Magic Kingdom set to break attendance records next week? 7am to 3am operating hours!


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I have the same faith you do, jt. Iger does not have the love for the parks. I've seen him in the parks. He's a great guy, don't get me wrong, but he just doesn't seem to have the passion for this part of the company.


Trust me SirGoofy, Iger is a force and he is going to suprise people. Can't say here how I know it but I do. And if he didn't care about the parks you would not see the amazing transition happening at DCA while the park stays open. Can you even imagine anything like that happening under Eisner (by the way, just to be clear, I think Eisner is a good person). There is no way. It would have been a half a** and mediocre without FW around.

What DCA needs is an Extreme Makeover! :lookaroun Done! :king:


New Member
When you say Iger is Eisners legacy it makes me know that you do not understand the situation as you would have people here believe. You can't have a good understanding of who Iger is and believe he is Eisner's legacy. For all your words, that alone disqualifies you as an expert. Not that I ever thought you were by the way.

Maybe not a legacy, but tied very closely and had a hand in most of the poor decisions blamed on Eisner that he's now in charge of fixing.

He was in president/CEO of Capital Cities/ABC when Eisner and Disney purchased. He was immediately put into a position of international content as well as running ABC. Within a year or 2, he was the #2 man in the company.

He worked extremely close with Eisner for 7 years or so. To say he didn't have a say as President and COO for 5 of those years is crazy.


Well-Known Member
As someone who worked for Walmart for 10 years I get real tired of your ripping on them.Seriously dude your rant gets tiresome.Walmart shoppers invading WDW??Who shops at Walmart? Normal everyday people. I would see athletes(Colts and Pacers mostly in my city),TV Newscasters, radio personalities,execs, and most of all hard working citizens. These are the same people I see when I go to WDW.So we may not be the people staying at all the resorts but so what?I still pay the full prices to get in,eat and shop there.So because I worked for them does that make me any less of a person? I shop there yet because I do that means I am bad for WDW???

I'd love to tell you why I hate Walmart, feel the company has done more harm to the American worker and consumer than any other and why I'd never set foot in one of their stores again (haven't in over a decade) ... but it would be quite political and my evil Commie leanings would come out :rolleyes: ... but the post would likely disappear and I don't want to waste my time for something like that.

And to answer your question, no, shopping at WalMart doesn't make you bad for WDW ... but it does help perpetuate a cycle of destroying the American worker. Go to Macys or Target or Walgreen's or Publix or anywhere instead.

~What Will YOU Celebrate? A WalMart Free World!~


Well-Known Member
The thing is, I like TT BETTER than WofM, I REALLY enjoy Mission Space.
Horizons, yes i liked it, but its gone.
The ONLY things about present day Disney i like less than the past is: JITI.
Thats about it.
I dont go to WDW to pick it apart, some must.
Why go on vacation to complain about things?
Why go to "look" for issues you dont like?
We go to have a good time.
We DO EVERY single day we are there.
And, thats ALL that matters. Nothing else, we get our moneys worth and we have great memories.
I also love Vegas, i dont pick it apart either. Live life and ENJOY. Life is too short to nit pick. It gets old.
The thing is you haven't answered the question. I can respect your right to enjoy these lesser attractions. Some people enjoy Six Flags more than Disney. I'm not saying they are wrong because that is purely subjective. What I'm trying to get people that think as you do to admit is that the post-1994 attractions are lesser. Whether you like them better is not the issue yet. I'll get to that later.

I've started with one category: number of show elements. This is something that can be proven and does not fall into the realm of opinion. The fact is, post-1994 attractions contain fewer show elements than pre- 1994. Can you admit that? If you can we'll next move on to average cost of show elements. I'm attempting to point out that the quality can be measured and the definite lowering of standards has taken place over the past 15 years. Of course you don't have to play along but it might be interesting to see where this takes us.


Well-Known Member
Maybe not a legacy, but tied very closely and had a hand in most of the poor decisions blamed on Eisner that he's now in charge of fixing.

He was in president/CEO of Capital Cities/ABC when Eisner and Disney purchased. He was immediately put into a position of international content as well as running ABC. Within a year or 2, he was the #2 man in the company.

He worked extremely close with Eisner for 7 years or so. To say he didn't have a say as President and COO for 5 of those years is crazy.

I didn't know the parks were under the ABC banner. Guess I need to rethink it. :rolleyes:

I'm not going to say anymore but to say Iger doesen't care about WDW (now or in the past) and now blame him for the problems it suffered under Eisner is crazy. It's doublespeak too. :brick:

What WDW needs is a restructuring of it's workforce (unfortunately :o) :lookaroun Done. :king:


Well-Known Member
I've started with one category: number of show elements.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding the term show elements, but just because an attraction has less show elements does not make it an inferior attraction.

"A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing."-George Lucas

Episode I proved that.

I'm am interested where you are going with this, but I don't follow your line of reasoning.


Perhaps I am misunderstanding the term show elements, but just because an attraction has less show elements does not make it an inferior attraction.

