Lights of Winter not being displayed this year (2009)!?!


Well-Known Member
I think the point was that there wasn't a DIRECT correlation between the LoW and revenue. Nothing hard and fast that could be put on paper.

There never is. That's what the MBAs count on when things get slashed.

How can you prove that someonw would have visited if you still had (fill in the blank), if you still offered (fill in the blank), if you didn't lower the overall quality (which in itself is subjective) etc ...

I just know that, for me, WDW has now cut a vast amount of things I used to make holiday visits for. Maybe that's why I didn't go the past two years ...

Of course, the intangible here is how many people this will alienate, which will drop revenue in all the categories you mention. And it probably won't effect much this year at all, because I'd imagine a very few people will know ahead of time what's missing. Heck, even some of us that DO know are already locked in to their December trip (me included).

That's what sucks about this... We might have to wait a full year to see how many people really care.

I'm not sure it will even show a blip. These 'small' cuts have been happening for years. Like I said earlier, I wonder what a list of what has been cut would look like. How many people do they lose? How many people visit, but just feel like it's not all that it's cracked up to be?

Disney doesn't know because we're a tiny minority (in that we post on a Disney forum, I'd argue were a lot larger in the scope of guests being unhappy with the constant nickel and diming and lowering quality at WDW).

But, hey, I'm really looking forward to that new choir .... how about you?:rolleyes::xmas::wave:


Well-Known Member
The economy went into the tank because of banks were giving out loans to irresponsible people that were trying to live beyond there means. It turned millions of good renters into millions of bad home owners.

Do you honestly believe that? Seriously?

I mean, sure there's some sliver of truth in it. But ... REALLY??!?

I can't fathom how in a country run by Big Business ... where things like naked short sales and derivitives and trading stock that doesn't exist is all legal, that people are ignorant enough to believe the economic meltdown was the result of someone buying a home they couldn't afford or a new SUV or big screen TV etc.

I guess the fact we have off-shored all our manufacturing jobs didn't do anything. Or the fact banks have been engaging in practices that would qualify them for a seat at a meeting of Mafia families is OK. Or the fact companies have allowed execs to make obscene salaries and bonuses while cutting jobs (even when they were extremely profitable). Or the fact companies can make billions in debt disappear like it never existed, but just try and get out of $30K credit debt. Or the fact we don't believe companies should be obligated to pay living wages (that's for the Commies, right?) etc ...

Sorry, maybe it's because I believe in Democracy and not the obscene version of capitalism that we have, which is anything but, but I won't blame common folks who were largely victims of a beast that can never be fed enough.

The economy collapsed because it was all built on a lie.

But Goldman Sachs and Chase and BoA and AIG love folks who blame the victims like yourself ... commoners who defend them.


Well-Known Member
.... quarter-billion dollar payroll..... grrrr...... :fork: :fork: :fork:

Back on topic, I really don't see how a $1.4 billion dollar PROFIT for the last fiscal year means you need to cut things. Exactly how greedy are these ruthless folks?

It doesn't end. That's OUR system (no, it isn't the best in the world, and it isn't the true American Way).

If the profit was $2 billion, then Wall Street would want $2.4 the next time ... and $3 the next and so on ... it never ends. Enough is never enough. Greed is good.

It's all sickening.


New Member
Do you honestly believe that? Seriously?

I mean, sure there's some sliver of truth in it. But ... REALLY??!?

I can't fathom how in a country run by Big Business ... where things like naked short sales and derivitives and trading stock that doesn't exist is all legal, that people are ignorant enough to believe the economic meltdown was the result of someone buying a home they couldn't afford or a new SUV or big screen TV etc.

I guess the fact we have off-shored all our manufacturing jobs didn't do anything. Or the fact banks have been engaging in practices that would qualify them for a seat at a meeting of Mafia families is OK. Or the fact companies have allowed execs to make obscene salaries and bonuses while cutting jobs (even when they were extremely profitable). Or the fact companies can make billions in debt disappear like it never existed, but just try and get out of $30K credit debt. Or the fact we don't believe companies should be obligated to pay living wages (that's for the Commies, right?) etc ...

Sorry, maybe it's because I believe in Democracy and not the obscene version of capitalism that we have, which is anything but, but I won't blame common folks who were largely victims of a beast that can never be fed enough.

The economy collapsed because it was all built on a lie.

But Goldman Sachs and Chase and BoA and AIG love folks who blame the victims like yourself ... commoners who defend them.

i think it was the biggest factor, the other things that you mentioned contributed as well but the subprim morgages was the straw that broke the camels back.

Also capitalism is what made this country grate you shouldn't attack it. Are there problems with the system? Yes but we should not move away totaly from what made this country great.

There needs to be reform but just like Healthcare I don't wan't the goverment anywhere near it. Judging from your coments I guess you are for goverment run health care, but my question to you is why would you put so much faith in the government? They can't even run the post office and you wan't them incharge of your health care??

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I see it as a child rebelling against their parents. I just hope that the kid will learn their lesson.
Would that get them grounded? I would like that.

