Lions Gate in talks for Hunger Games theme park attraction

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
Wait, really? you're using Pulp Fiction as your example? A movie that's rated R? That kids shouldn't be watching in the first place?

YES, we all know how well the rating system works with movies and games and keep them away from kids. That was just one example.

As for the Hunger Games, both movies are basically bloodless and try to hide as much violence as they can.

I do disagree here, for reason previously stated

Also, your "pushing blood and gore" crusade holds little water as excessive blood and gore are what push films from PG-13 to R.

Look around, maybe this works for some movies, but not the violent ones and violent gaming.




Well-Known Member
Look around, maybe this works for some movies, but not the violent ones and violent gaming.

Well now you're not talking about the media, you're talking about parenting. If you don't want your kids exposed to it, don't buy them M rated games or take them to R rated movies.

And even if they did see them, the scientific evidence points to them having no affect on a child's development, so it's irrelevant in the long run.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Hi Yoda,

There are indeed people with that view. I be to differ, over all crime rates maybe going down in some areas, a good deal of that in minor crime, but there is no debate on the murder rate going down.

Just read the paper or watch the news, the nuts killing kids in school, college students killing , home break ins, road rages with crash's and weapons, etc., etc.,. We never had that until the last 30 years with the over the top violent movies and gaming.

Sorry I am sure the studies that say we are wrong, things are sweet and roses mean well, I just don't see it in society.

Sadly, you are doing what so many do. You think your feelings and your perception somehow supercede facts. The unbiased data shows that the murder rate, crime, etc are going down. Sure there are pockets that it is going up, but as a whole we live in a world that has never been safer.

Let me throw one little query at you. What one thing that is different now than it was 20-30 years ago? The answer...the 24 hour news cycle. Back in the day the new had to fill up about 2-3 hours of content per night. You could do that by reporting the important stuff with the occasional cat fashion show filler. No so anymore. Every last thing that can be reported is being reported. To make matters worse, it is being sensationalized and spun to increase ratings.

So what does that all mean? If all you do is watch the news you would think that the world is going to hell in a handbasket because that is what they want you to think. It keeps you glued to the TV, increasing ratings and ad revenue. When you remove the hype and the spin and just look at the data, the reality will emerge.


President of Progress City
Sadly, you are doing what so many do. You think your feelings and your perception somehow supercede facts. The unbiased data shows that the murder rate, crime, etc are going down. Sure there are pockets that it is going up, but as a whole we live in a world that has never been safer.

Let me throw one little query at you. What one thing that is different now than it was 20-30 years ago? The answer...the 24 hour news cycle. Back in the day the new had to fill up about 2-3 hours of content per night. You could do that by reporting the important stuff with the occasional cat fashion show filler. No so anymore. Every last thing that can be reported is being reported. To make matters worse, it is being sensationalized and spun to increase ratings.

So what does that all mean? If all you do is watch the news you would think that the world is going to hell in a handbasket because that is what they want you to think. It keeps you glued to the TV, increasing ratings and ad revenue. When you remove the hype and the spin and just look at the data, the reality will emerge.
Nothing generates revenue for the news like Murder or a missing white girl.


Well-Known Member
I think disneyhead 71 was making a comment on the country today and gun control. Not referring to the movie.

Yep. I typed that as I was sitting in front of the second murder scene I was at this morning. 3 dead people total from gun violence. Seeing 3 dead bodies before 6:30am because of gun violence makes me grumpy.

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
Sadly, you are doing what so many do. You think your feelings and your perception somehow supercede facts. The unbiased data shows that the murder rate, crime, etc are going down. Sure there are pockets that it is going up, but as a whole we live in a world that has never been safer.

Let me throw one little query at you. What one thing that is different now than it was 20-30 years ago? The answer...the 24 hour news cycle. Back in the day the new had to fill up about 2-3 hours of content per night. You could do that by reporting the important stuff with the occasional cat fashion show filler. No so anymore. Every last thing that can be reported is being reported. To make matters worse, it is being sensationalized and spun to increase ratings.

So what does that all mean? If all you do is watch the news you would think that the world is going to hell in a handbasket because that is what they want you to think. It keeps you glued to the TV, increasing ratings and ad revenue. When you remove the hype and the spin and just look at the data, the reality will emerge.

All good points Yoda, but let me throw one at you. The crimes today are mass murders, nasty shooting, families beaten , cut up in their homes, rapes, really over the top violent. What we didn't have 20 30 years ago was the type of crimes seen in these movies , TV and games.

Sir, I don't claim to know it all, but I know my feelings and I don't let them run away with me. As the Ships Master to learn to judge things out before reacting or in this case form an opinion... I see here in CT only,, Sandy Hook, the Doctors wife and 2 kids murdered, in one town over, a couple killed in their car in a attempted car jacking. Years ago we had car jacking store robberies, but not the seeming wiliness of nuts and criminals to Kill with such a free hand. I cannot help but feel the killing and gore we have in entertainment these days has made human life appear to be a throwaway commodity.



