Lights of Winter not being displayed this year (2009)!?!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Maybe the choir could wear dresses like this.


Video of the dress in action


Active Member
The fans on this site got pretty fired up when we learned TDO wasn't planning any sort of 25th celebration. Got people's attention and they changed their mind, and the fans pulled of a rather large gathering as well. So, lets put our minds together...what could we do as a fan group one evening as our own tribute to the Lights of Winter? We'll be there Nov 27th to the 30th. Perhaps handing out as many glow sticks as I can get through the gate at the former LoW location.



Well-Known Member
The fans on this site got pretty fired up when we learned TDO wasn't planning any sort of 25th celebration. Got people's attention and they changed their mind, and the fans pulled of a rather large gathering as well. So, lets put our minds together...what could we do as a fan group one evening as our own tribute to the Lights of Winter? We'll be there Nov 27th to the 30th. Perhaps handing out as many glow sticks as I can get through the gate at the former LoW location.


If I can manage to get a hold of a button maker I'll make as many buttons as I can. If anyone knows where I can get one that's not too expensive let me know.


Well-Known Member
The fans on this site got pretty fired up when we learned TDO wasn't planning any sort of 25th celebration. Got people's attention and they changed their mind, and the fans pulled of a rather large gathering as well. So, lets put our minds together...what could we do as a fan group one evening as our own tribute to the Lights of Winter? We'll be there Nov 27th to the 30th. Perhaps handing out as many glow sticks as I can get through the gate at the former LoW location.


Well we could...

Hand out as many "Bring Back LOW" pins and magnets as we can buy. (Their great design is a way of educating the casual guests on what is missing this year.)

Organizing various "Lights" parties throughout the season. Get a group of 20 people or so to gather on the walkway with their lights and make a human archway. Preferably arrange this for that open press day or when press are there. Get a photo op going with a news piece. That will get the attention of casual visitors and hopefully generate some bad PR. Shame TDO into correcting the situation for next year.

Someone ship a box of those pins to TDO with a collection of letters from guests who are hurt by this change.

For me, I'll be taking my entire family to Disney the weekend of the 5th. That's 17 people, 15 of them never having been to Disney before. 10 of them were debating buying park passes for Saturday so they could go into EPCOT and see their holiday offerings. The CP is not drawing them in. Now it seems those 10 people will just skip a Disney park altogether that day. Some are already planning Seaworld instead.


Well-Known Member
I am hesitant to include Mr. Cockrell in this...I have heard MANY good things about him, and I would be shocked to hear if he had a say in this.

But he's VP of EPCOT? You think he just nodded and said "Yes ma'am" to Crofton and Wallace?

If he wasn't ok with this, getting a few upset letters from guests may be just the amunition he needs to challenge his bosses then. He can do a "See, I told ya they'd miss them".


Well-Known Member
i think it was the biggest factor, the other things that you mentioned contributed as well but the subprim morgages was the straw that broke the camels back.

I strongly disagree. And ultimately who was behind the subprime mortgages? The banks and Wall Street, first and foremost. And then both Clinton and (especially) W, who relaxed and removed regulation and control. Subprime mortages allowed W to prop up a phony economy in the post-9/11 period.

Want to know what happens when Wall Street has no controls?

We came very close to the abyss ... and yet, we still let the foxes guard the henhouse and wonder why the behaviors don't change.

Also capitalism is what made this country grate you shouldn't attack it. Are there problems with the system? Yes but we should not move away totaly from what made this country great.

No. It isn't.

That's a fallacy that is pushed by those on the far right and the wealthy and spewed forth by talking heads on FOX, CNBC and CNN.

What made this country great was DEMOCRACY.

And despite what some would have us believe, capitalism and democracy are not the same thing at all. One might argue they can be diametrically opposed. And our Founding Fathers never said we were to have a capitalist system.

The Constitution. That's what made our country great (even if the Patriot Act reudces it to some sidelight that can be adhered to when convenient, so that we can get the 'evildoers' ... as to who gets to determine who they are ...well, trust your government right? )

Don't get me wrong. I do believe in capitalism. I just don't advocate the bastardization that has happened in the US in my lifetime.

Ultimately, it has harmed our nation and all its citizens.

And on a level in this discussion, it is why Disney operates the way it does. It can't largely run the way it did in good, old days because the Beast that is the Street needs to be fed constantly bigger, better numbers.

A fair profit is never enough. MORE! MORE! MORE! greed is good ... well, no it isn't.

It's turning us into a third world nation with nukes and delusions of grandeur.

There needs to be reform but just like Healthcare I don't wan't the goverment anywhere near it. Judging from your coments I guess you are for goverment run health care, but my question to you is why would you put so much faith in the government? They can't even run the post office and you wan't them incharge of your health care??

No. I don't put much faith in the government.

But what is the alternative? Putting faith in Big Business and the Insurance lobby? I'll take the government.

People need healthcare. It is a basic of life and should be available to all, even if they are pennyless. Some folks just don't believe that. They think it is a privilege and you either afford it or you don't get it. I don't respect those people or that viewpoint because clearly it says to me they don't respect life and the responsibility to care for those who are the poorest and weakest.

And for those who say they don't want their money going to pay for insurance for others, all I can say is I don't want my money going for so many things (Iraq would be one) and I don't get a say in that.

How we can spend what we do daily around the globe, while Americans die here because they can't afford/get access to healthcare is an atrocity. No way to sugarcoat it.

I have family members who can't even get insurance due to 'pre-existing' conditions. That's just patently absurd. It's heartless and it's anti-American.

But it is 100% pure capitalism.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Enough. Give me a break. You two want to go have a political or economic debate, do it someplace else.........


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by WDW1974

But, hey, I'm really looking forward to that new choir .... how about you?:rolleyes::xmas::wave:

I don't know. But I'm planning on standing smack dab in front of them, with you, while we enjoy an adult beverage. :D:wave: I'll bring your Christmas Mickey ears.

I'm greatly looking forward to it.

I figure after a drink or two that choir will sound heavenly!:xmas:


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Go hang up your Christmas lights.:xmas::xmas::xmas:

No, don't think I will. You want to have a debate with someone that's completely outside the topic of discussion, feel free to do so. But no one needs to use these forums simply to espouse their politcal views. Keep it to personal messages and away from the topic at hand...


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
So, LoW..... :lookaroun

I've been tweeting, you? :D

You know, I'm embarrassed to say it, but I don't have a Twitter account. Never saw the need between texting, this site, Facebook, DCot, and my email accounts. I have sent an email though, to Disney, and have a letter to go out this weekend. Plus, I'm there next week and plan on (politely) letting my opinion be known.


Well-Known Member
You know, I'm embarrassed to say it, but I don't have a Twitter account. Never saw the need between texting, this site, Facebook, DCot, and my email accounts. I have sent an email though, to Disney, and have a letter to go out this weekend. Plus, I'm there next week and plan on (politely) letting my opinion be known.

Honestly, I don't use mine unless I'm at WDW normally. However, LoW earned an exception. i have been hounding the DisneyParks Twitter.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Honestly, I don't use mine unless I'm at WDW normally. However, LoW earned an exception. i have been hounding the DisneyParks Twitter.

I've sent the email, and posted on the Disney blog site about LoW. I'm just afraid the email account (like the Twitter one), is just some generic address that allows people to feel good about venting their anger, but is only checked by some intern once every couple of weeks.....:brick:

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