MagicBands WILL become a thing...


Well-Known Member
Its a stupid reason. It has to do loyalty to Disney among others.

I can't decide whether or not to give you credit for admitting loyalty to Disney is a stupid reason.

Disney's not remotely loyal to you.

You're not married to Disney. It's not cheating. Go see what you are missing out on. I bet you will feel a lot less beholden to a huge, faceless corportaion once you see the alternatives.


New Member
Ok, so I don't like the 3 FP+ per day but as far as i've read, that hasn't been confirmed. I'll wait and see it in practice. And I hate the idea of trying to figure out what time I want to ride something (or see whatever parade) months in advance. But...

There will not be the Disney SS making everyone wear this on your wrist. Put it in your pocket. Get a lanyard. Opt for the RFID card. And to those wondering if it closed or open banded so you can wear it on your do know your belt is open banded right?

Tracking. Fact is if you use your KTTW card they know when you ate your meal at the park (and what you ordered), what junk you bought, what rides you got fastpasses for and when. They know your credit card number, your address and the names and ages of your family. I'm not worried that they may now know I use the resort bus or that we chose to ride the people mover thing 4 times or whatever. Instead of being worried about it, I think I'll embrace it. I want them to know our habits at the park. To know we ate early,that we should be hungry and to send me a message that there is no waiting at [insert table service]. To know we haven't been on [insert ride] and to give us a bonus fastpass. If a kid gets lost, I want them to track him. If someone is leaving with a kid but only 1 band is being tracked...why is that, did someone abduct her and remove the band?

I know some hate the idea of being tracked at DW but if it bothers you that much (a) create an alias, pay only in cash and keep the RFID enclosed in a lead lined holder, or (b) don't go. I'm not trying to insult anyone just throwing in my 2 cents.


We need time for things to happen.
Its a stupid reason. It has to do loyalty to Disney among others.

I don't know about the loyalty piece of it, like @lebeau said - it's a faceless entity that in reality only cares about your dollar.
Here's my thing --- I can't see anyone who loves what WDW has to offer turning their back on Uni. Uninversal has got SOOO much going on that is an exact mirror of what we all love (or used to love) about WDW and in some cases Uni does it better!

All Disney All The Time

Well-Known Member
I can't speak for everyone but some of us load up the stroller because we are tightwads who simply cannot justify paying park prices for stuff like water and apple slices. We choose the inconvenience of loading up the stroller in exchange for the economic benefits it brings us. And (again, not necessarily speaking for everyone) we believe we are considerate in the way we drive the stroller.
We have 3 sons, now grown. None of them went to WDW until they were old enough not to need a stroller. The wife and I never felt the need to carry giant backpacks loaded down like we were searching for Dr. Livingstone and no kid in the history of the world ever died because they couldn't have apple slices for 7 or 8 hr. The wife and I also decided that if we couldn't afford to buy a few bottles of water each day in the parks that we needed to find less expensive venues for family vacations.


Well-Known Member
We have 3 sons, now grown. None of them went to WDW until they were old enough not to need a stroller. The wife and I never felt the need to carry giant backpacks loaded down like we were searching for Dr. Livingstone and no kid in the history of the world ever died because they couldn't have apple slices for 7 or 8 hr. The wife and I also decided that if we couldn't afford to buy a few bottles of water each day in the parks that we needed to find less expensive venues for family vacations.
I somewhat disagree. While I do agree that people shouldn't take vacations they can't afford, bringing your own food, for whatever reason, is a pretty poor example as to why people shouldn't go somewhere on vacation.

All Disney All The Time

Well-Known Member
I somewhat disagree. While I do agree that people shouldn't take vacations they can't afford, bringing your own food, for whatever reason, is a pretty poor example as to why people shouldn't go somewhere on vacation.
The day that we try to "do WDW on the cheap" is the day that we'll stop going. I am not hauling around a pile of stuff at a theme park. Sunglasses, wallet, camera, phone. That's it. If I buy a t-shirt I have it sent back to the hotel for pick-up. I'm on vacation; I'm not backpacking, I'm not training for Spartan Death Race, I'm not in boot camp.
How many people here who are "worried" about losing their wallet or having to dig thru a purse/bag due to using a WDW "card" have no problem parking an expensive stroller loaded to the gills with "stuff" outside a ride or attraction and make the assumption that all will be well when they return? The stroller areas look like an open air thieves market with all the high end stuff left there. But people worry about carrying a wallet? This is similar to the mentality to be found in any type of check-out line in any store in America. People empty their shopping carts and then stand there like zombies while it is all scanned. Then when they are told the total they stand there as if they are stunned that they have to pay, and only then do they finally fish around for their wallet or start digging in their purse. They seem to live with the hope and dream that a manager will appear and announce that today is their lucky day and all their purchases are free.

All Disney All The Time

Well-Known Member
Here's how I look at it ... remember the Matrix? Do you want to take the blue pill (aka stay at Disney)? Or do you want to take the red pill (go to Uni and see just how far Disney has let themselves go)?
I believe that would fall under the "to each his own" school of thought. If one is a diehard baseball fan and their team is having a losing season, should they abandon baseball and jump to football because that franchise is winning?
I can name more than a few rides at Uni that we enjoyed immensely when they first opened that are now defunct. Should we storm the ramparts?


Well-Known Member
I believe that would fall under the "to each his own" school of thought. If one is a diehard baseball fan and their team is having a losing season, should they abandon baseball and jump to football because that franchise is winning?
I can name more than a few rides at Uni that we enjoyed immensely when they first opened that are now defunct. Should we storm the ramparts?

