Hi, I have not been posting on this board, but I have been lurking for a while.. I was looking for a short cruise in Sept/Oct 2013 to celebrate my 50th so this cruise fits in perfectly.
Hmmmm...I will turn 50 in July 2013; this gives me something to think about.
Bumpin' us up! :wave:
I was browsing one of my favorite online crafty pattern / inspiration spots yesterday and thinkin' of all the schnazzy stuff I'd love to make for my WDWMagic gal-pals for our cruise. I can't wait!
Also, yesterday a newer girl on my favorite online Cabbage Patch club was asking questions about traveling with a doll in-tow. I told her about my WDW adventure when I brought little Ellie Boo with me (see the Jan. '10 trip report in my signature). I should bring her on a cruise. It'd be so much fun for me. My only concern is that I'd weird-out my cruise-mates with it. Then again, it's girls. I mean, who would understand dolly love more than girls?! Whadya think? Should Ellie Boo join us??? At least she won't generate any additional costs! :lol:
Now I understand your remark in your other thread about generating some cash with an Etsy store! How neat would it be if your adorable Disney-themed bags funded your Disney cruise?! :wave:
Ah. You're sweet to extend the invitation, but I have discovered you are either a cruise person or you are not a cruise person. And I, sadly, am not a cruise person. I mean, my cruise was 100% paid for by my inlaws and I STILL didn't love it. I figure if I didn't love it when it was free, it won't be much more enjoyable when I have to fork over the money. :lol: Plus it looks like you are going on a 4 night cruise that I bet will include an 'at sea' day. That last day 'at sea' I about died of impatience. We were going so. slow. I very nearly pulled out an oar and started rowing. Get me off this boat and back on land - please!
Luckily, I didn't despise my experience because my husband LOVED it (can I send him to room with you girls? He's a totally awesome guy, I know you'd all get along with him! :loland I know we'll go again someday. But can you imagine my poor husband having to put up with me on an Alaskan Cruise? Bless him.
Put me down on the list for the very first WDWmagic girls park trip okay??? I'll be all over that!
Funny!! I think I'm the opposite--my first cruise was our honeymoon, and I often say that I would have had a much better time if I'd gone with anyone but my husband, who is not very social (ok, he's improved over the last 25 years, but back then, not very social at all). Me, I'll talk to anyone. And I hear they have plenty of activities on these cruise ships! :lol: