just back, etiquette questions

Has it gotten to the point where we "have" to give seats to people?

Every person that has posted about "giving up their seat" has made sure to include certain groups of people. i.e. the elderly, disabled, women, women who are pregnant and small children.

Is it that these people, "need" the seats, or have we all become so caught up in believing they need it.

Ageism and Sexism at its finest.

If someone is clearly struggling, sure ill give up my seat in a hurry, but if their stuggling that much that they cant stand on a bus, special accommodations should be made; private transportation, wheelchair, motorized chair etc.

If one can stand in lines, walk the park, and stay out for hours on end, they certainly can be on a bus for 15 minutes.

Its sad that people disguise entitlement, by stating other peoples rudeness.

The OP has no reason to complain in any of the situations, kids got seats (which they didn't need), just because your a parent of the child does not give you a seat. Again entitlement.


New Member
For what it is worth, my approach to riding crowded busses is fairly simple. I always stand as close to the back exit doors as possible. Even if I am the first one on the bus, I'm not sitting down. I really don't need or want a seat (28, female, in good health with no kids) Sitting down after a long day in the parks only makes me more tired and standing as close to the doors as possible means I am that much closer to my hotel room...which is where I really want to be at that point. I guess I just don't get the great demand for seats if you are an average able bodied person aged 8-65. Is another 15 minutes on the bus standing really going to make or break you? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Oh I totally agree! And it ain't just women in this country who stomp their feet demanding equality and in the same sentence demand extra consideration because they feel entitled. That drives me nuts. :hammer:

I completely feel you on that. I deal with that at my job on a daily basis (which I'm sure that's 90 percent of the people on here have to deal with). The world doesn't revolved around you, and your emergency isn't my emergency. You decided to drop the ball; take responsibility for your actions.

Okay, rant over. :D


Well-Known Member
Well I haven't yet read all the pages.. but referring to the original post.. I am 53.. and my wife used a scooter at WDW this year.. that being said.. I numerously gave up my seat so that some one else in need could use it.. a child or a woman.. and yet I witnessed guys who were much younger and in far better shape then me, ignoring the situation.. like they "didn't realize" right.. everyone who believes this stand on your head.. its inconsiderate and makes Mr. Macho, look like a cheap fool.. I mean I saw guys who were "RIPPED" who refused to stand.. and when my wife walked with her cane, I witnessed guys who refused to give her a seat.. way to go MR. MACHO...

you give men a bad name..


Well-Known Member
Speaking as a former child I always found it great fun to be able to stand on a moving vehicle....it felt so ornery.
Furthermore, if I get a seat on a bus good for me if not then oh well. It's the luck of the draw. I find it odd that people are willing to walk 4+ miles and stand in line all day but find it so important to have a bus seat. I have seen people wait for the next bus cause they don't want to stand on a bus but meanwhile will stand in line waiting on the next bus. If someone medically needs a seat they can have mine, otherwise I'll sit.

Well when I wait for the next bus I don't really have to stand like I would if I stand on the bus. Let me explain. Well first of all there are times when I will sit on the ground while I wait for the next bus. Also I can always kinda walk a couple feet this way and a couple feet that way so I can move around a little. You see I don't like to stand still for very long.

I enjoy walking so walking in the theme parks is fun for me :) Also when I do watch the parade and the fireworks I like to find a place for me to sit. I have watched the 4th of July fireworks and New Year's Eve fireworks while I was sitting on the grass at the Grand Floridian.


Premium Member
Soon will be taking our 12th trip to Disney and I'm not really sure I have EVER ridden any of the buses discussed in this thread. At the end of the day when the bus is crammed full, usually the people I am "standing" with are either holding their sleeping children's heads or just chitchatting with those around us about their day. On many occasions I have volunteered to hold children steady who didn't even belong to me. :shrug:

Gentlemen, I appreciate your offer of a seat, really, but because you do NOT offer your seat to me does not make me think any less of you. I do not consider you to be impolite OR without proper upbringing and manners, nor, do I consider you to be sexist.

BTW, I, too, was "born and bred" in the South, and believe me, Southerners have not cornered the market on manners. Some of the most illbred people I know are from War----, Alabama (not too far from Birmingham!) Having used the "S" word, I must say, I would rather be known as a Steel Magnolia rather than a Delicate Petunia.

Gosh, need to go now--I believe I am rambling. Everyone, ENJOY, your Disney trips--even the busride back at night.:wave:


New Member
As a young married couple, never really bothered me to stand, although with a bad knee, it was nice to get a seat. Hubby gave up his seat many times to moms and anyone else that physically could not stand. I even had a seat or two given up so that I could sit as well. Now that we have a DD4, I think the only time we ever went on a Disney bus was at Ft. Wilderness to get to our carriage ride and to go between parks in the middle of the day. Since we always stay at a WDW resort, free parking at the parks...makes it alot easier to put her in the car seat and go...and to not have to fight the crowds for the buses at the end of the day. We have been taking her since she was 7 months old and we believe that driving and parking is the way to go if you are able to.


