La Fiesta de MJ


New Member
New update on MJ. She is being admitted to the hospital. Bonny will call me when they get a room. MJ's blood sugar is 46 and they are trying to find a sugar to give her that she is not allergic to to bring it up. She can't have anything that is manufactured from corn or corn products so this is a big problem.


Well-Known Member
Oh my gosh!! I just finally got on to check the board and found out about MJ. I had no idea that this was going on. Bonny, I just want to send MAJOR, HUGE HUGS and PRAYERS your way. I hope that everything works out and if necessary call me. I will be praying for you all.


New Member
Original Poster

Sorry I haven't been in here so much lately. My AZ cousins have been taking up the majority of my time and I've hardly been at my house since my mom is in WV.

But that doesn't matter.

BONNY! I will be praying my HEAD OFF for MJ! That is such terrible news and I hope so much that everything turns out well in the end. My thoughts are with you :(


New Member
New update: They are calling in an endocrinologist to look at MJ because of the low blood sugar. Still no run but they are now deciding whether to place in the special needs unit which is 1 step down from PICU. They are giving her formula with sugar by her tube but don't know if she will tolerate it. They may have to just dump plain sugar in water to get it up. Bonny will call when she has a room number. Big prayers needed.


New Member
Update 12:30 am. Still at the ER. MJ had a seizure from the low blood sugar so they are giving her dextrose by IV, ativan an antiseizure meds and steriods to conunteract the allerfic effects of the dextrosed. They still have to be transferred over to the actual Arnold Palmer facility and get a room. They will do this by ambulance because of her condition.


New Member
No room at Arnold Palmer so they will stay in ER overnight and will decide in the morning whether to transfer or not. Depends on if they can stabilize the blood sugar.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for keeping us posted Nana - big prayers going out for Bonny, Andrew and MJ.

Luke and Joanna - glad you guys finally got the news. Hopefully today will be a better day for them.


Well-Known Member
Betty, do you know when Krystyna gets back?
I've been emailing her all the info on MJ, but so far she hasn't been able to see it. At least I don't think so, because she hasn't responded.
At least when she gets back she'll have all the information in one place.


Well-Known Member
Uponastar said:
Betty, do you know when Krystyna gets back?
I've been emailing her all the info on MJ, but so far she hasn't been able to see it. At least I don't think so, because she hasn't responded.
At least when she gets back she'll have all the information in one place.
I think she's due back this afternoon, but I could be wrong.

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