Well-Known Member
All good points Yoda, but let me throw one at you. The crimes today are mass murders, nasty shooting, families beaten , cut up in their homes, rapes, really over the top violent. What we didn't have 20 30 years ago was the type of crimes seen in these movies , TV and games.

I'll focus on the mass murders, because the rest of your stuff is things we have seen forever.

Mass murders are a new thing because easily attainable weapons that can commit such acts are relatively new. If we had assault rifles for public consumption in the 50's, you'd have seen them before. These acts have nothing to do with movies and fiction, and everything to do with untreated mental illness.

Fiction has ALWAYS glamorized violence and the base instincts. Shakespeare did it. Greek and Roman myth did it. It's nothing new.

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
I'll focus on the mass murders, because the rest of your stuff is things we have seen forever.

Mass murders are a new thing because easily attainable weapons that can commit such acts are relatively new. If we had assault rifles for public consumption in the 50's, you'd have seen them before. These acts have nothing to do with movies and fiction, and everything to do with untreated mental illness.

Good points except those crimes are not all all done with assault weapons. Read the background, often assault weapons are part of the weapons at the scenes, but other guns and knifes do a lot of damage. I would also point out a little toy called a *sub machine or tommy gun* available all the way back in the 30's.

Fiction has ALWAYS glamorized violence and the base instincts. Shakespeare did it. Greek and Roman myth did it. It's nothing new.

Some fiction has indeed done just that, but does that mean its necessary??..Should our kids be exposed to it?..........much of the fairy tale stories are violent, but have been rewritten as children storie.,

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
All good points Yoda, but let me throw one at you. The crimes today are mass murders, nasty shooting, families beaten , cut up in their homes, rapes, really over the top violent. What we didn't have 20 30 years ago was the type of crimes seen in these movies , TV and games.

Sir, I don't claim to know it all, but I know my feelings and I don't let them run away with me. As the Ships Master to learn to judge things out before reacting or in this case form an opinion... I see here in CT only,, Sandy Hook, the Doctors wife and 2 kids murdered, in one town over, a couple killed in their car in a attempted car jacking. Years ago we had car jacking store robberies, but not the seeming wiliness of nuts and criminals to Kill with such a free hand. I cannot help but feel the killing and gore we have in entertainment these days has made human life appear to be a throwaway commodity.

Yes we did and in many cases they were worse. This list is just the tip of the iceberg. Like I said before, you are letting your emotions and personal exposure get in the way of the facts.

18 killed - August 1, 1966 - University of Texas. Charles Joseph Whitman, a former U.S. Marine, kills 16 and wounds at least 30 from a university tower. Police officers Ramiro Martinez and Houston McCoy shot and killed Whitman in the tower. Whitman had also killed his mother and wife earlier in the day.

9 killed - January 7, 1973 - In New Orleans, Louisiana, 23-year-old Mark Robert James Essex, using a .44 magnum carbine, kills nine people in a rampage at a Howard Johnson motel. Police snipers later kill him.

8 killed - August 20, 1982 - In Miami, Florida, 51-year-old history teacher Carl Robert Brown, angry about a repair bill and armed with a shotgun, kills eight people at a machine shop. He flees by bicycle, but is shot in the back by a witness who pursued him. He was on leave from school for psychological treatment.


Keep Moving Forward
All good points Yoda, but let me throw one at you. The crimes today are mass murders, nasty shooting, families beaten , cut up in their homes, rapes, really over the top violent. What we didn't have 20 30 years ago was the type of crimes seen in these movies , TV and games.

Sir, I don't claim to know it all, but I know my feelings and I don't let them run away with me. As the Ships Master to learn to judge things out before reacting or in this case form an opinion... I see here in CT only,, Sandy Hook, the Doctors wife and 2 kids murdered, in one town over, a couple killed in their car in a attempted car jacking. Years ago we had car jacking store robberies, but not the seeming wiliness of nuts and criminals to Kill with such a free hand. I cannot help but feel the killing and gore we have in entertainment these days has made human life appear to be a throwaway commodity.

No what we didn't have 20/30 years ago was 24 hours news from around the country/world so you didn't see or know every detail. you would have had local news and important National Stories that is it. You also didn't have talking heads giving their opinions and spewing out nonsense as fact.

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
Yes we did and in many cases they were worse. This list is just the tip of the iceberg. Like I said before, you are letting your emotions and personal exposure get in the way of the facts.

