Magic Kingdom No Longer to be Dry


Well-Known Member
To me it's like the Big Ugly Hat in DHS. By itself it's not a bad idea, but when you throw in the location it is just plain awful. Alcohol served in Fantasyland, the one land that really is designed for children. What are they thinking? Seriously! If smokers are told to only smoke in certain places than alcohol consumption has a place as well and frankly...Fantasyland is not the place. IMHO!:cool:

Don't go to DLP then you'd have a heart attack :cool:

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I for one like this. It's a bit surprising, but honestly it would be a bit ridiculous to try and make a fancy french restaurant without wine pairings.

And not for nothing, Walt didn't want alcohol at Disneyland. I don't believe he ever shared an opinion on alcohol in the Magic Kingdom. Actually, I don't think he had much opinion on anything related to the Magic Kingdom for the Florida Project...

They just need to be careful before expanding the alcohol much. If people can suddenly get sloshed every night, they could run into real problems nightly when everyone congregates for Wishes. I can imagine inebriated people being less than pleased when someone decides to stand in front of them (with their toddler on their shoulders) right when Wishes starts...


Premium Member
I never claimed I knew what he would do or not do. You do seem to think you know what he would or would not do according to your posts

Quite the opposite.. I don't know what his opinion would be today. It's clear you don't get the posts. The idea that his opinion then, has questionable merit now and if asked today, we don't know if his opinion would be the same now. So his opinion then is only history.

Should the company base their policy and actions today on gays based on Walt's actions and opinion of them in 1950's America too?


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's going to alter anyone's life. That doesn't mean people can't express their disappointment with it.
I know that was addressed to someone else but wanted to say I respect your point of feeling disappointment. I also feel some of that disappointment. That feeling tends to come with at change to the Disney things I love. This change is going to happen and in a few years it will be the new tradition of the place.


Premium Member
They just need to be careful before expanding the alcohol much. If people can suddenly get sloshed every night, they could run into real problems nightly when everyone congregates for Wishes. I can imagine inebriated people being less than pleased when someone decides to stand in front of them (with their toddler on their shoulders) right when Wishes starts...

because it's already such a big problem at ECPOT and DHS... :rolleyes:


Premium Member
Have you ever been to Epcot? No, seriously. Check out some videos on youtube.

Let me repeat myself....

because it's already such a big problem...

Please point me to the huge movement to stop selling alchohol at the parks because of people during fireworks.. and we already know the EPCOT situation is exaggerated during F&W.. and yet, the sun still comes up every day and there is no need for riot police at ECPOT during illuminations.

Seriously if this is someone's arguement.. they should be arguing for an air conditioned bubble over the property because HEAT and exhaustion is behind so many more people conflicts than alcohol.


Well-Known Member
This is totally breaking tradition in the name of profits. THis is how todays executives act. They only care about profitting. Even if Walt was alive and absorbed this 21st century attitude I can guarantee you if he were still
around this would not be happening.
I get things change with modern times but the Magic kindgom is rooted in the old americana theme as a family park. It was the only park where I didnt have to worry about beligerent drunks ruining my kids experience.
Think of how Epcot is on the weekends during food and wine, sooner or later this is what we will experience
at MK

The drink.

Hey, maybe you don't give a crap about what Walt wanted, and what has always been a constant at the park, but I do. This isn't like saying "Well, the Magic Kingdom has never been open for 24 hours, so let's try that." Just because it's something new doesn't mean it's breaking tradition. This IS breaking tradition.


Premium Member
Have you ever been to Epcot? No, seriously. Check out some videos on youtube.

Oh, F&W Fest and New Year's Eve....OMG.

I worked as a contractor in 2007....the stories of drunk people I could tell....tons of stuff.

Anyway, Let's all get sloshed at BoG and go to the MK Speedway, its not too far...or go on the TeaCups right afterward....Cleanup, Cup 7!!


Well-Known Member
food is a necessary lifeline, and with more and more crowds in this day and age they have to offer more food...
you cannot compare food offerings to alcohol..this is a bad analogy

Walt also opened his park with limited food, and almost no real sit down restaurants, and only added them sparingly later. Somethings change.. and people need to change with them. Unfortunately Uncle Walt is no longer with us to enlighten us on his view on sit down dining in the parks. But its very clear from the other parks that there is no slippery slope here to worry about.


Well-Known Member
This is against Walt's wishes and should be stopped.

Walt also said coffee should only cost 25 cents.

Walt likely wanted to avoid people getting drunk on reasonably priced alcohol.

He could have never dreamed the cost of a beer theme parks charge these days. And at these prices, nobody is getting drunk.

Other than Epcot Food & Wine festival (where alcohol is not just served but celebrated), have you ever seen anyone inappropriately intoxicated at Disney? And even if you can come up with one example, was it truly a widespread problem?

Facial hair is allowed now. So is alcohol. So what? You can't complain that FLE is aimed only at kids, an then complain when they want to serve adult drinks.


Active Member
This is totally breaking tradition in the name of profits. THis is how todays executives act. They only care about profitting. Even if Walt was alive and absorbed this 21st century attitude I can guarantee you if he were still
around this would not be happening.
I get things change with modern times but the Magic kindgom is rooted in the old americana theme as a family park. It was the only park where I didnt have to worry about beligerent drunks ruining my kids experience.
Think of how Epcot is on the weekends during food and wine, sooner or later this is what we will experience
at MK

How do you know what Walt would have thought or done? Also, Disneyland has been serving alcohol in Club 33 for years.


Premium Member
This one blew up pretty fast. For me personally, I have no problem with it. They are not adding beer carts and letting people walk around carrying drinks. No shot girls or crazy partying. Just some wine and a few beers (which from the menu look pretty solid) on the menu of a high class restaurant. I don't see this having a big change on the park. You can hop the monorail and get drinks at any number of bars and restaurants on the monorail route. Not much different than walking in to the restaurant. I don't see people going to BOG to get drunk or party. There are plenty of better places to go for that in WDW and in the local area. It will probably just be a guy having a beer or 2 with dinner or a glass of wine.

I get that it was tradition not to serve alcohol in the MK, but I still don't think this will kill the family environment. Right now it is only allowed in 1 restaurant. We can all speculate as much as we want that it will spread, but it's just speculation. I am going to wait until they add drink carts and rum to the dole whips before I will have an issue with it.


Well-Known Member
Becuase he was not about greed. He was about family.
Regarding the club 33, can anyone just walk in there and buy a drink? Isnt it a isolated space for VIPs or something...

How do you know what Walt would have thought or done? Also, Disneyland has been serving alcohol in Club 33 for years.

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