Just hit the 2 week mark and started packing!


Active Member
I'm so excited! :D I just hit the 2 week mark and I've started a box of some essentials that I don't use everyday and therefore can start packing officially! This includes my disney pirate hat, planning book (which I am actually still using almost every day!), flight and ME vouchers, reservation confirmation, bathing suit, extra sunglasses, collapsable cooler, birnbaum's and vegetarian WDW guides, first aid things, ibuprofen, malox, batteries, hipster bags, and some disney tattoos! I just can't wait to start packing any longer!

When do you all start packing for your trip?!

What else do you all do in preparation for your trip at the 2 week mark?!


Active Member

LOL! I have been "packing" small things in one area of the house for almost a year...and I am sure we still will forget some small thing! I hope your trip will be great..we are really getting more excited each day..and still are looking out to possibly lock in some more ADR's. Please do not to forget to post your trip with pics!
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Well-Known Member
I also started buying and putting things by as soon as I had booked my trip, mostly things like shower gel, shampoo etc. Am now at 19 days and itching to get suitcases out but am trying to hang on until I have received my tickets etc which should with about 14 days to go! So excited!
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Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
I won't lie, I started packing at the two week mark as well! I wasn't really able to do a whole lot, but I did pack away a few pairs of shorts and a couple shirts.

The weather here in Edmonton has been really quite nice this month (unlike June and July) so I've still been wearing a lot of the shorts I wanna take.

When we last went to WDW (Christmas 09) I was packed about a month prior to the trip as there was absolutely no need to wear the shorts I took in 3 feet of snow!
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Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
We are at 17 days and I feel like a failure that all I have done is open suitcases in a spare bedroom. I'm usually WAY more packed by now. I hope to make good use of this weekend.
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Well-Known Member
Hahahah. We leave in 3 days (saturday morning) and I haven't even looked at the suitcases in the basement or even thought about packing yet. Perhaps tomorrow night after work I might start. :shrug: Only thing I have done so far is stopped the mail at the post office........
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Well-Known Member
I'm always packed and ready to go! :animwink: Seriously, I have a plastic container with all our Disney vacation essentials filled all the time. When it comes time to go on vacation I pretty much just dump the container into the suitcase.

I won't lie, I started packing at the two week mark as well! I wasn't really able to do a whole lot, but I did pack away a few pairs of shorts and a couple shirts.

The weather here in Edmonton has been really quite nice this month (unlike June and July) so I've still been wearing a lot of the shorts I wanna take.

When we last went to WDW (Christmas 09) I was packed about a month prior to the trip as there was absolutely no need to wear the shorts I took in 3 feet of snow!

Our very first trip that I took with my own little family we were packed at least a month in advance. We were having the worst spring/summer so all our outfits were neatly packed in the suitcase and were just waiting to go!

I'm not so bad now... I'll wait until a couple days before before I start packing. As time goes on I find I'm a bit more relaxed about packing and getting everything organized. Maybe I've got it down to a science now!?! :cool:
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Well-Known Member
Maybe today I will bring up the suitcases for our saturday departure. It is just dd23 and me, so no little kids to get ready. (altho dd tends to overpack and I have to edit...one time she took 42 tops for a one week trip to Mexico lol)

I Don't pack food or snacks anymore as we just hit the grocery in Crossroads at some point. Will do last minute laundry tonight. Blowing off work this morning to take dog to groomers, then hit target for any cosmetics we need. (I may hit Kohls for a new top or two). I just had my whole downstairs of my house painted and he finished yesterday, whew, so I have been focused on that. Everything is all over the place so I am hoping I can find the things we need. Just will throw in the cosmetics, and mostly the clothes we have been wearing all summer so it makes it convenient not to have to get out different seasonal clothing.

When she was little, we did start packing earlier and my late husband used to make fun of me. But I packed for everyone including him. So I told him ok smarty pants, you pack yourself. He did. When we got to our destination, he had no underwear, socks, or pj's...bwahahahahaha. Had to hit the store. (then again, maybe he was smarter than me and just wanted new stuff):lol:
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New Member
We are at 17 days to go and I got my DD9 and DS2 all packed a couple weekends ago and my DH packed last weekend. I have some of my stuff packed but somehow don't seem to have quite the excess of summer clothes as the other three do. I am a tad OCD and have had my color coded disney spreadsheets started since we booked the trip last Nov. Then again, between DD soccer and school starting back up, and having to pack up our bedroom and livingroom to have water damaged walls/floors fixed I felt the need to get as much done as possible before the house project starts. So not looking forward to that, although it will be nice to come home to a brand new looking bedroom and hard wood floors!:brick::sohappy::eek:
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Well-Known Member
I have been packed for my September trip since March! :ROFLOL:

I started with things that I only use at WDW like my mister and travel umbrella. Then I bought some linen clothes and threw those in. One weekend in March, I bought a bunch of toiletries and threw those in.

I am now 8 days away from leaving. Last minute adds will be undergarments, socks and chargers. I just decided what books to take and I threw those in too.
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Active Member
i'm not alone! :)

We are 22 days out & i started packing yesterday. It's mostly things i specifically purchased for Disney; shirts, toiletries, etc. I have three weekends before we leave & in between all this my son will start pre-k next week & I need to go uniform shopping this weekend plus one last trip to the beach, he is getting baptized (yeah he'll almost be 4:confused:) on the 18th...so between all of these things I have to finish packing & hopefully I will be done the weekend BEFORE we leave (we leave on a friday night) & then the day off it'll just be electronics & stuff like that. I am so excited that i will soon be in the teens & merely weeks away from going to Disney:D:sohappy::D

Good luck to everyone with their packing & enjoy your trip!
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