La Fiesta de MJ


Well-Known Member
We're going to the movies today to see Prairie Home Companion, then we all have to pack and give the dog a bath. DS leaves for DC tomorrow morning, then Dave, dog, and I leave for Roanoke, VA once his plane takes off!


Well-Known Member
Nemo14 said:
We're going to the movies today to see Prairie Home Companion, then we all have to pack and give the dog a bath. DS leaves for DC tomorrow morning, then Dave, dog, and I leave for Roanoke, VA once his plane takes off!

Oh right I forgot about the Roanoke trip!
Thank goodness the weather has improved.
Should be a nice drive!


Well-Known Member
Yes - looks like we should have pretty good weather. The people we are visiting are my dearest friends. She and I were suite-mates in college, and we've been great friends ever since. Her hubby's a pilot, so he's away for long stretches of time, and she's basically raised their 3 kids alone. 2 of the kids are special needs (one has Tourette's and one is extremely autistic) and she has done wonders with them. We always get together with them once or twice a year, but our plans for April fell through, so we're taking advantage of my time off.


Well-Known Member
Nemo14 said:
Yes - looks like we should have pretty good weather. The people we are visiting are my dearest friends. She and I were suite-mates in college, and we've been great friends ever since. Her hubby's a pilot, so he's away for long stretches of time, and she's basically raised their 3 kids alone. 2 of the kids are special needs (one has Tourette's and one is extremely autistic) and she has done wonders with them. We always get together with them once or twice a year, but our plans for April fell through, so we're taking advantage of my time off.

Wow! Your friend certainly has her more than her share of challenges.
I'm sure your visit will do her a world of good.
Hope you both enjoy it!


I hope Bonny, MJ and Andrew are doing better. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

On a good side we are supposed to get some rain coming from the Gulf. Starting late this afternoon and maybe throgh middle of next week. I hope it stops so I can have my yard sale next Thurs. and Fri.

Good morning everyone. Hope you are having a good morning.:wave:


Well-Known Member
Thanks - we always do! ...and her son adores Dave (and also the dog), so everyone has someone to play with! It's so pretty there - her house is right at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains.


Well-Known Member
Disnut said:
I hope Bonny, MJ and Andrew are doing better. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

On a good side we are supposed to get some rain coming from the Gulf. Starting late this afternoon and maybe throgh middle of next week. I hope it stops so I can have my yard sale next Thurs. and Fri.

Good morning everyone. Hope you are having a good morning.:wave:

Good morning Susan! :wave:
For you rain is good news!
For us it is great to see the sun shining again!


Uponastar said:
Good morning Susan! :wave:
For you rain is good news!
For us it is great to see the sun shining again!

The last time we were this close to water restrictions was in 2002 at this same time and it rained about 24 inches around here. We were coming home fromWDW and was listening to the news. We didn't know if we were going to get home. We got home with no problem, it was mostly problems for the northside of the city.


New Member
Original Poster
Good morning.

No school this morning. Instead, my cousins and my grandma and I are heading out to the zoo for the rest of the morning/early afternoon. Should be fun.


Well-Known Member
Pongo said:
Good morning.

No school this morning. Instead, my cousins and my grandma and I are heading out to the zoo for the rest of the morning/early afternoon. Should be fun.
Central Florida Zoo?


Well-Known Member
Pongo said:
Good morning.

No school this morning. Instead, my cousins and my grandma and I are heading out to the zoo for the rest of the morning/early afternoon. Should be fun.

Good morning Luke! :wave:


New Member
Original Poster
Nemo14 said:
Will your cousins be there for the shuttle launch?

It's tomorrow, isn't it? If so, then yes.

I don't really follow the shuttle launches. For living so close to the Cape, I don't really care much for the space program. And once you've seen one shuttle launch, you've seen 'em all, IMO.


Well-Known Member
Pongo said:
It's tomorrow, isn't it? If so, then yes.

I don't really follow the shuttle launches. For living so close to the Cape, I don't really care much for the space program. And once you've seen one shuttle launch, you've seen 'em all, IMO.
I never get tired of seeing them. We've seen probably 8 or 9, but only a couple up close. DS was a real space fan as a kid - KSC was better than Disney to him! He actually has a personally autographed pic of John Glenn.


New Member
Original Poster
Nemo14 said:
I never get tired of seeing them. We've seen probably 8 or 9, but only a couple up close. DS was a real space fan as a kid - KSC was better than Disney to him! He actually has a personally autographed pic of John Glenn.

I've never seen a launch up close, but years ago (when they still had launches pretty frequently), our teachers would let us out of class to see a shuttle go up.

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