"A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing."-George Lucas

Episode I proved that.

I'm am interested where you are going with this, but I don't follow your line of reasoning.

I think that's what he is getting at. Correct me if I'm worng 'bulb(Can I call you 'bulb?) What's the great "story" of TT? Of Mission: Space? Of Soarin'?

Those three, some of WDW's "flagship" additions in the past few years have very poor stories. They are the special effects in essence.


Well-Known Member
The thing is you haven't answered the question. I can respect your right to enjoy these lesser attractions. Some people enjoy Six Flags more than Disney. I'm not saying they are wrong because that is purely subjective. What I'm trying to get people that think as you do to admit is that the post-1994 attractions are lesser. Whether you like them better is not the issue yet. I'll get to that later.

I've started with one category: number of show elements. This is something that can be proven and does not fall into the realm of opinion. The fact is, post-1994 attractions contain fewer show elements than pre- 1994. Can you admit that? If you can we'll next move on to average cost of show elements. I'm attempting to point out that the quality can be measured and the definite lowering of standards has taken place over the past 15 years. Of course you don't have to play along but it might be interesting to see where this takes us.

Frank Wells died. WDI finally has a new Frank Wells. I advise patience.

What Iger needs is a great creative VP. :lookaroun Done. :king:

Psssst, his name is Lasseter.


Well-Known Member
It is not relevant, because one busy day anywhere is not a representative sample. It's not a deflection. I can tell you I've seen it, but what does it matter? Your next question would simply be, "Was it a random Tuesday?"

It matters because I'd like to know if it happens in O-Town. I don't believe it does for the most part ... maybe a few days a year (as in count on one hand). But I purposely stay away from MK on the busiest days of the year now ... think the last time I was there on one of the 'Big 3' holidays was Christmas 1999 and the wait times were nowhere near what Tokyo experienced on a Tuesday in March. So I'm actually trying to see if others have actually experienced it.

I know it happens in Tokyo regularly ...

~What Will YOU Celebrate? Sleeping in Monday morning!~


New Member
I didn't know the parks were under the ABC banner. Guess I need to rethink it. :rolleyes:

I'm not going to say anymore but to say Iger doesen't care about WDW (now or in the past) and now blame him for the problems it suffered under Eisner is crazy. It's doublespeak too. :brick:

What WDW needs is a restructuring of it's workforce (unfortunately :o) :lookaroun Done. :king:

Well, ABC wasn't doing all that great before Disney bought them. I know it's cyclical. Iger was COO in 2000 for 5 years.

I'm not saying he is to blame for everything and I never said he didn't care about the parks. But if you're going to give him all the credit for DCA and other things, then he gets the blame for some of the junk that's bad (subpar refurbs, broken AAs).

When I've seen him walking in the parks during a non press event, he's had his name tag on, but managed to wear a pullover type shirt that wasn't tucked in.

Actually, I think the whole company needs a shakedown and cleaning out.


Well-Known Member
I'd love to tell you why I hate Walmart, feel the company has done more harm to the American worker and consumer than any other and why I'd never set foot in one of their stores again (haven't in over a decade) ... but it would be quite political and my evil Commie leanings would come out :rolleyes: ... but the post would likely disappear and I don't want to waste my time for something like that.

And to answer your question, no, shopping at WalMart doesn't make you bad for WDW ... but it does help perpetuate a cycle of destroying the American worker. Go to Macys or Target or Walgreen's or Publix or anywhere instead.

~What Will YOU Celebrate? A WalMart Free World!~

It may destroy the American worker in your eyes but it helped me get to where I am today,paid well,and I made many great friends there. I learned from the door greeters(Many of whom were retired military) about respect and how to earn it. I am not saying Walmart is perfect as all companies have their downfalls but the other companies you listed do as well.I also might add I shop at all of those except Macy's as they have pretty much started to disappear from the Indianapolis scene. However for my money I pay less shopping for most of my items at Walmart. If I want a good price on groceries I go to Walmart if I want to pay more for same product but with less hassle of customers I will go to Kroger(no Publix in Indy so a comparable store)


Well-Known Member
One of my favorite things about the whinning about WDW is that Disney just laughs it off and continues with their plan. Anonymous "armchair VP" wannabes are not worth real managements time of day.

So I read lightbulbs essay and found he mentions nothing about what is happening with TWDC and WDI since Iger took over. All of his complaints are Eisner legacy.

I look at the photos of what is happening at DCA and it gets more amazing by the day. Now some will say that Iger was responsible for many of DCA's original problems but of course that is not true, at least not in a significant way.

As I've said, WDW will have it's day. Eisner's messes are being cleaned up day by day in a very deliberate and strategic way with little or no fanfare or hoopla (sorry couldn't resist :o). And a bunch of anonymous carping on a Disney fansite will neither speed up the process nor slow it down. Only the economy can do that.