Well-Known Member
Wow, interesting times we live in when courtesy and politeness are turned into sexism and ageism. :shrug:

While I wouldn't classify the act of a man giving up his seat to an able-bodied woman simply because she's a woman as being "sexist", the act's *origins* certainly are...



Well-Known Member
While I wouldn't classify the act of a man giving up his seat to an able-bodied woman simply because she's a woman as being "sexist", the act's *origins* certainly are...


I'd assume wearing a corset and hoop skirt in 90+ degree heat would make it difficult for anyone to stand for long.


Well-Known Member
While I wouldn't classify the act of a man giving up his seat to an able-bodied woman simply because she's a woman as being "sexist", the act's *origins* certainly are...


If I didn't do things because of the original intent I won't have a fur tree in my home every December either! :xmas:


New Member
Im going to agree with this poster. I went back and reread your OP. Yes, you definitely had a moment that you could've informed some possible first timers that they were misinformed and wouldn't be happy with the outcome. Instead, your wife chose to say Whatever, Dude and sit infront of them. Then, your wife is ASSUMING they were signing about you. You have no idea what they were discussing. For all you know, they didn't give a rat's rear end about you sitting on the ground.

As for your bus situation, I see you said your children were seated....So....what's the problem? Is it terrible that two of them shared seats? Should they have all gotten a seat for their tiny little butts? Im sure they didn't mind sharing. It's not like they shared a seat belt or something. It was a spot on a bench that they obviously fit in together. So you think you should be able to walk on a bus LAST and get seats for 3 kids AND your WIFE? I think your wife was rude. I think it was rude of her to think she should be entitled to a seat. So nevermind the fact that 2 people DID give your kids seats, you guys expected more. I think if I had heard your wife making remarks and you staring at my husband, I would have said something to you for being an @$$.

Yep, I agree. If you want a spot to sit down, you can wait for the next bus. I certainly never would of expected someone who got in line before me to give up their seat simply because I am a girl.


Must politely disagree... I may be the last one, but I'm from the North and always offer my seat to a Lady. Now, they may or may not choose to accept the seat - that's OK :) I just believe it is the proper thing to do ... and I always smile, whatever the answer is :)

Same here! And I'm 25. I was brought up that you offered your seat to anyone if you are able to stand. man, woman or child it doesn't matter with me.

I'll never forget being on a Disney bus that was packed and an elderly gentlemen came on board and there were no seats. The guy had a "screaming Eagles" pin on his lapel and I knew what he'd been through. I offered him my seat and, I'll never forget this, he said "It's okay, I can stand." I replied, "You've stood long enough." that was one of the best bus rides I've ever had. The man made the jump into Normandy on D-Day and was wounded and sent home. I was never more proud to give up my seat that night.


New Member
I'm shocked- by the response "kids?"...I'm 4'11 and have a child....just myself alone it is hard to balance because I cannot reach all of the handles, and then adding a child and trying to hold on- not possible for me? Now if I was offered a seat then of course the child would be on my lap. Assuming you are capable of reaching all heights of handles and grasp and balance your own body weight, then there should be no excuse you should offer your seat to a child, a child who fully cannot grasp all of the handles and has not yet physically developed muscle and balance coordination that a teenager or adults have. Be the better man and just offer the darn seat- you never know the situation. If you just read the amount of people especially females say most of the time they decline the seat but are thankfull they were offered!

And for those parents of teenagers--encourage them to offer their seats--this is what we call teaching them good morals and values

Mrs. Nesbit

New Member
I have to agree that if your child cannot stand, you should wait for the next bus. I have two children (ages 12 & 6) and that is what we have always done. It is unfair to expect someone else to stand because I chose not to wait. My 12 year old obviously can do it now, as he is taller than I am, but we just help the 6 year old, who is small for his age, stay steady if we choose to ride the crowded bus.


Well-Known Member
I'd assume wearing a corset and hoop skirt in 90+ degree heat would make it difficult for anyone to stand for long.

*Peter Griffin Laugh*


Mrs. Nesbit

New Member
Same here! And I'm 25. I was brought up that you offered your seat to anyone if you are able to stand. man, woman or child it doesn't matter with me.

I'll never forget being on a Disney bus that was packed and an elderly gentlemen came on board and there were no seats. The guy had a "screaming Eagles" pin on his lapel and I knew what he'd been through. I offered him my seat and, I'll never forget this, he said "It's okay, I can stand." I replied, "You've stood long enough." that was one of the best bus rides I've ever had. The man made the jump into Normandy on D-Day and was wounded and sent home. I was never more proud to give up my seat that night.

That is such a cool story!


Active Member
I am a 49 year old woman who has ridden the disney bus system many times. I have given up my seat to men, women, children, etc. on more than a few occasions. I have seen countless elderly people, people with obvious disabilities, families with strollers, small sleeping children and crying toddlers trying their best to get onto a Disney bus. Am I tired from being in the parks all day? You bet . . . but I still give up my seat. Why? Because it is the right thing to do. I was raised that you do for others. You help our your fellow man in a time of need. I am a firm believer in Karma. It all comes back around. Just my two cents. :shrug:

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