Well-Known Member
I think the big issue here is not really an iPad or phone, tablet, etc. It is about distracted parents who care more about what they are doing on their device. I recently took a social media and society course. We were tasked with taking a social media diet and writing about our experience. This is my post. Please take in in the "somewhat" toungue and cheek manner I intended:
This week we were challenged to give up social media for 48 hours. The challenge may have been difficult for some of you, since using social media has become such a vital part of communicating in our society, but for me, it was not difficult at all! Why? I don't use it; no Facebook, Twitter (I have an account but don't use it), Instagram, or Pinterest....and....no...wait for it.....CELL PHONE.
At this point you must be thinking you are attending class with a dinosaur; not really but maybe just a little bit. I am in my early 40s which is now the main demographic of Facebook users. I have tried each of these social media platforms and I just don’t see the appeal.
Now, why might I be construed as a dinosaur? Is it because I am older, crotchety, or just plain judgmental? People, you are not oh so important that we need to know every little thing you do or think in an update! You don't need to be "in contact" every second of every day. My generation, and those before me, lived without being in constant communication and we survived. One of my sons will be 20 in a month and he survives without a cell phone by choice. It can be done, honestly.
Ask yourself these questions: What are you missing by constantly staring at a screen or talking into a device? Who are you ignoring? Really think about it for a minute. I will wait.... Done?
Consider this....
I spent a wonderful week in October at Disney World. My happy place but something there this time made me incredibly sad. I witnessed so many young children crying, screaming and generally acting like little brats that perhaps needed a good old spanking (before you rip my head off I know spanking has fallen out of fashion). I then decided to look at the parents (did I mention judgmental?). I saw so many parents talking, texting or doing goodness knows what on their fancy little devices that these poor children were just trying to get a little attention. I wanted to scream "Hello parents, you are at Disney World get off your @#$% phones and spend some time with your little ones. Before you know it they will be adults." These little children are not to blame for trying to get some attention. I lay the blame squarely on the parents. Unfortunately, I see this scenario played out far too often. Pay attention next time you are at a mall and you will see it too.
I am not saying never participate in social media as it can be used for good purposes. Families and friends that live far away can stay in contact easier and it is entertainment after all. Personally, I scrapbook for entertainment (yep, maybe a little bit old).
Unfortunately, this behavior by the parents has permeated the schools too. We have parents attend conferences and PTO meetings, but interrupt the meeting(s) to take a call, answer a text, or check one of their social media accounts. When attending their child's performances or ball games, their heads are buried inntheir devices. Kids know when you're not paying attention, and they will choose that time to act out or even do their finest work...parents need to pay attention to their kids, they're missing a lot.