**It's UNOFFICIAL** The '13 Unofficial WDWMagic Girls Cruise!


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Pam! I totally saw you sneak in here a few days ago!!! Can I just take a moment to do a girly little SQUEEEEEEE over having the Kingdom Konsultant joining us.... Woot! :sohappy::sohappy: I'll admit, when you posted your stateroom number my heart skipped a beat and I raced over to DCL's website to look you up. I thought you had booked one of those rooms...you know...one of the two???? :lol: Still, you gotta tell us how it us up there in the sky box. After sailing concierge on the Magic I'm just dying to know what it's like on one of the new ships. :D

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Pam! I totally saw you sneak in here a few days ago!!! Can I just take a moment to do a girly little SQUEEEEEEE over having the Kingdom Konsultant joining us.... Woot! :sohappy::sohappy: I'll admit, when you posted your stateroom number my heart skipped a beat and I raced over to DCL's website to look you up. I thought you had booked one of those rooms...you know...one of the two???? :lol: Still, you gotta tell us how it us up there in the sky box. After sailing concierge on the Magic I'm just dying to know what it's like on one of the new ships. :D

Yes, I will be there with a couple of friends. :lol: Your response cracked me up! You can definitely check out my room.



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Yes, I will be there with a couple of friends. :lol: Your response cracked me up! You can definitely check out my room.


Lol! Mostly I'm curious how the overall experience differs when you have the dedicated spaces. I suspect it would be similar to staying concierge at one of the resorts where the lounges become an extension of your living space, etc. There's a whole list of things I'm curious about just like I was with the resorts and concierge levels there. In the end it would likely come down to the same bottom line for us: if we can manage the cost we'll gladly do it when we can. Maybe if you can smuggle me past the gates for just a peek at the lounge space just so I can see it...:lol:


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Aaawww...that's so sweet!

I'm really looking forward to cruisin' with my girls, too. I've done something sorta similar to this girls getaway before. In May 2009 I went to the big annual soft sculpture Cabbage Patch Collectors Club event without my guys. At that time, I had been collecting the soft sculpture (all cloth) Cabbage Patch originals for nearly 10 years. For almost that long I had made online friends all over the world who also collected the same kind of dolls. Every spring they have the big annual event in Georgia and I dreamed of going for so long. Every year so many would go and I'd be at home sad wishing I could go someday. The trip itself isn't the expensive part. It's having the $$ to buy the special, limited babies that are offered. Usually those are the absolute cream of the year's crop. They're the dolls most sought after and valued. So in 2009 I finally went. Some friends paired me up with another collector I had never physically met, only knew her in passing in the online club. Imagine trying to find someone in the Atlanta airport you've only seen a single
picture of! LOL! I went on blind faith ready for whatever adventure unfolded. I had a fabulous time! My roomie ended up being a great friend. We had tons in common. Like we're both nuts for cheeseburgers. And we both eat fries with mayo or a ketchup/mayo mix. Kate turned out to be a cool chick. We even bought matching "Real Women Drink Beer" tees to wear while we ran around the hotel hanging out with other collector friends. As it turned out, she's who made the trip for me. For the first time the dolls produced were so vastly different and wonky that many people refused to buy one. Me included. That part ripped my heart out after dreaming of swimming in a room full of perfect dollies drooling over each and narrowing it down to one or two. They were....muppets. I kid you not. Frickin' muppets. I cried my eyes out. Oh yes, in a room full of people and beastly dolls I broke and sobbed like a child. So funny! But the friends I made, the fun I had, the adventure was what made that trip for me. Without that I would chalk it up as a total loss. I married young. I never lived away from home. I never went off to college. Nope. So going off on a trip on my own like that was totally new to me. I had so much fun, tho. I know the girls cruise isn't a bunch of nutty doll collectors but I think of it much the same. Geez, if I could have that much fun in some little po-dunk country town in Georgia, this bunch of Disney Dream girl adventurers are gonna rock the ship in a whole new way! I can't wait!

We're definitely gonna ramp things up and get the good times rollin' once we hit the 1 year mark. Gonna be a blast!


Well-Known Member
I had the same thought the other day. My birthday will make the one year mark,(well, within 2 days anyway) and I decided that my birthday gift to myself would be to start my cruise countdown!


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I always get weird looks when I tell anyone about this cruise. All my co-workers think I am nuts for going with a group of ladies I have never met. My answer, how else should we meet? LOL. We all live so far apart and lead different lives, that a cruise will be a great way for everyone to relax and enjoy each other's company. I can't wait! Regardless of what my co-workers think. :D


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Tracey's youngest brother "met" his wife online in a Pearl Jam chat room. He was a freshman at Auburn University in Alabama. She was still in high school....in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada! It was so funny how they got her parents to go along with Beau flying to Canada to see her the first time. Her mom had to get to know Tracey's mom and I think her folks might have done a background check. LOL! They let him stay at their house and everything. I think he went to her senior prom with her or something. Anywhoo, couple years of long distance and he moved to Buffalo near the border and finished school there. Couple more years and we all flew up to Niagara for their wedding. They've been together a long time, got to be like 15 years or close to it. Just goes to show, friends and mates can be found anywhere! Including Pearl Jam chat rooms! LOL!


Active Member
Count me in too!!! One by one these days are dwindling down.... Its been about seven months since we booked, and see how fast those days have gone by. I also cannot wait to meet everyone in person. Sweetpee thanks so much for starting this! And kudos to Tammy for all her hard work of managing our bunch :D


Well-Known Member
Count me in too!!! One by one these days are dwindling down.... Its been about seven months since we booked, and see how fast those days have gone by. I also cannot wait to meet everyone in person. Sweetpee thanks so much for starting this! And kudos to Tammy for all her hard work of managing our bunch :D

Has it really been 7 months already??

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