Kids Thrown Out Of Disneyworld

Do you agree with Disney's decision to thow these kids out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 411 96.0%
  • No

    Votes: 17 4.0%

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Disney's not in the investigative business, they have no idea who's spoken to who or what's been said among everyone or what animosity is festering beneath the surface, so their recourse is to eliminate the potential problem at it's core and to eject everyone. Disney is responsible for the safety of the tens of thousands of people visiting their resorts daily, people are always coming and going as they please and they have to make sure they are doing all they can to ensure the safety of these guests. They shouldn't and aren't expected to be required to keep an eye on troublemakers.

As has been posted in several places every family was made clearly aware of the possible reprocussions for bad behavior not only when they signed their agreements with Disney but via letters sent by Pop Warner themselves.

In the end all of Disney World is private property and when you are on their property you agree to abide by the terms of behavior as set forth on the park tickets or in the hotel agreements and if you break those rules they can impose whatever punishment they have set forth. Including the possibility of banishment for life. In fact as it is private property, they can throw you out for any reason they see fit regardless of whether it's spelled out in an agreed upon document or not.

Why is everyone so hung up on "this is private property" aspect? I am not claiming that Disney was outside it's legal boundaries to eject families from their premises in the middle of the night. I merely think, given the facts that are available, that the decision to eject ALL families in the middle of the night regardless of those families' involvement with the altercations, was in poor taste.

I have no problem with the ULTIMATE DECISION to eject the families. For the most part, I do not contest the decision to immediately eject those directly involved. However, with respect to those not directly invovled, I feel it could have been handled with a bit more tact and sensitivity. Still, I admit, this perception is based solely on the facts before me. Given what I know, I would have preferred to see Disney handle the situation a little differently.

Just because the families are aware of the possibility that Disney has the authority to eject them at any time, doesn't mean they shouldn't be surprised to be forced to leave in the middle of the night if they weren't aware of any physical altercations involving children that are not their own.
Just out of curiousity are the 13 of you who feel that Disney was in the wrong in the poll, parents of athletes who go on these trips?

I'm not a parent. However, I am a frequent traveler. When I was younger, I was fortunate to travel with various groups to various locations (including WDW). I have also played sports on traveling sports teams.

Do you have any particular insight as to my parental status with respect to my perspective on the matter?


Active Member
Why is everyone so hung up on "this is private property" aspect? I am not claiming that Disney was outside it's legal boundaries to eject families from their premises in the middle of the night. I merely think, given the facts that are available, that the decision to eject ALL families in the middle of the night regardless of those families' involvement with the altercations, was in poor taste.

I have no problem with the ULTIMATE DECISION to eject the families. For the most part, I do not contest the decision to immediately eject those directly involved. However, with respect to those not directly invovled, I feel it could have been handled with a bit more tact and sensitivity. Still, I admit, this perception is based solely on the facts before me. Given what I know, I would have preferred to see Disney handle the situation a little differently.

Just because the families are aware of the possibility that Disney has the authority to eject them at any time, doesn't mean they shouldn't be surprised to be forced to leave in the middle of the night if they weren't aware of any physical altercations involving children that are not their own.
Disney did the right thing, here. It sounds like the fight was involving many people of each team, and it would have been near impossible for Disney to sort out who was part of it. It would have turned into a finger pointing contest, and eventually everybody would have been labeled as involved somehow. The fight seems to have been between the kids (not the parents, thank God for that one), and there should have been more supervision on the kids. And as many have said before, if they only ejected the ones involved in the fight, then there would probably have been retaliation fights, and it would give Disney a bad name (if that is even possible) for not doing more earlier. These people got what they had coming, and there is not much more to it. Disney was protecting their other guests from being involved by removing the problem, and their own in case a lawsuit was filed on the basis of Disney's lack of aid to stop a fight where people got hurt.


New Member
I think WDW did what they had to do, and I'm saddened the TV report tried to make it look like "Big, Bad Disney" was the heavy. Of course, I'm also of the opinion that folks who get caught smoking outside of the designated smoking areas should also be kicked out.... but that's just me!