Well I was MOSTLY joking but to your point ... if my baseball team has been on the decline, management refuses to invest in the farm system, management refuses to pay a good coach, and management lets the stadium fall into disrepair ... I think it'd be OK to go check out another team but yea you run the risk of getting more angry because the other team may have a forward thinking owner, who hired one of those math whiz GMs, and invests in the farm system ... etc ...

The point is you don't have to abandon your loyalty to go appreciate something else, I know I just wrote in a trip report that while I love Uni, Disney just has a different "feeling" for me that's closer to my heart (and contributes to the problem with TDO's thinking, I know I know) but it's OK to check other things out, my intent in the illustration was to say, watch out though because you may notice the decline at Disney but it only gets magnified when you see what Uni is attempting over there.


Well-Known Member
Its a stupid reason. It has to do loyalty to Disney among others.
That's so silly. You can go to both. You should go to both. And Sea World.

We all love Disney, but it doesn't own the only theme parks in town. And the Uni theme parks are every bit as good (sometimes better) than the Disney ones.

Disney let everything slide. They continue to things slide. It's depressing to think about. Uni just gets better and better! Go. :)


Well-Known Member
I believe that would fall under the "to each his own" school of thought. If one is a diehard baseball fan and their team is having a losing season, should they abandon baseball and jump to football because that franchise is winning?

Baseball is probably a bad analogy because people are irrational about their sports team loyalties.

On second thought, nope, perfect analogy.

All Disney All The Time

Well-Known Member
Well I was MOSTLY joking but to your point ... if my baseball team has been on the decline, management refuses to invest in the farm system, management refuses to pay a good coach, and management lets the stadium fall into disrepair ... I think it'd be OK to go check out another team but yea you run the risk of getting more angry because the other team may have a forward thinking owner, who hired one of those math whiz GMs, and invests in the farm system ... etc ...

The point is you don't have to abandon your loyalty to go appreciate something else, I know I just wrote in a trip report that while I love Uni, Disney just has a different "feeling" for me that's closer to my heart (and contributes to the problem with TDO's thinking, I know I know) but it's OK to check other things out, my intent in the illustration was to say, watch out though because you may notice the decline at Disney but it only gets magnified when you see what Uni is attempting over there.
It is most definitely ok to "check out" other things. It is most definitely ok to choose where to spend your disposable income. It is also ok to think that management (of anything; be it a resort, a theme park, a pro sports team, a grocery store or even WalMart) SHOULD be responsive, but I'll opine that if you spend too much time pondering it that you will come away disheartened.
I'll also offer the opinion that while Uni and WDW may both be operating theme parks that they are not offering the same exact TYPE. Just as Animal Kingdom does not offer the same type of "zoo experience" that the Bronx zoo, the Atlanta zoo and the San Diego zoo offer. When I go to a baseball game I don't anticipate seeing too many open field tackles.


Well-Known Member
It is most definitely ok to "check out" other things. It is most definitely ok to choose where to spend your disposable income. It is also ok to think that management (of anything; be it a resort, a theme park, a pro sports team, a grocery store or even WalMart) SHOULD be responsive, but I'll opine that if you spend too much time pondering it that you will come away disheartened.
I'll also offer the opinion that while Uni and WDW may both be operating theme parks that they are not offering the same exact TYPE. Just as Animal Kingdom does not offer the same type of "zoo experience" that the Bronx zoo, the Atlanta zoo and the San Diego zoo offer. When I go to a baseball game I don't anticipate seeing too many open field tackles.

True ... although I think a Royals/Astros/Pirates fans may say their owners don't offer the same exact TYPE of experience as Red Sox/Yankees ... LOL


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
If we go to Disneyland I only plan on doing 2 at Disneyland and 2 at DCA. The other days will be spent at the Santa Monica Pier, Hollywood, etc...
I just Google'd it - 5 and 1/2 hours (driving time) to the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose from Disneyland.
If you add me to your traveling party, I could cross 2 things off my bucket list.

All Disney All The Time

Well-Known Member
True ... although I think a Royals/Astros/Pirates fans may say their owners don't offer the same exact TYPE of experience as Red Sox/Yankees ... LOL
And don't forget the poor Marlins. But sadly my BoSox finished last in 2012, missed the playoffs AGAIN and had yet more drama and controversy. But Spring Training is almost over and hope springs eternal. Just as I hope to wake up one day and be 19 years old again, but know what I know now.


Well-Known Member
And don't forget the poor Marlins. But sadly my BoSox finished last in 2012, missed the playoffs AGAIN and had yet more drama and controversy. But Spring Training is almost over and hope springs eternal. Just as I hope to wake up one day and be 19 years old again, but know what I know now.

Well, I am a Marlins fan and their schizo nature irks me at least I have a few recent WS experiences to hang my hat on.


Think for yourselfer
Baseball is a terrible analogy....

I am a big Met fan(I know, I know)...

Does that mean I can't go to Fenway Park and appreciate that? Of course not.


Well-Known Member
Its a stupid reason. It has to do loyalty to Disney among others.

It's a shame, but at least you're honest about it!

I will state that we've never done a "Disney Only" holiday - we've always done Disney/Universal/SeaWorld parks, so we've never had any loyalty.

Yes, we stay at Disney (although will be having a night at Universal next time), and we spend most of our time at Disney (4 theme parks v 2, and because we stay onsite), but we always do the 8 theme parks, and have no complaints.

You really should give them a go (Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure/Wet n Wild/SeaWorld/Busch Gardens/Aquatica/Discovery Cove) - you're really missing out by limiting yourself.

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