Is it time to allow well behave dogs in the resorts?


New Member
In this time and age families travel with their pets but it's a shame that you have to house them somewhere else. Disney should set aside some rooms as pet friendly, say a bldg at Old Key West, Saratoga Springs, or Treehouse Villas, where you could be away from guest who don't like pets. Some of these rooms on the first floor already have a patio with grass. There are thousands of pet friendly restaurants and hotels around the country and we choose those businesses over the ones that are not, surprisingly they are quieter and cleaner. How many times you go to a restaurant and a kid is climbing over the booth, screaming, or if in a hotel they wake you up at 5am from the room above or next door jumping, screaming. Business that have tried this have increased their business and customers keep coming back.

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
Absolutely not !!! I dont wanna hear someone's dog yapping in the middle of the night and I sure as hell dont wanna dodge the land mines that some idiot is to lazy to clean up. I dont care how cute and "good" your dog is, leave 'em at home. It's Walt Disney World, not Doggie world.
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Well-Known Member
No thanks! I love animals, as most people have said, but I cannot stand when people bring their 'toys' into shops and restaurants that say 'no pets allowed'. Even if your little mutt can fit in your purse, it's still a dog and it can still act like a dog. What benefit would bringing an animal with you to WDW have? Even if you COULD bring it into the parks, you really think your dog is going to like spinning on the teacups?
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New Member
I won't stay in a resort that allows dogs, ever. And I have told Disney that in surveys many times. I stayed at Royal Pacific (Universal) once where they allow animals, and got mauled at every corner by uncontrolled, unruly pets. Hated it.

Aren't the dogs at Royal Pacific only allowed in one building and one grassy area out back?
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Well-Known Member
i doubt you'll see it happen, they already have the kennels to facilitate people traveling with pets and you could keep one with you if you do an rv at the campsites. what happens if your mousekeeper accidentally lets your dog out and it takes off? it could be hours before you even know it's gone. what if you have pet allergies and your the next one in the room? plus florida is notorious for flees. also who wants to step in a magical pile of dog poo when heading out to the parks or pool. and lets face it no matter how well behaved a pet is at home putting them in a strange environment changes things.
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Well-Known Member
In January, we arrived at All Star Sports and within 15 minutes of my son laying on the bedspread in the room, he developed a swollen whelp on his face that got bigger and bigger, it went away with Benadryl thanks to the 1st aid at Hollywood studios, the next morning, another one appeared under his eye. Well after a trip to centra care (urgent care) and some medicine we thought all was well, then that night my other son developed swollen spots on his face also after laying on the bed. The Disney pest management came and the result was a quick room change due to FLEAS!! In all we lost 1 1/2 days, 75 $ and had to change rooms at 1 am due to fleas! Yes they can come from peoples luggage but why invite them in with PETS?? I vote to keep animals (however well trained, they are still NOT people) at home! Sorry!
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Well-Known Member
Hasn't anyone ever watched Judge Judy?? A lot of the cases center around someone's "good dog" attacking someone or something! And everyone's idea of a 'good' dog can seriously range. Kind of like how we parents talk about our kids.."My son would never...", "Oh, look how cute Susie looks punching Mickey Mouse!" I love dogs, but not at an amusement park. Who knows though, some day they may have to retrofit Dumbo seats for our furry companions' rights!

Just a friendly tip for all to partake of....NEVER EVER say these words. Don't even think it. It's a curse. As soon as you say "My son/daughter/dog/etc. will never...." you can bet your bottom dollar that they will. Trust me. I know this. :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Last trip we took we stayed at a hotel that allowed animals. What a horror show. After 5 calls to the front desk because of a yapping dog we finally told them to either move us or them to the other end of the hotel which they moved them. YAP YAP YAP all night long. Even at the other end of the hotel I could still hear them. So another vote for no pets at hotels. Or make a specific hotel/resort for them. I know some people want to take there animal on vacation with them but the whole purpose of a vacation is to get away. We take vacations with and without our kids even. You just need a break at times and thats what a vacation is supposed to be.
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Well-Known Member
I have a cat and I'm very concerned with what I'm going to do with her when we go to WDW. She has never been without one of us at least and she gets very depressed when one leaves, so imagine the three of us leaving. Still, I wouldn't want to bring it with us on vacation! She is very calm and everything but I figure she would go bonkers locked in an unknown hotel room all day long. I would...:lookaroun

So as much as I love my cat, and I'm positive my mom loves it even more than she loves me, I do not agree with disney allowing pets into their hotels. It would be a nuthouse if they did, specially with animals making noise at night. It's hard enough to shush human animals....
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Well-Known Member
Animals do not belong in hotels. Universal has a hotel that allows pets. A friend stayed there and was not at all happy. Animals also act differently when out of their environment no matter how good you think they are.
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New Member
We have 2 large dogs and leave them home when we go on vacation. We use a pet sitter to take care of them. She visits the house 3 times a day, brings in the mail, walks the dogs, sweeps light snow, makes sure no pipes have burst and makes sure there are no other disasters.( Shameless plug for Joanne and "Trixies Pet Sitting") .Very happy the house looks lived in and our pets schedule is not disturbed. MartyD
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Tinkerbell 8

Well-Known Member
I love my dog and she has slept with us every single night since we got her last year. She made the 14 hour drive with us in January and we booked her a suite at the new Best Friends pet hotel on Disney property and I said that we would visit her every day since I haven't been apart from her for more than a day. Well, we all know how busy the days are in Disney so needless to say we never made it over there. However, we were given a daily report card of everything she did that day, what she ate, who she played with, etc. It was also nice to see pictures of her on the tv in their lobby when we picked her up. She LOVED staying there and we cannot wait to go back to a place where our dog can be close by.
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