Oh yea these little kids are punks when I have visited the parks during this time of year. They are unruly in lines and around the parks. And i've heard horror stories of what their private parties after hours are like when they have the parks to themselves. Good for Disney to start taking a stand against them. I wish they wouldn't allow them there again but I know Disney just wants their money.
Disney did the right thing, here. It sounds like the fight was involving many people of each team, and it would have been near impossible for Disney to sort out who was part of it. It would have turned into a finger pointing contest, and eventually everybody would have been labeled as involved somehow. The fight seems to have been between the kids (not the parents, thank God for that one), and there should have been more supervision on the kids. And as many have said before, if they only ejected the ones involved in the fight, then there would probably have been retaliation fights, and it would give Disney a bad name (if that is even possible) for not doing more earlier. These people got what they had coming, and there is not much more to it. Disney was protecting their other guests from being involved by removing the problem, and their own in case a lawsuit was filed on the basis of Disney's lack of aid to stop a fight where people got hurt.

Why does everyone keep talking about retaliation? There was no mention of fear of retaliation in the article. If it was unreasonable to take any other action other than to immediately evacuate EVERYONE, then fine. I have yet to read the article that details the investigation involved, or the circumstances that would have facilitated a less drastic means to eject the families not connected to the altercations.

So far, any discussion of retaliation or the inability to conduct further investigations or circumstances that would otherwise necessitate the ejection of all families in the middle of the night is based on pure speculation. That's all I'm saying.


Well-Known Member
As I said before,this is a cut and dry case. Disney was well within its rights to do this even if it was at 1AM.They had an obligation to the safety of ALL guests EVEN the thugs that started the fight.

For those who think Disney was out of line for the 1AM eviction lets examine what could have happened if Disney was nice and waited until morning...

A-Since the parents could not keep control of their kids the first time do you think they would now? What happened if there was retaliation form the other teams???? Guess what those parents who were mad for getting kicked out would now be even more upset with Disney for not keeping a safe environment for them.

B- there was another fight and some kind got killed or beaten badly.Then it is now Disneys fault for not ejecting anyone who had anything to do with it.You better believe that if some kids got hurt the parents arent suing pop warner they are suing Disney.


Active Member
...So far, any discussion of retaliation or the inability to conduct further investigations or circumstances that would otherwise necessitate the ejection of all families in the middle of the night is based on pure speculation. That's all I'm saying.
This situation requires action immediately, and there is not much time to think every small detail in the situation thoroughly, that is why in a situation like this, Disney just had to think of what may happen in means of negative things and act quickly on it. The retaliation point is just brought up not because we are sure that it did happen, but because we know that it is possible that it could (may possibly) happen. Think of it like this, in a situation where there is little supervision, and the kids seem to be trying to get into fights (which they did), a simple warning will not end the issue. They were probably warned previously and obviously didn't learn from those warnings. And if the potential future fights were not going to be out of retaliatory-like reasoning for having other players forced to leave, then they probably would have begun to fight again just so they could finish it before morning came and they were forced to leave.


New Member
Cast Perspective

Just a quick thought as a former CM during Pop Warner. We as CMs often dreaded these weekends. I'm glad Disney Management finally did something. Most of the teams and kids could be well behaved, but there is something about thousands of minimally supervised teenagers and pre-teens that puts everyone on edge.

Disney is trying to put pressure on the groups to supervise their people, hopefully they will learn in the future.

Over the past few years Disney has moved it to multiple weekends with a maximum number of teams coming each weekend to reduce the potential for something like this.

A fight is not some little infraction, it is like gang violence. Immediate action is necessary.


