Lions Gate in talks for Hunger Games theme park attraction


Well-Known Member
.. Just this year,.... hoe many schools, colleges, theaters, malls had many people murdered??..and then the attempts that were stopped? many would have been killed then???

People have become a throwaway commodity

We will just have to agree to disagree.

Couldn't that also be a by product of the fact that within 5 miles of where I sit there are 23 places that I can walk in and buy an assault rifle and enough ammo to make the national news?

But let's blame the video games and movies. Isn't it odd that the same folks that blame media are the same ones that are absolutely intent on flooding our society with military grade assault weapons? You know, for safety reasons. But you know, you never see these same folks battling a fire with a flame thrower.
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Well-Known Member
I had this idea some time ago. This would be great for Discovery Island! Tour Groups beware....Want to get into the park well only one of you is going to make it.

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
Do you have facts to back up your claim that these didn't happen 20 years ago?

Yes, you are correct there is no debate on the murder rate going down, that statistics clearly show it has. The murder rate reached a high in the early 90's and has declined steadily since then:

Do you have statistics to support the claim that these types of crimes are in the increase? Couldn't this just be another case of the media over-reporting these sorts of crimes because they are so sensational? The crime statistics from the link above show that rape is down. There have been "a lot" of mass murders recently, but the statistics on this one are tricky since there are relatively few of these actually happening. According to this article there have on been 12 incidents in the US since 1949 where 12 or more people were killed, the majority of which have taken place in the six years. But raise that number to 14 victims and the majority shifts to between 1966 and 1991. The small number of incidents makes it really hard to determine a trend.

YES, we all know how well the rating system works with movies and games.

and your point?............I never said none ever happened, but to my knowledge kids walking into schools is a new part of society.

The opinion piece also notes this:

That is a frustrating and somewhat depressing conclusion, especially since even today’s far lower homicide rate is still vastly higher than that in almost all other wealthy industrialized nations
So we should be proud were killing each other off faster?............if our school kids were not exposed to over the top violence, may not be thinking of human life as a throwaway commodity?.........of course this is not a big percentage of the killing, so maybe we should just ignore it.

In am not saying this violence in entertainment is the main reason for this crime, but I do believe its part of it and it is preventable.

Look, we can all spent time finding statics and opinion pieces on both sides........

I have offered my have your own.


Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
Couldn't that also be a by product of the fact that within 5 miles of where I sit there are 23 places that I can walk in and buy an assault rifle and enough ammo to make the national news?

But let's blame the video games and movies. Isn't it odd that the same folks that blame media are the same ones that are absolutely intent on flooding our society with military grade assault weapons? You know, for safety reasons. But you know, you never see these same folks battling a fire with a flame thrower.

I totally agree, but are you saying that is the only reason these people or kids do these crimes.........just because they maybe able to get the assault weapons?



Keep Moving Forward
Couldn't that also be a by product of the fact that within 5 miles of where I sit there are 23 places that I can walk in and buy an assault rifle and enough ammo to make the national news?

But let's blame the video games and movies. Isn't it odd that the same folks that blame media are the same ones that are absolutely intent on flooding our society with military grade assault weapons? You know, for safety reasons. But you know, you never see these same folks battling a fire with a flame thrower.

I agree with gun control but there are many factors at play with mass shootings we can't just point to one factor you have many contributing factors. Sadly gun control doesn't always work, look at Chicago it is illegal to own a gun of any kind in Chicago as a private citizen. but every week there are reports of dozens of people shot or murdered by people with guns.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I agree with gun control but there are many factors at play with mass shootings we can't just point to one factor you have many contributing factors. Sadly gun control doesn't always work, look at Chicago it is illegal to own a gun of any kind in Chicago as a private citizen. but every week there are reports of dozens of people shot or murdered by people with guns.
There might be one...mental health. It is the one common thread that seems to run through nearly all of them. If I could focus on one and only one area, mental health would be it.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree, but are you saying that is the only reason these people or kids do these crimes.........just because they maybe able to get the assault weapons?

That and somebody drastically slashed funding for mental healthcare. About the only thing I think that video games have contributed to the situation is that untreated mentally ill people with access to military grade assault weaponry have been able to maximize their kill ratio by practicing on these video games.
But I think the crux of the statement above is "untreated mentally ill people with access to military grade weaponry".

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
You can agree to disagree on the best pudding flavour. It is not possible to do that when you are having a fact based argument. If you can not provide facts to prove your position, then you are wrong. Simple as that.

In your opinion. Want facts.......statics can be presented to support any position. The ones you have said murder is down and peresents no details and when or why...........Dans info says they don't know why the murder rate is maybe the murder rate would be lower if kids were not exposed to the over the top violence.

So much for facts.


Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
No I don't but getting rid of violent entertainment will not solve the problem.

Fair enough you have your opinion. However I believe keeping it away from kids will reduce the kids effected by it.