18 killed - August 1, 1966 - University of Texas. Charles Joseph Whitman, a former U.S. Marine, kills 16 and wounds at least 30 from a university tower. Police officers Ramiro Martinez and Houston McCoy shot and killed Whitman in the tower. Whitman had also killed his mother and wife earlier in the day.

9 killed - January 7, 1973 - In New Orleans, Louisiana, 23-year-old Mark Robert James Essex, using a .44 magnum carbine, kills nine people in a rampage at a Howard Johnson motel. Police snipers later kill him.

8 killed - August 20, 1982 - In Miami, Florida, 51-year-old history teacher Carl Robert Brown, angry about a repair bill and armed with a shotgun, kills eight people at a machine shop. He flees by bicycle, but is shot in the back by a witness who pursued him. He was on leave from school for psychological treatment.

.. Just this year,.... hoe many schools, colleges, theaters, malls had many people murdered??..and then the attempts that were stopped? many would have been killed then???

People have become a throwaway commodity

We will just have to agree to disagree.



Well-Known Member
Some fiction has indeed done just that, but does that mean its necessary??............much of the fairy tale stories are violent, but have been rewritten as children storie.,
Fairy Tales were violent for a reason. Hansel and Gretel is a cautionary tale to warn children about taking candy from strangers lest you be caged in a weirdo's basement.


Premium Member
Do you have facts to back up your claim that these didn't happen 20 years ago?
Hi Yoda,

There are indeed people with that view. I be to differ, over all crime rates maybe going down in some areas, a good deal of that in minor crime, but there is no debate on the murder rate going down.

Just read the paper or watch the news, the nuts killing kids in school, college students killing , home break ins, road rages with crash's and weapons, etc., etc.,. We never had that until the last 30 years with the over the top violent movies and gaming.

Sorry I am sure the studies that say we are wrong, things are sweet and roses mean well, I just don't see it in society.


Yes, you are correct there is no debate on the murder rate going down, that statistics clearly show it has. The murder rate reached a high in the early 90's and has declined steadily since then:

All good points Yoda, but let me throw one at you. The crimes today are mass murders, nasty shooting, families beaten , cut up in their homes, rapes, really over the top violent. What we didn't have 20 30 years ago was the type of crimes seen in these movies , TV and games.

Sir, I don't claim to know it all, but I know my feelings and I don't let them run away with me. As the Ships Master to learn to judge things out before reacting or in this case form an opinion... I see here in CT only,, Sandy Hook, the Doctors wife and 2 kids murdered, in one town over, a couple killed in their car in a attempted car jacking. Years ago we had car jacking store robberies, but not the seeming wiliness of nuts and criminals to Kill with such a free hand. I cannot help but feel the killing and gore we have in entertainment these days has made human life appear to be a throwaway commodity.


Do you have statistics to support the claim that these types of crimes are in the increase? Couldn't this just be another case of the media over-reporting these sorts of crimes because they are so sensational? The crime statistics from the link above show that rape is down. There have been "a lot" of mass murders recently, but the statistics on this one are tricky since there are relatively few of these actually happening. According to this article there have on been 12 incidents in the US since 1949 where 12 or more people were killed, the majority of which have taken place in the six years. But raise that number to 14 victims and the majority shifts to between 1966 and 1991. The small number of incidents makes it really hard to determine a trend.


Keep Moving Forward
.. Just this year,.... hoe many schools, colleges, theaters, malls had many people murdered??..and then the attempts that were stopped? many would have been killed then???

People have become a throwaway commodity

We will just have to agree to disagree.


People have always been a "throw away commodity" slavery, wars, genocide, women seen as nothing but property to give you sons. It has always been there and in many places still is around the world.

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
No what we didn't have 20/30 years ago was 24 hours news from around the country/world so you didn't see or know every detail. you would have had local news and important National Stories that is it. You also didn't have talking heads giving their opinions and spewing out nonsense as fact.

Hi Random,

Yoda and I were just going though that.. You see I think you and Yoda are looking at things thought the ole rose colored glasses and you see everything as being great........I don't see that.

How about this?..........lets say for discussion that all those tallies are real and correct????............if those people effected in a bad way by the over the top violence and other things, were not exposed to it, how much better/lower would the figures be??


Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
.. Just this year,.... hoe many schools, colleges, theaters, malls had many people murdered??..and then the attempts that were stopped? many would have been killed then???

People have become a throwaway commodity

We will just have to agree to disagree.

You can agree to disagree on the best pudding flavour. It is not possible to do that when you are having a fact based argument. If you can not provide facts to prove your position, then you are wrong. Simple as that.


President of Progress City
People have always been a "throw away commodity" slavery, wars, genocide, women seen as nothing but property to give you sons. It has always been there and in many places still is around the world.
Thank you for posting this. I was gonna post how many citizens were kille with just two bombs in japan. Life has not alway been valued in society (well the life's of others)

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