New Member
There is no room for that "Macho Jock crap" Too much testoserone for their age. They probobly don't even know why they were there. [at the park] Use the aggression on the field.


disneyjesus, if this situation had been yours to deal with, what would YOU have done? What would have been your method in determining which families had to leave immediately, which could stay "until morning", etc? Do you evict the kids who actually throw the punches? The ones who didn't land any blows, but were in the thick of the action or were injured because of the fight? The ones who were verbally abusive or threatening? The ones who watched the fight and may have egged the aggressors on more? What about the parents? Do you send home the ones that saw the fight? Or the ones that were not around but whose kids were involved? And how do you know that the "innocent" teammates and parents will be content to remain in their rooms and not be seen or heard until they leave quietly in the morning? Can you guarantee this will happen, and risk your other guests being disturbed, injured, or worse? Where do you draw the lines? What do you do to ensure that ALL of the troublemakers are no longer on Property, and your other guests are safe?


Active Member
You know I've seen this happen. I was on a board for a service organization which had representatives for the state and the country when I was a teenager. I went to the State meetings on a regular occasion and we were assigned rooms and I got assigned to this room with girls who had on another occasion been sent home for sneaking out of their rooms to go and see the boys who were also on the board. Well the girls did the same thing on that occasion only this time there was a representive sitting in the hallway from the adult section of the organization. They called their parents then and there, were talking proably 11 or 12 at night here, and told them that tomorrow morning at 8 am promptly their parents were to be at the hotel. Well one of the girls was from Miami, and lets just say mom wasn't to happy to have to be in Orlando at 8 am when coming in from Miami, and being that this was her second offense she was ejected from the board. This is not something NEW! I mean sat on this board in 2003-2005. As someone who was a teenager just a few years ago I know we need threats, and if someone doesn't take those threats seriously and got themselves kicked out like this girl I spoke of did and these teams did then thats just plain stupidity. They tell you to follow the rules, you follow the rules, you have fun, take part in your activities, and go home a happy camper, IT IS NOT THAT HARD!:hammer:


New Member
You know I've seen this happen. I was on a board for a service organization which had representatives for the state and the country when I was a teenager. I went to the State meetings on a regular occasion and we were assigned rooms and I got assigned to this room with girls who had on another occasion been sent home for sneaking out of their rooms to go and see the boys who were also on the board. Well the girls did the same thing on that occasion only this time there was a representive sitting in the hallway from the adult section of the organization. They called their parents then and there, were talking proably 11 or 12 at night here, and told them that tomorrow morning at 8 am promptly their parents were to be at the hotel. Well one of the girls was from Miami, and lets just say mom wasn't to happy to have to be in Orlando at 8 am when coming in from Miami, and being that this was her second offense she was ejected from the board. This is not something NEW! I mean sat on this board in 2003-2005. As someone who was a teenager just a few years ago I know we need threats, and if someone doesn't take those threats seriously and got themselves kicked out like this girl I spoke of did and these teams did then thats just plain stupidity. They tell you to follow the rules, you follow the rules, you have fun, take part in your activities, and go home a happy camper, IT IS NOT THAT HARD!:hammer:
I had the same thing happen back in the 80's with some JH kids. It was a program for students who excelled at all of their studies.We went camping at a private camp ground in the Texas Hill country. Snakes,critters,scorpions and deep holes in the ground. The boys snuck out to visit some girls,when I went for bed check the two weren't there,they were trouble makers from the git-go. Real Mouthy. One of them was a spoiled rich kid. Mommy and Daddy probobly bought his way in. We called their parents that night and they arrived 4 hours later. And the parents were P*ssed! Like you said,"You follow the rules, you have fun, take part in your activities, and go home a happy camper, IT IS NOT THAT HARD! DEH TE DEH!!!


Well-Known Member
Why does everyone keep talking about retaliation? There was no mention of fear of retaliation in the article. If it was unreasonable to take any other action other than to immediately evacuate EVERYONE, then fine. I have yet to read the article that details the investigation involved, or the circumstances that would have facilitated a less drastic means to eject the families not connected to the altercations.

So far, any discussion of retaliation or the inability to conduct further investigations or circumstances that would otherwise necessitate the ejection of all families in the middle of the night is based on pure speculation. That's all I'm saying.