BBW.I never said anything about taking it away........its still a free country...............I asked if it was necessary and I did say we need to keep it away from kids who are very impressionable and forming mental patterns and abilities and values.

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Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
That and somebody drastically slashed funding for mental healthcare. About the only thing I think that video games have contributed to the situation is that untreated mentally ill people with access to military grade assault weaponry have been able to maximize their kill ratio by practicing on these video games.
But I think the crux of the statement above is "untreated mentally ill people with access to military grade weaponry".

I totally agree, its all part on a bigger picture!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
In your opinion. Want facts.......statics can be presented to support any position. The ones you have said murder is down and peresents no details and when or why...........Dans info says they don't know why the murder rate is maybe the murder rate would be lower if kids were not exposed to the over the top violence.

So much for facts.

Yet you are implying that it is getting worse, but show know facts to back it up. The data I presented is not rocket science. It is the calculation of the number of murders per capita. There are no tricks to the data, no fancy graphs that sensationalize a minor change just numbers that are consistently going down. If what you are implying is true, then you can disprove what I have presented with different inforamtion.

So far all you have provided are feelings and anecdotes.

Bring the data or go home.


Premium Member
Sadly, you are doing what so many do. You think your feelings and your perception somehow supercede facts.

So what does that all mean? If all you do is watch the news you would think that the world is going to hell in a handbasket because that is what they want you to think. It keeps you glued to the TV, increasing ratings and ad revenue. When you remove the hype and the spin and just look at the data, the reality will emerge.

I believe many peoples feelings and perceptions are a direct result of what they are fed by the media. Many hear something on CNN or FOX and just run with it without doing ANY research on their own

We cancelled cable several years ago and I can honestly say @Master Yoda statement is spot on! We use Netflix, Hulu, and Redbox for our movies and get our news from reputable, unbiased (usually foreign) media sites. When you READ (not watch) the news you can come to your OWN conclusion and not what some network and their sponsors would like you to believe. you dont get the "hell in a handbasket" scenario. Look at the story of the NFL not allowing the "Daniel Defense" commercial to be aired for the Super Bowl. It shows that a company allows what THEY want to be seen. Why should the NFL care if its and add for Gun safety? You dont even see a gun in the entire commercial. But plenty of commercials with scantily clad woman and beer. Thats ok for the youth to see I guess. lol

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
Yet you are implying that it is getting worse, but show know facts to back it up. The data I presented is not rocket science. It is the calculation of the number of murders per capita. There are no tricks to the data, no fancy graphs that sensationalize a minor change just numbers that are consistently going down. If what you are implying is true, then you can disprove what I have presented with different inforamtion.

So far all you have provided are feelings and anecdotes.

Bring the data or go home.

Then why not going into the detials as to why?. find statics that show violent gaming and entertainment presented to kids is totally OK?......I freely admit I am not good enough on the computer to find some.

But every one here can have a opinion and mine is based is facts of today and the nature of high violent crimes. not just how many.



Keep Moving Forward
That and somebody drastically slashed funding for mental healthcare. About the only thing I think that video games have contributed to the situation is that untreated mentally ill people with access to military grade assault weaponry have been able to maximize their kill ratio by practicing on these video games.
But I think the crux of the statement above is "untreated mentally ill people with access to military grade weaponry".
I agree with most of this. Playing a video game in no way prepares you for firing an actual gun. They all need real world gun experience to do these things.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Then why not going into the detials as to why?. find statics that show violent gaming and entertainment presented to kids is totally OK?......I freely admit I am not good enough on the computer to find some.

But every one here can have a opinion and mine is based is facts of today and the nature of high violent crimes. not just how many.

Here ya go...

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member search:

This oone even points out that the concubine, Tucson, Washington navy yard killers. were gamers.

One of my points from the start............studies and articles on both side are out there.

I would also point out that almost all the items here and others all stress that what the kids are and gaming, needs to be monitored. The violent games and show. movies can effect different kids in different ways.

My point stands.


Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member search:

This oone even points out that the concubine, Tucson, Washington navy yard killers. were gamers.

One of my points from the start............studies and articles on both side are out there.

I would also point out that almost all the items here and others all stress that what the kids are and gaming, needs to be monitored. The violent games and show. movies can effect different kids in different ways.

My point stands.

You have linked what is in essence 3 opinion pieces. The first one even states..

"Though studies on the issue are abundant, none have been successful at directly correlating video game violence and real-world violence in children."

Opinion pieces are just that...opinions, not facts. Find actual studies that show video games cause violent behavior and get back to me.


Well-Known Member
Even if there was a correlation, which none of your sources above claim, there's 4 people listed as having been affected by the games.

Grand Theft Auto[the most cited problem maker (hilariously so as someone who's played it)]'s newest version has shipped 29 million copies already.

4/29,000,000 = .00000014% of the customer base. That's a negligible effect. Shows that these people have many, many other things wrong with them above playing a video game or seeing a movie.

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