCOT instead of Starbucks #1,735,335,892 gained a few fantastic original coffee houses serving you espresso and cappucino in Italy (Italian names after all!), and fresh coffee in coffee producer Costa Rica, and Viennese coffee in Austria - the inventors of modern coffee culture.
But that's not going to happen. So FW it is, and no, a thematic misfit in FW Starbucks is not.