Anyone who deals with kids this age knows there is always a threat of retaliation with this kind of stuff. Plus, i am sure these kids were not totally upfront about who started it, who was involved, not to mention, i am sure there were threats back and forth about someone getting someone else, etc. I was not there, i admit. But this is an educated guess. I deal with this kind of situation almost daily and it all ends like this.
Oh, by the way, has anyone here who thinks this could have been handled better ever see a fight involving a large group of young testosterone charged males? It is, for a rather large gentleman such as myself even, a scary violent thing. A mele like this is dangerouse, and very very freightening for anyone near. Trust me, this was not a situation where kids broke themselves up and went their seperate ways. This was a situation where, i am sure, security and management probably had to go in tossing bodies from bodies to stop this. Again, i was not there, but have been in this situation before. So the fact that disney does not see this everyday probably added to the situation.
BUT, You know what? I am glad Disney doesn;t see this everyday and it is something one should NEVER get used to. So, it should always be handled harshly so that it deters any possible repeat in the future.
Or you could do like the city of new orleans, where i am from, and just let the trash take over. Then you will have in central florida what we have here. A nice theme park sitting closed down, collecting rust because you were afraid to take a stand and do what was right. Life is harsh. Deal with it!!


New Member
Anyone who deals with kids this age knows there is always a threat of retaliation with this kind of stuff. Plus, i am sure these kids were not totally upfront about who started it, who was involved, not to mention, i am sure there were threats back and forth about someone getting someone else, etc. I was not there, i admit. But this is an educated guess. I deal with this kind of situation almost daily and it all ends like this.
Oh, by the way, has anyone here who thinks this could have been handled better ever see a fight involving a large group of young testosterone charged males? It is, for a rather large gentleman such as myself even, a scary violent thing. A mele like this is dangerouse, and very very freightening for anyone near. Trust me, this was not a situation where kids broke themselves up and went their seperate ways. This was a situation where, i am sure, security and management probably had to go in tossing bodies from bodies to stop this. Again, i was not there, but have been in this situation before. So the fact that disney does not see this everyday probably added to the situation.
BUT, You know what? I am glad Disney doesn;t see this everyday and it is something one should NEVER get used to. So, it should always be handled harshly so that it deters any possible repeat in the future.
Or you could do like the city of new orleans, where i am from, and just let the trash take over. Then you will have in central florida what we have here. A nice theme park sitting closed down, collecting rust because you were afraid to take a stand and do what was right. Life is harsh. Deal with it!!

Thank you for sharing that. Very nice insight. Very good post.


New Member
I'm surprised how many people would kick everyone out based on the actions of a few kids. I certainly agree that the kids involved and their parents should have been asked to leave. But the other kids and their parents too?


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised how many people would kick everyone out based on the actions of a few kids. I certainly agree that the kids involved and their parents should have been asked to leave. But the other kids and their parents too?

How do you propose Disney do that? With the thousands of guests that frequent those resorts daily, should they take away resources from 99.9% of the guests who do as they are supposed to try and figure out who the few people were who were not involved? If any were not involved at all? The good suffer for the bad. That's life.
Insurance companies do not bother to ask me if i plan on getting in an accident. No, they charge me a standard rate based on the probability of someone my age and gender getting in an accident. Fair enough for me. It is safe to asume that if a few from the team got involved, then there stands a chance others may in the future.
Or, you can hand pick, then the ones who stay, who can no longer compete because they do not have enough people on the team to play, have alot more time on their hands. Then , suppose these kids get into another altercation an someone innocent gets injured? CAN YOU SPELL LAWSUIT? LIABILITY? Not to mention bad press, loss of future business, and of course the matter that innocent people got injured because management refused to properly act. NO, NO, NO, you do not sacrifice the whole for the benfit of a small few. Sorry charlie. You do not, ever jeopardize those who do right at the expense of those who do wrong. If they need me to mapquest the directions to the airport for them, let me know.
It is the responsibility of management to ensure the safety and enjoyment of everyone on property, and if that means evicting 100 people so that the safety of 2900 people is guaranteed, so be it. We cannot impose socialism into things like this. Fact is, that resort was a safer place after those kids were ejected. As harsh as it may seem to some, it is what it is. And IT is life. For every action there is an equal or opposite reaction (Newton.) There are consequences for all actions.
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