Disney's not in the investigative business, they have no idea who's spoken to who or what's been said among everyone or what animosity is festering beneath the surface, so their recourse is to eliminate the potential problem at it's core and to eject everyone. Disney is responsible for the safety of the tens of thousands of people visiting their resorts daily, people are always coming and going as they please and they have to make sure they are doing all they can to ensure the safety of these guests. They shouldn't and aren't expected to be required to keep an eye on troublemakers.
As has been posted in several places every family was made clearly aware of the possible reprocussions for bad behavior not only when they signed their agreements with Disney but via letters sent by Pop Warner themselves.
In the end all of Disney World is private property and when you are on their property you agree to abide by the terms of behavior as set forth on the park tickets or in the hotel agreements and if you break those rules they can impose whatever punishment they have set forth. Including the possibility of banishment for life. In fact as it is private property, they can throw you out for any reason they see fit regardless of whether it's spelled out in an agreed upon document or not.
Why is everyone so hung up on "this is private property" aspect? I am not claiming that Disney was outside it's legal boundaries to eject families from their premises in the middle of the night. I merely think, given the facts that are available, that the decision to eject ALL families in the middle of the night regardless of those families' involvement with the altercations, was in poor taste.
I have no problem with the ULTIMATE DECISION to eject the families. For the most part, I do not contest the decision to immediately eject those directly involved. However, with respect to those not directly invovled, I feel it could have been handled with a bit more tact and sensitivity. Still, I admit, this perception is based solely on the facts before me. Given what I know, I would have preferred to see Disney handle the situation a little differently.
Just because the families are aware of the possibility that Disney has the authority to eject them at any time, doesn't mean they shouldn't be surprised to be forced to leave in the middle of the night if they weren't aware of any physical altercations involving children that are not their own.