I've been going to WDW since before you were born and there is absolutely no doubt it is more amazing than ever. It is less magical in a sense, a victim of it's own success, but the absolute scope and variety make up for, and in many cases supercede that issue. :sohappy:

What WDW needs is a nice IMAX theater. :lookaroun Done. :king:
I am talking about the current management as well. They are focused on Anaheim mainly. I'm not complaining about Anaheim anymore since they are making a concerted effort to clean up the California Adventure mess.

I have recently worked with WDI on a couple of projects and unfortunately much of the same management style and attitude is still present. Also, the latest stateside product out of WDI since Iger has not changed the current trends much. While Toy Story Mania is a fun attraction it still does not come close to the pre-94 product in terms of story, attention to detail, quality scenic and scope. Sorry, moving from one generic screen assembly to another with extremely low budget scenery is not my idea of exceeding expectations or caring about story and immersive themeing. Believe me we could have gotten much more (and i say that with direct inside knowledge and experience with this particular project) were it not for the "it will be good enough for them" management mentality.

With respect to park operations and maintenance I haven't seen any change, if anything maybe for the worst, since Iger took over.


Well-Known Member
When you say Iger is Eisners legacy it makes me know that you do not understand the situation as you would have people here believe. You can't have a good understanding of who Iger is and believe he is Eisner's legacy. For all your words, that alone disqualifies you as an expert. Not that I ever thought you were by the way.

Great ... you and jake should start a club. Maybe charge $75 and offer a 'free' charter subscriber gift!

And while I wonder why bother with responding, Iger is part of Eisner's Legacy. That is FACT! Eisner handpicked him for the No. 2 job and then to succeed him.

Again, to say otherwise is a blatant lie.

And you are always reminding people how you have been going to WDW since 74 and how long you have had your AP so I just thought turnabout was fair play. What was I thinking? :ROFLOL:

You weren't. Don't worry, I don't expect you to.

~What Will YOU Celebrate? Michael Eisner Appreciation Day!~


Well-Known Member
Well, ABC wasn't doing all that great before Disney bought them. I know it's cyclical. Iger was COO in 2000 for 5 years.

I'm not saying he is to blame for everything and I never said he didn't care about the parks. But if you're going to give him all the credit for DCA and other things, then he gets the blame for some of the junk that's bad (subpar refurbs, broken AAs).

When I've seen him walking in the parks during a non press event, he's had his name tag on, but managed to wear a pullover type shirt that wasn't tucked in.

Actually, I think the whole company needs a shakedown and cleaning out.

He was not in charge back then and WDW was probably the last thing on his mind. Can you imagine if he had of approached Eisner about WDW back then? But now he is in charge and DCA is Exhibit 1! IMHO of course.


Well-Known Member
I think that's what he is getting at. Correct me if I'm worng 'bulb(Can I call you 'bulb?) What's the great "story" of TT? Of Mission: Space? Of Soarin'?

Soarin' is my least favorite attraction in WDW because of the fanfare it receives (undeservedly). The whole orange scent spray isn't that amazing of an effect folks.:rolleyes:

Expedition Everest is what people call a "hot mess". It's an attraction with a good story, wrapped in a nice package, but it contains ZERO subtance. This attraction/storyline has/had the potential for so many effects. Instead we get a multimillion dollar AA with a broken back posing for a strobe light.

~What will I celebrate? A date with Carrie Underwood plz~


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I couldn't have said it better myself. Same back at you by the way regarding your thoughtful posts. I know you must be an insider but I'm not sure in what way.

Thanks. I thought we were going to have a nice philosphical big picture discussion, but The Mom (not mine!) came in and ended that!

As to my being an 'insider', let's just say it's not likely in the way you think ... but it is possible we've crossed paths before.

~Calling It a Night!~


Soarin' is my least favorite attraction in WDW because of the fanfare it receives (undeservedly). The whole orange scent spray isn't that amazing of an effect folks.:rolleyes:

Yup. I have fun on the ride, but I always get off, look at the wait time and think to myself, "Reall? You people are gonna wait 3 hours for that?"

Expedition Everest is what people call a "hot mess". It's an attraction with a good story, wrapped in a nice package, but it contains ZERO subtance. This attraction/storyline has/had the potential for so many effects. Instead we get a multimillion dollar AA with a broken back posing for a strobe light.

Yup. EE has tons and tons of potential. Too bad the attraction does the queue a great disservice.

~What will I celebrate? A date with Carrie Underwood plz~

You can take her if I can have Taylor Swift.


Well-Known Member
Great ... you and jake should start a club. Maybe charge $75 and offer a 'free' charter subscriber gift!

And while I wonder why bother with responding, Iger is part of Eisner's Legacy. That is FACT! Eisner handpicked him for the No. 2 job and then to succeed him.

Again, to say otherwise is a blatant lie.

You weren't. Don't worry, I don't expect you to.

~What Will YOU Celebrate? Michael Eisner Appreciation Day!~

When he choose Iger he had no earthly idea whom he had chosen. If he did he wouldn't have chosen him. And he had no other option but to hand the reins to Iger. But I'm sure they dine together often at the best restaurants and discuss bringing the magic back to WDW.

Check please :wave:

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