Last Year For Fantasmic?


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I could eventually see them doing something else with the theater. The complaints from the cutback of shows couldn't have been that severe since they have not brought it back to nightly performances. And notice how it was left out of the Summer Nightastic promotion. It could have easily been advertised and brought back the nightly performances.

They haven't brought back nightly ones, but during the summer an additional show is added during the week. Actually two, because they run more than one show at night.

Wasn't added to the promotion? Neither was Illuminations. What of it?


This rumor had better be just that. Fantasmic is worth the price of admission to DHS by itself. And I’ve never seen Fantasmic played in less than a packed house. It’s truly one of, if not THE, best things you can see at WDW. Replacing it makes no sense to me.


Well-Known Member
They haven't brought back nightly ones, but during the summer an additional show is added during the week. Actually two, because they run more than one show at night.

Wasn't added to the promotion? Neither was Illuminations. What of it?

IllumiNations hasn't had it's scheduled reduced either.


Active Member
World of Color, anyone?

If that is the case, the I would be very happy if they stopped showing Fantasmic! today. I love the show as much as anyone, but WoC is on a level of its own.


Well-Known Member
Well they use the same water spray screens in WoC that they do in Fantasmic. I could see it happening. The only problem is space. The theater backs up on a couple roads. Really no room for expansion to give the size needed for a WoC display. If they do it, it will be a cheap ripoff of the one at DCA.

Well the Fantasmic show there is a cheap ripoff of the Disneyland version, so yeah that's what I would expect.


New Member
I would like something new. I've seen it 3 times and one time was enough.

It is such a great area for a nighttime show and I am sure Disney could develop something SPECTACULAR to replace it.


Well-Known Member
Is the fantasmic lagoon etc large enough for World of Color though? It doesnt seem like the layout would be. I dont see TDO spending money on all that right now unless maybe World of Color came as part of the 40th? But seems too soon. We will be lucky if MK gets a new daytime parade even.


Active Member
World of Color at Animal Kingdom

Does anyone think it would be a great idea to put World of Color at AK? This would give the park a reason to stay open after dark...

Mick G.

New Member
I saw Fantasmic at WDW for the first time a couple of years back during a corporate event, and it seemed corny, cheesy. Maybe it's that I don't have any nostalgic memories of it, and my kids weren't there. But I just didn't get into it. And I was seeing it for free.

I'm all for something else, esp. something like a WOC show with a different theme. The beauty of a WOC-type infrastructure is that it can be reset with a new show fairly easily, so maybe they would create a similar setup at DHS, and then make a new show about movies. Come to think of it, the WOC show at DCA seems to focus on Disney and Pixar movies... Hmmm.

Quick question: How big is the water area at DCA, and how does that compare with the pond at DHS, the one in front of Indy? I've not been to DCA, but I get the feeling that the DHS pond is smaller.



I have no opinion on whether there's any truth to the rumor or not... But...

My guess is that over the long term, it would cost a lot less to run WOC than it does to run Fantasmic nightly. MUCH less cast. I'd bet the bean counters could make the math look attractive.

Probably closest to the mark motivation-wise if they change it empty theater 4-5 nights a week isn't doing much for them...


Well-Known Member
I really and truly hope that it doesn't go anywhere...I am such a huge fan of Fantasmic. It's my favorite night time show. However, I don't think an update would be bad. Some other movies being added in wouldn't be bad.


Fantasmic is great! They can't get rid of this because its a huge draw and I love the villains (especially Maleficent)!:fork::fork:


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Ill be there 15 days in Sept and will only have the opportunity to see it 4 times...Its pretty much shut down already.


Well-Known Member
I have been to WDW many times since Fantasmic! was an offering and the one and only time that we have seen it was in 2002. It was good, but not something that I felt was worthy of making the effort to go see again.

Now, put WoC in there and OMG, I will be on that like white on rice! What I have seen of the show on YouTube has been nothing short of awe inspiring.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone think it would be a great idea to put World of Color at AK? This would give the park a reason to stay open after dark...

This has actually been talked about quite a few times on here, and the thought is that it would be virtually impossible, for a handful of reasons.

The "lake" at AK in front of Everest doesn't have a concrete bottom.

The "lake" is connected to the river that runs around the tree of life. That would all have to be changed.

The waterways at AK have plenty of fish/turtles/wildlife in them (it's kinda part of the theme of the park, no?). That would be a bad mix with a highly technical fountain show.

There's no infrastructure in place for something like that in that lake.

That's just a few of the reasons. There's also no viewing area for something like that. That's not to say that any of these hurdles couldn't be overcome... But that takes $$... And we all know how TDO is about that. Why would they do all that, and spend all that money, when they've got a perfectly good lagoon with tons of stadium seating already built that would work great? Or if they didn't want to go that direction, I'd still imagine they could build another facility from scratch for the same or less than what it would cost to make it happen in the lake at the AK.

The simplist solution is usually the correct one... A show themed around Disney movies makes sense in a park centered around movies, in a theatre and stadium already there and ready to be converted. Zero chance it would happen anywhere else on property, IMHO.

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