No, the need to panic started over a decade ago when WDW switched business models and started aggressively cutting what it termed 'fat' ... and that's why (with some exceptions individually) the overall WDW product is vastly inferior to what it was in its first quarter century and what Disney offers at its other resorts world-wide.

And, just by the size alone of Walt Disney World....It could be the best. It could have that "Fat". Could you image every inch of the 4 parks at their full potential? Vacation Kingdom of the World.

Where have I heard that before?


Well-Known Member
My post on the blog did not make it through moderation. I am not sure why as it was very civil and I have read other post that were much much worse. All I did was point out that I was a passholder who really enjoyed LOW and was disappointed in the number of christmas shows that have been taken away without suitable replacements. I also followed that it was getting harder to justify my annual pass renewal with rising prices in the parks, and options being taken away.

The last comment is probably what got it scratched, but I was just being as honest as I could with them.

My first post didn't make it past moderation, either. Like you, I thought it was mild compared to some of the others already posted. Maybe it was my calling Smith's response "insulting" and suggesting that perhaps some of us might be inclined to start looking elsewhere for our "new experiences" ...

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
My first post didn't make it past moderation, either. Like you, I thought it was mild compared to some of the others already posted. Maybe it was my calling Smith's response "insulting" and suggesting that perhaps some of us might be inclined to start looking elsewhere for our "new experiences" ...
How do they notify you that a post did not make it?


Well-Known Member
From the Disney Parks Blog - Space Mountain Attraction Update:

As you know, the classic Space Mountain experience still exists — it’s just being updated with new technology and 21st century gadgetry.

Nice of them to let us know that this too hadn't been discontinued due to "obsolete technology"

but workers integrated new technology into the track while not changing the classic Space Mountain ride experience. “As technology evolves, it helps us enhance those elements without losing any essence of the attraction,” Walt Disney Imagineering Senior Show Designer Alex Wright says.

All this only a few days after they say they have to retire an attraction because of "obsolete technology".


Well-Known Member
Do you honestly believe that? Seriously?

I mean, sure there's some sliver of truth in it. But ... REALLY??!?

I can't fathom how in a country run by Big Business ... where things like naked short sales and derivitives and trading stock that doesn't exist is all legal, that people are ignorant enough to believe the economic meltdown was the result of someone buying a home they couldn't afford or a new SUV or big screen TV etc.

I guess the fact we have off-shored all our manufacturing jobs didn't do anything. Or the fact banks have been engaging in practices that would qualify them for a seat at a meeting of Mafia families is OK. Or the fact companies have allowed execs to make obscene salaries and bonuses while cutting jobs (even when they were extremely profitable). Or the fact companies can make billions in debt disappear like it never existed, but just try and get out of $30K credit debt. Or the fact we don't believe companies should be obligated to pay living wages (that's for the Commies, right?) etc ...

Sorry, maybe it's because I believe in Democracy and not the obscene version of capitalism that we have, which is anything but, but I won't blame common folks who were largely victims of a beast that can never be fed enough.

The economy collapsed because it was all built on a lie.

But Goldman Sachs and Chase and BoA and AIG love folks who blame the victims like yourself ... commoners who defend them.

Before this turns into a heated economics or even political debate, I'll try to squash that.

A variety of things contributed to the economy struggling, if each of these issues happened at different times the economy would be in better shape. It was a perfect storm of sorts.

This happens quite a bit (not necessarily with the economy, but with global problems as a whole). People will look at things like the energy crisis and try to find one culprit, when in reality it is likely a combination of things.

This is why the best solutions to the economic problems (as well as the energy crisis) are also several combinations of things. There isn't going to be any one thing that fixes a problem of this magnitude and it's up to the companies and individuals that exist within the scope of these problems to weather the storm.

Disney is diverse enough in that it is a major player in multiple industries. It can appeal to very high end entertainment and relatively low end entertainment. When tourism and vacations may be struggling, the lower end DVD and box office sales may increase.

A company that focuses on one thing is more apt to struggle in this type of economy.

With all that said, there are several other factors that could see Disney World's attendance continue to drop over the next few years. Those people that were otherwise not planning on vacationing there may have taken advantage of the discounts available in 2009 (and early 2010). They could be borrowing from future vacation goers in order to weather the storm. Additionally, the improvements being made to Islands of Adventure may also be a factor. Does anyone know what the attendance numbers have been like for Universal and Sea World during this same stretch?

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I don't know. But I'm planning on standing smack dab in front of them, with you, while we enjoy an adult beverage. :D:wave: I'll bring your Christmas Mickey ears.

Remind me why I am arriving a day later?!:(:lol:

Oh, and in addition to that, please bring flashlights, and flash them in tune to you screaming out christmas tunes. You can be the new LoW.:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Remind me why I am arriving a day later?!:(:lol:

Oh, and in addition to that, please bring flashlights, and flash them in tune to you screaming out christmas tunes. You can be the new LoW.:lookaroun

Hey, not my fault!! :lol:

The mental picture of me and 74 doing that is literally making me laugh out loud. :lol:

And for the record... I already kind of think of myself as a "Light of Winter". :king::lol:

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